Making a masterworkbook with a table pulling data from child - vba

In my directory c:/test I have multiple workbooks named "xx-xxxxx.xlsm" where "xx-xxxxx" is the registrationnumber of the car that is documented in the specific file.
In all the xx-xxxxx.xlsm files there is a sheet named "Summary", and in this sheet, the data structure is the same in all the workbooks - b1 is the, b2 is cartype, b3 is the purchase date, b4 is the user etc.
Now I want to make a masterworkbook with a masterTABLE sheet that sums up all the summarysheets in one table without opening the individual workbooks.
In this table I have the in column A, cartype in column B, purchasedate in column C, user in column D and so forth.
The obvious solution is to make a formula saying ='C:/test/[xx-xxxxx.xlsm]Table'!$b$2, and then manually insert the appropriate file name. But since I have the in the first column in the master table and the same in the file name (and MANY cars/files/rows/columns), I would like to have a formula like ='C:/test/[b2]Table'!$b$2 or VLOOKUP and just copy it down each column/row. But this of course does not work.
I have tried other solutions on similar challenges suggested by other users in this and other forums , but they do not work for me (i.e. I am not capable enough in VBA to modify the macros suggested to my needs.
What I want is in the masterTable-sheet in the masterworkbook to have all the registration numbers of the cars in the first column and one record/car pr row, and based on this number, I want formulas/macros in column B that gets the cartype from A3 in all the separate workbooks, in column C I want a formula that gets the purchase date from A4 from all the workbooks.
Further I would, in the masterworkbook, like to have a SETUP sheet where I write the path to the directory i.e. c:/test so that it can be used in the formula/macro that is the solution on the above problem. Or if the path can be derived automatically from the directory in which the active masterworkbook is saved.
Can anyone out there help me?
And please note that I am a novice in VBA and need it explained loud and clear ;)
Thank you in advance :)

yes, you can build a formula that will pull from another workbook. e.g. if your reg. no. is in A2, and your path is in Setup!A1 then a formula such as
=INDIRECT("'[" & Setup!A1 & A2 & ".xlsx]Summary'!B2")
will work - Note that INDIRECT will only work on open files, and the file will have to be open for the Indirect to update itself.
using a function like INDIRECT.EXT from morefunc.dll - install instructions here
There is another Indirect function that someone has written, IndirecEx, that also does the same as the INDIRECT.EXT function but shows the source here: code shown to avoid link rot:
'- Designed and written by Wilson So.
'- The 'CreateObject("Excel.Application")' trick was inspired by Harlan Grove's PULL function source code.
'This is an open source. You can freely redistribute and modify it, but please kindly give credit to the contributers.
'Please also kindly report any bugs/suggestions through e-mail or in the forums where I posted it.
'How to use:
'- Basically same as INDIRECT() in Excel - the same concept for the ref_text parameter.
'- To update the static memory for a particular reference,
' type TRUE in the second parameter (just one of the IndirectEx() containing that reference)
' and calculate it once.
'- You can refer to the closed workbook data.
'- The retrieved closed workbook data will be stored in the static memory,
' so in the next time, the closed workbook will not be opened again for fast retrieve.
'- A range instead of an array will be returned if the path is omitted in the ref_text,
' so it still works fine if the user refers to an enormous array, e.g. "Sheet1!1:65536".
'- You can use it inside INDEX(), VLOOKUP(), MATCH() etc.
'- You can use it with OFFSET(), but only for opened workbook data.
'- The procedure will not blindly retrieve all the data as requested;
' it will not retrieve data beyond the "Ctrl + End" cell, in order to keep the memory as small as possible.
'- #NUM! will be returned in case of lack of memory.
'- #REF! will be returned in case of a wrong path.
'- #VALUE! will be returned in case of other errors.
'Known issues:
'- Due to the use of SpecialCells(), #VALUE! will be returned if the worksheet for a closed workbook is protected.
