rangeOfString doesn´t recognize Substring - objective-c

I have this behaviour I can´t understand.
NSString *title = [[PushNotifcationManager getPushNotificationSettingsForKey:#"settings"] objectForKey:#"title"];
NSLog(#"title: %#",title); //Outputs Test\ntest
if([title rangeOfString:#"\n"].location == NSNotFound){
//String contains no \n
//String contains \n
Even though the String clearly contains "\n" the [title rangeOfString:#"\n"].location == NSNotFound returns true.

NSLog("%#") does not escape backslash characters in strings, so the output
Test\ntest means that your string contains a backslash character followed by a n,
not a newline character.
Therefore you have to check for
[title rangeOfString:#"\\n"]
where \\ in a string literal stands for one backslash character.


line break at starting of UILabel text

I have string to display in UILabel, but the UILabel isn't displaying the text of the below string.
string is : " \n \n If you are using a corticosteroid medication"
I know \n at the start isn't logical but I am getting it from server and hence I can not change it. So is there any way to resolve this issue.
Any way that label displays rest text by adding two line break at start or how can I truncate \n if it is in the beginning of string.
Did you try this?
[yourString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
If you are wanting to remove \n from your string you could just use something as simple as
NSString *myString = #" \n \n If you are using a corticosteroid medication";
myString = [[myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\n"
stringByReplacingOccurencesOFString: withString: will replace all occurrences of the given string (In your case \n) with the given string.
The above should technically do the exact same as [myString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
If you want to replace only within a specific range then you could use stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range: instead like:
myString = [myString replaceOccurencesOfString:#"\n"
range:NSMakeRange(0, 7)];
This will remove all occurrences of \n within the given range, for this example from 0 - 7
Check out he Apple documentation for this here
Try this
NSString *text = #" \n \n If you are using a corticosteroid medication";
text = [text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];

Trim whitespace in between characters

i just updated to ios 7 sdk, and I would like to trim/replace the whitespace between characters of a string whereby the numbers are taken out from ABAddressBook.
I have tried using the replace " " with "" code below, but this code doesnt seems to work in ios7 sdk, it works fine in ios 6 sdk by the way.
NSString *TrimmedNumberField = [self.numberField.text
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#""];
is there any other way I could do it in IOS 7?
It's a phone number type that I'm trying.
Input: "+65 12 345 6789"
The output i got from NSLog is " 12 345 6789"
I realized that when I added into NSDictionary and view it in NSLog, it appears that it contains a unix code representation of \u00a0 which is similar to the "dot in the middle" which is not equals to a fullstop.
thanks in advance.
Found the answer from here
phoneNumber = [phoneNumber stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString:#"." withString:#""];
// where #"." was created by typing Option+ Spacebar
The number is extracted from ABAddressbook.
You can loop over the string and remove whitespace as long as there is any
NSString *someString = #"A string with multiple spaces and other whitespace.";
NSMutableString *mutableCopy = [someString mutableCopy];
// get first occurance of whitespace
NSRange range = [mutableCopy rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
// If there is a match for the whitespace ...
while (range.location != NSNotFound) {
// ... delete it
[mutableCopy deleteCharactersInRange:range];
// and get the next whitespace
range = [mutableCopy rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
// no more whitespace. You can get back to an immutable string
someString = [mutableCopy copy];
The result with the string above is Astringwithmultiplespacesandotherwhitespace.
Try This:
NSString *str = #" untrimmed string ";
NSString *trimmed = [str stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
Try This
[yourString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
whitespaceCharacterSet Apple Documentation for iOS says
Returns an NSData object encoding the receiver in binary format.
(NSData *)bitmapRepresentation
Return Value
An NSData object encoding the receiver in binary format.
This format is suitable for saving to a file or otherwise transmitting or archiving.
A raw bitmap representation of a character set is a byte array of 2^16 bits (that is, 8192 bytes). The value of the bit at position n represents the presence in the character set of the character with decimal Unicode value n. To test for the presence of a character with decimal Unicode value n in a raw bitmap representation, use an expression such as the following:
So Try This
NSString *testString = #" Eek! There are leading and trailing spaces ";
NSString *trimmedString = [testString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];

