Understanding IEnumerator in VB.NET - reset - vb.net

I'm having trouble understanding what's not happening, in my case, with IEnumerator in vb.net.
I have this code which pulls data from a database and then reads the first two rows, summing up a column from each row into 'numGirls'. Then, with 'resEnum1.Reset()', I expected 'resEnum' to reset itself to the begining of the collection, but it doesn't;
Dim resEnum1 As IEnumerator = iTrack.res_by_gender(False, YearCB.Text).GetEnumerator
Dim resSet As Object
Dim numGirls As Integer = 0
For x = 0 To 1
resSet = resEnum1.Current
numGirls += resSet.qty
At this point my code should continue and iterate through the collection starting at the begining of the collection (-1) with a MoveNext;
While resEnum1.MoveNext
End While
However, the IEnumerator (resEnum1) does not infact get reset but continues from the third row of the collection. Why?
Obviously I'm not understaing something, unless it is up to me to re-invent the wheel and implement the 'reset' in code?

Not all enumerators implement the Reset method inherited from IEnumerator. You could think of it as a "forward-only" enumerator.
"The Reset method is provided for COM interoperability. It does not necessarily need to be implemented; instead, the implementer can simply throw a NotSupportedException.". - MSDN


VB.net - SQLite query response turning empty after first interaction

so I'm using SQLite in a VB.net project with a populated database. I'm using the Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core and System.Data.SQLite NuGet package libraries. So the problem presents when I'm trying to get the result of a query. At first the SQLiteDataReader gets the response and all the elements of the desired table. I know this cause in the debugger I have a breakpoint after the setting the object and when I check the parameters of the SQLiteDataReader object the Result View shows all the elements of my table, but as soon as I remove the mouse from the object and check it again the Result View turns out empty, without even resuming with the next line of code. Does anyone know if its a known bug or something cause Ive used this exact method of querying a table in another project and it works.
The code:
Public Function RunQuery(com As String)
If CheckConnection() Then
command.CommandText = com
Dim response As SQLiteDataReader
response = command.ExecuteReader
Dim len As Integer = response.StepCount
Dim col As Integer = response.FieldCount
Dim resp(len, col) As Object
For i = 0 To col - 1
Using response
For j = 0 To len - 1
resp(i, j) = response.GetValue(j)
End Using
Debugger with populated result view
Debugger with empty result view
edit: added the for loop to show that its not only on the debugger that the result view is empty. When using response.Read() it throws an exception "System.InvalidOperationException: 'No current row'"
As I have told you in the comment, a DataReader derived class is a forward only retrieval object. This means that when you reach the end of the records returned by the query, that object is not capable to restart from the beginning.
So if you force the debugger to enumerate the view the reader reaches the end of the results and a second attempt to show the content of the reader fails.
The other part of your problem is caused by a misunderstanding on how to work on the reader. You should loop over the Read result not using a StepCount property. This property as far as I know, is not standard and other data providers don't support it. Probably it is present in the SQLite Provider because for them it is relatively easy to count the number of records while other providers don't attempt do calculate that value for performance reasons.
However, there are other ways to read from the reader. One of them is to fill a DataTable object with its Load method that conveniently take a DataReader
Dim data As DataTable = New DataTable()
Using response
End Using
' Now you have a datatable filled with your data.
' No need to have a dedicated bidimensional array
A DataTable is like an array where you have Rows and Columns instead of indexes to iterate over.

