Optimization of If statement in a Loop - vb.net

I have the following code that runs inside a loop that is executed 100 000 times per frame (it is a game):
If (_vertices(vertexIndex).X > _currentPosition.X - 100) And (_vertices(vertexIndex).X < _currentPosition.X + 100) And (_vertices(vertexIndex).X Mod 4) And (_vertices(vertexIndex).Z Mod 4) Then
_grassPatches(i Mod 9).Render(_vertices(vertexIndex))
End If
With this code my game runs at around 8 FPS. If I comment out the Render line, the game runs at around 100 FPS, however, if I comment out the whole If loop, the framerate increases to around 400 FPS. I don't understand why does this If ... And ... And ... And ... Then loop slows down my game so much. Is it because of the multiple Ands?
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is one of the ways I tried to improve the performance (also includes some extra code to show context):
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim vertex As Vector3
Dim curPosX As Integer
For vertexIndex As Integer = _startIndex To _endIndex
vertex = _vertices(vertexIndex)
curPosX = _currentPosition.X
If (vertex.X > curPosX - 100) And (vertex.X < curPosX + 100) And (vertex.X Mod 4) And (vertex.Z Mod 4) Then
_grassPatches(i Mod 9).Render(_vertices(vertexIndex))
End If
i += 1
EDIT 2: could my problem be due to a Branch Prediction fail? (Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?)
EDIT 3: I also tried replacing all the Ands with AndAlsos. This didn't lead to any performance benefit.

Your problem probably comes from the use of the Mod operator. If you can avoid using it, or find another way of getting to your result, it will make your loop faster.


Determining when to stop a possibly infinite iteration?

As a beginner programmer, a common problem I encounter is when to stop an iteration. For example, if I were to program a function to determine if an integer was happy or not (by brute-force ), when would I stop? Another example, concerning something like the Mandelbrot set, how would I know to stop an iteration and firmly say that a number diverges or converges? Does it depend on the problem you're dealing with, or is there a method to do things like this?
Brute-force method you have to find your base case to terminate your program as in case of recursion. For Happy Prime number the base case is finding loop in your iteration.
# sum of square of digit of n
def numSquareSum(n):
squareSum = 0
squareSum += (n % 10) * (n % 10)
n = int(n / 10)
return squareSum
#method return true if n is Happy Number
def isHappyNumber(n):
li = []
while (1):
n = numSquareSum(n)
if (n == 1):
return True
if (n in li):
return False
# Main Code
n = 7;
if (isHappyNumber(n)):
print(n , "is a Happy number")
print(n , "is not a Happy number")
Hope this will be helpful.
I believe what you are describing is the Halting Problem. The main takeaway to Halting Problem is that computers cannot solve every problem. One of which being detecting generic infinite loops. It depends on the specific problem you are trying to solve, whether there is a solution to detecting infinite loops.
If you have anymore questions please refer to Wiki on the Halting Problem
In NASA's The Power of 10: Rules for Developing Safety-Critical Code there is a rule "All loops must have fixed bounds. This prevents runaway code."
In this trivial example this would be:
# sum of square of digit of n
def numSquareSum(n):
count = 0
squareSum = 0
squareSum += (n % 10) * (n % 10)
n = int(n / 10)
count += 1
if count > 100000000:
raise Exception('loop bound exceeded')
return squareSum

Are calculations involving a large matrix using arrays in VBA faster than doing the same calculation manually in Excel?

