Why don't Chrome and Firefox fire events when a video begins buffering? - html5-video

The MediaElement.js library for HTML5 video is the most complete option that I have found, and also the only one I can use on this project.
The problem is that when the videos load poorly over a slow connection, neither the video element or the MediaElement library dispatch an event when the video stops playing and begins to buffer. This is only happening in Chrome and Firefox.
I have added event listeners to the stalled, waiting, and suspended events, and none of them are fired when the video pauses to buffer in Chrome or Firefox.
Any ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated.

If you look at the code for MediaElement.js, you'll notice the stalled and suspended are not set for MediaElement object. Waiting wouldn't work because it's called when the playback is waiting on another operation (e.g. seek)
waiting: Sent when the requested operation (such as playback) is delayed pending the completion of another operation (such as a seek). https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Media_events
This is not tested, but you can try the following
Set a playing event that will create an interval to check the current
time of the video. If the video current time didn't change from last interval, than
most likely the video is buffering or not loading.
Set a pause event to clear the interval.
You might need to set other events to make sure the event
is not triggered by user actions.
Hope this helps.


Application cache event noupdate is not getting fired intermittently on the Safari browser.

The window.applicationCache status is 2(Checking) when the issue occurs. I have some method called on the listener to some of the application cache change events. But when the issue occurs, I see none of the events getting fired.
Request to Manifest is also stuck forever when I inspect the network tab.
The device I am using is Ipad IOS-12.0.
In the success scenario, the status is 2(checking), then it raises noupdate event and subsequently the application cache status changes to 1(idle). This issue is intermittent and gets reproduced sometimes when I freshly launch the web app.
Since this feature is going to be deprecated by apple, the support hasn't come. you can do a workaround instead, have a listener on the checking event and may be after a setTimeout of 3-4 seconds you can perform your further calls.
Will keep this thread posted once an update comes.

Random high content download time in chrome?

We have an API which randomly takes high content download time in chrome, It works fine always in firefox and takes an only few ms. The response size is 20kb uncompressed and 4kb compressed. The same request also works fine using curl.
Things that we have tried:
Disabling If-None-Match header to disable cache response from the browser.
Trying various compressions (gzip, deflate, br).
Disabling compression.
Disabling all chrome extensions.
The same request works fine sometimes on chrome but randomly returns very high content download time.
We are unable to understand the root cause of this issue. What are the other things we can try to minimize this time?
I made three requests here and the 3rd one took the most time (before the last spike). CPU does not seem to be maxing out for a longer period of time. Most of the time is idle time.
Also, When replaying the call using Replay XHR menu, the Content download period drops from 2s to 200 ms.
Are you by chance trying to implement infinite scrolling? If you are, try dragging the scroll bar instead of using the mouse wheel. For some reason, Chrome seems to struggle with mouse scroll events. If the scroll bar worked just fine, keep reading.
This post provides a detailed walkthrough of someone experiencing something similar - https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7934
I had attached a watcher on the scroll event which would trigger an AJAX request. I had throttled the request and could see that only 1 was being sent. I watched my dev server return the response within a few ms but there would be a 2 second delay in chrome. No render, no api calls, no and scripts executing. But the "Content Download" would take 3 seconds for 14kb. No other browser had this issue.
I stumbled upon suggestions that using requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout would solve the problem. That approach seems that approach works when the "Waiting" or green is significant, not so much for the "Content Download" or blue.
After hours of digging, I tried conditionally calling e.preventDefault() on the mousewheel event and to my amazement, it worked.
A few things to note:
1) I did not use the mousewheel event to make the api call. I used the scroll event along with throttling.
2) The mousewheel event is non-standard and should not be used. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/mousewheel
3) BUT in this case, you have to watch and handle the mousewheel event because of chrome. Other browsers ignore the event if they don't support it and I have yet to see it cause an issue in another browser.
4) You don't want to call preventDefault() every time because that disables scrolling with a mouse :) You only want to call it when deltaY is 1 if you are using vertical scroll. You can see from the attached image that deltaY is 1 when you basically can't scroll anymore. the mousewheel event is fired even though the page cannot scroll. As a side note, deltaX is -0 when you are scrolling vertically and deltaY is -0 when scrolling horizontally.
My solution:
window.addEventListener("mousewheel", (e) => {
if (e.deltaY === 1) {
That has been the only solution that I've seen work and I haven't seen it mentioned or discussed elsewhere. I hope that helps.
console log of mousewheel event
I think you may be doing it wrong.™
Fundamentally, if this really only happens with Chrome, then perhaps the client-side code is to blame, of which you don't reveal any details.
Otherwise, you are trying to debug what you present as a backend condition (based on the choice on the nginx tag) with front-end tools:
Have you tried using tcpdump(8) to troubleshoot the issue? What packets gets exchanged and at what times?
Have you tried logging the times of the request being received and processed by nginx? E.g., $request_time?
Where is the server located? Perhaps you're experiencing packet loss, which may require timeouts and retransmission of some TCP packets, which invariably will introduce a random delay?
Finally, the last possibility is that the field doesn't mean what you think it does -- it sounds like it may take a hit from CPU load, as this is the result of the XMLHTTPRequest (XHR) processing -- perhaps you run some advertising with user tracking that randomly consumes a significant amount of CPU, slowing down your metrics?

