Running code from VBA to VBScript back to VBA - vba

I'm trying to figure out a way to call a VBScript function using vba in Excel, and then pass a value back to excel-vba. See below
VBA within Excel
Sub RunTest()
Dim objString as String
'Begin Pseudocode
objString = Call VBScript Function Test()
'End Pseudocode
MsgBox objString `from VBS
End Sub
Function Test
Test = "Hello World"
End Function
I know this may seem strange because I could just write the function in VBA, but we had an office patch pushed out and it completely killed the functionality of one of my macros for some reason. Strange thing is, I can run the exact same code within any other office program, just not excel. As a work around, I moved the function that crashes excel to word and I pull it using, but I prefer to not have to do that, as opening a the word application to run my macro slows my process way down.
Any help is appreciated, thank You

Ok, I feel a litte dirty :)
This code has two key parts:
the vbs Uses GetObject and the full host workbook path to re-attach to the file containing the VBA that called the VBS
the VBS adds a value to a specific worksheet in the host VBA file to trigger the Worksheet_Change event to fire, running VBA with the string passed from the VBS.
Step 1: Regular Excel code module
Sub VBA_to_VBS_to_VBA()
Shell "wscript c:\temp\myvbs.vbs", vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Step 2: myvbs
Dim xlApp
Dim xlSht
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject("c:\temp\mybook.xlsx").Application
Set xlSht = xlApp.Sheets("vbs sheet")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not xlSht Is Nothing Then
xlSht.Range("A1").Value = "hello world"
wscript.echo "sheet not found"
End If
Step 3: Sheet code for vbs sheet in your Excel File
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
MsgBox [a1].Value, vbCritical, "VBS insertion"
End Sub

Try syntax like:
Sub Test()
Shell "cscript c:\TestFolder\sample.vbs", vbNormalFocus
End Sub


Print Button In Excel 2016 Using Macros?

I'm currently trying to create a Print Button on one of my worksheets. I need it to print that worksheet as well as another one. Both of the names are "Budget Sheet" and "Listed Commitments Sheet" without the quotation marks.
I created the button without hassle, but I know very little about Macros so I still need the code. I've tried multiple solutions, but nothing seems to work. I've recently tried to use this Code, but it hasn't worked. What am I doing wrong? What code could I possibly use instead?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Function PrintMultipleSheets()
Sheets(Array("Budget Sheet", "Listed Commitments Sheet")).PrintOut
End Function
End Sub
It comes up with an error that says "Compile Error: Expected End Sub".
The code doesn't compile, because you can't have a Function inside a Sub.
Get ride of the line Function PrintMultipleSheets() and get rid of End Function. It should work I think. You'll end up with:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets(Array("Budget Sheet", "Listed Commitments Sheet")).PrintOut
End Sub
Just a simple loop with a print call:
Sub forEachWs()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Call printSheet(ws)
End Sub
Function pasteContents(ws as Worksheet)
End Function

Excel VBA Retrieve Constant from Worksheet Code Fails When New Code is Written

In an attempt to retrieve constants from each worksheet in some reporting workbooks I use, three years ago I wrote some code that gets included in each worksheet. Here's an example of the code:
Option Explicit
' Determine the type of worksheet
Private Const shtType As String = "CR"
Public Function GetShtType()
GetShtType = shtType
End Function
In other code that gets the values from the worksheets for processing, the following section of code is used, where 'wksToCheck' is the worksheet in question. This code is stored in a personal macro workbook, not in the workbook with the worksheet code:
' Get the sheet 'type' if it has one
On Error Resume Next
shtType = wksToCheck.GetShtType()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' We do not have a type
shtType = "Unknown"
End If ' Err.Number...
On Error GoTo Error_BuildTemplateWbk
My problem is, I use the code above to process workbooks several times a week, and I have for the past three years. Now, I am trying to write some new code with the above block to process the report workbooks in a different way. However, when I run code with the above block now, I get a 'Method or Data Member Not Found' error on the '.GetShtType()' portion of the code. I cannot compile the code and of course, consequently, the code doesn't work. I have tried adding the worksheet code to a worksheet in the macro workbook to see if that would fix the problem. It hasn't. Does anyone have any ideas? I am running Excel 2013 on a Windows 7 PC. Any ideas?
Using late-binding, should avoid the error, Dim wksToCheck As Object, but you'll lose the intellisense.
If you're open to alternatives, you may have better luck simply using the CallByName function, or using worksheet's CustomProperties.
Using CallByName preserves backwards compatibility with your older workbooks if needed:
shtType = CallByName(wksToCheck, "GetShtType", VbMethod)
Or, using CustomProperties instead of a custom method, in your worksheets:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Const PropName$ = "ShtType"
Const ShtType$ = "CR"
On Error Resume Next
Me.CustomProperties(PropName) = ShtType$
If Err.Number = 13 Then
Me.CustomProperties.Add "PropName", ShtType
End If
End Sub
' Get the sheet 'type' if it has one
On Error Resume Next
shtType = wksToCheck.CustomProperties("ShtType")
If Err.Number = 13 Then
' We do not have a type
shtType = "Unknown"
End If ' Err.Number...
On Error GoTo Error_BuildTemplateWbk