I am trying to do calculations as part of regression model in Excel.
I need to calculate ((X^T)WX)^(-1)(X^T)WY. Where X, W, Y are matrices and ^T and ^-1 are denoting the matrix transpose and inverting operation.
Now when X, W, Y are of small dimensions I simply run my macro which calculates these values very very fast.
However sometimes I am dealing with the case when say, the dimensions of X, W, Y are 5000 X 5, 5000 X 1 and 5000 X 1 respectively, then the macro can take a lot longer to run.
I have two questions:
Would, instead of using my macro which generates the matrices on Excel sheets and then uses Excel formulas like MMULT and MINVERSE etc. to calculate the output, it be faster for larger dimension matrices if I used arrays in VBA to do all the calculations? (I am not too sure how arrays work in VBA so I don't actually know if it would do anything to excel, and hence if it would be any quicker/less computationally intensive.)
If the answer to the above question is no it would be no quicker. Then does anybody have an idea how to speed such calculations up? Or do I need to simply put up with it and wait.
Thanks for your time.
Considering that the algorithm of the code is the same, the speed ranking is the following:
Dll custom library with C#, C++, C, Java or anything similar
I have compared a VBA vs C++ function here, in the long term the result is really bad for VBA.
So, the following Fibonacci with recursion in C++:
int __stdcall FibWithRecursion(int & x)
int k = 0;
int p = 0;
if (x == 0)
return 0;
if (x == 1)
return 1;
k = x - 1;
p = x - 2;
return FibWithRecursion(k) + FibWithRecursion(p);
is exponentially better, when called in Excel, than the same complexity function in VBA:
Public Function FibWithRecursionVBA(ByRef x As Long) As Long
Dim k As Long: k = 0
Dim p As Long: p = 0
If (x = 0) Then FibWithRecursionVBA = 0: Exit Function
If (x = 1) Then FibWithRecursionVBA = 1: Exit Function
k = x - 1
p = x - 2
FibWithRecursionVBA = FibWithRecursionVBA(k) + FibWithRecursionVBA(p)
End Function
Better late than never:
I use matrices that are bigger, 3 or 4 dimensions, sized like 16k x 26 x 5.
I run through them to find data, apply one or two formulas or make combos with other matrices.
Number one, after starting the macro, open another application like notepad, you might have a nice speed increase ☺ !
Then, I guess you switched of screen updating etc, and turned of automatic calculation
As last: don't put the data in cells, not in arrays.
Just something like:
Dim Matrix1 as String ===>'put it in declarations if you want to use it in other macros as well. Remember you can not do "blabla=activecell.value2" etc anymore!!
In the "Sub()" code, use ReDim Matrix1(1 to a_value, 1 to 2nd_value, ... , 1 to last_value)
Matrix1(45,32,63)="what you want to put there"
After running, just drop the
Matrix1(1 to a_value, 1 to 2nd_value,1) at 1st sheet,
Matrix1(1 to a_value, 1 to 2nd_value,2) at 2nd sheet, etc
Switch on screen updating again, etc
In this way my calculation went from 45 minutes to just one, by avoiding the intermediary screen update
Success, I hope it is useful for somebody

Function call faster than on the fly calculation?

I am now seriously confused. I have a function creating a table with a random number of entries, and I tried two different methods to choose that number (which is somewhat wheighted):
Method 1, separated function
local function n()
local n = math.random()
if n < .7 then return 0
elseif n < .8 then return 1
return 2
local function final()
for i = 1, n() do
Method 2, direct calculation
local function final()
local n = math.random()
if n < .7 then n = 0
elseif n < .8 then n = 1
else n = 2
for i = 1, n do
The problem is: for some reason, the first method performs 30% faster than the second. Why is this?
No, call will never be faster than plainly inlining it. All the difference for the first method is adding extra work of setting up stack and dismantling it. The rest of code, both original and compiled is exactly the same, so it is only natural that "just calculation" will be faster than "just calculation + some extra work".
Your benchmark seem to be imprecise. For such a lightweight function a for loop and os.clock call themselves will take almost as many time as the function itself, so combined with os.clock inherent low resoulution and small amount of loops your data is not really statistically significant and you're mostly seeing results of random hiccups in your hardware. Use better timer and increase number of loops to at least 1000000.

