Start hangout or gchat with an initial invite in a webapplication - google-plus

Is it possible to start a hangouts or gchat with an initial invite in a webapplication?
what i'm trying to do is have a list of people with their email addresses on a page, so what when a visitor clicks on any of them, it starts a hangout with the clicked email address invited into the hangout.

Yes, at some level, of course.
See for more information.
Mostly Question should be based on exact problem or some undocumented behaviour, instead of just Question - whether API for the product is published. For example, in what environment or use-case you want this to happen. What makes it even more confusing is that you use term "web application".
Happy hacking!
P.S. This question looks pretty similar: invite participant in hangout


How do you ensure people add your bot to Google Chat rooms?

We have a bot on Google Chat but it seems people use it in the personal scope rather than adding to rooms. As per my understanding, there is no concept of "teams" on Google Chat. However, our bot works best with teams, ie, in rooms.
Is there a way to ensure bot is added to rooms? Also, to other bot developers out there - have you managed to replicate the success of Slack/MS Teams bots to Google Chat?
There is no way to "force" users to use your bot in this way.
The best you could do is to detect whether the bot is in a private conversation and notify the user that it is useful as a "room" bot, not a "personal" bot. That and make sure your bot is well documented with the relevant info in hard-to-miss places.
You could do this by examining the event object which has this attribute:
space | object (Space) | The room or DM in which the event occurred.
Event Object - where you might find info related to where the bot was called from.
General Guides - for general info.

Edited and Deleted hangout chat messages are not sent to bots

Hangout Chat is sending only new messages to the Bot, edits and deletes are not being sent and there is no info either in the documentation
Another issue is, bot's getting message only when its mentioned in a room, all other messages are not sent to bot.
How can i resolve/work around these issues?
Hangouts Chat bots is only sent new messages. Edited messages don't get sent to the bot. Though as Brett mentioned you can submit a feature request if you can think of use cases for the functionality (see below).
I suggest checking the Hangouts Chat API support page and search whether someone's filed a feature request (FR) on Google's issue tracker. If so, star it and add a link to it here via a comment. If not, file a new feature request and also link it here so others can vote on it.
As for the purpose of #mentioning a bot in rooms, this is likely done for privacy/security purposes. Having a bot or bots always listening to conversations in a room could raise such concerns. I'd expect bots to only get messages when it is directly #mentioned in a room unless Google feels otherwise. Who knows... may be if enough people star it, they may consider it.

Instagram doesn't approve my app with some partly irrelevant feedback

I have written an app which notifies users when someone make them unfollow (As like as any other apps in this area). Then, I got my app approved by Instagram. After six/seven attempts, they don't approve the app till now. I followed their instructions as feedback and fixed any probable privacy problem which my app might have. But I didn't get any bright answer from them as far.
I throw my app on the following use case:
My product helps brands and advertisers understand, manage their
audience and media rights.
And I wrote my API use cases as follows:
Thank you for considering our request to approve our application. The
required information for enabling live mode for our application is
explained in the following lines:
Q1: How your app does use the Instagram API?
First of all, our user (i.e. brands or advertisers) selects the “Unfollow Finder Service” on our application.
We redirect the user to Instagram login page, as indicated in API documentation, to authorize his account to accessing required scopes.
i. Note that we already told the user everything that we are going to
We tend to call follow APIs whenever the authorized user clicks a button in our application.
Ultimately, we inform the authorized user with the information obtained from step 3.
Q2: How does it fall into one of the approved use cases?
The list of users who recently unfollowed/followed an
Instagram account are definitely crucial and beneficial for the brands
and advertisers on Instagram. In this way, they can get feedback
implicitly from their customers. Our service help them to manage their
audiences and provide better content for them. So, according to Q1,
our use case falls into “My product helps brands and advertisers
understand, manage their audience and media rights.” We never violate
the approved scopes and Instagram's privacy.
Q3: Who will be using your app?
In our region, lots of brands and businesses utilize
Instagram to publish their content. They are the users of our service
and can use it to improve their relation with their audiences. Kind
As you see, I'm trying to tell them everything in detail. But in my last submission, they declined me with the following feedback:
General issues:
Policy Violation ("Like", "Follow", "Comment" Exchange Program): Your
app shouldn't participate, enable or promote any “like”, “share”,
“comment” or “follower” exchange programs. In working to build a high
quality platform experience, we ask that you comply with our Platform
Policy (
I just want permission on follower_list scope from them. The surprising part is that they noted me with almost irrelevant feedback. It seems that they do not want to approve my app at all.
Do I violate their privacy?
Does anyone face this problem? How can I fix it and had my app approved?
Sorry for asking this question here since I almost googled entire web (+Stackoverflow) and find no helpful answer. All of my previous attempts were gone away.
Thanks in advance.

I am working on a google app with the Gmail API and my IP is getting flagged for "Unusual Activity. How do I request Google to white list an IP?

I am currently working on a Chrome Extension that uses the Gmail API to sync emails.
As I am testing, refreshing, changing code etc, I often get a message that Google has detected Unusual Activity from my IP address, causing the entire office to have to enter CAPTCHAS to do any Google searches.
Today I actually had my test email account locked for one hour because I was requesting email too often.
Does anyone know of a way to ask Google to whitelist a specific IP for development?
EDIT* if you are going to downvote my question can you at least explain why? I would like to be a good netizen but if you dont tell me what I am doing wrong you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
As Google documents in their help article: "...we notify you about unusual account activity, such as sign-ins or password changes from unfamiliar locations and devices. You can review this activity and confirm whether or not you actually took the action."
You might also check this article about "How to Turn Off a Gmail IP Address Tracker" at

I've made a business page for my father and I and I want him to get the notifications

I thought I was being nice by creating a business page for my fathers fishing guide service (and that has really worked nicely) but now that I am rarely a part of his business due to distance, everyone who comments on the facebook thinking I'm my father.. He doesn't get notifications when someone comments on a picture or sends HIM a message. I feel aweful about it because it's part of my page.. Is there some way I can link him to the business page so he too can get notifications??
Yes. If you go to your page and click "Edit Page" ->"Admin Roles" you should be able to type in his email or username and add him as an admin to the page. Then he should receive notifications as well