How to click on button "Submit Quote" its id="div_5_1_1-lnk" is dynamically changing in different pages of applications - testing

<div id="Form_Scope1" class="Form_Scope topLevel CoachView CoachView_show" data-eventid="" data-viewid="Form_Scope1" data-config="config1" data-bindingtype="" data-binding="" data-type="">
<div id="Action_Group2" class="Action_Group topLevel CoachView CoachView_show" data-eventid="" data-viewid="Action_Group2" data-config="config9" data-bindingtype="" data-binding="" data-type="">
<div id="div_5_1" class="ContentBox" data-view-managed="true" style="display: none;"> </div>
<div class="s-action-group clearfix sticky">
<div class="l-nodeId" style="">QTO001_N002A</div>
<div class="p-action-group">
<div id="div_5_1_1" class="Action CoachView CoachView_show" data-eventid="boundaryEvent_7" data-viewid="Action3" data-config="config15" data-bindingtype="" data-binding="" data-type="">
<button id="div_5_1_1-lnk" class="p-primary-btn btn btn-primary" type="button" title="" data-original-title="" style="background-color: rgb(56, 168, 182);">
<i class="icon-indent-right"></i>
<span>Submit quote</span>
<a href="#action" style="display: none;">
How to click on button "Submit Quote" its"div_5_1_1-lnk" = one page of application ="div_9_1_1-lnk" = Another page of application
is dynamically changing in different pages of applications.
I have tried by xpath expression by position or relative path it is not working please let me know any other option available for this?

The following selector would work,
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.Action button[id$='lnk']"));
Here '$' indicates that the id of button should end with value 'lnk'.
The equals sign in attribute selectors may be prefaced by other characters which alter the meaning a bit.
Remember that classes and ID's are attributes too, and can be used with attribute selectors.
Refer this for more info.

Try driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button[id^='div_']"));

Click it using the class name
for option in options:
if(option.text=="Submit quote"):


unique xpath combined two attributes

Ho do I make unique xpath to let the robot locate into second field?
i used this but failed:
Click //div[contains(#class,'ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search') and contains(text(),'Select Source(s)')]
First Field:
<div class="ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search">
<div class="ant-select-selector">
<div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">
<div class="ant-select-selection-overflow-item ant-select-selection-overflow-item-suffix" style="opacity: 1;">
<div class="ant-select-selection-search" style="width: 3px;">
<input autocomplete="off" type="search" class="ant-select-selection-search-input" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-owns="rc_select_9_list" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="rc_select_9_list" aria-activedescendant="rc_select_9_list_7" value="" id="rc_select_9" style="opacity: 0;" aria-expanded="false" readonly="" unselectable="on">
<span class="ant-select-selection-search-mirror" aria-hidden="true"> </span>
<span class="ant-select-selection-placeholder">attribute(s)</span>
second field:
<div class="ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search">
<div class="ant-select-selector">
<div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">
<div class="ant-select-selection-overflow-item ant-select-selection-overflow-item-suffix" style="opacity: 1;">
<div class="ant-select-selection-search" style="width: 3px;">
<input autocomplete="off" type="search" class="ant-select-selection-search-input" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-owns="rc_select_10_list" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="rc_select_10_list" aria-activedescendant="rc_select_10_list_0" value="" id="rc_select_10" style="opacity: 0;" aria-expanded="false" readonly="" unselectable="on">
<span class="ant-select-selection-search-mirror" aria-hidden="true"> </span>
<span class="ant-select-selection-placeholder">Select Source(s)</span>
this xpath works (when I test at chrome developer console, it is detected) but when robot executed the script, it does not really click into the field. the drop-down list does not display.
Click //div[#class="ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search"]
Message: TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector "//span[contains(#class,'ant-select-selection-placeholder') and contains(text(),'Select Source(s)')] >> nth=0"
selector resolved to hidden <span class="ant-select-selection-placeholder">Select Source(s)</span>
attempting click action
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
element is not stable - waiting...
element is visible, enabled and stable
scrolling into view if needed
done scrolling
checking that element receives pointer events at (1080.4,304.7)
<div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">…</div> intercepts pointer events
retrying click action, attempt #1
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
element is visible, enabled and stable
scrolling into view if needed
done scrolling
checking that element receives pointer events at (1080.4,304.7)
[ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
element is visible, enabled and stable
scrolling into view if needed
done scrolling
checking that element receives pointer events at (1080.4,304.7)
<div class="ant-select-selection-overflow">…</div> intercepts pointer events
you are not so far from solution to select the uniq div
text equals:
//div[contains(#class,'ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search') and .//span[text()='Select Source(s)']]
if you want the expression contains:
//div[contains(#class,'ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search') and .//span[contains(.,'Select Source(s)')]]
You can give an index according to your best match like
(//*[#class='ant-select SearchPrompter_advInput__3P9Jf ant-select-multiple ant-select-allow-clear ant-select-show-search'])[2]
Try to use the span tag and parent keyword in the xpath to find the required div tag element.
As per the HTML Code, Xpath would be something like this.
//span[contains(text(),'Select Source')]/parent::div/parent::div/parent::div

Unable to click an elemt " Search Intimation View-Details" thows not such element Exception

