Can someone prompt me in the right direction to use mod_rewrite? - apache

I am a bit new to this but I am trying to learn. I know that in PHP we can have a URL that ends in ?id=something but it seems to me that some websites are doing it just forward slashes. Is this possible using PHP? I saw these questions that seem to say it is possible but I haven't cracked it yet.
Can someone prompt me in the right direction for mod_rewrite? I would like to change the following URL
Can you point me into the right way?

What you are looking for is Apache Url Rewriting.
I will break it down a bit for you to help you understand, it helps to know a bit of regex.
there are a lot of answers here that discuss the method, but to sum it all up, you need to do three things.
# Switch on URL Rewriting
# Choose the URL that you want to display
# Point it to the true URL that gives the information.
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^all-products/items-on-sale/health/adaaos45/?$ all-products/?onsale=true&topic=health&item=adaaos45 [NC,L]
Now of course, if you would want to match any results for the variables, you need to match the word in regex, and remember it, and use it in the last part of the line. But this should get you started on understanding what is going on.
With this code in your .htaccess, browsing to
will show you the content that displays on this page.


Rewriting Link with mod-rewrite

I have a link being sent to users in one format, but I need to make sure it passes through a main index page for login purposes. I figured mod rewrite was the way to go.
Link being clicked on by user:
Where it needs to go: original URL from above, including query string)
The o= in this case will let the user login and pass them along to that original URL. Now, there are also some images and a style sheet involved, so I need to have the rewrite ignore them.
After reading documentation and a number of code examples (many from this site), I tried to just get a basic code going to see if my rewrites will even work, as I'm new to this.
This appears to force the URL to rewrite but isn't passing the user along to the original link:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
Also please note this is all going inside a virtual host, not htaccess. As I said, the code above appears to redirect when I test it, but it might be unintended and not at all how I should write it.
I also tried adding in this code for images/stylesheet ignores
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|jpg|jpeg)$ [NC]
At that point everything went crazy, but I know it's because I'm slapping code together and thinking it's going to work. From that point I tried a lot of changes, but most resulted in a loop condition and I kept falling back to square one (original code you see above). Apologies for the long winded post, but I'm hitting my head against a wall at something I thought wouldn't be difficult. Obviously, despite reading, I'm lacking some understanding. Any guidance would be very helpful.
The problem with your current solution is: an URL is only allowed to have one ? inside.
Note that your code will send a redirection status code to redirect inside the browser, because you provided a FQDN. Try doing an internal redirect by just using /index.html?o=.... If that doesn't work either (not sure right now), URL-Encode the second ?
[Edit]: rewrite, guess I got the question wrong.

can't figure out mod_rewrite for certain pretty url

I am having trouble figuring out how to write this condition I am wanting in my .htaccess file.
I have tried multiple different ways with no success but, here is what I am trying to accomplish. Using apache.
My current url is like this:
I am wanting to turn it into this:
I want to hide the name of the real page and the id and its value.
can someone please help ive spent all night trying to figure this out.
This will do what you want. But beware, that id is hard-coded in .htacess, which is very bad. So, you'll need a line for every alias. That's why I asked about transfering alias to id in the script.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule differentpagename/a-text-like-this/ /page?id=123&variable=a-text-like-this [L]

