VB .NET Nested For Loops with DrawRectangle = Lag and Vanish? (Read) - vb.net

I have been working on a project and to make sure everything is working, I created a piece of code that Would fill my form with pixels.
For X As Integer = 0 To Me.Size.Width
For Y As Integer = 0 To Me.Size.Height
DrawPixel(Pens.BlueViolet, X, Y)
Y += 1
X += 1
Like a few pixels (Very very few in the left corner) get printed, then lag (wait cursor) ... then all the drawn pixels dissapear. Like it finished the drawing it's like "Lag? Okay I'll just make it vanish :P". I tried inserting a System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10)but it just makes the program lag even more.
Anyone have ideas on why it doesn't finish drawing, or how i could add a small timedelay without thread.sleep or A Timer?
Also DrawPixel is a subroutine of my own:
Friend Sub DrawPixel(clr As Pen, x As Integer, y As Integer)
g.DrawRectangle(clr, New Rectangle(New Point(x, y), New Size(1, 1)))
End Sub

Paint in the paint event that will persist the drawing when the system repaints. Use the e.Graphics object not Me.CreateGraphics.


Program first draws on invisible picturebox then picturebox becomes visible DESPITE Visibility supposed to c ome first then dynamic drawing

A snippet of my code:
Dim G As Graphics
Dim BBG As Graphics
Dim BB As Bitmap
Dim R As Rectangle
picMainScreen.Visible = True
G = picMainScreen.CreateGraphics
BB = New Bitmap(picMainScreen.Width, picMainScreen.Height)
For x = 0 To 256 * 3 - 1 Step 24
For y = 0 To 240 * 3 - 1 Step 24
R = New Rectangle(New Point(x, y), New Point(24, 24))
G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R)
In this snippet of code, picMainScreen was a PictureBox that was originally not supposed to be visible.
Then through some conditions, picMainScreen was SUPPOSED to TURN Visible.
And THEN, the code draws all the rectangles onto the picture.
However, that isn't the case: the rectangles are first drawn onto the picture, and THEN the picture becomes visible.
Why does this happen? And what's the remedy?
Your rectangle instantiation is interesting since you are using two parameters of type Point.
R = New Rectangle(New Point(x, y), New Point(24, 24))
The Microsoft Docs show these parameter types;
Rectangle(Point, Size)
Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class with the specified location and size.
I'm not sure if the parameter types are the problem; however you are mixing drawing graphics with a picture control and they might not cohabitate in the same space well.
You could try calling DoEvents() after making the picture control visible to force it to be displayed first.

Find 2 x values of the current y in a List(of Point)

I have a List(of PointF).
2 nested for loops run through a rectangle that is stretched around a circle (or circle-ish (but is really is a closed path)). I want to work within this circle with GetPixel(x,y). That means, I need the respective minimum and maximum x value of the respective y. How can I work that out with this List(Of PointF)?
The reason I'm requesting help here is because I get confused with these List.Find(predicates or matches)things.
For x As Integer = CInt(xmin) To CInt(xmax) Step 1
For y As Integer = CInt(ymin) To CInt(ymax) Step 1
'get the min and max value of x here
Edit: It's about: I wrote a program that uses gray images and Laplace to perform edge detection. A rectangle was drawn with the mouse and a search was made for edges within it. A Drawing2D.GraphicsPath was then created. This worked more or less well according to the object shown in the photo, because the rectangle had to be enlarged accordingly.
Now my idea is that I draw a freehand GraphicsPath myself (instead of a rectangle) and let it search for edges within it. That's why I have this circle (or egg) and I have to make sure that I don't get over its borders. I could already work out xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax, but not x1 and x2 (see drawing).
So as I loop through all of the points from xmin to xmax and ymin to ymax, I want to know if the current point is inside the shape.
I have to check whether its x value is between the shape's x range for the given y and then the reverse for the y value. That's my problem. How to use the List?
I think you're better off not For-looping through the entire space. That would work but it's more effort than I think you need computationally.
Given a point, to determine whether or not it is within your shape - as defined by a list of point - you should only need to compare the defined point's x and y co-ords with the shape list.
Eg, Given a point x=100px and y=100px, you know that you have to check whether its x value is between the shape's x range for a the given y (100px) (or the reverse for the y value).
This would (probably?) only work for a simple shape that does not "turn in on itself" or has a curvature that doesn't change polarity. (Not sure what the mathematical name for that is, but there is one.) An hour-glass shape, for example, would probably present greater difficulty.
Here's a simple Linq approach which determines whether a specified point is within a defined shape. Note that it excludes points on the extremity of the shape but you can include these by changing ">" to ">=", etc.
For simplicity, I've used an octagon to approximate a circle. Also, the code assumes that ALL points within the bitmap are defined for the shape. That is, no interpolation is used.
Dim s As List(Of Point) = New List(Of Point) From {New Point(50, 0), New Point(25, 25), New Point(0, 50), New Point(25, 75), New Point(50, 100), New Point(75, 75), New Point(100, 50), New Point(75, 25)}
Dim p As Point = New Point(30, 75) ' Is inside the shape
Dim IsInside As Boolean = s.Exists(Function(f) f.Y = p.Y AndAlso f.X < p.X) AndAlso s.Exists(Function(f) f.Y = p.Y AndAlso f.X > p.X)
There're probably ways to combine the Linq test, but you get the idea.
Meanwhile, there are 2 answers:
The solution by #SteveCinq and the solution by #Jimi.
Dim IsInside As Boolean = s.Exists(Function(f) f.Y = p.Y AndAlso f.X < p.X) AndAlso s.Exists(Function(f) f.Y = p.Y AndAlso f.X > p.X)