I am new to selenium,Guys please help me to click this element " Search Intimation View-Details".Cant able to use the ID has it is in number,& class name is not pointing exactly to that button.Guide me please,I'm strucked up.I tried
driver.findElementByXPath(" //div[span='Search Intimation View-Details'] ").click();
driver.findElementByClassName("v-tree-node v-tree-node-expanded v-tree-node-root v-tree-node-last ").click();
Below is the code
<div class="v-tree-node v-tree-node-expanded v-tree-node-last" id="gwt-uid-36" role="treeitem" aria-selected="false" aria-labelledby="gwt-uid-35" aria-level="2" aria-expanded="true">
<div class="v-tree-node-caption">
<div id="gwt-uid-35" for="gwt-uid-36">
<div class="v-tree-node-children v-tree-node-children-last" role="group">
<div class="v-tree-node v-tree-node-leaf v-tree-node-leaf-last" id="gwt-uid-38" role="treeitem" aria-selected="true" aria-labelledby="gwt-uid-37" aria-level="3">
<div class="v-tree-node-caption v-tree-node-selected">
<div id="gwt-uid-37" for="gwt-uid-38">
<span>Search Intimation View-Details</span>
<div class="v-tree-node-children v-tree-node-children-last" role="group"></div>
I believe you are using Java selenium binding, so Use this code
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[normalize-space()='Search Intimation View-Details']")).click()
The below script uses the Java programming language and uses the CSS locators to find the required element if we are unable to find using the class, id, XPath, etc.

IE 11 input not displaying typed text

A work's client has reported an issue in our application when working with IE11.
On an specific form, sometimes, when opening it, if you type, the typed text won't show. If I open developer tools, it suddenly shows.
This is the rendered html belonging to that form:
<div class="col-sm-6 ">
<div class="form-group" data-ng-show="myform.txtPropietario.visible">
<label class="col-md-4 control-label my-show-hide-animation">Propietario:</label>
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class=" ">
<input name="txtPropietario" class="form-control text-left ng-pristine ng-valid" input-alpha-numeric="ES" onblur="this.value=this.value.toUpperCase();" data-ng-model="myform.values.txtPropietario" data-ng-disabled="myform.txtPropietario.disabled" type="text" step="0.01" maxlength="50" placeholder=" "></div>
<ul class="errores my-show-hide-animation ng-hide" data-ng-show="myform.seccionPanelPagoServiciosname.txtPropietario.$invalid && myform.procesado"><li data-ng-show="myform.seccionPanelPagoServiciosname.txtPropietario.$error.required" class="ng-hide"><span>Campo obligatorio</span></li><li data-ng-show="myform.seccionPanelPagoServiciosname.txtPropietario.$error.pattern" class="ng-hide"><span>El formato del dato ingresado no es válido.</span></li>
The app work's over AngularJs and html is built over Bootstrap 3.
Any idea why is this happening?
It's hard to tell without seeing the CSS, however i encountered this issue a while back and fixed it by setting the height of the input box.
My theory is that IE didn't think there was enough height to show the text in the font size I had specified.
For example
<input type="text" id="example" style="height: 40px" />
I hope this helps.

Selenium WebDrivers -Not able to select dynamic check box which has no name

<div id="checkboxfield-3844" class="x-field x-form-item x-field-default x-form-cb-checked x-form-dirty" style="width: 492px;">
<label id="checkboxfield-3844-labelEl" class="x-form-item-label x-form-item-label-left" style="margin-right:5px;width:200px;" for="ext-gen6460">Is Stitching Point:</label>
<div id="checkboxfield-3844-bodyEl" class="x-form-item-body x-form-cb-wrap" role="presentation" style="width: 287px;">
<input id="ext-gen6460" class="x-form-field x-form-checkbox" type="button" hidefocus="true" autocomplete="off" aria-checked="true" aria-invalid="false" role="checkbox" aria-describedby="checkboxfield-3844-errorEl" style="-moz-user-select: text;" data-errorqtip="">
<div id="checkboxfield-3844-errorEl" class="x-form-error-msg" style="display:none"></div>
<div class="x-clear" role="presentation"></div>
This is my Div , out of it iam not able to select the checkbox since there is no name .Need some help on this
Assuming there is only one 'label tag' with innerHTML/text as "Is Stiching Point:", the below xpath will point to the checkbox:-
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[.='Is Stitching Point:']/..//input[#role='checkbox']")).click();
NOTE: Above is a java code. In case you are using a different language binding, you can refer this to employ the same thing.
Below is the alternative way using JavascriptExecutor:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[.='Is Stitching Point:']/..//input[#role='checkbox']"));
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);

Need unique field to identify using Selenium WebDriver

I need to find the the unique field to identify the search box and enter text in it.
<style type="text/css">
<body style="min-height: 81px;">
<div class="shared-page" data-cid="view221" data-view="views/shared/Page" data-render-time="0.02">
<a class="navSkip" tabindex="1" href="#navSkip">Screen reader users, click here to skip the navigation bar</a>
<header role="banner">
<a id="navSkip"></a>
<div class="main-section-body" role="main">
<div class="timeline" data-cid="view4947" data-view="views/timeline/Master" data-render-time="0.107">
<div class="section-padded section-header">
<div class="timeline-title" data-cid="view5085" data-view="views/timeline/Title" data-render-time="0.001">
<div class="search-bar-wrapper shared-searchbar" data-cid="view4948" data-view="views/shared/searchbar/Master" data-render-time="0.104">
<form class="search-form" action="" method="get">
<table class="search-bar search-bar-primary">
<td class="search-input" width="100%">
<div id="search" class="shared-searchbar-input" data-cid="view4949" data-view="views/shared/searchbar/Input" data-render-time="0.002">
<div class="search-field-background"> </div>
<div class="search-field-wrapper">
<label class="placeholder-text" for="397271.5897375417" style="display: block;">enter search here...</label>
<textarea id="397271.5897375417" class="search-field" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false" name="q" rows="1"></textarea>
textarea is the field related to the search box. I tried using class, name but it says unable to locate element, the numeric id too is dynamic. Please let me know what to use in this case.
It should be possible to find this element by class name
in ruby:
driver.find_element(:class, "search-field")
or in java:
Following xpath should work:
If the <textarea> is only one, you can search with
Use xpath,