How to export SWF from FDT? - fdt

This is probably the most obvious question on the face of Earth, but I'm an Actionscript newbie. I'm using the FDT plugin for Eclipse on Mac (FDT version 1.13, eclipse "Kepler Service Release 1" with build ID "20130919-0819", using OS X 10.9.1) to make an Actionscript 3 project. Everything works perfectly fine, and debugging/running works perfectly. However, I have no idea how to export it. Disabling "Build Automatically" then pressing Build All or Build Project seems to do something, it shows a loading bar for a second then it disappears. I believe I checked something like "Include web files" when I started my project, so that may be the culprit. Here is the contents of my project:
-some images that I have
-index.html {when I open shows the game, but I want an swf}
-playerProductInstall.swf {shows just a blue screen}
-swfobject.js {I think this has something to do with it, but I want an swf}
lib {empty}
src {I'm not showing you what's in here}

Duh! The files are stored in bin, they just don't show up in the Eclipse/FDT window. Open the bin folder in Finder and you'll see an swf, get the one with the name of your main class and you're good to go!


How do find the .app file in Xcode 9.3.1

I've spent a few hours trying to find an answer to this question and had no luck what so ever.
I am creating an appium automated test using xcode Version 9.3.1 I need to locate the .app file so I can add it to my desired capabilities and I cant find it in any folder.
Breaking it this down in the most basic fashion, how do I locate the .app file so I can add it to my ios appium automated testing?
Out of curiousity would I need to use something like homebrew to locate it?
Or can I find from a specific menu in xcode?
Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations
Press the button to open folder in Finder
Here you need to find project build folder, open it and search sub folders with Debug-iphonesimulator name, you should fine build file there.
The full path might look like:
/Users/<user>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<Project name>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
By default Xcode stores the derived data for all projects in a single shared folder under your home directory at the following location:
From Xcode 6, you can access or change derived data location from Preferences -> Locations Tab
but you can setup in xcode:
File-> Project Setting
locate "Derived data:"
here is how to setup
Seriously thank you so much for all your help. I really appreciated it so much. You've all been a bunch of legends. I was able to solve this problem and and I want help save someone 3 days of trouble.
Finding the .**app file is a HIDDEN FILE **
Basically there are number of ways to find the .app file in this version of Xcode.
You can find the .app by using your search bar on the mac. Also, you can find the .app would be in this directory
to reveal the hidden files type cmd>shift>.
If you still can't find it (Which is what happened to me). Then:
Click the show in finder icon (the one shaped like a file) in xcode
This is where you can find it in xcode 9.3.1

Qt icons from resource file do not display

I made a user interface using Qt Designer qith Qt 5.0.1, and I used icons from a resource file. After compiling, the executable runs perfectly fine, and the icons are displayed as expected. However, when I run the programme on a different computer, they mysteriously disappear, and I am not able to get them back.
What can be the reason for this? I thought that the resources where hard-coded in the executable after compilation, but that may be wrong. In any case, I find it very peculiar that wherever I move the executable, it displays the icons on my own computer, but not on another one's.
I think you're missing some plugins. If you're using Windows and your icons are .ico type files, you need to copy the qico.dll file from the imageformats folder located somewhere in your Qt folder (something like C:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\5.0.1\mingw47_32\plugins\imageformats) to a subdir called imageformats that you create inside the directory that contains your deployed .exe file.

Files removed from Xcode project, but still available in game

My cocos2d-iphone project has tiled maps (.tmx files along with .png textures).
Recently, I deleted all the .png textures in my project (in Xcode, you hit the delete key and then choose to send to trash).
Then, I ran the project, and it tried to load up the CCTMXTiledMap. I was expected it to crash (there shouldn't be any textures in the project, anyway), but it didn't. In fact, it ran just fine, and the maps did load. No idea why - is Xcode keeping some kind of reference to such files somehow?
I checked the .tmx file, and this is the line that defines the source image:
<image source="myMap-hd.png" width="973" height="1024"/>
There definitely is no myMap-hd.png nor myMap.png file in my project folder. Not even Xcode's search toolbar shows it!
Oh, and I also cleaned the project.
As I wrote in question's comment. Problem was not in your Xcode project. Deleted resource files will most likely be still available on device/simulator if you had run application with these resources previously. The reason is that Xcode doesn't track files that are in application bundle, they're just simply copied. That's why they land in Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
You should delete application from device/simulator and run it again. Or if you have precious data already in application, you could navigate to application bundle and delete file manually. Files won't appear again.
In the simulator, iOS Simulator (menu item) > Reset Content and Settings. Clean your project, then run again. Same thing happens without cocos2D.
I've found this to be an issue when nib files are automagically loaded, and while not in the referenced files seem to still be loaded (or attempted). Can cause some brain pain bc the files don't appear in the Xcode IDE though they do exist in the file system.

Moving .lproj file inside Resources

I'm trying to begin localization on a project, and I've already got an English version of Localizable.strings going. I'm now trying to add French to that file, which is creating an fr.lproj folder, as I'd expect. However, it's putting it in my project root, and I'd like it inside my project's Resources directory.
Xcode seems to have no interest in letting me move the file, and if I move it in Finder, it goes red in Xcode as expected, but doesn't let me click to locate the file.
I've tried moving it in Finder, then editing project.pbxproj in a text editor to add Resources/ in front of the only line in there that mentions fr.lproj/Localizable.strings, and that has worked, but after doing that, the project's targets also turned red in Xcode, and building the app doesn't change that fact. Very odd.. any idea what could be going on, or how to get this going?
This can be a real pain. I even had XCode crash on me when trying to correct unwanted file locations. I found that the best way is to create the localized file (be it .strings or .xib) as a copy of the source language version outside of XCode, then drag and drop it into XCode. If you do this then XCode will display it correctly and your targets' Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources settings will include it with its correct location. I don't know why your targets are displayed in red, perhaps you could look under Copy Bundle Resources in case anything is wrong there, or also select your project and click Validate Settings in case you haven't already done so.
Also, if you have been testing in the simulator beware of how XCode does not clean up the files in your app bundle--you may want to delete the app and run it again to make sure it's working with your new location.

importing Cocoalibspotify

I'm trying to import the cocoalibspotify into my Xcode project.
However I am completly lost to what files need to be imported and how. I'm still a beginner and the sparse info on the spotify website doesn't really help me. I did manage to run the Simple Player sample project though and I tried looking at what files are imported. But I didn't get very far with this.
I tried importing the following files that come with the zip by dragging these into my project:
CocoaLibSpotify iOS Library.xcodeproj
CocoaLibSpotify iOS Library-Prefix.pch
CocoaLibSpotify iOS Test Container (folder)
View Controllers (folder)
after doing that however, my project simply won't compile anymore.
I'm getting all kinds of errors. I'm guessing these are related to setting the wrong target???
the website does mention a couple more instructions for iOS when you scroll down on the page
I did manage to import the frameworks but the other stuff is beyond me.
So if anyone is willing to guide me through this, that would be great!
I think I'm getting closer. I've created a ".a" file by opening the "CocoaLibSpotify iOS Library.xcodeproj " and making a build. then I import the resulting libCocoaLibSpotify.a file and also a folder called "include" which has a lot of header files.
You only need to include the CocoaLibSpotify iOS Library.xcodeproj file in your project.
Once you've done that, make sure CocoaLibSpotify is added in the "Target Dependencies" and "Link Binary with Libraries" build phases of your project by clicking the '+' button in each of those phases and choosing it from the list.
Other than that, make sure you closely follow the instructions in the "Building - iOS" section of CocoaLibSpotify's README.markdown file and you'll be set.