SQL select column value with biggest number of duplicates - sql

I am having a problem I can't seem to solve. I have a data table that looks like this:
I need to select the ID_JOB value which is duplicated the most. In this particular example it would be ID_JOB = 1.

Adapt this to your specific SQL implementation. Substitute [job_table] with the table you are querying.
FROM job_table
You may need to add more ORDER BY logic in case a count "ties".


How to select records in the order they were inserted, and then group them by a type

I have a query I can not seem to get to work.
I have a table like this:
ThingID, FK_ThingTypeID, Etc...
And I want to select records in the order they were inserted, but group them by type. So if the data looks in the table is in the following order:
ThingID, FK_ThingTypeID
1 1
2 2
3 1
4 1
I want to get select the records like this:
ThingID, FK_ThingTypeID
1 1
3 1
4 1
2 2
So they are in the order they were added, but grouped by type.
I have tried using ORDER BY and GROUP BY for this but no combination of what I try works, and all the GROUP BY examples I see are working with aggregate functions. I am not interested in counts or max etc.. I just want to order the records as above. I have tried just using an ORDER BY ThingID, FK_ThingTypeID, but this just lists them by ID and does not group by the types. There are a stack more columns in the table and using GROUP BY requires that I add all these, and then it doesn't work anyway.
Can anyone give an example of an approach to achieve the result I am looking for?
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for those that responded.
Here was the solution:
Thing t
FROM Thing ref
ref.ThingTypeID = t.ThingTypeID
May be this query is helpful for you as per my understanding:
select * from table order by rownum, FK_ThingTypeID
You can try below query:
ORDER BY THINGID) AS RowNum, FK_ThingTypeID from table
Your query seems simple so am sure someone will be able to help.
Gotta love Stack Overflow.
I had a go not sure whether this is what you are after?
Apologies if not
FROM Table
ORDER BY FK_ThingTypeID, ThingID

How to use DISTINCT used while selecting all columns including sequence number column?

My query is to avoid duplicate in a particular column while selecting all columns. But DISTINCT is not working since seq.number column is also being selected.
Any idea to make the query work
In the below example query seq_num is unique key.
Edit: including sample data in picture
select DISTINCT(name), seq_num from table_1;![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y3NYn.jpg)
For two columns this query will be enough:
SELECT name, min(seq_num)
FROM table
For more column, use row_number analytic functon
SELECT name, col1, col2, .... col500, seq_num
SELECT t.*, row_number() over (partition by name order by seq_num ) As rn
FROM table t
WHERE rn = 1
The above queries pick only one row with a given name and the smallest seq_num value for each name.
You cannot do what you want. Please read more about DISTINCT clause and query result set. You will understand that distinct is not suitable for your issue. If you provide some sample data for what you have and what should query show, when possible we will help you.

SQL select first records of rows for specific column

I realize my title probably doesnt explain my situation very well, but I honestly have no idea how to word this.
I am using SQL to access a DB2 database.
Using my screenshot image 1 below as a reference:
column 1 has three instances of "U11124", with three different descriptions (column 2)
I would like this query to return the first instance of "U11124" and its description, but then also unique records for the other rows. image 2 shows my desired result.
image 1
image 2
----- EDIT ----
to answer some of the questions / posts:
technically, it does not need to be the first , just any single one of those records. the problem is that we have three descriptions, and only one needs to be shown, i am now told it does not matter which one.
In SQL Server:
select stvnst, stdesc
from (
stvnst, stdesc
row_number() over (order by stdesc partition by stvnst) row
from table
) a
where row = 1
This method has an advantage over a simple group by, in that it will also work when there's more than two columns in the table.
SELECT STVNST,FIRST(STDESC) from table group by STVNST ORDER BY what_you_want_first
All you need to do is use GROUP BY.
You say you want the first instance of the STDESC column? Well you can't guarntee the order of the rows without another column, however if you want to order by the highest ordered value the following will suffice:

Most efficient way to select 1st and last element, SQLite?

What is the most efficient way to select the first and last element only, from a column in SQLite?
The first and last element from a row?
SELECT column1, columnN
FROM mytable;
I think you must mean the first and last element from a column:
SELECT MIN(column1) AS First,
MAX(column1) AS Last
FROM mytable;
See http://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html for MIN() and MAX().
I'm using First and Last as column aliases.
if it's just one column:
SELECT min(column) as first, max(column) as last FROM table
if you want to select whole row:
SELECT 'first',* FROM table ORDER BY column DESC LIMIT 1
SELECT 'last',* FROM table ORDER BY column ASC LIMIT 1
The most efficient way would be to know what those fields were called and simply select them.
SELECT `first_field`, `last_field` FROM `table`;
Probably like this:
SELECT dbo.Table.FirstCol, dbo.Table.LastCol FROM Table
You get minor efficiency enhancements from specifying the table name and schema.
First: MIN() and MAX() on a text column gives AAAA and TTTT results which are not the first and last entries in my test table. They are the minimum and maximum values as mentioned.
I tried this (with .stats on) on my table which has over 94 million records:
select * from
(select col1 from mitable limit 1)
select * from
(select col1 from mitable limit 1 offset
(select count(0) from mitable) -1);
But it uses up a lot of virtual machine steps (281,624,718).
Then this which is much more straightforward (which works if the table was created without WITHOUT ROWID) [sql keywords are in capitals]:
SELECT col1 FROM mitable
That ran with 55 virtual machine steps on the same table and produced the same answer.
min()/max() approach is wrong. It is only correct, if the values are ascending only. I needed something liket this for currency rates, which are random raising and falling.
This is my solution:
select st.*
from stats_ticker st,
select min(rowid) as first, max(rowid) as last --here is magic part 1
from stats_ticker
-- next line is just a filter I need in my case.
-- if you want first/last of the whole table leave it out.
where timeutc between datetime('now', '-1 days') and datetime('now')
) firstlast
st.rowid = firstlast.first --and these two rows do magic part 2
OR st.rowid = firstlast.last
ORDER BY st.rowid;
magic part 1: the subselect results in a single row with the columns first,last containing rowid's.
magic part 2 easy to filter on those two rowid's.
This is the best solution I've come up so far. Hope you like it.
We can do that by the help of Sql Aggregate function, like Max and Min. These are the two aggregate function which help you to get last and first element from data table .
Select max (column_name ), min(column name) from table name
Max will give you the max value means last value and min will give you the min value means it will give you the First value, from the specific table.

