FOR XML multiple control by attribute in tree concept - sql

I want to figure out one issue.
I already had question about simple ordering issue but I want to order more detail.
check below this link :
SQL Server : FOR XML sorting control by attribute
I made a example case.
SQL Query.
select (
select '123' AS '#id', (
select 'test' AS '#testid' , '20' AS '#order'
FOR XML path ('tree') , TYPE
select 'test2' AS '#testid' , '30' AS '#order'
FOR XML path ('tree-order') , TYPE
select 'test' AS '#testid' , '10' AS '#order'
FOR XML path ('tree') , TYPE
FOR XML path ('Node') , TYPE
FOR XML path ('Sample') , TYPE
(select '456' AS '#id', (
select 'test' AS '#testid' , '20' AS '#order'
FOR XML path ('tree') , TYPE
select 'test2' AS '#testid' , '30' AS '#order'
FOR XML path ('tree-order') , TYPE
select 'test' AS '#testid' , '10' AS '#order'
FOR XML path ('tree') , TYPE
FOR XML path ('Node') , TYPE
FOR XML path ('Sample') , TYPE)
FOR XML path ('Main') , TYPE
Result :
<Sample id="123">
<tree testid="test" order="20" />
<tree-order testid="test2" order="30" />
<tree testid="test" order="10" />
<Sample id="456">
<tree testid="test" order="20" />
<tree-order testid="test2" order="30" />
<tree testid="test" order="10" />
Expected result :
<Sample id="123">
<tree testid="test" order="10" />
<tree testid="test" order="20" />
<tree-order testid="test2" order="30" />
<Sample id="456">
<tree testid="test" order="10" />
<tree testid="test" order="20" />
<tree-order testid="test2" order="30" />
final result :
<Sample id="123">
<tree testid="test" />
<tree testid="test" />
<tree-order testid="test2" />
<Sample id="456">
<tree testid="test" />
<tree testid="test" />
<tree-order testid="test2" />
That's order by tree-order.
finally I don't want to show order information in attribute
Any one has great Idea?
Thank you for everybody who interesting to this.
Updated ----------------------------------------
Thank you every body finally I solved problem as below about order by and remove attribute issue :
declare #resultData xml = (select #data.query('
element Main {
for $s in Main/Sample
return element Sample {
for $n in $s/Node
return element Node {
for $i in $n/*
order by $i/#order
return $i
SET #resultData.modify('delete (Main/Sample/Node/tree/#order)');
SET #resultData.modify('delete (Main/Sample/Node/tree-order/#order)');
select #resultData

select #data.query('
element Main {
for $s in Main/Sample
return element Sample {
for $n in $s/Node
return element Node {
for $i in Node/*
order by $i/#order
if ($i/self::tree)
then element tree { $i/#testid }
else element tree-order { $i/#testid }

What's interesting to me is that in your original post, you're stating that you're generating the XML as the result of a SQL query. If it were me, I'd control the ordering at that level.


loop / Extract nodes from clob xml column in oracle pl sql

I have this xml content stored in a clob column of a table, I have to loop through the "molecule" nodes under the "reactantList" node,and store each "molecule" node into another table containing a list of molecules,
Any help please?
I tried with xmltype, xmlsequence, xmltable etc but did not work, I also have to specify the namespace "xmlns=.." somewhere as an argument to xmltype I think, to be able to make it work...
<cml xmlns="" version="ChemAxon file format v20.20.0, generated by vunknown" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<arrow type="DEFAULT" x1="-8.022119140625" y1="0.8333333333333334" x2="-3.5637858072916657" y2="0.8333333333333334" />
<molecule molID="m1">
<atom id="a1" elementType="C" x2="-13.938333333333334" y2="0.7083333333333333" />
<atom id="a2" elementType="O" x2="-15.478333333333333" y2="0.7083333333333333" lonePair="2" />
<bond id="b1" atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1" />
<molecule molID="m2">
<atom id="a1" elementType="O" x2="-9.897119140624998" y2="0.8333333333333333" mrvValence="0" lonePair="3" />
<bondArray />
<agentList />
<productList />
<MReactionSign toption="NOROT" fontScale="14.0" halign="CENTER" valign="CENTER" autoSize="true" id="o1">
<Field name="text">
<![CDATA[{D font=SansSerif,size=18,bold}+]]>
<MPoint x="-11.730452473958332" y="0.6666666666666666" />
<MPoint x="-11.217119140624998" y="0.6666666666666666" />
<MPoint x="-11.217119140624998" y="1.18" />
<MPoint x="-11.730452473958332" y="1.18" />
You can use:
INSERT INTO molecules (molecule)
SELECT x.molecule
FROM table_name t
'' AS "xsi",
molecule XMLTYPE PATH '.'
) x
db<>fiddle here

How to get XML subnodes as strings along with parent attributes?

