I cant seem to get a proper return of company updates (shares) via the LinkedIn API: https://developer.linkedin.com/reading-company-shares
When I make a request for company updates with event type "new-hire" of lets say The Coca Cola company my endpoint is:
This gives me a result of 0
[#attributes] => Array
[total] => 0
However when making a request for company updates with event type "status update" my endpoint is:
This gives no result but a status 500 API sever error.
[status] => 500
[timestamp] => 1390384395039
[request-id] => 2O14IFML4X
[error-code] => 0
[message] => Internal API server error
Am I doing something wrong? Is my API endpoint not correct? Or is this a LinkedIn API bug. I've found posts of other developers having similar problems.
You need to use oauth2_access_token to get data like this https://api.linkedin.com/v1/companies/id/updates?oauth2_access_token=access_token&format=json&event-type=job-posting&count=250
I am getting this issue while using custom endpoints. My entire functionality is based on get_current_user_id(). So, when I am running endpoint url it's not working through custom endpoint.
Even in init function user id is null. But when I print anything it working fine on site.
I am using this:
register_rest_route('v2', '/product/(?P\d+)/',
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE,
'callback' => 'wp_get_webhook_product',
I'm using the Google API client library for PHP to create Google Surveys. I'm able to create surveys, but not start them. The error I receive is:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [domain] => global [reason] => BILLING_TRANSACTION_ERROR [message] => Billing Transaction Error: Current user is not configured for post-payment..
I've set up a billing account # https://console.cloud.google.com/billing and see my project linked to the account, but am still getting this error.
Any help would be appreciated!
I'm on the Google Surveys team. To start and stop surveys with the API, you'll need to have an established sales relationship with us. Please email surveys-api#google.com for more information on getting set up with that.
I already implemented outlook notification rest api into my code and its work fine but today it suddenly failed and gives me 400 error.
Request outlook for create subscription for notification
{"error":{"code":"ErrorInvalidParameter","message":"The parameter 'Resource' is invalid."}}
My post data as below ::
URL => outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/subscriptions
$subscriptionParameters = json_encode(array(
"#odata.type" => "#Microsoft.OutlookServices.PushSubscription",
"Resource" => "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/events",
"NotificationURL" => "https://mydomain/acceptnotification.php",
"ChangeType" => "Created, Updated, Deleted",
"ClientState" => "c75831bd-fad3-4191-9a66-280a48528679"
Pass above data to outlook with access_token and email address using cUrl
Please suggest me.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Microsoft engineering team is investigating it right now. Meanwhile, a workaround that worked for multiple subscription cases is to use relative URL for the resource property
"Resource": "me/events",
Using the Ebay API I am getting a 500 error while sending a POST to createUploadJob.
I want to create an UploadJob for the Bulk Data Exchange API, but every time I receive "Net::HTTPInternalServerError 500 Internal Server Error readbody=true" back. I'm using Ruby on Rails to send this xml-requests feed to ebay:
< ? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< createUploadJobRequest xmlns="http://www.ebay.com/marketplace/services">
< uploadJobType> "AddFixedPriceItem" < /uploadJobType>
< UUID> "ebay-upload-123456"< /UUID>
< /createUploadJobRequest>
Here are the headers (here as a hash, but they are added to the headers later):
"X-EBAY-SOA-OPERATION-NAME" => "createUploadJob",
"X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-NAME" => "BulkDataExchangeService",
I'm using this ebay endpoint:
My NET::HTTP build:
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new( [uri.path, uri.query].join('?') )
req.body = content if verb == POST and !content.nil?
if (!headers.nil?)
headers.each do | key, value |
req[key] = value
logger.debug "HEADER Empty!"
The scheme is https and the method is POST. getItem-Fkt of the Trading API works, but for the lms I receive the above error.
-> i find something interesting in the error-logger for the responses ...
I dont understand why, in Trading API in works, maybe i have to encode it to utf-8? ...
[05.08.2015 17:49:00]:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><errorMessage xmlns="http://www.ebay.com/marketplace/services"><error>
<category>System</category><message>Authentication failed : The token does not exist, the user must complete the Auth & Auth sign in process to generate token.</message>
<subdomain>Authentication</subdomain><parameter name="Param1">The token does not exist, the user must complete the Auth & Auth sign in process to generate token.</parameter></error></errorMessage>
"Api execution successful. No data found for the API."
I am a customer of yodlee using live API .
In /jsonsdk/SiteAccountManagement/getAllSiteAccounts, i am passing both valid cobSessionToken, userSessionToken but it is returning "Api execution successful. No data found for the API." as response.
Shall i know what is wrong in my input.
I am using PHP - REST API.
GET_ALL_SITE_ACCOUNTS = /jsonsdk/SiteAccountManagement/getAllSiteAccounts
$config = array(
"url" => Yodlee\ConfigInc\serviceBaseUrl.Yodlee\ConfigInc\GET_ALL_SITE_ACCOUNTS,
"parameters" => array(
"cobSessionToken" => $cobSessionToken,
"userSessionToken" => $userSessionToken,
$response_to_request = Yodlee\restClient::Post($config["url"], $config["parameters"]);
so my $response_to_request variable returning "Api execution successful. No data found for the API."
There is nothing wrong with your input. Your user doesn't have any data present in Yodlee's data base and hence this response is returned. You need to first add a site using bank credentials and then you will have data through these APIs.
Please refer to Quick Start guide for more help.