Easyrec: Undocumented API to delete items? - api

I am looking a way to delete and disable an item through API, but could not find any. Then I looked at the admin page code and found out API to delete and activate/deactivate in item.js https://sourceforge.net/p/easyrec/code/ci/master/tree/easyrec-web/src/main/webapp/js/item.js
Is this some internal API or can I use it in my application?

Based on the answer I got for Easyrec forum:
The mentioned call would only work if you are logged in and have the
session cookies. To deactivate an item you can use the setitemactive
API call
It is not possible to delete items.


TODOIST API: How to get list of users to assign a specific user to task?

It seems that API allows to assign users to a task (called an Item in the API) using the body field responsible_uid at the add an item endpoint. However I cannot find a way to list user uids or any other way to get user details anywhere in API documentation.
Official python library todoist-python doesn't provide any way to do this either. So for now it seems I can only create tasks without assigning them to anybody, which is a bummer.
Any advise grately appreciated!
Todoist Sync API
You should first share a project and then you can get all collaborators in the Sync request.

AtTask create/update a custom field through API on project creation created through AtTask's web app

I'm looking to use AtTask's API to update or create a custom field (ie. assign a custom ID apart from AtTask's auto-generated id) whenever a project is created through the web app. But I have not found anything about handling events in the API documentation.
I'm able to retrieve/edit project fields when issuing a request by ID or some other search parameter.
But I'm having trouble finding ways to edit project fields on some event like 'project created'.
One way I can think of is to have my script periodically search for new projects based on project metadata and edit projects that way, but there must be a better solution I probably missed.
Thanks in advance!
It seems 'AtTask event subscriptions' was what I was looking for. At the time of the post below (12/2013), due to scalability issues, AtTask has turned this feature turned off with no ETA on resolving the issue. See here: Does AtTask event subscription work?
Any updates would be appreciated.
You are correct the AtTask API does not currently support events. The easiest thing to do is to just poll the system for updates using the search. You could also monitor an email address for emails that are sent upon project creation. The email will contain the project/task/issue ID that you can use to update events.

Is there a way to hook into the checkout event in Magento?

I'm creating a custom module that needs to hook in to the checkout success event in Magento.
What I need to do is this:
1). Once a custom has successfully checked out I need to present a special offer on the success page with a yes/no radio button and submit form. If they select yes I need to add their details to a custom grid in Magento backend that I have already created.
2). I then need to make an API call to a third party CRM using the POST method to authenticate and add the customers details to their billing system.
3). Upon completion there needs to be a way to update the Grid in Magento to change state from "pending..." to "accepted"
I have started the module but I just can't seem to find any clear documentation about making API Calls or POST requests from Magento that I'm beginning to wonder if this is actually possible?
I would be grateful if anyone knows of an extenion or documentation on how to do the above or if they know of a simpler solution...
If neccessary I can submit my module on Github as a reference if someone is able to assist me
Many thanks!
add a custom block to the checkout_onepage_success layout handle via XML. This block will contain your form.
in the controller that processes your form, you can use Zend_Http_Client to make the POST request to the third party API. Alternatively Zend_Rest_Client or Zend_Soap_Client or Zend_XmlRpc_Client if any of these protocols are used. All of those Zend packages are readily available in Magento.
this is just basic loading and updating models, you should already know how to do this

Recommendations Bar: Remove read action (remove from my timeline)

The Recommendations Bar seems to work well, but there is not an ability to remove the most recent read action from a user's timeline. As all of the actions are handled by the plugin, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the ACTION_ID generated by the Read.
As such, Facebook will not approve my Read Action with the Recommendation Bar because I can't provide a link in the article that says "Remove from Timeline" that deletes the action from a user's timeline.
You read the /me/news.reads API call for the read action with your url as the object and then use that action id for removal.
I've had the same problem in getting my read action approved. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't care and will reject your action on the basis that it doesn't provide the user the ability to later delete their actions.
The only way is to build this functionality in manually. The Recommendation Bar Plugin doesn't return the ID for the action after it has been posted to Facebook so you would have to manually query Facebook to get the information back:
$activity = $fb->api('/me/' . $action_id );
print_r( $activity );
You will then have to display the information correct and let the user delete their information from there.
For my site, I had to create a WordPress plugin to do just that. You can see it in action here:
And just as an update, the "social reading" function of the Recommendation Bar has been removed, probably due to the Read action issues (which were reported as a bug several months ago and marked as fixed at the same time as the feature disappeared). It just replicates the Recommend Box functionality now. –

Facebook app to edit posts

Is it possible to make a Facebook app which edits user's post on his wall automatically (edits EVERY POST that user makes, app has user's permission and everything)
I don't think that's possible, but maybe I'm wrong?
Based on the Graph API docs, I actually think it could work.
Get the extended permission called
"offline_access". See
Periodically pull from
to see if the user has posted new
If so, for each new post that has appeared:
Pull and store the text of the post.
Manipulate the text as desired.
Delete the original post using
Publish your modified version of the
post using "POST". See
#Jon: You cannot delete a post that your application has not published.
See here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/
No, it's not possible for security reasons. Even though you probably have the best of intentions, there are lots of people who unfortunately don't. The few ruin it for all.