Error: Test object id not in the object map: dmTablePopupMenu2 in a RFT script - rft

Exception occurred during playback of script [Firewall.ASDMDcerpcInspectMap] [CRFCN0019E: RationalTestScriptException on line 150 of script Firewall.ASDMDcerpcInspectMap - com.rational.test.ft.ObjectNotInMapException: CRFCN0763E: Test object id not in the object map: dmTablePopupMenu2.].
I am using IBM Rational Functional Tester Version: and I found the above exception in few of my scripts. I cannot see any error on the script for objects present in the script but missing in the object map , Can Anybody tell me why am I facing this problem ans how can I fix it?
Thanks in advance..

This error gets thrown when the actual object does not exist (or most likely deleted) from the Object Map however the script still has a reference for that object.
As per the error message above , could you locate what is the code on line 150 of the Script ASDMDcerpcInpectMap , and then try to track that object in the object map ?
So if the line 150 says .. button123().click(); .. then in the script explorer you should have an object by the name button123 when upon doubleclick should bring up the object map with button123() selected.
I supect the button123 is mising from the object map( deleted most likely).
Try to re-add that object to the object map ( by using the TestObject-> Insert Test Object from the Object Map) and then right click on that object in the object map and select "Add to script" , that should take care of it.


Why Automated Data Driven test cases using Tosca throwing -- No suitable value found for command 'XL'

I am trying to automate Salesforce instance using Tosca ,and i used "Automated Data Driven test cases" which is simply Recording of Test cases option using the Tosca tool ,after successful recording when i tried to execute the test case by "Run in scrapbook " option ,i see error as
No suitable value found for command 'XL'
Strange because i see values got populated in Tosca Test engine of excel generated as a result of recording
Here is detailed error log from Tosca
Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.InvalidActionException: No suitable value found for command 'XL' ---> System.InvalidOperationException: No suitable value found for command 'XL'
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.Values.ValueFactory.CreateValues(IParsed parsed, DataType dataType)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__17`2.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.Values.ValueFactory.CreateValue(IEnumerable`1 parsedItems, DataType dataType)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression(String expression, IEnumerable`1 tokenDefinitions, DataType dataType)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.Dynamic.ExpressionParser.GetAsValues[T](String expression, TokenDefinitionSet tokenDefinitionSet, DataType dataType)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectTestAction.get_Values()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectTextBoxTestAction.get_Values()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectTestAction.CreateSubTestActions()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_InnerActions()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_InnerActions()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_Actions()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.<>c.<get_ExecutableChildren>b__32_1(ITestAction testAction)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_ExecutableChildren()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.TestAction.get_ConstrainingChildren()
at Tricentis.Automation.AutomationInstructions.TestActions.AutomationObjectSearchQuery.get_TestActionConstraints()
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.get_ConstrainingChildTestActions()
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.ConstrainBySubItems(IEnumerable`1 representations)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.ConstrainInternal(IEnumerable`1 representations, IModuleAttributeXParameters parameters)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.Constrain(IEnumerable`1 representations)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.SearchRepresentations(IAdapterController adapterController)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RootRepresentationController.SearchRepresentation()
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Representations.Controllers.RepresentationController.Search()
at ᜁ.ᜀ(IRepresentationController A_0)
at ᜁ.ᜁ(IRepresentationController A_0, IRepresentation& A_1)
at ᜂ.ᜀ(IRepresentationController A_0, IRepresentation& A_1)
at ᜁ.ᜀ()
Even I got the same error message. but now solved. I tried as below:
Converted test case to template and added the Test Sheet attributes to Template by drag n drop in respective locations. If you try to run the test steps at this point then you will get this error message "No Suitable Value found for command 'XL'",
This can be avoided by "Create Template Instance" from the menu or Instantiate icon from the icon from the tool bar and then run the instantiated item in Scratch Book. It should work without any error message. I used multiple user cased and all of them worked.
Note: other observation: make sure you do not delete the Values in the cells using right click and cross mark. just get in to cell and then remove.
You get this "No Suitable Value found for command 'XL'" when you try to run testcase from a template and not the template instance!!