Disallow double or junk wildcard subdomains in htaccess mod rewrite for SEO

I have wildcard subdomains enabled on my domain. I use this so that I can rewrite urls like to and display to the user the local language version of page.php.
The one potential problem I see with allowing wildcard subdomains is that people can link to or even and it will display a perfectly working clone of the website. I presume this 'duplicate content' is bad for SEO.
Can anyone come up with a RewriteRule which detects subdomains of more than 2 letters (www. excluded of course) and 301 redirects offending urls to the clean base I'm having trouble when I consider domains like which already look like they are on a subdomain.
As a side note, are there any similar implications for SEO on the opposite side of the url, with query parameters? For example, will surely show a duplicate page. How does Google handle this content?
Here's the rewrite rule I'm using currently. If I wanted to clean up bad urls with PHP, I'd need to modify this to catch all subdomains. i need to do this generically (without specifying as it's going to be used on a CMS. Any suggestions?
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([a-z]{2})\.
RewriteRule p/(.*) page.php?p=$1&lang=%1
I honestly can't speak to fixing your actual issue, but I can confirm that is really, REALLY bad for SEO. I've got two years' experience in the field and I'm currently working on a project cleaning up links for our main U.S. site. A couple of the biggest problems have come from sites just like you described where there were around 100 * The biggest issue is the effect of this problem with trust flow, it basically sends a link's trust rating to 0 and tells Google that, not only should this link be disregarded, the domain it came from and links to should be investigated for potential spammy-ness.
As to your final question on implications:
Query parameters can be just as helpful or detrimental as any other URL structure, so you want to be careful with those, as well. If you've got different language versions of your site, be sure to have one (especially if you don't have entirely unique content) as the rel-canonical page. The thing is, linking structure is important to search engines, but not overly so. It's one of many metrics. I'd be far more concerned about the subdomains. If you happen to be able to sneak in some small, basic keywords that help describe the page in with your query vars, it could help a bit. I would, however, highly suggest that you have a three or four tiered structure to your site, supported in the URLS.
See this
Google tends to like:
Going more than three deep spreads you too thin and less than that makes the site too bulky to navigate. I believe it's covered somewhat here if you've never seen it:
Search Engine Journal
Single Grain and
can answer a lot of your SEO questions and tools like:
SERPMetrics Flux
can help a lot, too. Try doing a little reading and see if you can decide a good scheme for your links.
Again, sorry, I don't know really any Apache, but hopefully that'll help!
Presumably you have a rewrite rule that takes anything in front of and puts it into the lang parameter. Rather than having a rewrite rule to do the redirecting, have your page.php script examine the lang parameter and issue a redirect for invalid values.
Thanks to all for the info & replies on this. The solution I've found is to write a more generic .htaccess rule to catch all subdomains and forward them to PHP for processing. PHP then checks if the subdomain is valid and if not, 301 redirects the visitor to the root domain. This way if someone links to, Search engines should see that as a link to just I'm only using language subdomains on my site but it should work for any subdomains you want to use.
Here's the htaccess rewrite:
The regex works by finding the last instance of more than 3 domain-name-valid characters, followed by a dot, followed by any other string. The idea is that it finds the domain name in the url, then captures everything before it. Obviously this wont work for domains which are shorter than 3 characters.
#All sub domains are redirected to p.php for processing:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)\.[a-z0-9\-]{3,}\..*
RewriteRule (.*) p.php?subdom=%1 [L]
Here's the PHP:
function redirect301($page='/'){
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
$subdom = $_REQUEST['subdomain']; //you should sanitise this if using this script!
$defaultLang = 'en';
$alternateLangs = "de|es"; //list of allowed subdomains
$alternateLangs = explode('|',$alternateLangs);
if(!empty($subdom) && $subdom!= 'www'){
if( !in_array($subdom,$alternateLangs) ) redirect301(); //redirect to homepage
$ISOlangCode = $subdom; // en,es,de,etc - capture code for use later
if($defaultLang && $ISOlangCode == $defaultLang) redirect301(); //disallow subdomain for default language (redirect to homepage)
Hopefully this helps someone out.

htaccess redirect rule help please (wildcard in URL)

I'm rebuilding a site from the ground up, but the site I'll be replacing already ranks pretty well for SEO.
I have a number of pages in the format of the following:
"send-me-information-on-" is consistent across all products.
I can write redirects on a per product basis, but I've got more than 200 products so it would be great to handle this using a rewrite rule.
What I need to achieve is the following New URL:
Now I understand for SEO purposes, this probably isn't the best approach, but I'd like to maintain a single information request page.
I figured the best approach would be to use a Regex to match the string, and set an environment variable which I'd use in the resulting URL. I'm not too familiar with .htaccess rules though.
Can anyone help me achieve this?
RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/send-me-information-on-([^.]+).php$ $1/$2/product-information-request.php?product=$3 [QSA,L]

Simple mod_rewrite, replace one word in every instance

I've been looking for an answer to this forever and can't find it, yet it seems like it should be so simple!
I want to use mod_rewrite to replace a word in a url in every instance that it shows up, but I don't want a redirect to happen, just changing the way the url appears to site users.
I know I could go through and start tweaking files but mod_rewrite would work much better because I'm sure I'll mess something up otherwise (for reference I'm using joomla/jomsocial).
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule something/groups/.*$ something/projects/$1