Function IndirectEx(ref_text As String, Optional refresh_memory As Boolean = False) As Variant
On Error GoTo ClearObject
Dim RefName As String
Dim SheetName As String
Dim WBName As String
Dim FolderName As String
Dim vExcel As Object
Dim vWB As Workbook
Static dbOutput() As Variant
Static dbKey() As String
Static dbTotalOutput As Integer
Dim dbIndex As Integer
Dim UserEndRow As Long, UserEndCol As Integer
Dim RealEndRow As Long, RealEndCol As Integer
Dim EndRow As Long, EndCol As Integer
Dim RangeHeight As Long, RangeWidth As Integer
GetNames ref_text, RefName, SheetName, WBName, FolderName
If dbTotalOutput = 0 Then
ReDim dbOutput(1 To 1) As Variant
ReDim dbKey(1 To 1) As String
End If
For i = 1 To dbTotalOutput
If dbKey(i) = FolderName & WBName & "!" & SheetName & "!" & RefName Then
dbIndex = i
End If
If dbIndex = 0 Or refresh_memory Then
If dbIndex = 0 Then
dbTotalOutput = dbTotalOutput + 1
dbIndex = dbTotalOutput
ReDim Preserve dbOutput(1 To dbTotalOutput) As Variant
ReDim Preserve dbKey(1 To dbTotalOutput) As String
dbKey(dbIndex) = FolderName & WBName & "!" & SheetName & "!" & RefName
End If
If FolderName = "" Then
Set dbOutput(dbIndex) = Workbooks(WBName).Worksheets(SheetName).Range(RefName)
ElseIf Dir(FolderName & WBName) <> "" Then
Set vExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set vWB = vExcel.Workbooks.Open(FolderName & WBName)
With vWB.Sheets(SheetName)
On Error GoTo ClearObject
UserEndRow = .Range(RefName).Row + .Range(RefName).Rows.Count - 1
UserEndCol = .Range(RefName).Column + .Range(RefName).Columns.Count - 1
RealEndRow = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
RealEndCol = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
EndRow = IIf(UserEndRow < RealEndRow, UserEndRow, RealEndRow)
EndCol = IIf(UserEndCol < RealEndCol, UserEndCol, RealEndCol)
RangeHeight = EndRow - .Range(RefName).Row + 1
RangeWidth = EndCol - .Range(RefName).Column + 1
On Error Resume Next
dbOutput(dbIndex) = .Range(RefName).Resize(RangeHeight, RangeWidth).Value
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
IndirectEx = CVErr(xlErrNum)
GoTo ClearObject
End If
End With
On Error GoTo ClearObject
vWB.Close False
Set vExcel = Nothing
IndirectEx = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
End If
If TypeOf dbOutput(dbIndex) Is Range Then
Set IndirectEx = dbOutput(dbIndex)
IndirectEx = dbOutput(dbIndex)
End If
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
If Not (vExcel Is Nothing) Then
vWB.Close False
Set vExcel = Nothing
End If
End Function
Private Sub GetNames(ByVal ref_text As String, ByRef RefName As String, ByRef SheetName As String, ByRef WBName As String, ByRef FolderName As String)
Dim P_e As Integer
Dim P_b1 As Integer
Dim P_b2 As Integer
Dim P_s As Integer
P_e = InStr(1, ref_text, "!")
