Able to run live stream on wowza on my local,but not able to see the live streaming on other system in LAN - rtmp

i getting a problem. on my localhost live stream is working properly with wowza media server and using live encoder but when i run on client LAN Network it gives==
server not found: rtmp://localhost:80/live not found
what is the problem ...
firewall issue or some other
my wowza ip address is rtmp://localhost:1935/live

"localhost" points to own computer.
If you install a rtmp server on your own computer, that setting will allow you to test but nobody else will be able to access from a different computer because setting will point to their own computers.
You need to setup Red5 on a server (accessible by all clients) and rtmp address based on a publicly accessible IP or domain.


Cant access internal http server via mobile device

I am running an Apache server (WAMP .- Windows / Apache / MySQL / PHP installation).
I am running a HTTP server for some development I am doing. This project involves comunicating with a HTTP server running Firebird.
Now, all is well until I try use the external IP address from a mobile device to access the server. Then it just times out.
I have correctly setup port-forwarding on the router and everything is accessible from ANY other computer. So the url goes something like this..
To test this, I have connected from another computer on the LAN and it connects fine. I have used Teamviewer and connected from a computer NOT on the LAN. That also connects fine.
However, whenever I try to use the same url from a mobile device (phone) it just times out.
Anyone have any ideas why I cant connect using a mobile ?

How do I browse a local network if my IP is an IPv6

Previously I could browse my localhost machine on a mobile device connected over wifi using my ip which was IPv4.
In developing a webapp or website this is very handy. I don't have to deploy changes to a live website/host.
previously this worked like this entering this on the mobile then loaded the development workspace in the device.
Of course the ip was the one given by my ISP now the IP is a IPv6 one and this technique no longer works. I have tried various things like square brackets around the number http://[1111:2222:3333:4444]/this doesn't seem to work ?

What is the way to access my website on Apache server computer throw internet from anther pc

I am new on computer networking. I install Apache server on my Ubuntu desktop computer. And i made a website on this PC. When i connect my PC With internet using a dial-up (Mobile Broadband) modem then i find my public IP or IPv4 address on my connection status. When i type this IP address on my PC browser it runs my web-app or website. But when i use the same IP address on my another computer that can't open my website. I also try IIS server with windows server and windows desktop. My public IP work only my PC but not other PC. Can anyone tell me what is the way to connect my PC or Server with internet and people can access my web-app from internet.
Did you try ping? If you cannot reach the server using that method, your connection problem has nothing to do with the web server. That's a start :-)

How to make my localhost-server accessible for others on my WiFi

I am currently on a mac using the pre-installed Apache server.
Now I need to cross-browser test some websites, and therefore I need to access my pages on some other computers. How can I make my localhost-sites accessible for other computers on my WiFi (without uploading to another server)?
Thanks in advance.
Apache server's default configuration should allow other computers (even ones not on your local network) to access whatever it's serving up.
You can access your server from another machine by using the IP address of your server. You can find the IP address of your server by finding a console (this works in Windows and Mac machines) and typing in "ipconfig". (For linux machines, it's "ifconfig".)

How to access localhost websites through http request from blackberry simulator?

I am developing a blackberry application and i wanted to access the websites from my localhost( local machine). I am running the application on blackberry simulator 8350.
From my code i can browse request any website from internet and i am getting the response.
When i am trying to give the url as localhost:8080/portal/index.php, its displaying me a erro message
HTTP Error 404
description The requested resource (/portal/index.php) is not available.
I am running my apache webserver on port 8080 over windows.
How can i access my local machine website from blackberry simulator?
Please help and guide me.
localhost always points to the machine on which the DNS resolution is performed. In your case that would be the BlackBerry simulator.
To get the simulator to send HTTP request to your dev machine, you need to specify the DNS name or the IP address of that machine. The exact name depends on what your the network configuration of the simulator and your local network is.
The problem is solved.
On My local machine i was running apache on port 8080 and MDS Service was running and binding on the same port.
Simply by changing the port for Apache on my local machine helped me to connect to my local machine and internet from Blackberry Simulator.
#Franci, thanks for your idea.