Picturebox will not display image

I'm writing a program that will create and load pictureboxs at run time. The problem is that they will not show up or display anything. Not sure what i'm doing wrong. i have checked and the full path for the images are correct.
Sub DrawScreen()
'Call g.DrawImage to draw whatever you want in here
Dim layers(Me.ListBox1.Items.Count) As PictureBox
For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
'Create New Layer as picturebox
layers(i) = New PictureBox
layers(i).Parent = Me.picWatch
layers(i).BackColor = Color.Transparent
layers(i).Visible = True
Select Case ListBox1.Items(i)
Case "image"
layers(i).Image = Image.FromFile(ListofLayers(i).Full_Path)
layers(i).Top = ListofLayers(i).X
Case "shape"
'Dim g As Graphics
Case "text"
Dim g As Graphics = layers(i).CreateGraphics
g.DrawString(ListofLayers(i).Text, New Font("Arial", 12), Brushes.White, ListofLayers(i).X, ListofLayers(i).Y)
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
You never add the picture boxes to the form. Call Me.Controls.Add():
And as already pointed out by LarsTech:
You seem to have a typo here:
layers(i).Top = ListofLayers(i).X
X is the coordinate for the control's horizontal position and is the same as .Left.
Y however is the coordinate for the control's vertical position, which is the same as .Top.
Using CreateGraphics is a bad idea. For starters, what you draw with it will get removed when the control is redrawn. And since you're not disposing it you'll also have memory leaks.
Subscribe to the Paint event for each picture box instead and do all drawing in there.
Finally, just a little note: Array declarations in VB.NET does not specify how many items there are to be in the array, but to what index the array should end at. And since arrays are zero-based, this:
Dim layers(Me.ListBox1.Items.Count) As PictureBox
...is equal to this:
Dim layers(0 To Me.ListBox1.Items.Count) As PictureBox
Thus the array will contain ListBox1.Items.Count plus one since what's inside the parentheses merely specify the lower and/or upper bound.
To create an array with the "correct" amount of items you should always specify the size minus one:
Dim layers(Me.ListBox1.Items.Count - 1) As PictureBox

One picture box shown many times in the same form

My Goal is to create a maze in VS using VB.net, I currently have managed to make a random Generator that makes the "maze" and shows the location of the last wall made.
Horizontalwalls = Randomizer.Next(60, 91) 'Makes 60 - 90 Horizontal Walls
VirticalWalls = Randomizer.Next(60, 91) 'Makes 60 -90 Vertical Walls
Dim HLoops = 0 'counter for Horizontal walls
Dim VLoops = 0
lbxHorizontal.Items.Clear() 'empties the list box i have which stores the walls location
Do While HLoops < (Horizontalwalls)
HLoops += 1 'adds to the counter
lbxHorizontal.Items.Insert(0, Randomizer.Next(0, 10))
lbxHorizontal.Items.Insert(0, Randomizer.Next(0, 10))
'Attempt at making visable walls
pbxhorizontalwall.Top = (lbxHorizontal.Items.Item(0) * GridSize - 2) 'This and next line puts the wall in desired location
pbxhorizontalwall.Left = (lbxHorizontal.Items.Item(1) * GridSize - 2)
however the only way i know to make all the walls visible is to make 90 horizontal wall pictures, go though naming them all, then GLaaa... there must be a easier way to copy the same image over the screen at the desired location.
At the moment, all i really want to know is the line of code that will copy the image (and maybe a way to mass clear them all when the maze is reset) and then i'll work out how to get it into place...
You first create the list of images with:
Dim imageList As New List(Of Bitmap)
imageList.Add("image to add") 'do it for all the images you have
Then create a bitmap:
Dim bitmapWall as Bitmap = New Bitmap(widthOfbitmap, heightofbitmap, Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
Draw the list of images to the bimap:
Dim objGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapWall)
For i = 0 To imageList.Count
objGraphics.DrawImage(imageList(i), x, y, imageList(i).Width, imageList(i).Height)
x,y is the coordinates of where your images are drawn (you should change them for every iteration)
Me.BackgroundImage = bitmapWall
Dont forget to dispose the list and the bitmap in the end.