How to read the last row with SQL Server

What is the most efficient way to read the last row with SQL Server?
The table is indexed on a unique key -- the "bottom" key values represent the last row.
If you're using MS SQL, you can try:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM table_Name ORDER BY unique_column DESC
select whatever,columns,you,want from mytable
where mykey=(select max(mykey) from mytable);
You'll need some sort of uniquely identifying column in your table, like an auto-filling primary key or a datetime column (preferably the primary key). Then you can do this:
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY unique_column DESC LIMIT 1
The ORDER BY column tells it to rearange the results according to that column's data, and the DESC tells it to reverse the results (thus putting the last one first). After that, the LIMIT 1 tells it to only pass back one row.
If some of your id are in order, i am assuming there will be some order in your db
I think below query will work for SQL Server with maximum performance without any sortable column
FROM table)
FROM table)
Hope you have understood it... :)
I tried using last in sql query in SQl server 2008 but it gives this err:
" 'last' is not a recognized built-in function name."
So I ended up using :
select max(WorkflowStateStatusId) from WorkflowStateStatus
to get the Id of the last row.
One could also use
Declare #i int
set #i=1
select WorkflowStateStatusId from Workflow.WorkflowStateStatus
where WorkflowStateStatusId not in (select top (
(select count(*) from Workflow.WorkflowStateStatus) - #i ) WorkflowStateStatusId from .WorkflowStateStatus)
You can use last_value: SELECT LAST_VALUE(column) OVER (PARTITION BY column ORDER BY column)...
I test it at one of my databases and it worked as expected.
You can also check de documentation here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh231517.aspx
OFFSET and FETCH NEXT are a feature of SQL Server 2012 to achieve SQL paging while displaying results.
The OFFSET argument is used to decide the starting row to return rows from a result and FETCH argument is used to return a set of number of rows.
FROM table_name
ORDER BY unique_column desc
SELECT TOP 1 id from comission_fees ORDER BY id DESC
In order to retrieve the last row of a table for MS SQL database 2005, You can use the following query:
select top 1 column_name from table_name order by column_name desc;
Note: To get the first row of the table for MS SQL database 2005, You can use the following query:
select top 1 column_name from table_name;
If you don't have any ordered column, you can use the physical id of each lines:
SELECT top 1 sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter(%%physloc%%) AS [File:Page:Slot],
FROM MyTable As T
order by sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter(%%physloc%%) DESC
SELECT * from Employees where [Employee ID] = ALL (SELECT MAX([Employee ID]) from Employees)
This is how you get the last record and update a field in Access DB.
UPDATE compalints SET tkt = addzone &'-'& customer_code &'-'& sn where sn in (select max(sn) from compalints )
If you have a Replicated table, you can have an Identity=1000 in localDatabase and Identity=2000 in the clientDatabase, so if you catch the last ID you may find always the last from client, not the last from the current connected database.
So the best method which returns the last connected database is:
Well I'm not getting the "last value" in a table, I'm getting the Last value per financial instrument. It's not the same but I guess it is relevant for some that are looking to look up on "how it is done now". I also used RowNumber() and CTE's and before that to simply take 1 and order by [column] desc. however we nolonger need to...
I am using SQL server 2017, we are recording all ticks on all exchanges globally, we have ~12 billion ticks a day, we store each Bid, ask, and trade including the volumes and the attributes of a tick (bid, ask, trade) of any of the given exchanges.
We have 253 types of ticks data for any given contract (mostly statistics) in that table, the last traded price is tick type=4 so, when we need to get the "last" of Price we use :
select distinct T.contractId,
LAST_VALUE(t.Price)over(partition by t.ContractId order by created ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING)
from [dbo].[Tick] as T
where T.TickType=4
You can see the execution plan on my dev system it executes quite efficient, executes in 4 sec while the exchange import ETL is pumping data into the table, there will be some locking slowing me down... that's just how live systems work.
It is very simple
select top 10 * from TableName order by 1 desc
I am pretty sure that it is:
SELECT last(column_name) FROM table
Becaause I use something similar:
SELECT last(id) FROM Status