Node Webkit - Executable Program Name - executable

My program I am running using the NodeWebkit is called app.exe. (The one where I combine the basic .exe with my app.nw file.)
How do I find the program name, ie the "app.exe", within the program itself using javascript?

I found it finally. It can be got from process.execPath.


Intellij and vscode doesn't run a Hello World java program

like this the program seementer image description here
after i setup intellij i tried to run my first java program but it doesn't work and always shows the message of "Abnormal build process termination"
and i tried to work on vscode but it also doesn't work
Looks like from your output that you named a folder with a ? at the beginning (C:\Users\?...) and apparently Java doesn't like that. Try moving the project in another folder or try renaming it.
(Post the whole output if you can, it's filled with useful info)

How can I run only single kotlin file in Intellij

I have a problem when i run Kotlin file in Intelij.
I want to run only one kotlin file that is AbstractVehicle.kt
under the image is code of AbstractVhicle.kt
However, I got an error. because always run with other Kotlin files when I run!!
I tried to run using variety way to run only AbstractVehicle.kt file (ex:for example control + shift + R or control + R... My laptop is Macbook )
please help me.. how can run only one kotlin file
First, Click file AbstractVhicle.kt. Second, right click. Third, click run AbstractVhicle main method.

Running a pre-existing .java

I'm switching from Sublime Text 3 to IntelliJ, I had a file on my desktop that I used for small testing but now I am not able run the same in IntelliJ, the problem is it's not showing the file when I select run.
I tried experimenting with different projects created through IntelliJ and understand that I need to set Project to run the code, but again I don't see the file I want.
Here is the project selection screen
Here is what happens when I hit run
See this answer and this document.
You need to configure the content and source roots inside the Java module.
If you right click on and click "Run 'test'", that will attempt to run your main class. Although you may have a NullPointer exception in your code. When you attempt to access a.get(0), the value will return null as there are no Integers in your ArrayList. Also generally class files are named with uppercase first characters. Hope this helps!

system.diagnostic.process.start problem

Im trying to create an application launcher using I'm trying to launch desktop shortcuts that are hidden because I want my desktop to be free of mess. Those shortcuts are created through nircmd :
I used this code:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("E:\Documents and Settings\Rew\Desktop\SpeakClipboard.exe")
And it returned the error that the path specified cannot be found.
I tried launching an application in program files using this method and it worked well.
Is there a problem with shortcuts? I cannot specify the path for the file where the shortcut is linked because its a shortcut in the desktop and doesn't point to anything except the nircmd.exe that is on : F:\NIRCMD
But I also tried using this path for system.diagnostic.process.start:
F:\NIRCMD\nircmd.exe cdrom open g:
But still no luck.
If I understand correctly SpeakClipboard.exe is actually a shortcut? If so it probably has a hidden .lnk extension. So you should specify SpeakClipboard.exe.lnk or SpeakClipboard.lnk if it doesn't actually have .exe in the name.
There is a property on the ProcessStartInfo object that allows you to specify an argument.
eg your command would be "F:\NIRCMD\nircmd.exe" and the arguments would be "cdrom open g:"
Does that work?

Extract the contents of cmd.exe IDE to a text file using autohotkey scripts

I am trying to extract the contents of cmd.exe IDE to a text file using autohotkey scripts ie one test.ahk and its written as shown below:
WinGetText, text, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe"
FileAppend, %text%, C:\ThreePartition\ACTUAL.txt
I am not able to extract the contents. Can anyone please suggest the correct way to do the extraction?
The text retrieved is generally the same as what Window Spy shows for that window.
The Window Spy shows no text elements for CMD windows - what you see is not necessarily what you can get :)
What you can do is to simulate the Select All and Paste commands, and then use the clipboard contents.
I don't believe you can extract the contents of a cmd window without somehow using DllCall to read the process memory directly.
If you just want the output of a CLI command such as Grep or AWK, using stdout via the run command should work. Honestly though, I stopped relying on AHK because this sort of thing is just too clunky.
Edit for comments:
What you want is doable, but the solution depends entirely on how your IDE works. What behavior does it have that's unique to building a project? If it makes temp files, you can overload your "build" button with an AHK subroutine that watches for the existence of those files, and then checks the modified date of the output executable to see if the build succeeded. The same kind of solution works if the IDE changes its window title when building. Be clever. :)
Failing that, you might have to install a message hook.