Google+ Sign-In button deployed, can a page restrict access without a server $_SESSION? - google-plus

Say the page where user can update his own profile: profile_update.php?id=1234567...(user's Google id).
How can I restrict access with the returned authResult or me? (I mean which item in the object will help that, not how to get these item out).
or Do I still need to build a server side $_SESSION for that?

You could do some validation on the client side using the auth result, but you'd also want to verify that the request you get on the server side is from who you think it is from to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks. So you'd need something that validate that the POST that update the profile came from an authenticated user, not just that the POST data was in the correct format. So typically, your form will send a specific code (a CSRF token) and that same token must be present in the user's cookies (or a server side session token, which in PHP can be accessed via $_SESSION).


Automate getting access token in Postman using Auth2.0 AuthorizationFlow + PKCE

So I currently have all my requests set up in postman and to be able to make the request to my api I first need to go to the Authorization tab and click "Get Access Token" then a new window appears showing the log in screen from the Identity Server where I can enter the correct username and password to obtain the access token.
I am now wanting to use Postman to test my api however when the access token expires the tests of course fail.
What I want to know is the best way to approach setting up a script that could run the authorization before that request/tests are run.
I can see lots of examples if you only use ClientId and Secret however our Identity Server also requires the user to log in with username and password as that information is needed so that the Identity Info can be included in the returned token as the api called in the request uses this to determine which user to return data for.
Really hitting a brick wall here as I cannot see a way to automate the identity login.
How do others deal with running automated tests against an api protected with IdentityServer login?
You would have to mimic the set of requests and responses that would normally go through the browser. For example, you first make an authorization request. The server responds with a 302 to a login page. You can grab the location header and call the login page. Then you would post the username and password to the login form's action, etc.
You can have a look at this example: this is a set of curl commands which perform such login to an instance of the Curity Identity Server.
You should be able to script it as a series of requests in Postman.

Login user via GET (basic auth header) or POST

I've been doing some HTTP methods and header research recently if we should use GET with basic authorization instead of POST when submitting?
HTTP Methods
The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data.
The POST method submits an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
As we see here, the POST method normally changes the state of the server. If sending out JWTs/HTTP cookies, we are not modifying the state of the server. Nor are we creating a new resource in the server.
I understand that we should not not send the username and password as a GET parameter but should we use the authorization header instead?
Basic authentication
For "Basic" authentication the credentials are constructed by first combining the username and the password with a colon (aladdin:opensesame), and then by encoding the resulting string in base64 (YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l).
Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
The only advantage I see to using POST over GET is that we need no extra code in the HTML/JS on the client side to send headers via the fetch API. To send headers, we would need an onsubmit and then check if status code is 200. If 200, we will need to redirect to the page after the login screen. Then again, if using the fetch API, this means the server does not need to send a new HTML page to the client all the time either.
Should we use GET with basic auth or POST when logging in since we don't create a resource/modify the server state?
Would this change if say we enable 2FA since we would need to generate a code for that user?
Doing basic authentication in the browser and using GET is not that recommended.
To do your own login form it is better to always do it using HTTPS and POST. Do post the username/password in the body of the request and secure it with proper CSRF protection.
If you want to level up, you can always look at the OpenIDConnect approach, but that is more advanced depending on your needs.
Also, a good approach is to explore how existing site implement a login form and look at the HTTP(s) traffic in a tool like Fiddler.

Check if user is authenticated by Firebase Authentication on the server using PHP?

I'm using FirebaseUI to authenticate users on my website. I have a need for checking if the user is logged in on the server side (in PHP code). How can I accomplish this?
I believe I've seen something about something called JWT, but I don't really understand what I need to do in order to make this work.
You need to get the Firebase ID token by calling currentUser.getIdToken() on the client. You can then send this ID token to your server and verify it before parsing its content and get the user's uid from it. Refer to this documentation for verifying ID tokens:

Generate Permanent Instagram Access Token

We have an Instagram client id and client secret, and already have gone through the documentation of generating access tokens which requires redirect url.
Note that we also have disabled the implicit OAuth flow.
Now we already have generated the access token using URL below (for authenticated user, it returns the access token appended in the response URL){client_Id}&redirect_uri={redirect_url}&response_type=token&scope=public_content
Can this token be stored in the database / configuration files and re-used for any new Instagram API requests? e.g.{user_id}/media/recent/?access_token={reusable_access_token}
Based on the official documentation, we understand that the access token can become invalid at any point of time, we would like to know if there are any specific scenarios which leads to invalidation of the access token?
What would be the best way to generate token once and use it for each API request? We definitely do not want users to enter credentials manually to generate tokens.
Unfortunately at that point it's not possible:/ Instagram doesn't provide refreshing access token in the background.
User needs to login with their credentials, so you can obtain new access token. Some kind of workaround (not nice, but it's working) is to watch for error type OAuthAccessTokenException and notify the user via e-mail about such fact. He will have to login once more, so you can get fresh and working access token.
Also, please keep in mind that access tokens has a pretty long life span. It doesn't expire after a day or two, unless Instagram API has some issues (like just now OAuth - unable to exchange code to access token for some users).
Otherwise it works really well.
However it would be super nice if Instagram could add to their API renewal option in the background for access tokens for users that autorised your app, but their token expired:)

OAuth2 Authorization Code in Cookie, good or bad?

I can not seem to find a SIMPLE answer to the question on how to persist OAuth2 authentication... Let's take Google+ OAuth2 API as an example.
User goes to page
User is not authenticated, and gets redirected to authentication page where he logs in
User logs in successfully and authorises my app
User gets redirect to specified (by me) URI with Authorisation Code
I use authorisation code to obtain a token in order to submit queries in the name of the user
All is good and well. My question is: how do you SECURELY know at step 2 that the user visiting the page is already logged in, without having to go through the whole process of redirecting him to all these pages.
I assume storing the Authorisation Code retrieved at step 4 in a cookie is not an option.
All of this will happen in a server-side (Go - if that matters) application.
Any help is much appreciated... I need a simple solution.
Thank you!
use server-side sessions to store any authentication state or even access tokens if you need them.
one solution is to use a database for session store (an encrypted cookie holds the session id)
and another is to use cookie sessions (encrypted cookies that hold the session data).
using encrypted cookies that only the server is able to decrypt should be safe enough.