nfsnobody User Privileges - permissions

I have setup an NFS file share between two CentOS 6, 64 machines. On the server the folder being shared was originally owned by the root user. On the client it turned up as being owned by nfsnobody. When I tried to write to the folder from the client I got a permissions error. So I changed the folder ownership on the server to nfsnobody and chmod'd it to 777. However, still no joy - I continue to get a permissions error. Clearly, there is more to this. I would be much obliged to any Linux gurus out there (I personally wouldn't merit being called anything more than a newbie) who might be able to help fix this issue.
Edit - I should have mentioned that trying to write to the shared folder from the client actually manages to create a file entry. However, the file size is 0 and the permissions error is reported.

The issue here is to do with the entry in /etc/exports. It should read
folder ip(rw,**all_squash**,sync,no_subtree_check)
I had missed the all_squash bit. That apart, make sure that the folder on the server is owned by nfsnobody. On my setup both my client and server nfsnobodies ended up with a user id if 65534. However, it is well worth checking this (/etc/groups) or else... .
Here are a couple of useful references
How to setup an NFS SErver
NFS on CentOS
For the benefit of anyone looking to setup an NFS server I give below what worked for me on my CentOS 6 64bit machines.
yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib - install NFS
rpm -q nfs-utils - check the install
/etc/init.d/rpcbind start
chkconfig --levels 235 nfs on
/etc/init.d/nfs start
chkconfig --level 35 rpcbind on
With this done you should create the folder you want to share
mkdir folder
chown 65534:65534 folder
chmod 755 folder
Now define the folder to be shared/exported. Use your favorite text editor (vi or whatever) to
open/create /etc/exports
folder clientIP (rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
Install, check, bind and start as above
mount -t nfs serverIP:folder clientFolderLocation
If all goes well you should now be able to write a little script on your client
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../nfsfolder/test.txt";
file_put_contents($file,'Hello world of NFS!');
browse to it and find that test.txt now exists on the server with the content "Hello world of NFS". In the example I have placed my mounted drive one level before document_root.


ls doesn't show any output in ssh connected to an Debian 9 VM instance in Google Cloud Platform

this might be a dumb question, but I checked everywhere and there's no direct answer to it.
I set up both SSH keys successfully and I can connect to my instance via terminal, but when I do "ls", it doesn't show me any output. I am using iTerm2 with zsh on my Mac but I don't think this is an issue.
Can anybody give me a hint? Thanks!
When you access a VM through SSH, your working directory is the home directory of the user specified with the SSH command, i.e. /home/username. In case you access as root, the working directory will be /root.
You can check it through the command pwd
If it is a brand new machine, it is normal that the output of 'ls' is empty since in your home directory no file matches the filters of 'ls' with no parameters. The reason is that 'ls' doesn't show filenames starting with a dot ('.') because in the Linux convention they are hidden unless you run ls -al.
You can try again with $ ls -al and you will be able to see hidden files and directories as well.
On the other hand you can create as well first an empty file and then running again 'ls':
$ touch file
$ ls

Changing permissions of added file to a Docker volume

In the Docker best practices guide it states:
You are strongly encouraged to use VOLUME for any mutable and/or user-serviceable parts of your image.
And by looking at the source code for e.g. the cpuguy83/nagios image this can clearly be seen done, as everything from nagios to apache config directories are made available as volumes.
However, looking at the same image the apache service (and cgi-scripts for nagios) are run as the nagios user by default. So now I'm in a pickle, as I can't seem to figure how to add my own config files in order to e.g. define more hosts for nagios monitoring. I've tried:
FROM cpuguy83/nagios
ADD my_custom_config.cfg /opt/nagios/etc/conf.d/
RUN chown nagios: /opt/nagios/etc/conf.d/my_custom_config.cfg
CMD ["/opt/local/bin/start_nagios"]
I build as normal, and try to run it with docker run -d -p 8000:80 <image_hash>, however I get the following error:
Error: Cannot open config file '/opt/nagios/etc/conf.d/my_custom_config.cfg' for reading: Permission denied
And sure enough, the permissions in the folder looks like (whist the apache process runs as nagios):
# ls -l /opt/nagios/etc/conf.d/
-rw-rw---- 1 root root 861 Jan 5 13:43 my_custom_config.cfg
Now, this has been answered before (why doesn't chown work in Dockerfile), but no proper solution other than "change the original Dockerfile" has been proposed.
To be honest, I think there's some core concept here I haven't grasped (as I can't see the point of declaring config directories as VOLUME nor running services as anything other than root) - so provided a Dockerfile as above (which follows Docker best practices by adding multiple volumes) is the solution/problem:
To change NAGIOS_USER/APACHE_RUN_USER to 'root' and run everything as root?
To remove the VOLUME declarations in the Dockerfile for nagios?
Other approaches?
How would you extend the nagios dockerfile above with your own config file?
Since you are adding your own my_custom_config.cfg file directly into the container at build time just change the permissions of the my_custom_config.cfg file on your host machine and then build your image using docker build. The host machine permissions are copied into the container image.

