How can I clone a public launchpad repository without login? - bazaar

I only want to clone some things, without changing them.
Is there any way to clone a repository without all the hassle of opening an account, setting up a SSH key, etc?

It's really easy. Use bzr branch lp:PROJECTNAME.
Example (no Launchpad login or keys on this machine):
$ bzr branch lp:bzr
You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to
write to Launchpad or access private data. See "bzr help launchpad-login".
and then it proceeds to download the code.

For those that can't or don't want to install Bazaar, we can download a tarball of a specific revision.
For example:
curl -sLo sakura.tar
Where the revision number is a change from
Or, maybe the project has the project source available for download from its project page:
curl -sLo sakura.tar.bz2


reconcile git svn after git filter-branch

I am attempting to convert a SVN repository into git. The SVN repository is being actively used, while we work out the details of converting.
I followed all the guides and created an author mapping file and cloned the SVN repository.
> git svn clone https://host/svn/Project --trunk=trunk -A svn-author-map.txt
Concurrently with this switch to git, I would also like to atone for some of the sins of the SVN past (stored passwords, etc). However as soon as I alter any of the history with git filter-branch or BFG, I seem to break the ability to incorporate any updates from SVN.
> git svn fetch --fetch-all
fatal: Invalid revision range [sha from clone]..refs/remotes/trunk
Is there a way to refresh the git-svn ids to the post filter-branch ids? Or is there no going back after changing any history?
If you edit the history after conversion, then maintaining the link can become tricky.
I guess the best options are either do one-time conversion (make svn source read-only, fully switch to edited git repo), or just keep the history as is and change the leaked passwords instead.

How do I upload files to source?

I've switched to windows and am having a hard time using bitbucket with it.
Within the downloads menu you can add files but this is not added to source.
I've also tried using source tree (web application) but when I attempt to push the files they do not exist in my directory. Any idea how I can do this or a guide which explains how to upload files. It's been a number of years since I have used bitbucket on windows.
Bitbucket is simply a git provider. You'll have to use Git commands (or a GUI like Sourcetree, Gitkraken, etc.) to push (upload) your files to source.
A basic guide to working with Git can be found here.
Windows or Linux only you need a git console or git cli installed in your default cli.
First clone your repository to your local system. Go to your
bitbucket account and your repository need to be file uploaded. Copy
the git url command. Open git console and type the following command.
git clone "git URL"
Explore you repository and make changes. Like add file which you want to upload to it.
Go to your git console again and type the following commands.
git add .
git commit -m "commit message like - adding file"
git push origin master

Using bzr for installing OpenERP

I am trying to use bzr for installing OpenERP. The problem is that I have a very slow internet connection.
When I try "sudo bzr branch lp:openobject-addons/7.0 addons" it takes too much time and sometimes the connection is broken. My questions are:
How can I resume the process on connection broken since every time I repeat the command I get an error "folder already exists..."
Is there any way I can restore a local backup of the files and folder structure and then just compare those files/folders with the files on the server and just upgrade the changed files/folders via bzr? This could be a solution for my slow internet connection.
If I sucessfully download all the files from a branch, which command should I use later to verify if there is any change on the files on the server and if so, how can I update this changes?
Thank you very much
Best regards
What takes a lot of time and bandwidth is not transferring the OpenERP addons files themselves, but the repository containing the whole versioning history. It has grown quite big over the years, due to the number of commits as well as the daily translation updates exported by Launchpad.
Answering your points one by one:
If you don't actually need the revision history, you can grab a "lightweight checkout" of the addons instead of a full checkout, by using this command:
bzr checkout --lightweight lp:openobject-addons/7.0 addons
It will be much faster but will only get the files, not the history. You'll still be able to use bzr pull to grab the latest changes from upstream. See also the doc about bzr checkout.
Now if you still want a full checkout you can use the trick of grabbing only a few hundred revisions at a time (there are about 9000 in addons 7.0 right now), so you can resume at any time even after a timeout:
$ bzr branch lp:openobject-addons/7.0 addons -r 100 # grab first 100 revs
$ cd addons
$ bzr pull -r 1000
$ bzr pull -r 2000
$ bzr pull -r 3000
$ ...
There's no easy way to completely bootstrap a full addons checkout unless you manage to perform a full checkout on another machine or internet connection, in which case you should be able to simply transfer the directory (most importantly the .bzr it contains) on any other machine.
In order to see the difference between a local branch/checkout and another repository you can use bzr missing, for example bzr missing lp:openobject-addons/7.0. You can then grab the latest changes from that repository (provided it is compatible with yours) using bzr pull.
Now you should really have a look at the bzr documentation in order to get more information about the typical use cases. The documentation also contains a "bzr cheat sheet" that may help you.
Unfortunately I don't think you could resume a bzr branching.
OpenERP's official website does provide source code nightly builds,
but they use a different structure. I'd recommend you ask a friend
who has a faster Internet connection to bzr branch the source code
repositories and transfer them to you.
You could do bzr pull to get the latest changes and merge them

"Bare" git repository: how can I let Apache always "see" the latest commit?

We've got a "bare" git repository on a server, for a Web portal project. Several programmers, designers, etc... perform dozens of push and pull from/to it.
Now we want to test the project on the server itself, and always test the last commit through an Apache web server which is installed on the same machine the "bare" git repository is stored in.
How can we 'unbare' the repository, and let the working directory contain always and only the last commit deriving from the last push?
Or anything else aiming to achieve the same result?
You can use a post-receive hook to do a git pull inside your webserver document root/repository.
in your bare repository
mv hooks/post-receive.sample hooks/post-receive
chmod +x .git/hooks/post-receive
the post receive should be something like
git pull
A more elegant solution that doesn't involve that the web server area being a git repository, you can also review the git documentation about hooks
Note: if you use the simple solution, please make sure that your webserver doesn't serve the .git directory, this would give some hackers/crackers the access to the website source code!

Using Github & Unfuddle at the same time

Is there a way to use Github and Unfuddle for the same repo? I am responsible for a repo hosted at Unfuddle, but I am not the main owner and it's private because it's part of an ongoing project. I still need to update the repo there when changes are made, but I would like to use the same set of files to create and update a public Github repo associated with my own account, is that possible? The reason I want to use the same files is that it's a WordPress plugin and it needs to be tested before I commit changes, therefore I need to use one set of files to not complicate the matter. Any help would be appreciated.
You can set up both the repositories as remotes and push/pull to and from both of them; Git is decentralized and thus doesn't really care about whether you have one remote or many.
git remote add github
and then...
git push github <branchname>
git pull github
git log github/<branchname>
Create your github repository, then from your Unfuddle local repository, run:
git remote add github
Where YourUsername is your github user name, and YourRepository is your repository name. After setting up the github repository, the above URL with the user name and repository name filled in, should appear on your github repository page anyway.
Everything works like you'd expect, for example, pushing:
git push github
Your settings for the Unfuddle repository will work like before.