Redis keys function for match with multiple pattern - redis

How i can find keys with multiple match pattern, for example i've keys with
foo:*, event:*, poi:* and article:* patterns.
how i find keys with redis keys function for match with foo:* or poi:* pattern, its like
find all keys with preffix foo:* or poi:*

You should not do this. KEYS is mainly a debug command. It is not supposed to be used for anything else.
Redis is not a database supporting ad-hoc queries: you are supposed to provide access paths for the data you put into Redis (using extra set or hash or zset indexes).
If you really need to run arbitrary boolean expressions on keys to select data, I would suggest to do it offline by using the rdb-redis-tools package.


Efficiently delete RedisKeys in bulk via wildcard pattern

I need to efficiently delete keys from my Redis Cache using a wildcard pattern. I don't need atomicity; eventual consistency is acceptable.
Tech stack:
.NET 6 (async all the way through)
StackExchange.Redis 2.6.66
Redis Server 6.2.6
I currently have ~500k keys in Redis.
I'm not able to use RedisJSON for various reasons
I store the following 3 STRING types with keys:
where each STRING stores JSON like so:
> dump dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:fl:user:123
The original solution used the KeysAsync method to retrieve the list of keys to delete via a wildcard pattern. Since the Redis Server is 6.x, the SCAN feature is being used by KeysAsync internally by the StackExchange.Redis nuget.
Original implementation used a wildcard pattern dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:*. As one would expect, this solution didn't scale well and we started seeing RedisTimeoutExceptions.
I'm aware of the "avoid this in PROD if you can" and have seen Marc Gravell respond to a couple other questions/issues on SO and StackExchange.Redis GitHub. The only potential alternative I could think of is to use a Redis SET to "track" each RedisKey and then retrieve the list of values from the SET (which are the keys I need to remove). Then delete the SET as well as the returned keys.
Potential Solution?:
Create a Redis SET with a key of dailynote:getitemsforuser with a value which is the key of the form dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:XX...
The SET would look like:
dailynote:getitemsforuser (KEY)
dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:sw:user:123 (VALUE)
dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:fl:user:123 (VALUE)
dailynote:getitemsforuser:region:sw:user:456 (VALUE)
I would still have each individual STRING type as well:
when it is time to do the "wildcard" remove, I get the members of the dailynote:getitemsforuser SET, then call RemoveAsync passing the members of the set as the RedisKey[]. Then call RemoveAsync with the key of the SET (dailynote:getitemsforuser)
I'm looking for feedback on how viable of a solution this is, alternative ideas, gotchas, and suggestions for improvement. TIA
Added my solution I went with below...
The big problem with both KEYS and SCAN with Redis is that they require a complete scan of the massive hash table that stores every Redis key. Even if you use a pattern, it still needs to check each entry in that hash table to see if it matches.
Assuming you are calling SADD when you are also setting the value in your key—and thus avoiding the call to SCAN—this should work. It is worth noting that calls to SMEMBERS to get all the members of a Set can also cause issues if the Set is big. Redis—being single-threaded—will block while all the members are returned. You can mitigate this by using SSCAN instead. StackExchange.Redis might do this already. I'm not sure.
You might also be able to write a Lua script that reads the Set and UNLINKs all the keys atomically. This would reduce network but could tie Redis up if this takes too long.
I ended up using the solution I suggested above where I use a Redis SET with a known/fixed key to "track" each of the necessary keys.
When a key that needs to be tracked is added, I call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.SetAddAsync (SADD) while calling StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.HashSetAsync (HSET) for adding the "tracked" key (along with its TTL).
When it is time to remove the "tracked" key, I first call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.SetScanAsync (SSCAN) (with a page size of 250) iterating on the IAsyncEnumerable and call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.KeyDeleteAsync (HDEL) on chunks of the members of the SET. I then call StackExchange.Redis.IDatabase.KeyDeleteAsync on the actual key of the SET itself.
Hope this helps someone else.

In Redis is it possible to find all hashes with a key containing a specified value?