I need to parse xml which consist of nodes having attributes and subnodes. The result should be attribute of parent with xml of child node
declare #xml xml
set #xml = '<root>
<group Description="firstgroup">
<nodeA age="10" birthplace="Anchorage"/>
<nodeB mode="A" ability="read"/>
<group Description="nextgroup">
<nodeA age="10" birthplace="London"/>
<nodeB count="2" birthplace="Paris"/>
c.value('#Description', 'varchar(max)') as 'Description'
from #xml.nodes('/root/*') as T(c)
The output is
But I need
Description nodeBXML
=========== ========
firstgroup <nodeB mode="A" ability="read"/>
nextgroup <nodeB count="2" birthplace="Paris"/>
c.value('#Description', 'varchar(max)') as 'Description'
, c.query('./nodeB') as Content
from #xml.nodes('/root/*') as T(c)
-- Results to:
Description Content
firstgroup <nodeB mode="A" ability="read" />
nextgroup <nodeB count="2" birthplace="Paris" />
Perhaps something like this:
Select c.value('#Description', 'varchar(max)') as 'Description'
,AsString = convert(varchar(max),c.query('./*[2]') )
,AsXML = c.query('./*[2]')
From #xml.nodes('/root/*') as T(c)

FORXML SQL Group By Element

I am trying to group some elements together under one node. This is my current SQL;
declare #xml xml
set #xml = (
select (
'DERIVED' '#type',
m.NuixDerivedFieldName '#name', (
NuixFieldType as 'metadata/#type',
NuixFieldName as 'metadata/#name'
from eddsdbo.MetadataMapping m1
where m1.NuixDerivedFieldName = m.NuixDerivedFieldName
for xml path ('first-non-blank'), type
from (select distinct NuixDerivedFieldName from eddsdbo.MetadataMapping) m
for xml path ('metadata'))
select #xml for XML PATH ('metadata-list'), ROOT ('metadata-profile')
Which gives me the following output;
<metadata-profile xmlns="">
<metadata type="DERIVED" name="Barcode" xmlns="">
<metadata type="CUSTOM" name="Barcode" />
<metadata type="EVIDENCE" name="Barcode" />
I want to group together elements together which have the same 'name' attribute of the metadata element under the <first-non-blank> element.
The desired output should be;
<metadata-profile xmlns="">
<metadata type="DERIVED" name="Barcode" xmlns="">
<metadata type="CUSTOM" name="Barcode" />
<metadata type="EVIDENCE" name="Barcode" />
My database looks something like this;
NuixFieldName NuixFieldType NuixDerivedFieldName
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
_EmailEntryID PROPERTY EmailEntryID
Audited Audited Audited
Author PROPERTY Author
Barcode CUSTOM Barcode
Barcode EVIDENCE Barcode
I would also like to remove the xlmns namespace identifier from the metadata elements.
Thanks in advance!
You could try this
NuixFieldName varchar(20),
NuixFieldType varchar(20),
NuixDerivedFieldName varchar(20)
('Audited', 'Audited ','Audited'),
('Author ', 'PROPERTY','Author '),
('Barcode', 'CUSTOM ','Barcode'),
('Barcode', 'EVIDENCE','Barcode')
SET #xml = (
-- sd.NuixDerivedFieldName AS [#name],
'DERIVED' AS [#type],
sd.NuixDerivedFieldName AS [#name],
sd2.NuixFieldType as '#type',
sd2.NuixFieldName as '#name'
FROM #SampleData sd2 WHERE sd2.NuixDerivedFieldName = sd.NuixDerivedFieldName
FOR XML PATH ('metadata'),ROOT('first-non-blank'), TYPE
FROM (select DISTINCT sd.NuixDerivedFieldName from #SampleData sd ) sd
FOR XML PATH('metadata'), ROOT('metadata-list'),TYPE
SELECT #xml FOR XML PATH (''),ROOT('metadata-profile')
<metadata-profile xmlns="">
<metadata type="DERIVED" name="Audited">
<metadata type="Audited " name="Audited" />
<metadata type="DERIVED" name="Author ">
<metadata type="PROPERTY" name="Author " />
<metadata type="DERIVED" name="Barcode">
<metadata type="CUSTOM " name="Barcode" />
<metadata type="EVIDENCE" name="Barcode" />
<metadata type="DERIVED" name="EmailEntryID">
<metadata type="PROPERTY" name="_EmailEntryID" />