Optimization of "static" loops

I'm writing a compiled language for fun, and I've recently gotten on a kick for making my optimizing compiler very robust. I've figured out several ways to optimize some things, for instance, 2 + 2 is always 4, so we can do that math at compile time, if(false){ ... } can be removed entirely, etc, but now I've gotten to loops. After some research, I think that what I'm trying to do isn't exactly loop unrolling, but it is still an optimization technique. Let me explain.
Take the following code.
String s = "";
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
s += "x";
As a human, I can sit here and tell you that this is 100% of the time going to be equivalent to
So, in other words, this loop can be "compiled out" entirely. It's not loop unrolling, but what I'm calling "fully static", that is, there are no inputs that would change the behavior of the segment. My idea is that anything that is fully static can be resolved to a single value, anything that relies on input or makes conditional output of course can't be optimized further. So, from the machine's point of view, what do I need to consider? What makes a loop "fully static?"
I've come up with three types of loops that I need to figure out how to categorize. Loops that will always end up with the same machine state after every run, regardless of inputs, loops that WILL NEVER complete, and loops that I can't figure out one way or the other. In the case that I can't figure it out (it conditionally changes how many times it will run based on dynamic inputs), I'm not worried about optimizing. Loops that are infinite will be a compile error/warning unless specifically suppressed by the programmer, and loops that are the same every time should just skip directly to putting the machine in the proper state, without looping.
The main case of course to optimize is the static loop iterations, when all the function calls inside are also static. Determining if a loop has dynamic components is easy enough, and if it's not dynamic, I guess it has to be static. The thing I can't figure out is how to detect if it's going to be infinite or not. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I know this is a subset of the halting problem, but I feel it's solvable; the halting problem is a problem due to the fact that for some subsets of programs, you just can't tell it may run forever, it may not, but I don't want to consider those cases, I just want to consider the cases where it WILL halt, or it WILL NOT halt, but first I have to distinguish between the three states.
This looks like a kind of a symbolic solver that can be defined for several classes, but not generally.
Let's restrict the requirements a bit: no number overflow, just for loops (while can be sometimes transformed to full for loop, except when using continue etc.), no breaks, no modifications of the control variable inside the for loop.
for (var i = S; E(i); i = U(i)) ...
where E(i) and U(i) are expressions that can be symbolically manipulated. There are several classes that are relatively easy:
U(i) = i + CONSTANT : n-th cycle the value of i is S + n * CONSTANT
U(i) = i * CONSTANT : n-th cycle the value of i is S * CONSTANT^n
U(i) = i / CONSTANT : n-th cycle the value of i is S * CONSTANT^-n
U(i) = (i + CONSTANT) % M : n-th cycle the value of i is (S + n * CONSTANT) % M
and some other quite easy combinations (and some very difficult ones)
Determining whether the loop terminates is searching for n where E(i(n)) is false.
This can be done by some symbolic manipulation for a lot of cases, but there is a lot of work involved in making the solver.
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++),
i(n) = 0 + n * 1 = n, E(i(n)) => not(n < 5) =>
n >= 5 => stops for n = 5
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i--),
i(n) = 0 + n * -1 = -n, E(i(n)) => not(-n < 5) => -n >= 5 =>
n < -5 - since n is a non-negative whole number this is never true - never stops
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i = (i + 1) % 3),
E(i(n)) => not(n % 3 < 5) => n % 3 >= 5 => this is never true => never stops
for(int i = 10; i + 10 < 500; i = i + 2 * i) =>
for(int i = 10; i < 480; i = 3 * i),
i(n) = 10 * 3^n,
E(i(n)) => not(10 * 3^n < 480) => 10 * 3^n >= 480 => 3^n >= 48 => n >= log3(48) => n >= 3.5... =>
since n is whole => it will stop for n = 4
for other cases it would be good if they can get transformed to the ones you can already solve...
Many tricks for symbolic manipulation come from Lisp era, and are not too difficult. Although the ones described (or variants) are the most common types practice, there are many more difficult and/or impossible to solve scenarios.

Prime number checker unbelievably slow

I have this piece of code which checks whether a given number is prime:
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
Return False
End If
For i = 3 To x / 2 + 1 Step 2
If x Mod i = 0 Then
Return False
End If
Return True
I only use it for numbers 1E7 <= x <= 2E7. However, it is extremely slow - I can hardly check 300 numbers a second, so checking all x's would take more than 23 days...
Could someone give some improvements tips or say what I might be doing redundantly this way?
That is general algorithm for checking prime number.
If you want to check prime number in bulk use algorithm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
Look up the term "Sieve of Eratosthenes". It's a two thousand years old algorithm which is way better than yours. It's often taught in school.
You should definitely change your algorithm! You can try Sieve of Eratosthenes or a more advanced Fermat primality test. Beware that your code will be more complicated, as you would need to implement modular arithmetics. Look here for the list of some even more mathematically advanced methods.
You can also look for AKS primality test.
This is a good algorithm for checking primality.
Since x/2 + 1 is a constant through out the looping operation, keep it in a separate variable before the For loop. Thus, saving a division & addition operation every time you loop. Though this might slightly increase the performance.
Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to create a Set that contains all the prime numbers up to the largest number you need to check. It will take a while to set up the Set, but then checking if a number exists in it will be very fast.
Split range in some chunks, and do checks in two or more threads, if you have multicore cpu. Or use Parallel.For.
To check if the number is prime you have only check if it can't be divided by primes less then it.
Please check following snippet:
Sub Main()
Dim primes As New List(Of Integer)
For x As Integer = 1 To 1000
If IsPrime(x, primes) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsPrime(x As Integer, primes As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As Boolean
For Each prime In primes
If prime <> 1 AndAlso prime <> x Then
If x Mod prime = 0 Then
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
it slow because you use the x/2. I modified your code a little bit. (I don't know about syntax of VB, Maybe you have to change my syntax.)
If x < 2 Then
Return False
IF x == 2 Then
Return True
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
Return False
End If
For i = 3 To (i*i)<=x Step 2
If x Mod i = 0 Then
Return False
End If
Return True