How to use grep via awk? - awk

I am trying to apply grep on just a few strings from a huge file. But, I'd like to pass that line to the grep command via the awk script. I also want the output redirected to the script.
I've an awk script that reads in records from a file. I want grep to be applied on only a few of the records. The current record, $0, will be the text on which grep is to be used.
How do I do the same? Currently, I'm trying this -
system("grep --count -w 'GOOD' \n" $0)
But, it doesn't seem to work. What should I be using?

In Gnu Awk you could use \< and \> to match beginning and end of a word, so
gawk '/\<GOOD\>/{++i} END{print i}'
will do the same as
grep -wc 'GOOD' file
If you want to count the total number of occurances (not only the number of lines, but also occurances within a given line/record) of the word GOOD you could use FPAT in Gnu Awk version 4, as
gawk 'BEGIN { FPAT="\\<GOOD\\>"; RS="^$" } { print NF }' file
If you want to count the number of exact matches of the phrase GOOD DI in a given record, for instance record number 3, you could use
gawk 'NR==3 { print patsplit($0,a,/GOOD DI/) }' file

Your question is not very clear, and it would help if you showed some of your input file, your entire script that you have so far and also the output you want to achieve.
In the mean time, as there is nothing in your question to suggest anything to the contrary, you could do the following:
awk 'somescript' somefile | grep --count -w 'GOOD DI'

You cannot apply grep on a text string, which is what you are doing. If you really need to use grep/system something like following would be needed:
system("echo '"$0"' | grep --count -w 'foo'")
But this is no good either as count only counts lines on which it occurs not the number of times on a line which is what you are after. Or so it seems.
If you use the regex as a split seperator you get the number of split occurences +1.
So following will work:
awk '{printf FNR; a=split($0,myarray,/.OOD/); print " "a-1}' file.txt
This would print each linenumber with the number of times your regex occured. (in this case ".OOD". Representing GOOD, FOOD, MOOD etc)

you can do it the old fashion way
awk 'BEGIN{count=0} {
for( i=1;i<=NF; i++) {
if( $i == "GOOD" ){
}END {
print count
}' file


Bash code for Selecting few columns from a variable

In a file I have a list of coordinates stored (see figure, to the left).
From there I want to copy the coordinates only (red marked) and put them in another file.
I copy the correct section from the file using COORD=`grep -B${i} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}. Then I tried to use awk to extract the required numbers from the COORD variable . It does output all the numbers in the file but deletes the spaces between values (figure, to the right).
How to write the red marked section as they are?
NEndCoord=`grep -B${N} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}|wc -l`
NCoord=`grep -B${N} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}| grep -B200 '&COORD' |wc -l`
let i=$NEndCoord-$NCoord
COORD=`grep -B${i} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}`
echo "$COORD" | awk '{ print $2 $3 $4 }'
echo "$COORD" | awk '{ print $2 $3 $4 }'>tmp.txt
When you start using combinations of grep, sed, awk, cut and alike, you should realize you can do it all in a single awk command. In case of the OP, this would do exactly the same:
awk '/[&]END COORD/{p=0}
p { print $2,$3,$4 }
/[&]COORD/{p=1}' file
This parses the file keeping track of a printing flag p. The flag is set if "&COORD" is found and unset if "&END COORD" is found. Printing is done, only when the flag p is set. Since we don't want to print the line with "&END COORD", we have to reset the flag before we do the check for the printing. The same holds for the line with "&COORD", but there we have to reset it after we do the check for the printing (its a bit a weird reversed logic).
The problem with the above is that it will also process the lines
UNIT angstrom
If you want to have these removed, you might want to do a check on the total columns:
awk '/[&]END COORD/{p=0}
p && (NF==4){ print $2,$3,$4 }
/[&]COORD/{p=1}' file
Of only print the lines which do not contain "UNIT" or are empty:
awk '/[&]END COORD/{p=0}
p && (NF>0) && ($1 != "UNIT"){ print $2,$3,$4 }
/[&]COORD/{p=1}' file
sed one-liner:
sed -n '/^&COORD$/,/^UNIT/{s/.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)/\1\t\2\t\3/p}' <infile.txt >outfile.txt
sed: stream editor
-n: do not print unless eplicit
Commands in sed:
/^&COORD$/,/^UNIT/: Selects groups of lines after &COORDS and before UNIT.
{s/.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)/\1\t\2\t\3/p}: Process each selected lines.
s/.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\): Regex capture space delimited groups except the first.
/\1\t\2\t\3/: Replace with tab delimited values of the captured groups.
p: Explicit printout.

