ExtJS tpl renders twice - extjs4

ExtJS 4.2.2
The test code below is not rendering what I would expect
I would expect to see:
Hello Effy
instead I am seeing
Hello Effy
the HTML from FireFox is
<div id="test-1002" class="x-component x-fit-item" style="margin: 0px; width: 800px; height: 126px;">
Hello Effy
with itemSelector commented out I get a blank screen
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Test', {
extend: 'Ext.view.View',
alias: 'widget.test',
itemSelector: '',
tpl: ["<p>Hello {name}</p>"],

The tpl config is the template for the whole view, which means you need to provide the iteration. It gives you the freedom to do stuff like:
Some heading
<tpl for=".">
<div class="foo">{name}</div>
Some footer
Assuming you just want to set the template for each item, use the itemTpl config:
itemTpl: '<p>Hello {name}</p>'


Magnific Popup fails to work with multiple galleries on a page

I am using magnific popup on a new website that i am building but i am running into a problem getting it to work when multiple galleries on the same page.
I'm using wordpress, Slick Slider to display a slider full of thumbnails and when one of the thumbnails is clicked it should open the larger version of the image in the Magnific Popup.
My HTML looks like this:
<div class="media-carousel slick-initialized slick-slider" id="carousel-links">
<div class="slick-list draggable" tabindex="0">
<div class="slick-track" style="opacity: 1; width: 1152px; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);">
<div class="slick-slide slick-active" data-slick-index="0" style="width: 288px;">
<div class="standard_media_element media_title">
<a href="image1-large.jpg" title="" class="gallery-item" data-effect="mfp-move-horizontal">
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="" class="standard-image"></a>
<div class="slick-slide slick-active" data-slick-index="1" style="width: 288px;">
<div class="standard_media_element media_title">
<a href="image2-large.jpg" title="" class="gallery-item" data-effect="mfp-move-horizontal">
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="" class="standard-image"></a>
<div class="slick-slide slick-active" data-slick-index="2" style="width: 288px;">
<div class="standard_media_element media_title">
<a href="image3-large.jpg" title="" class="gallery-item" data-effect="mfp-move-horizontal">
<img src="image3.jpg" alt="" class="standard-image"></a>
<div class="slick-slide slick-active" data-slick-index="3" style="width: 288px;">
<div class="standard_media_element media_title">
<a href="image4-large.jpg" title="" class="gallery-item" data-effect="mfp-move-horizontal">
<img src="image4.jpg" alt="" class="standard-image"></a>
I have a site.js file that contains all of the javascript for my site in it. I'm calling magnific popup using the following function. I've added some extra stuff in it to add effects.
jQuery('#carousel-links').each(function() {
delegate: 'a',
type: 'image',
tClose: 'Close (Esc)',
tLoading: '',
preload: [1,4],
tPrev: 'previous',
tNext: 'next',
tCounter: '%curr% of %total%'
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
return item.el.attr('title') + ' ยท <a class="image-source-link" href="'+item.src+'" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-image-o"></i> open original</a>';
closeBtnInside: false,
closeOnContentClick: false,
mainClass: 'mfp-zoom-in',
removalDelay: 300, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation
callbacks: {
lazyLoad: function (item) {
console.log(item); // Magnific Popup data object that should be loaded
beforeOpen: function() {
jQuery('#carousel-links a').each(function(){
jQuery(this).attr('title', $(this).find('img').attr('alt'));
open: function() {
//overwrite default prev + next function. Add timeout for css3 crossfade animation
jQuery.magnificPopup.instance.next = function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() { jQuery.magnificPopup.proto.next.call(self); }, 120);
jQuery.magnificPopup.instance.prev = function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() { jQuery.magnificPopup.proto.prev.call(self); }, 120);
imageLoadComplete: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() { self.wrap.addClass('mfp-image-loaded'); }, 16);
I have the same exact HTML code building different galleries outputting on the same page and for some reason the first carousel with lightbox works great. But for whatever reason, the second gallery does not work. The carousel works fine, but Magnific Popup does not fire. When i click on one of the thumbnails, it opens the larger image in the browser window.
I tested my js function by adding a "console.log("clicked");" after the .each. I see the console that the thumbnail is being clicked and that part is working.
Any idea how i can get the multiple sliders to work on my page?
I've tried the example from the documentation for the multiple galleries by removing everything from the function and making it as barebone as possible. I get the same result, the first lightwindow works but the second one does not.
I'm not seeing any js errors on the console either.
This isn't an ideal solution, but i did find a way to make this work. I had to use unique IDs on each slider in order to get the lightbox to work if multiple sliders were on the same page using the same ID value. In this case, I was using #carousel-links for all of the sliders. I guess you can't share the same ID for sliders across the board and get this lightbox to work?
I also moved the javascript code to be right after the carousel in the module template page. I removed it for now from my site.js file.
I'm not looking for a way to optimize the code so i can put it in my site.js. I'll try to grab that ID value by using the class on each carousel. I'll report back if i can get that to work.
Could the problem i was having when the lightbox only worked with the first instance of the lightbox be because i was an ID instead of a CLASS as my selector for the lightbox? I changed to the CLASS and now they are all working.
What fixed my problem is I changed the selector from the ID to a class on the same element. This allowed for multiple galleries on the same page to work together with no problem.