Nullpointerexception when deleting Janusgraph vertex

I have a org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex that I call v, and a JanusGraph instance I call graph.
I attempt to delete v with:
but I get a null pointer exception
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.EdgeSerializer.parseRelation(
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.EdgeSerializer.readRelation(
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.transaction.RelationConstructor.readRelation(
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.transaction.RelationConstructor$1$
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.transaction.RelationConstructor$1$
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.vertices.AbstractVertex.remove(
at org.janusgraph.graphdb.vertices.StandardVertex.remove(
at com.brein.common.graph.TinkerPopGraphDatabase.lambda$deleteVertex$4(
at com.brein.common.graph.TinkerPopGraphDatabase.retry(
... 33 more
The following line in the janusgraph-core library is where null pointer occurs:
if (multiplicity.isConstrained()) {
So it would appear that when the library is reading through all the data for the vertex in order to then delete it, it comes across an edge for which there is no multiplicity?
My question is: what might be the reason I'm unable to delete the vertex here, and what are some ideas for how I might explore this issue?
I am using Janusgraph version 0.2.0
I am using cassandra as the backend data store for the graph database
My graph contains edge labels of Simple and One-to-one types
I get a nullpointer exception also if I try and read the graphSON representation of the vertex

How to Call package successfully

got error when calling package
error is
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
Error report - Unknown Command
Session state protection violation is definitely an Apex error, relating to your page settings. It seems your package is trying to change the state of a read-only page. See this other question.
The item identifier in the error message P164_COURSECOUNT has the same prefix as the parameters you pass to the package (:P164_APP_ID) so presumably they relate to the same page. We know nothing about your application or its architecture, so it's hard to offer concrete advice. Maybe you need to change the page or item settings, maybe you need to change what the package does. Only you can tell the right course of action.
As you didn't post the whole command, a note: you have to enclose it into begin-end block, e.g.
PKG_Generate_GRNo.GenerateGR (TO_NUMBER ( :P164_APP_ID, '9999999'),

How to get Exception source “Activity Description name”

When exceptions occur in a UIPath project I have an email that is sent out with the exception info included. There seems to be an issue though where I can only see where the error occured by looking at the selector information such as:
Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
<html app='chrome.exe' title='Microsoft Dynamics GP' />
<webctrl aaname='Add' idx='1'
parentid='a00000000000000008549000000030009000000000001000000000000' tag='DIV' />
This info and the stack trace or any other info is not really helpful for quickly finding the source of the problem. I have looked through the UIPath documentation and forum and found only the this question, which seemed to point to using the exception.Source to show the name of the activity where the error occurred. exception.Source only returns “UiPath.Core.Activities” though instead of "Type into Copy Job# 'INPUT'" in the following example:
This obviously causes a big problem with exception handling. How can I easily return the source with each exception?
When your selector fails, you will end up with a new object of type UiPath.Core.SelectorNotFoundException. However, until the team at UiPath decides to add the Display Name into the inner exception, there is little you can do in this particular case.
Take the following example - the first line shows the Inner Exception, and the second one in red is essentially just the exception being rethrown. Note that only the latter one contains the Display Name property.
The Source itself will usually be of type UiPath.Core.Activities, but since this is just the type's name, we don't have any link to the faulting object. Here's what you can do:
Add some details to your exception. You don't want to do this for each activity, but you could have certain blocks of try-catches (example: logging into the system consists of three individual activites, and they reside in one block).
Rethrow the exception. That way the Display Name will end up in the execution log file.

HP ALM OTA-API: How to update a test in testlab knowing the id?

I know the id of a test that is in a Testset and want to update your status, know how to do it using the API OTA?
Thanks but current answer unfortunately doesn't work for me .
I put the example ( java) :
ITestSetFactory sTestFactory = (itdc.testSetFactory()).queryInterface(ITestSetFactory.class);
ITDFilter filterF=sTestFactory.filter().queryInterface(ITDFilter.class);
The error:
Exception in thread "main" com4j.ComException: 800403ea (Unknown error) : Failed to Get Test Set Value : .\invoke.cpp:517
at com4j.Wrapper.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy13.newList(Unknown Source)
at TestQC.main(
Any suggestions ?
The error occurs because you use the TestSetFactory instead of the TSTestFactory. You should use itdc.tsTestFactory() because it is TSTest objects you want to manipulate (aka test instances), not TestSet objects. The simplest way is to get the TSTestFactory of your TDConnection object, and use a filter to get the TSTest object and then set its status. Example code in Ruby:
ts_test_factory = tdc.TSTestFactory
filter = ts_test_factory.Filter
filter["TC_TEST_ID"] = "123" # test id from test plan
found_test_instances = filter.NewList
test_instance = found_test_instances.Item(1) # be careful if the test occurs in many test sets
test_instance.Status = "Passed"