Using pipe and shell command in awk script

I am writing an awk script which needs to produce an output which needs to be sorted.
I am able to get the desired unsorted output in an awk array. I tried the following code to sort the array and it works and I don't know why and whether it is the expected behavior.
Sample Input to the question:
The expected output should be:
The following script is required to show the city name along with the respective cumulative total of the integers present in the third field.
FS = ","
OFS = ","
if($2 in arr){
for(i in arr){
print i,arr[i] | "sort"
The following code is in question:
for(i in arr){
print i,arr[i] | "sort"
The output of the print is piped to sort, which is a bash command.
So, how does this output travel from awk to bash?
Is this the expected behavior or a mere side effect?
Is there a better awk way to do it? Have tried asort and asorti already, but they exist with gawk and not awk.
PS: I am trying to specifically write a .awk file for the task, without using bash commands. Please suggest the same.
Addressing your specific questions in order:
So, how does this output travel from awk to bash?
A pipe to a spawned process.
Is this the expected behavior or a mere side effect?
Is there a better awk way to do it? Have tried asort and asorti already, but they exist with gawk and not awk.
Yes, pipe the output of the whole awk command to sort.
PS: I am trying to specifically write a .awk file for the task, without using bash commands. Please suggest the same.
See for the implementation of a few common sorting algorithms in awk. See also
With respect to the question in your comments:
Since a process is spawned to sort from within the loop in the END rule, I was confused whether this will call the sort function on a single line and the spawned process will die there after, and a new process to sort will be spawned in the next iteration of the loop
The spawned process won't die until your awk script terminates or you call close("sort").
Could you please try changing you sort to sort -t',' -k1 in your code. Since your delimiter is comma so you need to inform sort that your delimiter is different than space. By default sort takes delimiter as comma.
Also you could remove if, else block ftom your main block and you could use only arr[$2]+=$3. Keep the rest code as it is apart from sort changes which I mentioned above
I am on mobile so couldn't paste all code but explanation should help you here.
What I would suggest is piping the output of awk to sort and not try and worry about piping the output within the END rule. While GNU awk provides asorti() to allow sorting the contents of an array, in this case since it is just the output you want sorted, a single pipe to sort after your awk script completes is all you need, e.g.
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, '{a[$2]+=$3}END{for(i in a)print i, a[i]}' file | sort
And since it is a single pipe of the output, you incur no per-iteration overhead for the subshell required by the pipe.
If you want to avoid the pipe altogether, if you have bash, you can simply use process-substitution with redirection, e.g.
$ sort < <(awk -F, -v OFS=, '{a[$2]+=$3}END{for(i in a)print i, a[i]}' file)
(same result)
If you have GNU awk, then asorti() will sort a by index and you can place the sorted array in a new array b and then output the sorted results within the END rule, e.g.
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, '{a[$2]+=$3}END{asorti(a,b);for(i in b)print b[i], a[b[i]]}' file

How do I obtain a specific row with the cut command?

