Lining up radiofield options in hbox style - sencha-touch-2

As title, is it possible to line up the radiofield options to be in hbox style instead of the default vbox style?

Answer found
Need to set layout to hbox at the component..


Apexcharts crosshair tooltip

I am using Apexcharts with the vue wrapper in my application, There is nothing in the documentation that allows me to edit the tool-tips on the cross-hairs. I would like to edit how it looks as the white box is not working with the design of the page. any help would be much appreciated. thank you
You can use CSS to customize the X-axis tooltip appearance.
.apexcharts-xaxistooltip {
background: #1B213B;
color: #fff;
Currently, there is no option to set x-axis tooltip colors in JS. Might be provided in the next releases.

Nested List "Back" button overlapping toolbar title?

I have created a nested list. When the text of the selected item is quite long than back button overlaps the toolbar title.
Is there any way to align toolbar text to right or set font size??
Any help is appreciated.
You can use only "Back" (or something else) for the back button. You just need to add this config in your nested list: useTitleAsBackText: false (It is true by default).
Else, you can reduce the font size for both button and toolbar title in your CSS file. Like this:
.my-nested-list .x-toolbar .x-button-label,
.my-nested-list .x-toolbar .x-title {
font-size: 13px;

How could i make the NestedList Toolbar invisible

How could i make the NestedList Toolbar invisible and the config => useToolbar: true.
Its not tested but try this.

Button width - wrap content (Sencha touch 2)

How can I set button width to wrap content?
Default html button wraps content, but default sencha button use all width of parent.
Next question. If button width wraps content, how to align button?
As far as I know, there is no Ext.Button config like textWrap: true in Sencha Touch 2. But you can try a work-around. Normally you can use width and height config to set absolute size of the button, and minWidth, maxWidth or minHeight, maxHeight for the lowerbound and upperbound of width and height, you should combine them with CSS styles of your text.
About alignment: Ext.Button is just like other Ext components, if it belongs to a parent container, then the config centered:true should align it to the center of the parent container.

Titanium: How to remove background of Search bar?

How can I remove the background of search bar ? I tried by changing background color but it also changes cancel button's color !!!
The best alternative to this is creating a custom search bar with Ti.UI.textField and Ti.UI.button. Add them both to a view and customize it as you please. Finally, just add an event listener to the button click, and voila!
Take a look at this Module:
It extends the properties for several UI Elements, including SearchBar, here is the list.
SearchField BackgroundImage
Custom Cancel button
barColor - background gradient of the button. (similar to navbar)
color - color of the button title
title - change the default Cancel text
font - set the font of the button
Appearance of the keyboard
Disable the search icon
To install it, I recommend you to use the new gitTio command line, this will automatically download the module, install it on the modules folder on Application Support folder and add the proper config line on tiapp.xml.
gittio install -g dk.napp.ui
And here is an example of a SearchBar using the new properties enabled by this Module
var searchBar = Ti.UI.createSearchBar({
scopeButtonTitles:["hello", "yes"],
title:"Hit me",
disableSearchIcon:true //disables the search icon in the left side
If you are talking about the gradient blue, I removed it on my app with:
var searchBox = Ti.UI.createSearchBar({
barColor: '#eee'
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately 'barColor' doesn't work. Ti seems to change the color by changing the opacity or hue or something. DannyM's workaround is the best.
I must have wasted a zillion hours making sense of Titanium's background colors, background images, bar colors and their active/inactive cousins.
Conclusion: "Free" software is costly if you count the time you waste on silly bugs and lack of useful documentation.