searching and replacing an extended ASCII in a string

a noob question here.
I am trying to make an automatic search and replace process for characters' ASCII values in a string.
so, I have a string constructed from a content of a UITextField
NSString *searchText;
searchText = (mmText.text);
then I do a little loop and check all entered characters for their ASCII values. if they're not in the allowed range I want to search and replace them with something else (? for now)
so let's say I am in the loop and I get to a ASCII 45 character (it's a minus sign):
int asciiCode = 45;
now I would like to find the ASCII 45 character in the string and replace it with a question mark
This is what I am doing at the moment:
NSString *ascStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", asciiCode];
NSRange matchSpace;
matchSpace = [searchText rangeOfString: ascStr];
if (matchSpace.location == NSNotFound)
NSMutableString *searchandReplace = [NSMutableString stringWithString: searchText];
[searchandReplace replaceCharactersInRange: [searchandReplace rangeOfString: ascStr] withString: #"?"];
mmText.text = searchandReplace;
This works fine for a regular ASCII value (0-255), but it doesn't seem to work for the extended ASCII values coming from foreign languages. For example when using the Korean language mode, one of the main character looks like a double crossed W, but when printed via NSLog it looks like a copyright sign. This is probably the reason the search and replace procedure doesn't work for it. It has an ASCII value of 8361.
any ideas ? thank you!
it turns out it was as simple as changing:
NSString *ascStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", asciiCode];
NSString *ascStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%C", asciiCode];
8-bit unsigned character (unsigned char), printed by NSLog() as an ASCII character, or, if not an ASCII character, in the octal format \ddd or the Unicode hexadecimal format \udddd, where d is a digit
16-bit Unicode character (unichar), printed by NSLog() as an ASCII character, or, if not an ASCII character, in the octal format \ddd or the Unicode hexadecimal format \udddd, where d is a digit

NSString nslog revealing "\n" newline character

I want to log an NSString but when I log it, it doesn't show the new line character "
n". How can I make it so it does? Thanks.
You can process the string first and replace all occurrences of \n with \\n
NSString *newString = [originalString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\n" withString:#"\\n"];

Best way to split a string into tokens skipping escaped delimiters?

I'm receiving an NSString which uses commas as delimiters, and a backslash as an escape character. I was looking into splitting the string using componentsSeparatedByString, but I found no way to specify the escape character. Is there a built-in way to do this? NSScanner? CFStringTokenizer?
If not, would it be better to split the string at the commas, and then rejoin tokens that were falsely split (after inspecting them for a (non-escaped) escape character at the end) or looping through each character trying to find a comma, and then looking back one character to see if the comma is escaped or not (and then one more character to see if the escape character is escaped).
Now that I think about it, I would need to check that the amount of escape characters before a delimiter is even, because only then is the delimiter itself not being escaped.
If someone has a method that does this, I'd appreciate it if I could take a look at it.
I think the most straightforward method to do this would be to go through the string character by character as you suggest, appending into new string objects. You can follow two simple rules:
if you find a backslash, ignore but copy the next character (if exists) unconditionally
if you find a comma, end of that section
You could do this manually or use some of the functionality of NSScanner to help you (scanUpToCharactersFromSet:intoString:)
I would prefer to use a regular expression based parser to weed out the escape characters and then possibly doing a split operation (of some type) on the string.
Okay, (I hope) this is what wipolar suggested. It's the first implementation that works. I've just started with a non-GC-collected language, so please post a comment if you think this code can be improved, especially in the memory-management department.
- (NSArray *) splitUnescapedCharsFrom: (NSString *) str atChar: (char) delim withEscape: (char) esc
NSMutableArray * result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableString * currWord = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < [str length]; i++)
if ([str characterAtIndex:i] == esc)
[currWord appendFormat:#"%c", [str characterAtIndex:++i]];
else if ([str characterAtIndex:i] == delim)
[result addObject:[NSString stringWithString:currWord]];
[currWord release];
currWord = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[currWord appendFormat:#"%c", [str characterAtIndex:i]];
[result addObject:[NSString stringWithString:currWord]];
[currWord release];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:result];