Dart - Self hosted packages [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am currently playing around with AngularDart client with a ASP.NET services and I am wanting to host a valid version of the client API for server itself. Since the server model has all the type and structure information about my requests, responses etc, I want to be able to generate a valid Dart client library rather than manually keep them in sync.
Dart documentation shows there is an option for 'hosted' packages but I can't find any information about the specs the package server has to adhere to so that these packages can be added directly from the Dart editor.
I want to know if there is any official documentation for implementing a valid package server, or if there are any open source ports that could be used as a guide.

Pub's package server is open source. You can clone the repo from Github and host your own copy on Google App Engine.


Looking for Cloud Browser [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am planning to run the automation of collection of data from the internet.
The Browser should be working in the cloud network, I want to run it the automation test in the cloud environment. The operating system, browser should be in the cloud hosted.
I want to take the data from the cloud network and post it to email.
Do we have any free cloud hosting provider, so that i can test.
I tried to find the free cloud hosting but could not able to get a good one.
awaiting your help.
you can try out different cloud automation providers like
BrowserStack - https://www.browserstack.com/
SauceLabs- https://saucelabs.com/

What happened to the GCM application server documentation? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm using Google Cloud Messaging and have been working on both the application server side (the server that sends push messages) and the Android side (the smartphone app that receives push messages).
Google used to maintain documentation with some Java code for the application server at this link: http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/server.html
However, that link is now dead. It points to https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/ now and does not have any information on implementing the application server, in particular in Java.
Where is the application server documentation now, and where can I find the sample code for it?
Of most importance, I need to know what firewall ports to open on the application server side to connect to Google's servers. There are related StackOverflow messages on GCM ports, but again, they all point to URLs that are now dead.
UPDATE 6/12:
I found cached copies of that webpage using the Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/server.html
The new server documentation is here: https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/http
The old Java server code has been removed, but there is similar and more up to date code in the GCM demo app that is in the git repo now, for example: https://github.com/google/gcm/blob/master/gcm-demo-app/src/main/java/com/google/android/gcm/demo/logic/GcmServerSideSender.java
You should be able to base you server code of this, or extract it into your server.

How to develop an application that uses the Tor network? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to develop an application which allows users to also communicate over the Tor network. I have done some Googling but I can't seem to find an API or SDK. How does one develop a Tor application? Are there any libraries out there?
EDIT: I see there are no libraries or API's available to use Tor. What would I need to know in order to write this Tor application?
This is how:
from https://stem.torproject.org/faq.html#what-is-stem
"Stem is a Python controller library that you can use to interact with Tor. With it you can write scripts and applications with capabilities similar to Vidalia and arm.
From a technical standpoint, Stem is a Python implementation of Tor's directory and control specifications. To get started see our tutorials!"
To my knowledge Tor does not have an actual API or SDK.
Tor does come with a SOCKS interface though. So the simplest way of making an app work over the Tor network is to use a SOCKS proxy with the default Tor installation on a user's computer.
For an example using Go, check out Pond.

Antivirus API on Mac OS [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to get the information of antivirus product installed on my Mac-machine. I'm developing an app which will show all system information, and I'm able to get system basic info, but not able to the get the security details, like what all antivirus/antispyware products installed in that machine.
I'm developing my app using Obj-C, and trying to get the api in that only. I want to call that api on demand, so it could directly embedded within the app or can execute externally as well. If I could get that command also then I could use that.
Does anyone know what API I should be calling please?
OPSWAT maintains a commercial C++ library/api called OESIS Framework which enables the integrator to obtain information and manage common functions of 3rd party security applications installed on Mac OS devices.
The list of security applications that can be called is at- http://www.opswat.com/products/oesis-framework/supported-applications#!product=all&os=mac
Available API calls, by application type are at http://www.opswat.com/products/oesis-framework/available-apis
Disclaimer: I work for OPSWAT.

Java EE User Management Library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I develop a fair number of Java EE apps for my clients and all of them involve the concept of user account creation, authentication and in some cases, authorization, organization hierarchies, etc.
I typically create (JPA) entities for users, organizations and setup their interrelations, writing EJB code for the workflow.
Is there a library or a framework that has already addressed this issue that I can re-use instead of having to build this setup anew for every new development?
Some of the problems you descirbed are nicely solved with Spring security or JBoss Seam security module, I don't know spring but regarding the Seam module, you will find some examples in their repo on github.