P_b1 = InStr(1, ref_text, "[")
P_b2 = InStr(1, ref_text, "]")
P_s = InStr(1, ref_text, ":\")
If P_e = 0 Then
RefName = ref_text
RefName = Right$(ref_text, Len(ref_text) - P_e)
End If
RefName = Replace$(RefName, "$", "")
If P_e = 0 Then
SheetName = Application.Caller.Parent.Name
ElseIf P_b1 = 0 Then
SheetName = Left$(ref_text, P_e - 1)
SheetName = Mid$(ref_text, P_b2 + 1, P_e - P_b2 - 1)
End If
SheetName = Replace$(SheetName, "'", "")
If P_b1 = 0 Then
WBName = Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.Name
WBName = Mid$(ref_text, P_b1 + 1, P_b2 - P_b1 - 1)
End If
If P_s = 0 Then
FolderName = ""
FolderName = Left$(ref_text, P_b1 - 1)
End If
If Left$(FolderName, 1) = "'" Then FolderName = Right$(FolderName, Len(FolderName) - 1)
End Sub


VBA - Difficulties autofiltering worksheet with array

I am trying to write a macro that opens another worksheet and automatically filters it when clicking on an element on a different sheet. The way this is supposed to work is the following:
Sub Link_erzeugen()
' Link_erzeugen Makro
' Tastenkombination: Strg+Umschalt+L
Dim CostFactor As String
CostFactor = ActiveCell
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:="'2017 P&L'!A1", TextToDisplay:=CostFactor
Dim CostElements As Variant
Dim CostElementsNoSpaces As Variant
CostElements = Array()
CostElementsNoSpaces = Array()
Dim MatchedCostFactors As String
Dim myKey As Worksheet
Set myKey = Worksheets("Allocation Key")
Dim i As Long
Dim strRange As String
Dim Elements As String
For i = 1 To 26
With myKey
strRange = Chr(i + 64) & "8"
MatchedCostFactors = Range(strRange).Value
If StrComp(MatchedCostFactors, CostFactor, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Elements = Chr(i + 64) & "9:" & Chr(i + 64) & "22"
CostElements = Sheets("Allocation Key").Range(Elements).Value
Exit For
End If
End With
Next i
ReDim CostElementsNoSpaces(0 To 0)
Dim Counter As Long
Dim NoBlankSize As Long
NoBlankSize = 0
For Counter = LBound(CostElements) To UBound(CostElements)
If CostElements(Counter, 1) <> "" Then
NoBlankSize = NoBlankSize + 1
CostElementsNoSpaces(UBound(CostElementsNoSpaces)) = CostElements(Counter, 1)
ReDim Preserve CostElementsNoSpaces(0 To UBound(CostElementsNoSpaces) + 1)
End If
Next Counter
Dim PandL As Worksheet
Set PandL = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("2017 P&L")
With PandL
.Range("D1").AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=CostElementsNoSpaces, _
Operator:=xlFilterValues, _
End With
Worksheets("2017 P&L").Activate
End Sub
When a user clicks a cost element on the first sheet, the macro searches for the cost element's name on a different worksheet (Allocation key) and takes the values below the name once it finds it as an array. I then want to autofilter the sheet 2017 P&L with the values in the array.
So far, I have encountered quite a few issues and since I am very new to VBA, I would appreciate some help.
As it stands right now, the error that I face is that the run-time error 1004 is returned indicating the that the autofilter method of the the range object failed. I have been trying a few things, but I am really not sure how to fix this. It may be that the CostElementsNoSpaces array has only vertical values whereas the autofilter method demands horizontal values, so maybe transponing the variable may help. However, even if I simply enter a single value as filter criterion I am returned the run-time error.
Does anyone have an idea how I might be able to approach this?
Thanks a lot!

Collect unique identifiers from one column and paste the results in a different worksheet.

What I'm looking to do is comb through a column and pull all the unique identifiers out of that column and then paste the results in a table in a different worksheet. I found the code below and it is very close to what I need. However, I have two major problems with it that I cannot figure out. First the area that this macro searches is constant ie "A1:B50". I need this to be one column and be dynamic since more data and new unique identifiers will be added to this worksheet. Second I cannot figure out how to paste my results to a specific range on a different worksheet. For example if I wanted to take the results and paste them in "sheet2" starting in at "B5" and going to however long the list of unique identifiers is.
Sub ExtractUniqueEntries()
Const ProductSheetName = "Sheet1" ' change as appropriate
Const ProductRange = "B2:B"
Const ResultsCol = "E"
Dim productWS As Worksheet
Dim uniqueList() As String
Dim productsList As Range
Dim anyProduct
Dim LC As Integer
ReDim uniqueList(1 To 1)
Set productWS = Worksheets(ProductSheetName)
Set productsList = productWS.Range(ProductRange)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each anyProduct In productsList
If Not IsEmpty(anyProduct) Then
If Trim(anyProduct) <> "" Then
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
If Trim(anyProduct) = uniqueList(LC) Then
Exit For ' found match, exit
End If
If LC > UBound(uniqueList) Then
'new item, add it
uniqueList(UBound(uniqueList)) = Trim(anyProduct)
'make room for another
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) + 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next ' end anyProduct loop
If UBound(uniqueList) > 1 Then
'remove empty element
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) - 1)
End If
'clear out any previous entries in results column
If productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row > 1 Then
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & 2 & ":" & _
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).Address).ClearContents
End If
'list the unique items found
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = _
'housekeeping cleanup
Set productsList = Nothing
Set productWS = Nothing
End Sub
I think your solution is a bit more tricky than it needs to be. Collecting unique ids becomes almost trivial is you use a Dictionary instead of a list. The added benefit is that a dictionary will scale much better than a list as your data set becomes larger.
