Simple Database Views (update, insert, delete) - sql

In my university notes I am currently attempting to study views but nowhere in the material is the criteria that shows when a simple view can be updated, inserted or deleted. I assume privileges can have a lot to do with this and seems like common sense to not allow data in a view to be deleted by anyone other than the person who created the view but this isn't about common sense just is it possible to update, insert or delete a view and what is the criteria of that.
for my example I have created a view called EmployeeNames which takes the first_name, last_name under a new field Names like so
CREATE VIEW EmployeeName as
SELECT first_name + last_name "Names"
FROM Employees;
(not altogether sure of this syntax either but i think its right)
can this field be updated, inserted or deleted by anyone who has access to this view?(without privileges)

There are certain conditions must be met, so that view could be updatable.
If you have, for example, an aggregate functions in view, you obviously cannot update it.
For Oracle more information you could find here
For MySQL it's pretty similar to oracle

In SQL server there are specific rules for updating views and they are very complicated. Each DB would do this differently. Probably the majority of views I have seen over the years are unupdateable due to these rules.
Personally, I prefer to update tables directly and not through views. If you may have differnt database backends, tehyn I would defintely consider direct updating of tables instead as the rules are very differntfor each datbase.


Fetch all views in oracle db along with details like number of rows,columns, primary keys etc

I'm trying to write a query for retrieving all the views in oracle database along with number of rows, columns and primary keys of each view.
i tried 'all_views', but it doesn't give what i need.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance
all_views tells you the name of the views (that you have access to, there may be more in the system). all_tab_columns will give you the names of the columns. As #GerardH.Pille points out, views do not have primary keys. You'd need to run a select against each view in turn to determine the number of rows it can return (remembering that a view could have logic that filters by a session variable, a context, or some other session-specific setting) so that different users or different sessions may get different results. That could get rather expensive depending on your system.

Oracle Audit Trail to get the list of columns which got updated in last transaction

Consider a table(Student) under a schema say Candidates(NOT DBA):
Student{RollNumber : VARCHAR2(10),Name : VARCHAR2(100),CLass : VARCHAR2(5),.........}
Let us assume that the table already contains some valid data.
I executed an update query to modify the name and class of the Student table
Followed by another update query in which I am updating some other fields
UPDATE STUDENT SET Math_marks = 100 ,PHY_marks , CLASS = 'XYZ'
Since I modified different columns in two different queries. I need to fetch the particular list of columns which got updated in last transaction. I am pretty sure that oracle must be maintaining this in some table logs which could be accessed by DBA. But I don't have the DBA access.
All I need is a the list of columns that got updated in last transaction under schema Candidates I DO NOT have the DBA rights
Please suggest me some ways.
NOTE : Here above I mentioned a simple table. But In actual I have got 8-10 tables for which I need to do this auditing where a key factor lets say ROLLNUMBER acts a foreign key for all other tables. Writing triggers would be a complex for all tables. So please help me out if there exists some other way to fetch the same.
"I am pretty sure that oracle must be maintaining this in some table logs which could be accessed by DBA."
Actually, no, not be default. An audit trail is a pretty expensive thing to maintain, so Oracle does nothing out of the box. It leaves us to decide what we what to audit (actions, objects, granularity) and then to switch on auditing for those things.
The Oracle requires DBA access to enable the built-in functionality, so that may rule it out for you anyway.
Auditing is a very broad topic, with lots of things to consider and configure. The Oracle documentation devotes a big chunk of the Security manual to Auditing. Find the Introduction To Auditing here. For monitoring updates to specific columns, what you're talking about is Fine-Grained Audit. Find out more.
"I have got 8-10 tables ... Writing triggers would be a complex for all tables."
Not necessarily. The triggers will all resemble each other, so you could build a code generator using the data dictionary view USER_TAB_COLUMNS to customise some generic boilerplate text.

Is it possible to make full recursive alias for an entire Database?