Visual basic variable is used before it has assigned value

this code is the same as others it is a random between 1 and 4 yet for some reason it says it is being used before it has a value it is the same code as 3 others that are the same but with different names yet this is happening can someone please help me?
Dim npc As Random
Dim ndamage As Integer
ndamage = npc.Next(1, 4)
If (Playerhealth.Value - ndamage) <= 0 Then
Playerhealth.Value = 0
Playerhealth.Value = Playerhealth.Value - ndamage
End If
In the first three lines of code,
Dim npc As Random
Dim ndamage As Integer
ndamage = npc.Next(1, 4)
you declare npc and use it before it is assigned a value. You should use New to create a new instance:
Dim npc As New Random
Further Explanation
Random is a class, which means that its default value is Nothing (also called null in C#), so before it can be used it needs to be assigned a value. The easiest way in this case is to use New directly in the variable declaration line.
Random is a Class which provides a lot of methods to get different random numbers.
To access these methods you have to create an object (sometimes called instance) of that class.
This is done by the new operator. This operator will allocate new space on the heap (which is a memory area) and will fill it with objects values and references to methods and other objects.
If you skip the new statement, you program tries to access to not allocated memory. In several languages this will end up in an nullpointer exception, in vb.net you get an used before it has assigned value exception.
To solve your problem, create an object of the random class:
Dim npc As New Random

Integer in VB.net turns into String in VBA

I have a list of objects that are "keys" into a table - the keys are simply the items in the first column. They can be Integers or Strings, depending on what DB table we read it from. Since we use them a lot, we cache that column in an ArrayList called "Keys".
We wrote cover methods to return Row, one that uses strings and the other integers. If you call the integer version it simply returns that row by index. If you call the string, it looks down Keys for a match, and uses that index to pull out the row.
Ok, so now I pass Keys to Excel, pull out one of them in a loop, and ask it what it is...
And the object returns...
Great, the keys must have been integers! So now I'll try to get the row for that key, by calling the accessor method, Row...
And it calls into the version that takes a String.
Can anyone think of a reason that VBA calling back into our VB.net DLL ends up calling the wrong accessor?
ADDED CODE: I can't figure out how to put the code in as a reply, so I'm editing this. Here is the code in the VB.net class:
Public Function Row(ByVal K As String) As DataRow
Dim R As DtaRow = DB.Tables(0).Rows(K)
Return New DataRow(R)
End Function
Public Function Accounts(ByVal K As Integer) As DataRow
Dim R As DtaRow = DB.Tables(0).Rows(K)
Return New DataRow(R)
End Function
If you're wondering, there's two versions of Rows, which take strings or ints.
This code works perfectly from VB.net. You can ask for a row by key string or by the row number, that invokes the proper Row, which calls the proper Rows, and out comes the proper answer.
But in VBA, it always calls the method with the string input. If I rename it to RowIHATEYOUALL then I can call the Integer version just fine. But when there are two of them, differing only in signature, no such luck.
And the A and i (see comments) was my typo.
The interop layer does not support overloaded methods. Whenever you call Row, the first declared method with that name is used. The .NET overload resolution algorithm does not apply here.
Other overloads are exposed to VBA as Row_2, Row_3, etc. Thus, the following code should do what you expect:
This implicit dependency on the order of declaration has a high potential for error. Thus, I would suggest to either
give the methods unique names if they are called from VBA,
or, if you want to retain the "nice" overloaded version for .NET, add compatibility methods for VBA:
<Obsolete("Compatibility method for VBA, use Row instead.")>
Public Function RowByKeyVBA(ByVal K As String) As DataRow
Return Row(K)
End Function
<Obsolete("Compatibility method for VBA, use Row instead.")>
Public Function RowByNumberVBA(ByVal K As Integer) As DataRow
Return Row(K)
End Function
Further information can be found in the following question:
COM->.NET - can't access overloaded method
Following Heinzi's notes (above) I fixed this by making three method signatures for each call, one takes an Object and then attempts to figure out what it is, the others take the String and Integers. Within VB/C#/etc the proper String or Integer methods get called as expected, from VBA the Object version is called, as Heinzi noted
This causes the very minor issue that a user may have a "number like value" that is actually a String. For instance, the array keys might be "User3232" or "3232", both of which are String objects in the table. So you have to be careful, simply asking if the Object can be converted to an Int32 is not enough. This is unlikely to be something that effects most users.

Adding items to list results in duplicates. What is a better way?