I am using Jedis, and new to both that and Redis itself. I have db that stores hashes, and need to find all keys in the db that contain an entry with a specified key and a specified value. EG: "find all hashes in the db that have key/value of STATUS=ERROR". Is this possible in Jedis? From what I can tell from googling, hscan will find keys in a specified hash.
More generally, by way of teaching me to fish, any pointers for where to look this up? It seems there is no real jedis api doc, and not even the Redis doc itself seems to have nothing on hscan.
As you mentioned, you can use HSCAN to find the specified key-value pair from a hash. Also, you need to use the SCAN command to find all hashes.
However, this is NOT an efficient solution. In order to achieve your goal efficiently, you need to build an extra index, i.e. use a Redis SET to save keys of all hashes that have the specified key-value pair.
// ...
// HSET other members
// ...
// add it to index
SADD status:error hash1
// get all hashes have the specified key-value pair
SMEMBERS status:error
As #Itamar Haber mentioned in the comments, if you have many records in the SET, you should use SSCAN to get these members. Since in this case, SMEMBERS might block Redis for a long time.

Use set or just create keys in redis to check existence?

I can think of two ways of checking existence using redis:
Use the whole database as a 'set', and just SET a key and checking existence by GETing it (or using EXISTS as mentioned in the comment by #Sergio Tulentsev)
Use SADD to add all members to a key and check existence by SISMEMBER
Which one is better? Will it be a problem, compared to the same amount of keys in a single set, if I choose the first method and the number of keys in a database gets larger?
In fact, besides these two methods, you can also use the HASH data structure with HEXISTS command (I'll call this method as the third solution).
All these solutions are fast enough, and it's NOT a problem if you have a large SET, HASH, or keyspace.
So, which one should we use? It depends on lots of things...
Does the key has value?
Keys of both the first and the third solution can have value, while the second solution CANNOT.
So if there's no value for each key, I'd prefer the second solution, i.e. SET solution. Otherwise, you have to use the first or third solution.
Does the value has structure?
If the value is NOT raw string, but a data structure, e.g. LIST, SET. You have to use the first solution, since HASH's value CAN only be raw string.
Do you need to do set operations?
If you need to do intersection, union or diff operations on multiple data sets, you should use the second solution. Redis has built-in commands for these operations, although they might be slow commands.
Memory efficiency consideration
Redis takes more memory-efficient encoding for small SET and HASH. So when you have lots of small data sets, take the second and the third solution can save lots of memory. See this for details.
Do you need to set TTL for these keys?
As #dizzyf points out in the comment, if you need to set TTL for these keys, you have to use the first solution. Because items of HASH and SET DO NOT have expiration property. You can only set TTL for the entire HASH or SET, NOT their elements.

Searching for values in Redis

Is it possible to search for occurrences of a specific value in redis?
It's easy enough to do the same for keys
SET firstname "John"
KEYS f?rstname
But can one search for all occurrences of "John" or better yet "J*hn" ?
As far as I know there is no such option in Redis. As you mentioned KEYS pattern can be used to search for the keys with specific pattern, but similar functionality on values would result into search among all of the keys/fields/elements which may not be trivial since Redis has advanced data structures like hashes, sets and lists. Time complexity of this operation would be possibly even greater than O(N) which is why also KEYS command shouldn't be used in production environments.

What is the purpose of colons within Redis keys

I'm learning how to use Redis for a project of mine. One thing I haven't got my head around is what exactly the colons are used for in the names of keys.
I have seen names of key such as these:
Does the colon separate keys into categories and make finding the keys faster? If so can you use multiple colons when naming keys to break them down into sub categories? Lastly do they have anything to do with defining different databases within the Redis server?
I have read through documentation and done numerous Google searches on the matter but oddly I can't find anything discussing this.
The colons have been in earlier redis versions as a concept for storing namespaced data. In early versions redis supported only strings, if you wanted to store the email and the age of 'bob' you had to store it all as a string, so colons were used:
SET user:bob:email
SET user:bob:age 31
They had no special handling or performance characteristics in redis, the only purpose was namespacing the data to find it again. Nowadays you can use hashes to store most of the coloned keys:
HSET user:bob email
HSET user:bob age 31
You don't have to name the hash "user:bob" we could name it "bob", but namespacing it with the user-prefix we instantly know which information this hash should/could have.
Colons are a way to structure the keys. They are not interpreted by redis in any way. You can also use any other delimiter you like or none at all. I personally prefer /, which makes my keys look like file system paths. They have no influence on performance but you should not make them excessively long since redis has to keep all keys in memory.
A good key structure is important to leverage the power of the sort command, which is redis' answers to SQL's join.
GET user:bob:color -> 'blue'
GET user:alice:color -> 'red'
SMEMBERS user:peter:friends -> alice, bob
SORT user:peter:friends BY NOSORT GET user:*:color -> 'blue', 'red'
You can see that the key structure enables SORT to lookup the user's colors by referencing the structured keys.