Find total overlap percent of multiple rectangles overlapping the same rectangle?

I've got a list of System.Drawing.RectangleF objects that all overlap the same RectangleF object. In my picture below, the 3 overlapping rectangles would be the pink, yellow, and red rectangles. My main rectangle in question is the light blue rectangle.
Second Image:
I know that with RectangleF objects I can use the Intersect() method that will return me another RectangleF object representing the overlap. But as far as I can tell, this only really works when comparing two rectangles.
My question is: How could I determine the TOTAL area/percentage (i.e. the combined total overlap of the red, yellow, and pink rectangles when compared to the light blue rectangle - but it would need to be smart enough to not count the area in which the red and yellow overlaps twice, and same for the pink and yellow)?
NOTE: The green lines represent the area I'm looking for, just the total area of the blue rectangle that is not visible.
UPDATE: I've added a 2nd image to further demonstrate what I'm looking for. In the second image, the presence of the burgundy rectangle should have no affect on the total percent covered because that area is already covered by the yellow and green rectangles.
OK I think I found a solution using a Region that seems to be working for both of my example images above:
Private Function TotalCoveredAreaPercent(ByVal oRectToCheck As RectangleF, ByVal oOverlappingRects As List(Of RectangleF)) As Double
Dim oRegion As New Region(oRectToCheck)
Dim dTotalVisibleArea As Double = 0
Dim dTotalCoveredArea As Double = 0
'now we need to exclude the intersection of our
'overlapping rectangles with our main rectangle:
For Each oOverlappingRect As RectangleF In oOverlappingRects
oRegion.Exclude(RectangleF.Intersect(oRectToCheck, oOverlappingRect))
'now we have access to the non-overlapping
'rectangles that make up the visible area of our main rectangle:
Dim oVisibleRects As RectangleF()
oVisibleRects = oRegion.GetRegionScans(New Drawing2D.Matrix())
'add the area of the visible rectangles together
'to find the total visible area of our main rectangle:
For Each oVisibleRect As RectangleF In oVisibleRects
dTotalVisibleArea += AreaOf(oVisibleRect)
Dim dPercentVisible As Double = dTotalVisibleArea / AreaOf(oRectToCheck) * 100
'percent covered is 100 - the visible percentage:
Return (100 - dPercentVisible)
End Function
This seems to be working pretty well, and is quite simple.
Here is my algorithm. The key point is that we are subtracting out overlaps of overlaps.
Dim baseRect As New RectangleF(10, 10, 20, 20)
Dim otherRectList As New List(Of RectangleF)
otherRectList.Add(New RectangleF(5, 5, 10, 10))
otherRectList.Add(New RectangleF(20, 20, 10, 10))
otherRectList.Add(New RectangleF(10, 5, 10, 10))
Dim overlapRectList As New List(Of RectangleF)
For Each otherRect As RectangleF In otherRectList
If RectangleF.Intersect(otherRect, baseRect) <> RectangleF.Empty Then
overlapRectList.Add(RectangleF.Intersect(otherRect, baseRect))
End If
Dim totalArea As Single = 0
For Each overlapRect As RectangleF In overlapRectList
totalArea += overlapRect.Width * overlapRect.Height
'Subtract out any overlaps that overlap each other
For i = 0 To overlapRectList.Count - 2
For j = i+1 To overlapRectList.Count - 1
If i <> j Then
If RectangleF.Intersect(overlapRectList(i), overlapRectList(j)) <> RectangleF.Empty Then
Dim dupeRect As RectangleF = RectangleF.Intersect(overlapRectList(i), overlapRectList(j))
totalArea -= dupeRect.Width * dupeRect.Height
End If
End If
I amended the code to take into account tcarvin's note. However, I have not plotted out the results on graph paper to see if this is fully correct. I will look at it as soon as I have additional time. Also note that I have not included any code to handle a situation with less than 2 intersections.