How do i auto-run a .bat (batch) file?
Meaning, I have a .bat file which registers me for few things and there are a few errors in the batch file which is fine. I just go on clicking 'ok' a few times to ignore these error messages, which seems monotonous. Kindly help me to solve this issue!
You can call it from your autoexec.bat file and it will run automatically. For example, if your file is commands.bat:
Not entirely sure why our script isnt backing up, i suspect that it may be something with the Robocopy. Ik robo copy is a sys32 file but looking at the script its shown to be apart of another path then followed by it is the correct path c:\windows\sys32.
So im looking at the two "copy "lines. lines 2&3. Is that normal formatting, because the robocopy is not in that path.
if exist "C:\windows\system32\robocopy.exe" Goto SkipPrep
copy"%logonserver%\netlogon\tools\sleep.exe" "C:\Windows\system32\
This a bat file
I am very new to creating batch files.
I have to run a command, with an increasing file number e.g
c:>program.bat -propertyfile ""
Right now, I have to type the command manually, wait 1 minute, then type the command again by increasing the property file # i.e "" "" "" etc....
I want to automate this, and still would like to see the results in the command prompt as it runs.
How can this be accomplished?
See and specifically
FOR /L %%G IN (1,1,4) DO program.bat -propertyfile ""
Should run your command for files to but if you're actually running it for files in a directory rather than a list of integers one of the other FOR constructs might be more appropriate. Perhaps
Process Tree:
I have an MS Access version control macro that checks users current file version on open, and if not up-to-date, the macro launches a batch file that 1) should delete their current file, and then 2) copies the up-to-date front-end version from the network and pastes it on their local system.
My issue:
Everything works EXCEPT for the deletion of the users original file. Since this file is the parent process of the batch file I haven't found a way to Kill the task so it can be deleted.
Current Code:
del "%originalFile%"
**I thought maybe I was having issues because the batch was a child of the Access process, so I've also tried with no luck:
I always get the error:
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Value expected for '/fi'.
Its been a long day, so I assume I'm missing something simple and would love an extra set of eyes. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have a similar setup, but without TASKKILL.
Directly after launching my update batch, I do Application.Quit
' If need to update
Shell UPDATE_BATCH, vbNormalFocus
And in the update batch, I wait for 3 seconds so that Access has enough time to exit (and release the lock on the frontend).
sleep.exe 3
REM ... copy new frontend ...
sleep.exe 1
REM ... start MSACCESS command line ...
How to "sleep"? See here: SLEEP.exe (2003 Resource Kit) for different variants.
I have a console app (Visual Studio - VB), it runs, it does it's job.
I also have a batch file that runs the program and everything, but I want the output of my console app to also send to a text file.
This is my current batch, which creates the text file, but nothing is in it.
Start "" "C:\Users\wrossi\Desktop\NetLogOnSysInfo Solution\NetLogOnSysInfo Project\bin\Debug\NetLogOnSysInfo Project.exe" -all >>%ComputerName%.txt
Not sure if the batch is wrong, or if I should look at my program. Also, how do I define a path so I can put the output file exactly where I want it?
NetLogOnSysInfo Solution\NetLogOnSysInfo Project\bin\Debug\NetLogOnSysInfo Project.exe"
-all > %ComputerName%.txt
No need to use Start.
You are pretty close to what I think you want to do:
c:\console.exe > c:\output.exe
c:\console.exe or wherever the location of your console app > redirect stdout (use >> to append) c:\output.txt or wherever you want to create the text file.
Hope this helped.
Also just in case:
type stdin.txt | console.exe > stdout.txt
In the above example you can redirect an input from stdin.txt and pipe it into console.exe then redirect the output of console.exe to stdout.txt
I found one code recently after searching alot
if u wanna run .bat file in vb or c# or simply
just add this in the same manner in which i have written
here is the code
code > C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\output.txt
just replace word "code" with your .bat file code or command and after that the directory of output file
I am trying to write a batch file that starts another batch file, waits for that batch file to complete its job, and then continue once that other batch file has exited. However, when I manually close the batch file launched by the first batch file, it comes up with a prompt saying:
^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?
Is there a way to automatically select 'N', because it needs to delete some temporary files on exit.
Purpose/Premise of Script: To be able to remove a flash drive and lock the station (hence copying files to external source).
Summary of Script:
Program Copies files to %homedrive%
Program launches another script (one of the files copied to homedrive)
After that program quits, it deletes the copied files
Solutions Tried:
Different command switches inside of START /WAIT +/I +/B (Adding /I
or /B did not produce anything useful)
Using /C and /K switches after the START /WAIT program.bat +/C +/K
(had no affect)
Well, you could use echo n | program.bat to automatically respond n to ^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?, but an easy way to fool this method is to hit and keep pressed [Ctrl]-C.
There simply is no reliable way to disable the interruption of any program (much less a batch file). What stops the user from just closing the window?
You would want a command like this:
start /wait program.bat|echo n>nul
">nul" will hide the "n" that shows up afterwards. But there doesn't seem to be a way to stop "^C" from showing up.