I have a file, named yeet.d, that looks like this
JET_FUEL = /steel/beams
ABC_DEF = /michael/jackson
....50 rows later....
SHIA_LEBEOUF = /just/do/it
....73 rows later....
GIVE_FOOD = /very/hungry
NEVER_GONNA = /give/you/up
I am familiar with the f and d options of the cut command. The f option allows you to specify which column(s) to extract from, while the d option allows you to specify what the delimiters.
I want this output returned using the cut command.
From what I know, this is part of the command I want to enter:
cut -f1 -d= yeet.d
Given that I want the values to the right of the equals sign, with the equals sign as the delimiter. However this would return:
....50 rows later....
....73 rows later....
Which is more than what I want.
How do I use the cut command to return only /just/do/it and nothing else from the situation above? This is different from How to get second last field from a cut command because I want to select a row within a large file, not just near from the end or the beginning.
This looks like it would be easier to express with awk...
# awk -v _s="${_string}" '$3 == _s {print $3}' "${_path}"
## Above could be more _scriptable_ form of bellow example
awk -v _search="/just/do/it" '$3 == _search {print $3}' <<'EOF'
JET_FULE = /steal/beams
SHIA_LEBEOUF = /just/do/it
NEVER_GONNA = /give/you/up
## Either way, output should be similar to
## /just/do/it
-v _something="Some Thing" bit allows for passing Bash variables to awk
$3 == _search bit tells awk to match only when column 3 is equal to the search string
To search for a sub-string within a line one can use $0 ~ _search
{print $3} bit tells awk to print column 3 for any matches
And the <<'EOF' bit tells Bash to not expand anything within the opening and closing EOF tags
... however, the above will still output duplicate matches, eg. if yeet.d somehow contained...
JET_FULE = /steal/beams
SHIA_LEBEOUF = /just/do/it
NEVER_GONNA = /give/you/up
AGAIN = /just/do/it
... there'd be two /just/do/it lines outputed by awk.
Quickest way around that would be to pipe | to head -1, but the better way would be to tell awk to exit after it's been told to print...
awk -v _s="${_string}" '$3 == _s {print $3; exit}' "${_path}"
... though that now assumes that only the first match is wanted, obtaining the nth is possible though currently outside the scope of the question as of last time read.
To trip awk on the first column while printing the third column and exiting after the first match may look like...
awk -v _s="${_string}" '$1 == _s {print $3; exit}' "${_path}"
... and generalize even further...
_string='^SHIA_LEBEOUF '
awk -v _s="${_string}" '$0 ~ _s {print $3; exit}' "${_path}"
... because awk totally gets regular expressions, mostly.
It depends on how you want to identify the desired line.
You could identify it by the line number. In this case you can use sed
cut -f2 -d= yeet.d | sed '53q;d'
This extracts the 53th line.
Or you could identify it by a keyword. In this case use grep
cut -f2 -d= yeet.d | grep just
This extracts all lines containing the word just.

How to AWK print only specific item?

I have a log file that looks like this:
I have used grep to isolate the line I am interested in with the RPT_ALINKS. In that line I want to know how to use AWK to print only the link that ends with a TK.
I am really close running this:
grep -w 'RPT_ALINKS' stats2.log | awk -F 'TK' '{print FS }'
But I am sure those who are smarter than me already know I am getting only the TK back, how do I get the entire field so that I would get a return of 1999TK?
If there is only a single RT in that line and RT is always at the end:
awk '/RPT_ALINKS/{match($0,/[^=,]*TK/); print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}'
You can also use a double grep
grep -w 'RPT_ALINKS' stats2.log | grep -wo '[^=,]*TK'
The following sed solution also works nicely:
sed '/RPT_ALINKS/s/\(^.*[,=]\)\([^=,]*TK\)\(,.*\)\?/\2/'
It doesn't get any more elegant
awk -F '=' '$1=="RPT_ALINKS" {n=split($2,array,",")
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
if (array[i] ~ /TK$/)
{print array[i]}}
' stats2.log
n=split($2,array,","): split 1,1999TK,2135,2009,31462,29467,2560 with , to array array. n contains number of array elements, here 7.
Here is a simple solution
awk -F ',|=' '/^RPT_ALINKS/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i ~ /TK$/) print $i }' stats2.log
It looks only on the record which begins with RPT_ALINKS. And there it check every field. If field ends with TK, then it prints it.
Dang, I was just about to post the double-grep alternative, but got scooped. And all the good awk solutions are taken as well.
Sigh. So here we go in bash, for fun.
$ mapfile a < stats2.log
$ for i in "${a[#]}"; do [[ $i =~ ^RPT_ALINKS=(.+,)*([^,]+TK) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"; done
This has the disadvantage of running way slower than awk and not using fields. Oh, and it won't handle multiple *TK items on a single line. And like sed, this is processing lines as patterns rather than fields, which saps elegance. And by using mapfile, we limit the size of input you can handle because your whole log is loaded into memory. Of course you don't really need to do that, but if you were going to use a pipe, you'd use a different tool anyway. :-)
Happy Thursday.
With a sed that has -E for EREs, e.g. GNU or OSX/BSD sed:
$ sed -En 's/^RPT_ALINKS=(.*,)?([^,]*TK)(,.*|$)/\2/p' file
With GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match():
$ awk 'match($0",",/^RPT_ALINKS=(.*,)?([^,]*TK),.*/,a){print a[2]}' file
Instead of looping through it, you can use an other alternative.
This will be fast, loop takes time.
awk -F"TK" '/RPT_ALINKS/ {b=split($1,a,",");print a[b]FS}' stats2.log
Here you split the line by setting field separator to TK and search for line that contains RPT_ALINKS
That gives $1=RPT_ALINKS=1,1999 and $2=,2135,2009,31462,29467,2560
$1 will always after last comma have our value.
So split it up using split function by comma. b would then contain number of fields.
Since we know that number would be in last section we do use a[b] and add FS that contains TK

