How to grab a user's Avatar from Tumblr [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on Login with Tumblr in my application.
Everything is working fine, I am able to get blog name, access key and access secret key.
But not able to get the avatar of the profile.
I am using GTMOAuth.
Please suggest me how I can get the profile pic.

As per the documentation, the correct way to get a profile is avatar is to invoke
In particular, you can get a blog's avatar in 9 different sizes. The default size is 64x64.
would grab the URL of an avatar of 512x512
You can use the URL to download/display the specific image.
But do you need something in particular?
Note There is also an SDK for Objective-C available on GitHub TMTumblrSDK.


How to Access Qt Calender widget in qml [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was trying to create a scheduler for a desktop application using qml. I couldn't find any built in calendars for qml.So is there any method to access qt calendar widget in qml?
Qt5.3 alpha has just been released and in the changelog you can see that a new Calendar component has been added to QtQuick.Controls.
Qt Quick Controls:
The Calendar control was added. Calendar allows selection of dates from a grid of days, similar to QCalendarWidget.
This version is not production-ready yet but it should contain what you are looking for.

Reading an image [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to read a text on an image?
Why yes and why not?
My client wants me to make this but I think it's impossible, if not impossible then it'll be very hard to make.. I was trying to explain it to him but it seems like he really wants to push it.
EDIT: I don't understand why you downvoted this I was just asking a yes or no question here. :)) but well it's ok I want to hear what do you guys think if this is possible in
Use something like PDFSharp to get the images, then perform OCR on them with for ex. Tersseract.
Problem is where should that text be used? In the PDF? If yes it might be possible to include a textfield above the image with the text in the PDF, using PDFSharp too.

Plotting function with matplotlib [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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please how can i plot the Rosenbrock function to get the image above :here
To get the 3d plot at the top, click on the image in the WP article to get the image page. Check the bottom, the person who created the image was good enough to include the python script that created it in the comment section. It requires matplotlib (of course). As for the other images, it's hard to tell what's going on mathematically and there's no source given so I doubt anyone but the people who created them could reproduce them accurately.

Use a Google plus page as "author" [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to add the "link" tag to my site with "author" attribute.
Generally it could be useful to insert a g+ profile link, but is it a good idea to put, instead a profile, a g+ page? Or in this way I've not benefits of add this tag?
I can't tell whether Google accepts a page instead of a profile,
but I can tell you that the Google Webmastertools offer a way to try it:
Insert your URL or HTML and give it a try.
I have the page in german, but you'll get a green "author successful" message if it works,
it will display your profile link and name.

some way to put noindex and nofollow on the link's comment of the wordpress [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am having many commentators on my site that are placing links, I would like to put noindex and nofollow on all links, i already searched a lot on the internet but didn't find anything, anyone know any function or plugin that can help me?
From , WordPress 1.5 and above does this automatically. Maybe the rest of that page will help.
What is your wordpress site? Is it self-hosted by wordpress and you are a free user, or you have installed it on your host? It is very easy, use a javascript for any comment. Details are beyond this comment, but it is very easy to search for any tag on the inserted text and change the desired attribute.