Main content starts playing before preroll in video.js when using videojs-contrib-ads

When using videojs-contrib-ads to create an ad plugin in video.js, the main programme often starts playing before the ads start playing. It seems that video.js connects to the CDN of the main content initially and then contrib-ads checks if it needs to play prerolls. A few seconds of the main content is sometimes played before this happens and only then does it start to play the adverts.
This was seen mostly on iOS on live feeds.
Does anyone know why it works like this and is there a way to stop it?
Use the prerollTimeout setting.
The maximum amount of time to wait for an ad implementation to initiate a postroll, in milliseconds. If contentended has been fired and the ad implementation does not call startLinearAdMode() before postrollTimeout expires, the content video will end playback.

Safari html5 video timeupdate event gets disabled

We are playing videos from a server. We attach an 'ontimeupdate' event which fires periodically, as the video plays. For slow connections, we can compare where the video currently IS, to where it SHOULD be. Then we can do some other things we need to do, if it is lagging. Everything works fine in Chrome, FF, IE. In Safari, when the connection is slow, the event only fires twice. Why does it get removed? Is there a way to add the event again, inside of the handler for the event? Thanks
The HTML5 audio/video element is still less than perfect. The biggest issues I've noticed is that it doesn't always behave the same way in every browser. I do not know why the timeupdate event stops firing in Safari, but one option you have is to monitor whether the video is playing or not and verifying the information independently. Example,
$(video).bind('play', function() {
playing = true;
}).bind('pause', function() {
playing = false;
}).bind('ended', function() {
playing = false;
function yourCheck() {
if (playing) {
if (video.currentTime != timeItShouldBe) {
//do something
} else {
setTimeout( yourCheck(), 100);
Something to that effect. Its not perfect, but neither is the current HTML5 audio/video element. Good luck.
The event will not fire if the currentTime does not change, so it may not be firing if the video has stopped playing to buffer. However, there are other events you can listen for:
1) "stalled" - browser is trying to load the video file, but it's not getting anything from the network.
2) "waiting" - playback has stopped because you ran out of buffered data, but it will probably pick up again once more data comes in from the network. This is probably the most useful one for you.
3) "playing" - playback has resumed. Not to be confused with "play" which just means it's "trying" to play. This event fires when the video is actually playing.
4) "progress" - browser got more data from the network. Sometimes just fires every so often, but it can also fire after it recovers from the "stalled" state.
See the spec for reference.
I've heard some people say that these events can be unreliable in some browsers, but they seem to be working just fine here: http://www.w3.org/2010/05/video/mediaevents.html
If you want to be extra cautious, you can also poll periodically (with a timeout as tpdietz wrote) and check the state of the video. The readyState property will tell you whether you have enough data to show the current frame ( >= 2 ), enough to keep playing at least a little bit into the future ( >= 3 ) or enough to play all the way to the end (probably). You can also use the buffered property to see how much of the video has actually been buffered ahead of where you're playing, so you can roughly estimate the data rate (if you know how big the file is).
MDN has a great reference on all these properties and events.

HTML5 video with seamless loop within video

I am programming an interactive video (kind of game) where the user make actions on a side panel and actions happens in the video.
For a part, the video is waiting for user action on the panel, so it has to loop until the action has been launch by the user.
So at 15 seconds, I get back to 11 seconds as long as the user has not made the action, video is designed to be a perfect loop.
My loop is working, but the problem is thats it's not seamless. At 15 seconds, it stops for like a second, and then starts back at 11 seconds. Is there a way to make it work seamless?
I am using VideoJS. Here is my code:
var video_decor = _V_("video_decor");
video_decor.addEvent("timeupdate", function(){
var whereYouAt = video_decor.currentTime();
if(whereYouAt > 15){
The easiest way to do a seamless loop is by using a full length video and waiting for the 'ended' event to go back to the beginning. That tends to be pretty smooth, so if you can make that happen some how that'd be best.
Taking a sub-section of the video and looping it is difficult, because browsers don't trigger the 'timeupdate' event every millisecond, and it would be really inefficient to do so. They instead trigger timeupdate every 15 (Chrome/Safari) or 250 (Firefox) milliseconds, so that's your margin of error. You could potentially create your own timer (setInterval) for a smaller interval and check the time manually, but that could put a heavy load on the browser.