Using SQL to Generate XML

I'm trying to use SQL to generate XML in the format:
<BatchField Name="Field1" Value="1" />
<BatchField Name="Field2" Value="2" />
<BatchField Name="Field3" Value="3" />
I'm using SQL Server 2008. I wrote this query:
'Col' AS [#Name],
FiscalYear AS [#Value]
FROM [ICEM].[dbo].[ExportedBill]
WHERE ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('BatchField'), TYPE)
FROM [ICEM].[dbo].[ExportedBill]
WHERE ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('BatchFields'), ROOT ('Batch'), TYPE)
ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('Batches'), ROOT ('ImportSession')
And this results in:
<BatchField Name="Col" Value="2015" />
What I need though is every column should have an entry in BatchField. Also I need the column name to show up in the name. So I should get:
<BatchField Name="FiscalYear" Value="2015" />
<BatchField Name="MeterNumber" Value="123456" />
<BatchField Name="Name" Value="John Smith" />
<BatchField Name="Utility" Value="Electricity" />
So can anyone tell me how I modify my query to get what I need?
I figured it out. I needed a second nested Select. I need one for each column. If they proceeding selects use the same tags as a previous Select then the information is concatanated under the same parent tag
'FiscalYear' AS [#Name],
FiscalYear AS [#Value]
FROM [ICEM].[dbo].[ExportedBill]
WHERE ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('BatchField'), TYPE),
(SELECT 'FiscalPeriod' AS [#Name],
FiscalPeriod AS [#Value]
FROM [PEEL_ICEM].[dbo].[ExportedBill]
WHERE ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('BatchField'), TYPE)
FROM [ICEM].[dbo].[ExportedBill]
WHERE ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('BatchFields'), ROOT ('Batch'), TYPE)
ExportedBillID = 1
FOR XML PATH ('Batches'), ROOT ('ImportSession')
Thing is though, there will be around 70 columns in this table. Ill brute force it for now, but if anyone knows of a better way to do this please let me know. Cheers
You can create separate child elements by adding a blank column separator. e.g.
( FiscalYear INT,
MeterNumber INT,
Name VARCHAR(255),
Utility VARCHAR(255)
INSERT #T VALUES (2015, 123456, 'John Smith', 'Electricity');
SELECT [BatchField/#Name] = 'FiscalYear',
[BatchField/#Value] = FiscalYear,
[BatchField/#Name] = 'MeterNumber',
[BatchField/#Value] = MeterNumber,
[BatchField/#Name] = 'Name',
[BatchField/#Value] = Name,
[BatchField/#Name] = 'Utility',
[BatchField/#Value] = Utility
FOR XML PATH('BatchFields'), ROOT('Batch');
Which gives:
<BatchField Name="FiscalYear" Value="2015" />
<BatchField Name="MeterNumber" Value="123456" />
<BatchField Name="Name" Value="John Smith" />
<BatchField Name="Utility" Value="Electricity" />

SQL xml query returns null

I have the following XML:
<Name>Instruction Date</Name>
<Confirmed_FieldId />
<Status>In Progress</Status>
<ConfirmStatus />
<Name>Completion Date</Name>
<ConfirmStatus />
<Value />
<Name>Not Proceeding Date</Name>
<Confirmed_FieldId />
<Status>Not Proceeding</Status>
<ConfirmStatus />
<Value />
To select all the nodes as rows i'm using:
MD.CD.value('(Name)[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS 'Name',
MD.CD.value('(Status)[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS 'Status',
MD.CD.value('(value)[1]', 'DATE') AS 'CriticalDate',
MD.CD.value('(Confirmed)[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS 'Confirmed'
dbo.Matter m
CROSS APPLY m.MatterXml.nodes('/Matter/CriticalDates/CriticalDate') AS MD(CD)
When i run this i get 3 rows back but all CriticalDates return as NULL even the first one when there is a date in the XML. Please help!
XML is case sensitive. Try is with:
MD.CD.value('(Value)[1]', 'DATE') AS 'CriticalDate',