Hi my question is very weird but necessary.
The database was made by a person who named tables and fields like "EMP.EMPCOD0001". Of course that's a low level work but there is no way to change the system and the guy is supported by the company's owner, and IT needs to work properly.
Is it possible to create a kind of shadow table which links to another with reasonable names like: "employee.id_number" pointing to the crappy table?
Use views, e.g.
CREATE VIEW emp.GoodName (goodCol1, goodCol2, goodColEtc)
as SELECT lameCol1, lameCol2, lameColEtc
from emp.LameName
You could put all the views in the dbo schema, but--if it's well thought out or used for security--you might want to maintain the existing schemas.
(Edited to show that columns can be "mapped" as well.)

SQL Server Grantting permission for specific rows

I am doing the BI reports for a group of 5 companies. Since the information is more or less the same for all the companies, I am consolidating all the data of the 5 companies in one DB, restructuring the important data, indexing the tables (I can not do that in the original DB because ERP restrictions) and creating the views with all the information required.
In the group, I have some corporate roles that would be benefit of having the data of the 5 companies in one view, nevertheless, I am not interested that an employee of company 1 see the information of company 2, neither in the other way. There is any way to grant permissions restricting the information to the rows that contain employee´s company name in a specific column?.
I know that I could replicate the view and filtering the information using the WHERE clause, but I really want to avoid this. Please help. Thanks!
What you are talking about is row level security. There is little to no support out of the product for this.
Here are a couple articles on design patterns that can be used.
What is the goal of consolidating all the companies into one database?
Here are some ideas.
1 - Separate databases makes it easier to secure data; However, hard to aggregate data.
Also, duplication of all objects.
2 - Use schema's to separate the data. Security can be given out at the schema level.
This does have the same duplicate objects, less the database container, but a super user group can see all schema's and write aggregated reports.
I think schema's are under used by DBA's and developers.
3 - Code either stored procedures and/or duplicate views to ensure security. While tables are not duplicated, some code is.
Again there is no silver bullet for this problem.
However, this is a green field project and you can dictate which way you want to implement it.
As of SQL Server 2016 there is support specifically for this problem. The MSDN link in the accepted answer already forwards to the right article. I decided to post again though as the relevant answer changed.
You can now create security policies which implement row level permissions like this (code from MSDN; assuming per-user permissions and a column named UserName in your table):
CREATE FUNCTION Security.userAccessPredicate(#UserName sysname)
RETURN SELECT 1 AS accessResult
CREATE SECURITY POLICY Security.userAccessPolicy
ADD FILTER PREDICATE Security.userAccessPredicate(UserName) ON dbo.MyTable,
ADD BLOCK PREDICATE Security.userAccessPredicate(UserName) ON dbo.MyTable
Furthermore it's advisable to create stored procedures which check permission too for accessing the data as a second layer of security, as users might otherwise find out details about existing data they don't have access to i.e. by trying to violate constraints. For details see the MSDN article, which is exactly on this topic.
It points out workarounds for older versions of SQL Server too.
If you want to restrict view data using the where clause, the easiest way is to create a view and then assign permission to the user.

If I update a view, will my original tables get updated

Hypothetically I have two tables Employee and Locations. Additionaly I have a view viewEmpLocation which is made by joining Employee and Locations.
If I update the view, will the data in the original table get updated?
The data "in" a view has no existence independent from the tables that make up the view. The view is, in essence, a stored SELECT statement that masquerades as a table. The data is stored in the original tables and only "assembled" into the view when you want to look at it. If the view is updateable (not all views are) the updates are applied to the table data.
see Using Views in Microsoft SQL Server
When modifying data through a view
(that is, using INSERT or UPDATE
statements) certain limitations exist
depending upon the type of view. Views
that access multiple tables can only
modify one of the tables in the view.
Views that use functions, specify
DISTINCT, or utilize the GROUP BY
clause may not be updated.
Additionally, inserting data is
prohibited for the following types of
* views having columns with derived (i.e., computed) data in the SELECT-list
* views that do not contain all columns defined as NOT NULL from the tables from which they were defined
It is also possible to insert or
update data through a view such that
the data is no longer accessible via
that view, unless the WITH CHECK
OPTION has been specified.
You could use a trigger on the view to do an insert/update/delete to the actual tables.