Adding Title Overlay to Video.js player

I am new to Video.js, but like what I see so far. One thing I have not seen: How to add a title to the top of the player, which will disappear on play, and reappear on pause.
I can see how to tie an action to these events, and I have read about adding elements to the player. For instance (this example is only halfway done):
var myContainer = videoObj.addChild('button');
which I got from: https://github.com/videojs/video.js/blob/master/docs/api/vjs.Component.md
that snippet adds this code:
<div class="vjs-control myContainer" role="button" aria-live="polite" tabindex="0" style="display: block;">
<div class="vjs-control-content">
<span class="vjs-control-text">Need Text</span>
But what I want is a simple DIV that will have a title, with code like this:
<div class="myOverlay">
<h2>Title of Video</h2>
Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Is there a better way to get what I want done?
Thanks in advance,
Have you tried this videojs plugin?
You can choose to show the overlay on certain events like start, playing or end of the video.
player = videojs('/path/to/video', options, function() {});
overlay_content = '<div class="myOverlay"><h2>Title of Video</h2></div>';
overlays: [{
start: 'loadstart',
content: overlay_content,
end: 'playing',
align: 'top'
}, {
start: 'pause',
content: overlay_content,
end: 'playing',
align: 'top'

dojox.mobile.SimpleDialog is not modal

I have the following structure of the Worklight application page:
<div with heading/>
<div with view/>
<div with Tab bar/>
<div with simple dialog/>
When I build the app for iPad and test it on it i have the following problem.
Dialog window puts gray unclickable layer on everything except the tab bar.
Why the tab bar stays available?
Is it a bug or I'm doing wrong?
Have you tried to put the heading, tab bar and dialog in the view?
Who invoke simpleDialog? try this
<div id="home" data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.ScrollableView"
<div with heading/>
<div with simple dialog
<button data-dojo-type='dojox.mobile.Button' onClick="openDialog()">
<div with Tab bar/>
for invoke simple dialog, write
function openDialog(){
WL.SimpleDialog.show("text ", "text",[{text: "buttonName", handler: function() {WL.Logger.debug("dfsdfd"); }
I tried put in views in a different variations, but it still didn't work.
Than while debugging I found out that the grey cover, which should cover everything in background has a
postion: absolute;
than I override this css class with
position: fixed;
and everything became great:)

how to disable single tab in dojo tabcontainer

i want to disable single tab in tabcontainer of dojo .
Here's my workaround for this problem:
For some reason, altering the disabled property, or calling setDisabled does nothing for me.
You can't do it directly since this is not a feature of the DOJO tab container. There has been a bug against DOJO, open for about 3 years, to add the feature: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/5601
That defect also has a potential workaround in it.
dijit.byId('tab').controlButton.domNode.disabled = true
I answered this question in another thread. Basically it involved getting jQuery involved. Works great for me. I have all the tabs created statically (as opposed to programatically) and I'm able to manipulate whether they are shown or hidden with the help on jQuery. All the code any everything is in my post here:
How do I dynamically show and hide an entire TabContainer using DOJO?
You can override its default css to make the tabbar invisible.
dojo.attr(dijit.byId('tab'), "disabled", true);
dijit.byId('tab').onClick = function () { };
You can disable tabs by setting the disabled property of the pane:
Source: https://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dojo/dom-style.html
pane.set("disabled", true);
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/TabContainer" style="width: width: 350px; height: 200px">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="My first tab" data- dojo-props="selected:true">
Lorem ipsum and all around...
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="second" title="My second tab">
Lorem ipsum and all around - second...
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="My last tab" data- dojo-props="closable:true">
Lorem ipsum and all around - last...
<script type="dojo/require">
registry: "dijit/registry"
<button type=button onclick="registry.byId('second').set('disabled', !registry.byId('second').get('disabled'));">
toggle tab #2 disabled
Only problem here is that it's not visible to the user they can't click on it.
You can these additional CSS selectors:
.dijitTab.dijitDisabled {
cursor: not-allowed !important;
.dijitTab.dijitDisabled > .tabLabel{
cursor: not-allowed !important;

How do I specify the selected tab with dijit.layout.TabContainer?

How do you specify the selected tab at startup?
How do you programmatically select tabs?
HTML - Use selected attribute.
<div id="tabContainer" dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer"
tabStrip="true" style="width: 100%; height: 20em;">
<div id="tab1" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Tab 1">Tab 1</div>
<div id="tab2" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Tab 2"
selected="true">Selected tab 2</div>
JavaScript - Use selectChild method on TabContainer widget.
var cp = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
title: 'Tab title',
content: 'Selected tab...'
var tc = dijit.byId("tabContainer");
You can find more examples here: TabContainer Demo
WARNING!!! This demo is from nightly build. Not all features are included in 1.3.2 version.
You can specify the tab to display at startup with the selected attribute.
new dijit.layout.ContentPane({title: "My Tab Title",
content: dojo.byId("MyContent"),selected:true});
After the TabContainer startup, you can use selectChild with the id or the reference to the widget. Note that calling selectChild before the TabContainer startup results in an error.