The code below should provide you with a good starting point to get you going. For convenience's sake I used the reference from your post. So output will be on sheet2 to starting in cell B5 going down and the input is assumed to be on sheet1 cell B2 going down.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Option Explicit
Sub ExtractUniqueEntries()
'enable microsoft scripting runtime --> tools - references
Dim unique_ids As New Dictionary
Dim cursor As Range: Set cursor = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2") 'change as Required
'collect the unique ids
'This assumes that:
'1. ids do not contain blank rows.
'2. ids are properly formatted. Should this not be the could you'll need to do some validating.
While Not IsEmpty(cursor)
unique_ids(cursor.Value) = ""
Set cursor = cursor.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
'output the ids to some target.
'assumes the output area is blank.
Dim target As Range: Set target = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B5")
Dim id_ As Variant
For Each id_ In unique_ids
target = id_
Set target = target.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
Next id_
End Sub
A small modification will do it; the key is to define the ProductRange.
Sub ExtractUniqueEntries()
Const ProductSheetName = "Sheet1" ' change as appropriate
Dim ProductRange
ProductRange = "B2:B" & Range("B" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Const ResultsCol = "E"
Dim productWS As Worksheet
Dim uniqueList() As String
Dim productsList As Range
Dim anyProduct
Dim LC As Integer
ReDim uniqueList(1 To 1)
Set productWS = Worksheets(ProductSheetName)
Set productsList = productWS.Range(ProductRange)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each anyProduct In productsList
If Not IsEmpty(anyProduct) Then
If Trim(anyProduct) <> "" Then
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
If Trim(anyProduct) = uniqueList(LC) Then
Exit For ' found match, exit
End If
If LC > UBound(uniqueList) Then
'new item, add it
uniqueList(UBound(uniqueList)) = Trim(anyProduct)
'make room for another
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) + 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next ' end anyProduct loop
If UBound(uniqueList) > 1 Then
'remove empty element
ReDim Preserve uniqueList(1 To UBound(uniqueList) - 1)
End If
'clear out any previous entries in results column
If productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row > 1 Then
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & 2 & ":" & _
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).Address).ClearContents
End If
'list the unique items found
For LC = LBound(uniqueList) To UBound(uniqueList)
productWS.Range(ResultsCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = _
'housekeeping cleanup
Set productsList = Nothing
Set productWS = Nothing
End Sub

Merging a range of excel cells in a column into one single cell seperated by new lines

I need help with excel.
I have a column with hundreds of cells that I need to combine into one cell.
The values in the cells are already centered. Also, some cells have multiple values that are stacked on top of each other using (ALT + ENTER).
I need to choose a range of these cells and combine them and stack them on top of each other into one cell.
If I can also get rid of extra "new lines" between the values as well as repeated values that would be an added bonus.
Here is a picture of what it looks like and what I'm aiming at. I've been trying to learn vbscript and macros, but this is on a bit of a deadline. I appreciate the help.
The following shows you how to combine all numbers from a column into a single cell in VBA Excel, which is what I assume the coding language you are using.
