grouping by column and then doing a boxplot by the index in pandas - pandas

I have a large dataframe which I would like to group by some column and examine graphically the distribution per group using a boxplot. I found that df.boxplot() will do it for each column of the dataframe and put it in one plot, just as I need.
The problem is that after a groupby operation, my data is all in one column with the group labels in the index , so i can't call boxplot on the result.
here is an example:
df = DataFrame({'a':rand(10),'b':[x%2 for x in range(10)]})
a b
0 0.273548 0
1 0.378765 1
2 0.190848 0
3 0.646606 1
4 0.562591 0
5 0.409250 1
6 0.637074 0
7 0.946864 1
8 0.203656 0
9 0.276929 1
Now I want to group by column b and boxplot the distribution of both groups in one boxplot. How can I do that?

You can use the by argument of boxplot. Is that what you are looking for?
df.boxplot(column='a', by='b')


is There any methods to merge multiple dataframes of different templates

There are a total of 4 dataframes (df1 / df2 / df3 / df4),
Each dataframe has a different template, but they all have the same columns.
I want to merges the row of each dataframe based on the same column, but what function should I use? A 'merge' or 'join' function doesn't seem to work, and deleting the rest of the columns after grouping them into a list seems to be too messy.
I want to make attached image
This is an option, you can merge the dataframes and then drop the useless columns from the total dataframe.
df_total = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3, df4], axis=0)
df_total.drop(['Value2', 'Value3'], axis=1)
You can use reduce to get it done too.
from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left, right, on=['ID','value1'], how='outer'), [df1,df2,df3,df4])[['ID','value1']]
ID value1
0 a 1
1 b 4
2 c 5
3 f 1
4 g 5
5 h 6
6 i 1

Multiplying two data frames in pandas

I have two data frames as shown below df1 and df2. I want to create a third dataframe i.e. df as shown below. What would be the appropriate way?
id val
0 a 1
1 b 2
2 c 3
yr val
0 2010 4
1 2011 5
2 2012 6
id val 2010 2011 2012
0 a 1 4 5 6
1 b 2 8 10 12
2 c 3 12 15 18
I can basically convert df1 and df2 as 1 by n matrices and get n by n result and assign it back to the df1. But is there any easy pandas way?
We can do it in one line like this:
df1.join(df1.val.apply(lambda x: x * df2.set_index('yr').val))
or like this:
df1.join(df1.set_index('id') # df2.set_index('yr').T, on='id')
The long story
Let's see what's going on here.
To find the output of multiplication of each df1.val by values in df2.val we use apply:
df1['val'].apply(lambda x: x * df2.val)
The function inside will obtain df1.vals one by one and multiply each by df2.val element-wise (see broadcasting for details if needed). As far as df2.val is a pandas sequence, the output is a data frame with indexes df1.val.index and columns df2.val.index. By df2.set_index('yr') we force years to be indexes before multiplication so they will become column names in the output.
DataFrame.join is joining frames index-on-index by default. So due to identical indexes of df1 and the multiplication output, we can apply df1.join( <the output of multiplication> ) as is.
At the end we get the desired matrix with indexes df1.index and columns id, val, *df2['yr'].
The second variant with # operator is actually the same. The main difference is that we multiply 2-dimentional frames instead of series. These are the vertical and horizontal vectors, respectively. So the matrix multiplication will produce a frame with indexes and columns df2.yr and element-wise multiplication as values. At the end we connect df1 with the output on identical id column and index respectively.
This works for me:
df2 = df2.T
new_df = pd.DataFrame(np.outer(df1['val'],df2.iloc[1:]))
df = pd.concat([df1, new_df], axis=1)
df.columns = ['id', 'val', '2010', '2011', '2012']
The output I get:
id val 2010 2011 2012
0 a 1 4 5 6
1 b 2 8 10 12
2 c 3 12 15 18
Your question is a bit vague. But I suppose you want to do something like that:
df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)

pandas dataframe - how to find multiple column names with minimum values

I have a dataframe (small sample shown below, it has more columns), and I want to find the column names with the minimum values.
Right now, I have the following code to deal with it:
finaldf['min_pillar_score'] = finaldf.iloc[:, 2:9].idxmin(axis="columns")
This works fine, but does not return multiple values of column names in case there is more than one instance of minimum values. How can I change this to return multiple column names in case there is more than one instance of the minimum value?
Please note, I want row wise results, i.e. minimum column names for each row.
try the code below and see if it's in the output format you'd anticipated. it produces the intended result at least.
result will be stored in mins.
mins = df.idxmin(axis="columns")
for i, r in df.iterrows():
mins[i] = list(r[r == r[mins[i]]].index)
Get column name where value is something in pandas dataframe might be helpful also.
EDIT: adding an image of the output and the full code context.
Assuming this input as df:
0 5 8 9 5
1 0 0 1 7
2 6 9 2 4
3 5 2 4 2
4 4 7 7 9
You can use the underlying numpy array to get the min value, then compare the values to the min and get the columns that have a match:
s = df.eq(df.to_numpy().min()).any()
output: ['A', 'B']

How to create new pandas column by vlookup-like procedure on another data-frame

I have a dataframe that looks like this. It will be used to map values using two categorical variables. Maybe converting this to a dictionary would be better.
The 2nd data-frame is very large with a screenshot shown below. I want to take the values from the categorical variables to create a new attribute (column) based on the 1st data-frame.
For example...
A row with FICO_cat of (700,720] and OrigLTV_cat of (75,80] would receive a value of 5.
A row with FICO_cat of (700,720] and OrigLTV_cat of (85,90] would receive a value of 6.
Is there an efficient way to do this?
If your column labels are the FICO_cat values, and your Index is OrigLTV_cat, this should work:
Given a dataframe df:
780+ (740,780) (720,740)
(60,70) 3 3 3
(70,75) 4 5 4
(75,80) 3 1 2
df = df.unstack().reset_index()
df.rename(columns = {'level_0' : 'FICOCat', 'level_1' : 'OrigLTV', 0 : 'value'}, inplace = True)
FICOCat OrigLTV value
0 780+ (60,70) 3
1 780+ (70,75) 4
2 780+ (75,80) 3
3 (740,780) (60,70) 3
4 (740,780) (70,75) 5
5 (740,780) (75,80) 1
6 (720,740) (60,70) 3
7 (720,740) (70,75) 4
8 (720,740) (75,80) 2

pandas: reshape dataframe for stacked bar plot

I have a dataframe like this
meaning label \
0 hypertension 0
1 angina 5
2 angina 9
percentFeatureInCluster percentFeatureInPop
0 33.781654 30.618880
1 24.916958 3.768201
2 4.663107 3.768201
I am trying to group by meaning, and get a stacked bar plot where there are as many bars per meaning as there are rows in each group + an additional one for percentFeatureInPop.
I.e this would be the DataFrame I am looking for, which I can easily feed into and get the plot I'm looking for.
meaning percentFeatureInCluster0 percentFeatureInCluster5
hypertension 33.781654 0
angina 0 24.916958
percentFeatureInCluster9 percentFeatureInPop
0 30.618880
4.663107 3.768201
How can this be achieved?
pre = 'percentFeatureInCluster'
d1 = df.set_index(['meaning', 'label'])[pre].unstack(fill_value=0).add_prefix(pre), figsize=[10, 4])