#1 - Can't create/write to file '/var/folders/

I get the following error(see. figure) in my Xampp and can not access mySQL through XAMPP and phpMyAdmin. In this link-1 and link-2 possible solution is given; but none of them woks in Mac OS 10.9
I assume the problem is with configuration file my.cnf which is located in the /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/my.cnf.
Any suggestion will be appreciate. Thanks.
Completely stop XAMPP, this means stop apache, ftp and mysql.
Open the program called Terminal.
Type in sudo -i to become root (or do su root if the first doesn’t work for you).
You are most probably asked for a password which you have to enter while no characters are displayed.
Execute chmod 600 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/my.cnf .
Exit your root shell with exit or just close Terminal.
Restart XAMPP (apache, ftp and mysql).
Reinstall Xampp. Before reinstalling delete all the files, take away your htdoc and database folder to other place of your hdd.
The database location in Mac OS-10.9 is
cd '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql/'
Htdoc location
cd '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/'
When you complete reinstallation put all the folders to corresponding location and your database will be automatically update.
I looked some other solution but none of them seems work. I was scare if I remove the database to other location and import later will it work or not. And luckily it works, but as precaution careful when you remove big database.

PSCP copy files from godaddy to my windows machine

I want to take backup of my website which is hosted on godaddy.
I used pscp command from my windows dos and try to download whole public_html folder.
my command is :
pscp -r user#host:public_html/ d:\sites\;
Files are downloading properly and folders also. But the issue is public_html and other subfolders has two folder like "./" and "../". Due to these two folders my copy is getting failed and I am getting
"security violation: remote host attempted to write to " a '.' or '..' path!"error.
Hope any one can help for this.
Note : I have only ssh access and have to download it from ssh commands itself.
Appending a star to the source should fix it, e.g.
pscp -r user#host:public_html/* d:\sites\;
Also you can do same thing by not adding '/' at the end of your source path.
For eg.
pscp -r user#host:public_html d:\sites
Above command will create public_html directory if not exists at your destination (i.e. d:\sites).
Simply we can say using above command we can make a as it is clone of public_html at d:\sites.
One important thing: You need to define the port number over here "-P 22".
pscp -r -P 22 user#host:public_html/* D:\sites
In my case, it works when I use port number 22 with the above script.

Is there a way I can have a VM gain access to my computer?

I would like to have a VM to look at how applications appear and to develop OS-specific applications, however, I want to keep all my code on my Windows machine so if I decide to nuke a VM or anything like that, it's all still there.
If it matters, I'm using VirtualBox.
This is usually handled with network shares. Share your code folder from your host machine and access it from the VMs.
Aside from network shares, another tool to use for this is a version-control system.
You should always be able make a normal network connection between the VM and the hosting OS, as though it were another computer on the same network. Which, in some sense, it is.
I do this all the time.
I have a directory in a Windows drive that I mount in my host ubuntu 12.04.
I run virtualbox ubuntu 13.04 as a guest.
I want the guest to mount the Windows directory with full non-root permissions.
I do almost all my work from a bash shell, so this method is natural for me.
When searching for methods to automatically mount virtualbox shared folders,
reliable and correct methods are hard to distinguish from those that fail.
Failures include getting and setting permissions, as well as other problems.
Methods that fail include:
modifying /etc/fstab
modifying /etc/rc.local
I am fairly certain that rc.local can be used,
but no methods I have tried worked.
I welcome improvements on these guidelines.
On virtualbox 4.2.14 running nautilus (bash terminal) on an ubuntu 13.04 guest,
Below is a working method to mount Common (sharename)
on /home/$USER/Desktop/Common (mountpoint) with full permissions.
(Note the ‘\’ command continuation character in the find command.)
First time only: create your mountpoint, modify your .bashrc file, and run it.
Respond with password when requested.
These are the four command-lines needed:
mkdir $HOME/Desktop/Common
sudo echo “$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL” >> /etc/sudoers
find $HOME/Desktop/Common -maxdepth 0 -type d -empty -exec sudo \
mount -t vboxsf -o \
uid=`id -u $USER`,gid=`id -g $USER` Common $HOME/Desktop/Common \;
source ~/.bashrc # Needed if you want to mount Common in this bash.
All other times: simply launch a bash shell.
The find command mounts the shared directory if the mountpoint directory is empty.
If the mountpoint directory is not empty, it does not run the mount command.
I hope this is error-free and sufficiently general.
Please let me know of corrections and improvements.