There are two Procedures I use: 1) a columnCombine() Sub and 2) a Custom Split() Function courtesy of Wade Tai of Microsoft
Link to Wade's Article with Split Function:
columnCombine() Sub:
Sub columnCombine()
'variables needed:
Dim col As Integer
Dim startRow As Integer
Dim endRow As Integer
Dim firstCell As Range
Dim lastCell As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As Variant
Dim destinationCell As Range
Dim strg As Variant
Dim strgTemp() As String
'enter first and last cells of column of interest in the "A1/A2/A3..." format below:'
Set firstCell = Range("A1") 'this can be what you want
Set lastCell = Range("A3") 'this can be what you want
'enter destination cell in same format as above
Set destinationCell = Range("B1") 'this can be what you want
'get column of interest
col = firstCell.Column
'get start row and end row
startRow = firstCell.Row
endRow = lastCell.Row
'set temp string
strg = ""
For i = startRow To endRow
strgTemp = Split(Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, col).Value)
For Each s In strgTemp
If strg = "" Then
strg = s
strg = strg & vbNewLine & s
End If
Next s
Erase strgTemp
Next i
'add column to string
destinationCell.Value = strg
End Sub
Split() Function:
Public Function Split(ByVal InputText As String, _
Optional ByVal Delimiter As String) As Variant
' This function splits the sentence in InputText into
' words and returns a string array of the words. Each
' element of the array contains one word.
' This constant contains punctuation and characters
' that should be filtered from the input string.
Const CHARS = "!?,;:""'()[]{}"
Dim strReplacedText As String
Dim intIndex As Integer
' Replace tab characters with space characters.
strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(InputText, _
vbTab, " "))
' Filter all specified characters from the string.
For intIndex = 1 To Len(CHARS)
strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(strReplacedText, _
Mid(CHARS, intIndex, 1), " "))
Next intIndex
' Loop until all consecutive space characters are
' replaced by a single space character.
Do While InStr(strReplacedText, " ")
strReplacedText = Replace(strReplacedText, _
" ", " ")
' Split the sentence into an array of words and return
' the array. If a delimiter is specified, use it.
'MsgBox "String:" & strReplacedText
If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then
Split = VBA.Split(strReplacedText)
Split = VBA.Split(strReplacedText, Delimiter)
End If
End Function
If you desire to use this on multiple different columns with the intention of moving everything to one cell, use this code recursively or in some repetitive manner e.g. write a script that uses columnCombine to combine the column sections you are referencing into different cells in one column. Then run the program again (or as many times as you need) so that you get the data into one cell.
If you want to change the order in which you iterate through a column e.g. you want to iterate from A4 to A1 instead of A1 to A4, just change For i = startRow To endRow to For i = endRow To startRow.
Note this will not change the order of organization of data within an individual cell, only a whole column. In other words, {["hello","Hello"],["One"],["Two", "Three"]} would become {["Two","Three"],["One"],["hello","Hello"]}
To change the order within a cell, you would need to either alter the For Each statement in columnCombine() or
manually change the order of strg. Both of which are not to hard to do.
Here is a solution I would do:
Add this in addition to the current variables :
Dim strg2 As Variant
strg2 = ""
Change this code:
For i = startRow To endRow
strgTemp = Split(Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, col).Value)
For Each s In strgTemp
If strg = "" Then
strg = s
strg = strg & vbNewLine & s
End If
Next s
Erase strgTemp
Next i
'add column to string
destinationCell.Value = strg
For i = endRow To startRow
strgTemp = Split(Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, col).Value)
For Each s In strgTemp
If strg = "" Then
strg = s
strg = s & vbNewLine & strg
End If
Next s
If strg2 = "" Then
strg2 = strg
strg2 = strg2 & vbNewLine & strg
End If
strg = ""
Erase strgTemp
Next i
'add column to string
destinationCell.Value = strg2
Remember, this change is specific to iterating through items backward and reordering them backwards. The columnCombine() sub will very depending on how you want the data presented

Moving Data and Refencing Sheet Object

I am trying to automate a spreadsheet to transfer data from one sheet to another sheet depending on what the first 3 characters of the data is. So for example, for the data NDX 12/31/2012 P2600, I would like it to be placed in the NDX sheet. So I have an array (desArr()) that splits that data into different positions of the array, such that desArr(0) contains "NDX", desArr(1) contains "12/31/2012" and so on.