I have this code to return a list of fund sources for our organization.
Dim FundSourceList As New List(Of FundSource)
Dim fs As New FundSource
If results.Count > 0 Then
For Each result In results
fs.FundID = result.Item("strFundID")
fs.FundDescription = result.Item("txtFundIDDescr")
fs.ShortFundDescription = result.Item("txtFundIDDescrShort")
End If
Return FundSourceList
The problem is that when I loop through the resulting FundSourceList all it shows is the last value. For example, if I have three fund sources (state, federal, athletic), then when I use this code to loop through all I get listed is athletic, athletic, athletic.
For Each FundSource In FundSources
So I change the code to this. I moved the creation of the fs variable inside the loop.
Dim results = From result In dsResult.Tables(0) Select result
Dim FundSourceList As New List(Of FundSource)
If results.Count > 0 Then
For Each result In results
Dim fs As New FundSource
fs.FundID = result.Item("strFundID")
fs.FundDescription = result.Item("txtFundIDDescr")
fs.ShortFundDescription = result.Item("txtFundIDDescrShort")
End If
Return FundSourceList
This works fine but now I'm creating a new class over and over again. It seems a little inefficient to me. Can I not create the class outside the loop and use it over and over again? Thanks.
If you have 3 fund sources, you need three FundSource objects. It's as simple as that. I don't know what's inefficient about it...
How can you add 3 fund sources to your list but just create one?
You're not actually creating a class - the class is the code definition for the methods and properties. When you use the New operation, you're creating an instance of that class, which results in an object. When you have a list of objects, like FundSourceList, you want the items in it to be individual objects. So yes, the solution you have at the bottom is correct. You mention efficiency concerns - when you instantiate the object, basically all that is happening (in this case) is some memory is being allocated to store the variables (and some references for the managed memory, but you don't need to worry about that here). This is necessary and is optimized under-the-hood, so you shouldn't need to worry about that either.
You can't instantiate the object outside of the loop to achieve the result you're after.
This is because your object would be a reference type.
By instantiating outside of the loop, you would create one reference to your object.
When iterating through your results and setting the properties, you'll be using that same reference over and over.
All you're adding to the list on each iteration is the same reference, which by the end of the loop, will refer to an object containing the last values in your result set.
By creating new objects inside the loop, you create new references - each pointing to a new FundSource. Your loop now writes into a fresh object, and get your desired results.

What Class for Serializable Multidimensional Arrays?

EDIT: See Below
I have a web service which uses a class of functions in order to return data used in various business processes (via InfoPath).
One of the functions takes a given SQLCommand object and executes it into a SQLDataReader. Now depending on the SQL command text used this may return one or many rows of one or many columns. So what is the best class for this function to return bearing in mind it needs to be serialized by the web service.
My existing code is:
Dim array As New ArrayList
Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = cmdCurrent.ExecuteReader
While rdr.Read
If rdr.VisibleFieldCount > 1 Then
Dim complexType(rdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1) As String
For rowIndex As Integer = 0 To rdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1
complexType(rowIndex) = rdr(rowIndex)
End If
End While
Return array
Catch ex As Exception
array.Add("ERROR " & ex.Message)
End Try
Return Nothing
Now I know this is not efficient code, but this a work in progress.
As you can probably see this is generating a string array to represent a row with more than one column, however this cannot be serialized by the web service.
So 2 things really;
Some guidance on an effective type to use (without writing a serializable class of my own)
Some advice on improving the code going forward.
Thanks in advance
I have managed to get serialization to work by simply creating a nested arrayList as follows (doh!):
If rdr.VisibleFieldCount > 1 Then
Dim complexType As New ArrayList
For rowIndex As Integer = 0 To rdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1
End If
However please let me know how this could be improved.
If your code knows the schema of the returned data before the call, then you should return data in the same shape. Have a struct or class with properties of the appropriate type for each column of the returned data. For each row, create an instance of such a struct, and fill in the properties from the returned columns. Then add each instance to a strongly-typed list of that struct, a List(Of T). Then return the list.
OBTW, ArrayList was created before we had generics in .NET. Today, it's better to use strongly-typed collections and not ArrayList, which is basically List(Of anything).