How to print fields for repeated key column in one line

I'd like to transform a table in such a way that for duplicated
values in column #2 it would have corresponding values from column #1.
I.e. something like that...
MZ00024296 AC148152.3_FG005
MZ00047079 AC148152.3_FG006
MZ00028122 AC148152.3_FG008
MZ00032922 AC148152.3_FG008
MZ00048218 AC148152.3_FG008
MZ00024680 AC148167.6_FG001
MZ00013456 AC149475.2_FG003
AC148152.3_FG005 MZ00024296
AC148152.3_FG006 MZ00047079
AC148152.3_FG008 MZ00028122|MZ00032922|MZ00048218
AC148167.6_FG001 MZ00024680
AC149475.2_FG003 MZ00013456
As I need it to computations in R I tried to use:
but it don't work (wrong function)
Error in :
'paste(mz_grmz[, 1], sep = "|")' is not a function, character or symbol
I also remind myself about unstack() function, but it isn't what I need.
I tried to do it using awk, based on my base knowledge I reworked code given here:
#! /bin/sh
for y do
awk -v FS="\t" '{
for (x=1;x<=NR;x++) {
if (NR>2 && x=x+1) {
print $2"\t"x
else {print NR}
}' $y > $y.2
unfortunately it doesn't work, it's only produce enormous file with field #2 and some numbers.
I suppose it is easy task, but it is above my skills right now.
Could somebody give me a hint? Maybe just function to use in aggregate in R.
You could do it in awk like this:
awk '
if ($2 in a)
a[$2] = a[$2] "|" $1
a[$2] = $1
for (i in a)
print i, a[i]
to keep the output as same as the text in your question (empty lines etc..):
awk '{if($0 &&($2 in a))a[$2]=a[$2]"|"$1;else if ($0) a[$2]=$1;}\
END{for(x in a){print x,a[x];print ""}}' inputFile
kent$ echo "MZ00024296 AC148152.3_FG005
MZ00047079 AC148152.3_FG006
MZ00028122 AC148152.3_FG008
MZ00032922 AC148152.3_FG008
MZ00048218 AC148152.3_FG008
MZ00024680 AC148167.6_FG001
MZ00013456 AC149475.2_FG003"|awk '{if($0 &&($2 in a))a[$2]=a[$2]"|"$1;else if ($0) a[$2]=$1;}END{for(x in a){print x,a[x];print ""}}'
AC149475.2_FG003 MZ00013456
AC148152.3_FG005 MZ00024296
AC148152.3_FG006 MZ00047079
AC148152.3_FG008 MZ00028122|MZ00032922|MZ00048218
AC148167.6_FG001 MZ00024680
This GNU sed solution might work for you:
sed -r '1{h;d};H;${x;s/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/\2\t\1/g;:a;s/(\S+\t)([^\n]*)(\n+)\1([^\n]*)\n*/\1\2|\4\3/;ta;p};d' input_file
Explanation: Use the extended regex option-r to make regex's more readable. Read the whole file into the hold space (HS). Then on end-of-file, switch to the HS and firstly swap and tab separate fields. Then compare the first fields in adjacent lines and if they match, tag the second field from the second record to the first line separated by a |. Repeated until no further adjacent lines have duplicate first fields then print the file out.