I am creating an HTML-based video gallery that will be distributed on physical media and needs to be functional in the absence of an internet connection. I will store the video files in an assets folder inside the root folder.
Will video.js function in the absence of an internet connection, packaged as a stand-alone mini-site on physical media?
Yes. In the same way that you can reference images locally relative to an HTML page, you can do the same thing with video.
so if you file is index.html and assets are in a folder called video you would simply reference something like src="video/myvideo.mp4"
The HLS RFC doesn't seem to mention anything about this. I'm creating a script that generates a 720p.m3u8 file for a series of 720p resolution .ts files. Then it uses FFMPEG to generate 480p .ts files using the 720p .ts files and generates a 480p.m3u8 file.
Then it generates a master playlist.m3u8 file which points to the 720p.m3u8 and 480p.m3u8 files.
Is it ok to have all the .ts files of all resolutions stored in the same folder along with their respective m3u8 files and the master m3u8 file? Or should the .ts and .m3u8 files of each resolution be stored in separate folders and the master m3u8 be in the parent folder? Like this:
The multivariant playlist here shows m3u8 locations as full URL's http://example.com/low/index.m3u8. Is that how it should be, or can it be a relative folder path like I've shown above (480p_folder/480p.m3u8)?
This is for accessing via VideoJS from various client browsers across the world, and the .ts and .m3u8 files will be stored on an AWS S3 server.
Folders for the different renditions are commonly used but there is absolutely no requirement for it.
All URLs in a Multivariant playlist (used to be called master playlist) and in the different variant playlists can be relative or absolute, without really any restrictions. Things to consider here are:
With absolute URLs, it's easy to host just the playlist files elsewhere while all URLs will still work
With relative URLs, it's easy to move or copy the content to other locations as long as m3u8 playlist and media files are kept together.
As a side note, you should consider using mp4 chunks instead of ts unless you have a technical reason not to. There are hardly any devices left that only support ts but not mp4, and for using some HLS features, the use of mp4 is required (at least for Apple devices), e.g.:
Using the more efficient HEVC codec 1
Using xHE-AAC, Apple Lossless, or FLAC audio 2
Using the IMSC1 subtitle format 3
I have read Google Drive API documentation but I'm not able to understand the following:
Can files and folder be created and modified on drive in background of app?
My application needs working of drive in background.
For Files:
If you will check "Working with File Contents":
Lifecycle of a Drive file
The Drive Android API lets your app access files even if the device is offline. To support offline cases, the API implements a sync engine, which runs in the background to upstream and downstream changes as network access is available and to resolve conflicts.
Check this image from the document.
The lifecycle of a DriveFile object:
Perform an initial download request if the file is not yet synced to the local context but the user wants to open the file. The API handles this automatically when a file is requested.
Open the contents of a file. This creates a temporary duplicate of the file's binary stream which is only available to your application.
Read or modify the file contents, making changes to the temporary duplicate.
Commit or discard any file content changes that have been made.
If there are changes, the file contents are queued for upload to sync them back to the server.
Google API does support running in background. For folders there is no documentation regarding creating of folder can be done in background, but I think same implementation can be done.
I hope this helps.
Ektron 801 SP1
I am allowing users to upload MP3 files to their profile using the CommunityDocuments control. I want the user to be able to click the link and play the song. For some file types, such as .doc, the file downloads immediately because the URL of the link refrences "DownloadAsset.aspx". The MP3 files have a URL like http://www.domain.org/documents.aspx?id=242665652917&TaxonomyId=242665652152&LangType=1033&EkTB_iframe=true&height=520&width=790
How can I get these files to play? I have the following in the web.config
<add key="audio/mpeg" value="WindowsMedia"/>
As far as I know, Ektron doesn't provide any player / plugin support ootb for MP3 files. You can specify an additional MEDIA type in the web.config, perhaps. Or use HTML5 Audio. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_audio.asp
When using the HTML5 approach, pay attention to which codecs are supported by which browsers. You'll have to work out something else for older browsers via fallback or shim.
Adding a MEDIA type in the web.config will just tell the browser to load a plugin like quicktime or wmp, if it works at all.
As per eGandalf's answer, Ektron doesn't include an MP3 player. You should still be able to use Ektron to store and the serve up the MP3, by saving it into the library or as a DMS asset. You made need to update an Ektron config setting by adding ".MP3" to a file extension whitelist.
Regarding having a user player the MP3 in the browser, I would look at using JW Player - it's very popular and here is a tutorial on using it to play an MP3.
Is it possible to save recorded video from isolated storage to media library to be accessible without application (for example for synchronization with PC)?
Yes absolutely. You either need to get access to the video library through manifest or get the user to save it to the video library through the file picker save dialog.
I have created a web application in that application i have added two folder. one is admin folder and under admin i have added a upload folder. In upload folder i have three different audio's. And also i have imported DLL for Windows media player. Through this media player im able to play the audios in local host.
By giving Direct path like MediaPlayer1.Filename="C:\User\sam\waka.mp3"
But when i host the website im getting problem the page is getting refreshed but the audio is not getting played.
I have tried this path Server.Mappath(".\.\upload\waka.mp3")
and Server.Mappath("~\admin\upload\waka.mp3)
the above both paths are not working when i host the website please reply.
It's still a bit unclear, but it sounds like there's some kind of audio player in your website (an ActiveX control or something?) that's trying to reference a path on the server as though it were on the client that's loading the page. Naturally, this will work on your development machine because the client and the server are the same thing.
What's actually being rendered on the client side? What happens if you reference the audio file by its URL rather than its file system path?
Or are you trying to do something different than what I describe? Are you actually trying to play the audio on the server when the client accesses the site?