Excel Add-in to call subroutine from ActiveWorkbook

I created an Add-In that adds a sheet to a Workbook and imports multiple modules. I would then like for the Add-in to run a Subroutine that is now in Active Workbook. This is what I have so far, and I'm getting Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method.
What is the correct syntax (if it can even be done). Thanks.
' Class name is EventClassModule
Public WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
If Wb.Name = "Just To Test.xls" Then
Wb.Sheets.Add Type:="C:\TestGLPage.xls"
fname = Dir("C:\Users\Me\Desktop\BAS\*.*", vbNormal)
While fname <> ""
If Right(fname, 3) = "frm" Or Right(fname, 3) = "bas" Or Right(fname, 3) = "cls" Then
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\BAS\" & fname
End If
fname = Dir() 'get the next file
Call Application.Workbooks("Just To Test.xls").starter
End If
End Sub
VBA is not a dynamic language. When you alter the code or the names of code objects at runtime VBA has to recompile those modules before the changes can be accessed. You may find breakpoints don't work properly after you've made such changes as well.
This recompilation happens automatically and immediately, but is not accessible from code that is already executing. You need to get Excel to re-enter the VBA code.
You may be able to get away with using Application.Run, but I would probably use Application.OnTime to be safer if you don't need starter to be a blocking call (which appears to be the case in your example code).
Just for clarity, when calling a subroutine using Application.Run or Application.OnTime you cannot qualify it using the module name. You can however qualify it using the workbook's name using bang syntax. Eg. Application.Run "Book1.xlsx!SubNameToBeCalled"
I created a blank workbook
I created two modules
Public Sub RunMe()
MsgBox "Test!"
End Sub
Public Sub Run()
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import "C:\Temp\Imported.bas"
' Showing how to do it with Run
Application.Run ThisWorkbook.Name & "!RunMe"
' Showing the safer way with OnTime
Application.OnTime Now, ThisWorkbook.Name & "!RunMe"
End Sub
I then exported the "Imported" module to "C:\Temp\Imported.bas" and removed it from the project.

Excel VBA Can't access sheet on external workbook

I have created a custom function in Excel using VBA. I'm trying to get data from a different workbook using the Workbooks.Open(path) command. Here's my code:
Option Explicit
Function TestFunction() As String
TestFunction = "Success."
End Function
Sub mySub()
Dim path As String
Dim wk As Workbook
path = "C:\Users\jg\Desktop\machine_data.xlsm"
Set wk = Workbooks.Open(path)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = wk.Sheets(1)
Debug.Print ws.Range("A2")
End Sub
Sub Test()
Debug.Print (TestFunction())
End Sub
Now my problem is the following:
When I run the Sub Test() within the VBA environment from Excel everything works as planned. machine_data.xlsm gets opened and the field A2 shows up in debug.
Once I go to the workbook where I defined this module in and type =TestFunction() into a cell, I get a #VALUE!. The file also doesn't get opened.
If I comment these two lines:
Set ws = wk.Sheets(1)
Debug.Print ws.Range("A2")
the cell will show Success!, but the file still doesn't open.
What am I doing wrong? Both workbooks are .xlsm files. I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
Just throw everything from mySub into the test function and if everything is successful have test function return the value of the cell. So testFunc = ws.Range("A2").
As DaveU already stated UDFs can only return values. I found a different workaround simply calling the function from within the VBA environment which lets me modify cell contents wherever I'd like.

Deactivating OLEObject with VBA breaks ribbon in Word 2007

I am writing a script that loops through the embedded excel sheets in my document with VBA. I activate them, do some modifications and go on with the next one. Afterwards, I want the last sheet to be deactivated again and I want the cursor to return to the start of the document.
I have the following code so far:
Private Sub DeactivateOleObject(ByRef oOleFormat As OLEFormat)
On Error Resume Next
oOleFormat.ActivateAs "This.Class.Does.Not.Exist"
End Sub
Sub AutoOpen()
Dim lNumShapes As Long
Dim lShapeCnt As Long
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim wrdActDoc As Document
Set wrdActDoc = ActiveDocument
For lShapeCnt = 1 To wrdActDoc.InlineShapes.Count
If wrdActDoc.InlineShapes(lShapeCnt).Type = wdInlineShapeEmbeddedOLEObject Then
Dim oOleFormat As OLEFormat
Set oOleFormat = wrdActDoc.InlineShapes(lShapeCnt).OLEFormat
DeactivateOleObject oOleFormat
End If
Next lShapeCnt
End Sub
I borrowed the deactivation code from Gary McGill. However, this method of deactivation breaks the ribbon in Word 2007.
I can imagine that it would be nicer to reactivate the main document instead of deactivating the OLEObject, but adding wrdActDoc.Activate doesn't seem to do this.
Is it possible to deactivate the excel worksheet without breaking the ribbon?
I don't agree with "tricking" Word like that with Gary's code you reference. See my other post on Update embedded excel file programmatically for how to safely deactivate (but know that it is SendKeys, so it will never be 100% perfect).