The part I am having trouble with is moving the data to the respective sheets. Specifically, I need a variable reference to these spreadsheets. For instant, take the NDX sheet. I know I can just do NDX.cells(1,1).Paste or Worksheets(NDX.Name).Cells(1,1).Paste and that would work, but what if I want to do that for multiple sheets? I could obviously use If statements to define each different instance, but I wanted to shorten my code. Hence, I am trying to make the reference to the sheet objects variable, i.e. desArr(0).Name, but it returns with an error (which I understand why). Anyone with suggestions on how to achieve this? I know one solution is to just use the name property of the worksheet, but I wanted to avoid the chance of my code failing if someone changed the name of the sheets.
So perhaps like:
Dim desArr() As String, desInfo As String, opType As String
Dim rNum As Long, cNum As Long, i As Long
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sortRng As Range, findRng As Range
Dim j As Integer 'Throw away after testing
Dim test As String 'Throw away after testing
Dim k As Integer 'Throw away after testing
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets(Import.Name)
With ws
rNum = .Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row
cNum = 6 'Number of used columns starting from left
Set sortRng = .Range(.Cells(3, 2), .Cells(rNum, cNum))
'Sort range according to Type and Description
sortRng.Sort _
Key1:=.Range("B1"), _
'Apply conditional formatting
With sortRng.Columns(2)
.FormatConditions(1).DupeUnique = xlDuplicate
With sortRng.Columns(2).FormatConditions(1)
.Interior.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Interior.Color = 13551615
.Interior.TintAndShade = 0
.StopIfTrue = False
End With
End With
For i = 0 To (rNum - 2)
With sortRng.Cells(i + 1, 2)
If .DisplayFormat.Interior.Color = "13551615" Then
j = 0
While (.Value = .Offset(j + 1, 0).Value And .Offset(0, 1).Value = .Offset(j + 1, 1).Value)
j = j + 1
If (j <> 0) Then 'There are duplicates
End If
End If
'Converting the description to format used for classification
If .Offset(0, -1) = "Ext Option" Then
desArr = Split(.Value, " ")
If Not (Left(.Value, 3) = "SX5" Or Left(.Value, 3) = "UKX") Then
'check if it's a call or put
If Left(desArr(3), 1) = "C" Then
opType = "Call"
ElseIf Left(desArr(3), 1) = "P" Then
opType = "Put"
opType = "N/A"
End If
desInfo = Format(desArr(2), "mmmdd") & " " & Right(Trim(desArr(3)), Len(Trim(desArr(3))) - 1) & " " & opType
'check if it's a call or put
If Left(desArr(2), 1) = "C" Then
opType = "Call"
ElseIf Left(desArr(2), 1) = "P" Then
opType = "Put"
opType = "N/A"
End If
desInfo = Format(desArr(1), "mmmdd") & " " & Right(Trim(desArr(2)), Len(Trim(desArr(2))) - 1) & " " & opType
End If
End If
End With
Next i
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Except that NDX would have to be variable as which worksheet to move the data to depends on the data.
You can use the codename property of the worksheets. If you use NDX.Cells(1,1), NDX is the codename of the sheet. simply search all worksheets, e.g.:
Function GetWorksheet(byval withCodename as String) as Worksheet
Dim sheetVar as Worksheet
For each sheetVar in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If sheetVar.CodeName = withCodename Then
Set GetWorksheet = sheetVar
End if
End Function
You could:
Prevent user from renaming sheets
You wrote: "I wanted to avoid the chance of my code failing if someone changed the name of the sheets."
Well, the user can't do this:
If you protect the workbook. You can do this manually in the ribbon (Review > Changes > Protect workbook), or programmatically like this:
ThisWorkbook.Protect 'optionally, add a password -- see documentation for Protect
This will entirely prevent the user from changing sheet names.

Compare and copy matching data from adjacent cells

I was having some trouble with a macro I have been writing. I am trying to find a match in column A and column D. When I detect a match I want to copy the adjacent cells of each I.E copy the contents of B of the line of the first match to E where the match occurs in D. Whenever I do this I never get the right copy. It will copy the values that match but put them in the completely wrong space. I only encounter a problem when the order is mixed up or there is a white space. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Note: In this version of my code I was using input boxes to pick what two columns of data the user wants to compare and the one he wants to copy from and paste too. It should not make a big difference.
