FineUploader: Harvest original last modified date when uploading to Amazon S3 - amazon-s3

I would like to send the last modified date of the uploaded file to the server. I have the javascroipt snippet to get that using FileApi ($(this).fineUploaderS3('getFile', id).lastModifiedDate). I would like to send this information when the uploadSuccess's endPoint is called, but I cannot find the callback which is right for me at Events | Fine Uploader documentation, and I cannot find the way I could inject the data.
These are submitted as POST parameters to my server when the upload finished to S3: key, uuid, name, bucket. I would like to inject the lastModified date here somehow.
Option 2:
Asking the Amazon S3 service about last modification date does not help directly, because the uploaded file has the current date, not the file's original date. It would be great if we could inject the information into the FineUploader->S3 communication in a way that S3 would use it for setting it's own last modified date for the uploaded file.
Other perspective I considered:
If I use onSubmit and setParams then I the Amazon S3 server will take it as 'x-amz-meta-lastModified'. The problem is that when I upload larger files (which is uploaded in chunks with an other dance) then I get signing error. ...<Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.</Message>....
The Other perspective I considered works. The bottleneck was the name of the custom metadata chih I used at setParams. It cannot contain capital letters, otherwise the signing fails. I did not find any reference documentation for it. For one I checked Object Key and Metadata - Amazon Simple Storage Service. If someone could find me a reference I would include that here.
The original question (when and how to send last modified date to the server component) remains.
(Server is PHP.)
The Option 2 will not work, as far my research went the "Last Modified" entry cannot be manually altered at Amazon S3.

If the S3 API does not return the expected last modified date, you can check the value of the lastModifiedDate on the File object associated with the upload (provided the browser supports the file API) and send that value as a parameter to the upload success endpoint. See the documentation for the setUploadSuccessParams API method for more details.


List of reserved parameter names for AWS S3

It seems that the GET parameter location is a reserved parameter on AWS S3. Say I have a resource on an S3 bucket, accessible via the web:
... and I simply append the GET parameter location to it, I get an HTTP 403:
It works so long as I change the parameter name to something else. For example:
So clearly location is a reserved word in AWS S3. My question is: is there a list of all reserved words I shouldn't try to use as GET parameters with S3?
I searched the docs but couldn't find any such list.
location in the query tells S3 that you're asking for the location of a bucket. It's one of several "subresources" (things that are not objects) in S3 that are accessed via query string parameters.
You could probably compile a nearly complete list by reviewing the entire API reference documentation, but here's a partial list found in some older docs (Signature Version 2):
The subresources that must be included when constructing the CanonicalizedResource Element are acl, lifecycle, location, logging, notification, partNumber, policy, requestPayment, torrent, uploadId, uploads, versionId, versioning, versions, and website.
They periodically add new ones, like select and delete and tagging, so an exhaustive list is not future-proof.
Your safest bet is to use parameters beginning with x- (but not beginning with x-amz since these may be reserved or carry other implications). This is mentioned in the logging documentation:
You can include custom information to be stored in the access log record for a request by adding a custom query-string parameter to the URL for the request. Amazon S3 ignores query-string parameters that begin with "x-", but includes those parameters in the access log record for the request, as part of the Request-URI field of the log record.

multiple browser with same input file

an input text file from the web browser needs to be processed in AWS lambda and the output (JSON) needs to rendered back to the browser. (note: AWS beanstalk is being used).
How to handle a case, if there are 10 users/client uploading text file with the same name. AWS lambda should render the output to the respective user/client. How to do this with S3 or EFS.
(NOTE: the users cannot be uniquely identified as there any login credentials for the users)
We had similar problem and solved in the following way.
Find the uniqueness and name it accordingly.
If there are frequent uploads in a given time, then add a random sequence number.
If you want to make it completely random, you can use uuid(hexadecimal) or idgen (alphanumeric)
Hope this help.

How to make permanent URL to S3 file in Obj C

I am using aws s3 for storing files and returning links to those files. It's very convenient but I only know how to generate a pre-signed URL which only lasts for a set amount of time.
Is there anyway to generate a default URL which lasts permanently? I need the user to be able to access the photo from within their app. They take a photo, it's uploaded. They view it. Pretty standard.
You have to use Handlers (DOI, PURL, PURLZ, persistant URIs)
All are free of charge, except for DOIs.
You create that handler, then you add it to your project.

Dropbox Webhooks API

I want to fetch the events related to my dropbox like I can see here , means I want to get when a particular file is added, changed, moved, deleted or renamed and by which user.
I have looked into the Webhooks docs. The webhook docs states the the response it sends to the callback url contails the userids, with which I can update the directory listing based on the webhook response for the user by calling the /delta.
But with it I cannot tell if there is an operation made for a file like a particular file has been renamed or deleted as since if I rename a file fro abc to xyz. If I get a response then I will look for the changes related to the file xyz which I will not find in my existing database so logically I will be making the events as deleted abc and added xyz, where as the reality is renamed abc to xyz.
It will be really grateful if you can help me regarding this.
There's no real way to detect a rename (versus a delete and an add) via the Dropbox API. You can use heuristics (like whether the new file has the same contents as the old file and was created around the same time as the old file was deleted), but those are just going to be guesses with varying levels of accuracy.
Also, there's currently no way via the API to see which user modified a file in a shared folder.
UPDATE: The Core API now includes (in beta) the ability to see who last modified a file in a shared folder. See
A file rename is reported as DeletedMetadata followed by a FileMetadata for the file.
What is annoying is that DeletedMetadata do not contain the file .id attribute, only .name and .path, while FileMetadata include all attributes (.id same as before any deletions/renames, updated .name and .path).
So you should have a local mapping connecting names/paths and IDs in order to know which file got deleted (when only DeletedMetadata is received) or renamed (when both DeletedMetadata and FileMetadata are received).

I am using the fine uploader plugin and having trouble using the delete file feature after upload

Base on their document, there is the UUID of the file to be deleted sent server with teh delte request.
But I have been trying the whole day and i cant get it to work.
For example here is a UUID of a file "1a2c636f-04f0-48c3-956f-22274a93b82f", i don't know how to use this to delete a the file. Should it be decrypted with some form of function first.
This might be a simply thing, but i don't know how to do it.
Thank you for your help in advance.
The UUID for a file is passed along with each request. You must associate this UUID with the actual file server-side. When the DELETE request comes in, find the file associated with the passed UUID, delete it, and return a 200 response.
Looking at the server-side readme again, I realize that the presence of this parameter in each request is probably not documented very well. I just updated the documentation to add another reference to this parameter.