Click on button without id - selenium

How click button in webdriver without any id, values. Class of button is changing dynamically.
<div class="d-k-l d-y-r-c g-h-f-Ck b-Qb" role="button" style="-moz-user-select: none;" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true">
<div class="d-k-l d-y-r-c-ha">
Мои круги
<div class="d-k-l d-y-r-c-Qa"></div>

Show more HTML please. So that we can find something useful in the context.
Currently the only possible way is to use XPath' text()
.//*[#role='button']/*[contains(text(), 'Мои круги')]
If you are sure relevant elements are div, you can use
.//div[#role='button']/div[contains(text(), 'Мои круги')]


Finding an element with a xpath that changes

Hello I am new to selenium and trying to find an element on a dropdown that expands to a list. The xpath constantly changes so cannot use it. Also tried the full xpath and did not work either. Other drop downs that I have used I have been able to use the cssselector but really do not have much to work with in here. I have tried with 'Account Maintenance' text but it did not work or did not do it properly. If I need to provide any additional information or more html please let me know.
<li class="k-item" role="treeitem" data-uid="706aa3e9-cd95-45c3-9ad0-e990887f9484" aria- selected="true" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="k-mid">
<span class="k-icon k-i-expand">
<span class="k-in k-state-selected">Account Maintenance</span>
<ul "THIS IS THE LIST THAT EXPANDS AFTER CLICKING ON THE 'Acount Maintenance' text above but not my issue </ul>

Search Results Web results Collapsible Navbar

How to click on a collapsible nav bar in selenium webdriver?
<div id="termsandconditions" class="panel-collapse collapse">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="form-group" app-field-wrapper="terms_text">
<textarea id="terms_text" name="terms_text" class="form-control tinymce" rows="4"></textarea>
I have tried it through XPath but element not clickable at(x,y) arrives.
You could try clicking with Javascript to bypass the ElementNotClickable error you are seeing:
menu = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'panel-collapse')]")
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", menu)
Some elements do not accept regular Selenium click() method, so we use Javascript occasionally to work around these special elements.
Hope this helps a bit.

Selenium webdriver: clicking not working for xpath

I'm trying to get the webdriver to click on the text "Breaking Things" through xpath/css selectors to no avail. Here is the HTML
<div class="org-option" ng-repeat="Org in Organizations" aria-label="Select Breaking Things Organization" ng-click="Org.SelectOrg()" role="button" tabindex="0">
<div class="data">
<div class="data-relative">
<div class="image-wrapper" ng-show="Org.HasImage" ng-if="Org.HasImage" aria-hidden="false">
<img class="onboard-logo" ng-src="/apiimage/organizations/f1544944fac34442998a05890c400338-0" src="/apiimage/organizations/f1544944fac34442998a05890c400338-0">
<div class="image-wrapper ng-hide" ng-show="!Org.HasImage" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="image-placeholder">
<div class="center-icon gicon-panorama"></div>
<div class="name-wrapper">
<div>Breaking Things</div>
Here is what I'm doing with the driver:
chromeDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='name wrapper']//[text()='Breaking Things']")).click();
However it never clicks, what am I missing? I've also tried implicit waits etc with no results.
You should specify exact node name div or wild-card for "any node" - * in this part
//[text()='Breaking Things']
like below:
"//div[#class='name-wrapper']//div[text()='Breaking Things']"
"//div[#class='name-wrapper']//*[text()='Breaking Things']"
The class name is name-wrapper. The - is important
chromeDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='name-wrapper']//[text()='Breaking Things']")).click();
In #class='name wrapper' you are actually telling the driver to look for an WebElement with two classes, name and wrapper.

Selenium: Unable to click on menu item

I'm not able to click on the menu item (Create Defect...) as shown in the figure while testing my webapplication and getting below error
**org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Cannot click on element**
the below code clicks on the image (hand image) as shown in the figure
and then the menu opens. Now I would like to click on the menu item.
I'm using below code for this
but I got the above mentioned exception
This what I have in the html:
<div class="mmenu" style="display: block; left: 49px; top: 37px;">
<div class="mmenu-content">
<div class="mmenu-border" style="width: 231px;">
<div class="mmenu-inset" style="width: 231px;">
<div class="mmenu-group first-child last-child">
<div class="mmenu-column first-child last-child">
<li id="liemx360120335239.81635" class="link" menuuid="emx360120335239.81635">
<span class="icon">
<span>Create Defect...</span>
<li id="liemx172704021676.66638" class="link" menuuid="emx172704021676.66638">
Can you please suggest?
have you tried driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Create Defect...']")).click();
I think your problem is that the second menu is invisible, and WebDriver throws ElementNotVisibleException if he operates on a locator which is not visible.
I think you have to keep the first menu open, as the second one to be visible when you try to click it.
I use Actions class.
Try to do following :
new Actions(getWebDriver()).moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.xpath(...))).perform();
and right after try to click the second locator. If you still have problem, try to chain both commands in the same action.

how to click on a button when specific image is asscoiated with it

I am using selenium for testing my application.
In my application there are 5 buttons, each have a different image associated with it.
I want to click on button which have a specific image associated.
Currently i am using a while loop to get the node of image and then replacing this node into xpath of button to select it.
is there any way either with xpath or css to do this directly.
Providing more information-this is like submit button is there and then below this image is there. submit button and images are sibling element and need to click submit button when the next element is specific image
<div class="select">
<span class="sysTxtBtn submit xxs">
<span class="btnTagDummy">
<div class="specialRateMarking">
<img width="79" height="11" alt="Marking2" src="someimages"/>
<div class="select">
<span class="sysTxtBtn submit xxs">
<span class="btnTagDummy">
<div class="specialRateMarking">
<img width="79" height="11" alt="Marking1" src="someimages"/>
Could you include a snippet of your HTML? Below is an example of an image in a form and a few ways of locating it using Selenium, but these may not be relevant depending on your implementation:
<input id="submitForm" name="imgbtn" type="image" src="images/submit.png" />
//input[contains(#src, 'submit.png')]
Given the HTML:
<div class="select">
<span class="submit">
<div class="marking1"></div>
<div class="select">
<span class="submit">
<div class="marking2"></div>
You can locate the 'submit' span parent of the 'marking2' div using the following XPaths:
Based on the HTML now included in the question, you can locate the span with the class of submit related to the image many ways, a few examples follow:
//div[//img[#alt='Marking2']/span[contains(#class, 'select')]
I hope this gives you some ideas. I'd certainly recommend XPath over CSS for locating these elements as it's much better at these sorts of relationships.