Sub Copy()
Dim column1 As String
Dim column2 As String
Dim from As String
Dim too As String
numrows = Sheet1.Range("A1").Offset(Sheet1.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
'MsgBox numrows
column1 = InputBox("which column do you want to select from")
column2 = InputBox("which column do you want to compare to ")
from = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data from")
too = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data to")
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngLoopCtr As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim value As String
lngLastRow = Range(column1 & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lngLastRow2 = Range(column2 & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'lngLastRow = Sheet1.Range("A1").Offset(Sheet1.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
Dim temp As String
For i = 1 To lngLastRow Step 1
temp = Cells(i, column1).value
value = Cells(i, from).value
'MsgBox "temp"
'MsgBox (temp)
If Cells(i, column1).value <> "" Then
For j = 1 To lngLastRow2 Step 1
' MsgBox "cell"
' MsgBox (Cells(j, column2).value)
If Cells(j, column2).value = "" Then
Cells(j, column2).Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
If Cells(j, column2).value <> "" Then
If temp = Cells(j, column2).value Then
'MsgBox "equal"
'MsgBox "i"
'MsgBox i
'MsgBox "j"
'MsgBox j
'value = Cells(j, from).value
'MsgBox Cells(i, too).value
'Cells(i, too).value = Cells(j, from).value
'Dim num As Integer
'On Error Resume Next
'num = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(temp, Sheet1.Range("A0:M13"), 3, False)
Cells(i, too).value = Cells(j, from).value
'MsgBox j
' MsgBox (Cells(i, column1).value)
' MsgBox "="
' MsgBox (Cells(j, column2).value)
End If
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
End Sub
I have studied your text and your macro and think the macro below does what you want.
If this macro does what you want, your problem was caused by your use of meaningless variable names such as: column1, column2, i and j. This meant you did not notice you were using the wrong variables in the statement that copied values.
I have renamed all your variables. I am not asking you to like my naming convention but I am recommending you have a naming convention. I can look at macros I wrote years ago and know what all the variables are because I developed my convention in my early days of VBA programming and have used it every since. This makes my life much easier when I need to update old macros.
I have added Option Explicit at the top of the module. Without this statement, a misspelt variable name becomes a declaration:
Dim Count As Long
Lots of statements
Count = Conut + 1
This causes Conut to be declared with a value of zero. Such errors can be a nightmare to find.
I have used a With Statement to make explicit which worksheet I am using.
You checked both cells to not be empty. I only check the first because it is not necessary to check the second since, if the second is empty, it will not match the first.
Your code did not stop working down the Compare column if it found a match so my code does the same. This is correct if values can repeat in the Compare column. If they cannot repeat, you may wish to add Exit For to exit the inner loop after a match has been processed.
I believe the above explains all the changes I hve made.
Option Explicit
Sub Copy()
Dim ColCompare As String
Dim ColCopyFrom As String
Dim ColCopyTo As String
Dim ColSelect As String
Dim RowCrntCompare As Long
Dim RowCrntSelect As Long
Dim RowLastColCompare As Long
Dim RowLastColSelect As Long
Dim SelectValue As String
With Sheet1
ColSelect = InputBox("which column do you want to select ColCopyFrom")
ColCompare = InputBox("which column do you want to compare to ")
ColCopyFrom = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data ColCopyFrom")
ColCopyTo = InputBox("which column do you want to copy data to")
RowLastColSelect = .Range(ColSelect & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
RowLastColCompare = .Range(ColCompare & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For RowCrntSelect = 1 To RowLastColSelect Step 1
SelectValue = .Cells(RowCrntSelect, ColSelect).value
If SelectValue <> "" Then
For RowCrntCompare = 1 To RowLastColCompare Step 1
If SelectValue = Cells(RowCrntCompare, ColCompare).value Then
.Cells(RowCrntCompare, ColCopyTo).value = _
.Cells(RowCrntSelect, ColCopyFrom).value
End If
Next RowCrntCompare
End If
Next RowCrntSelect
End With
End Sub