Intellij complains about fork mode when running tests with code cover - testing

I want to get information about how much the tests cover in our application. When I try to run all tests with coverage Intellij complains about the current fork mode. See image below.
The strange thing is that in the selected Run/Debug Configuration that I have the Fork mode is already set to none. Intellij still encourage me to change the Fork mode to none.
I am using Intellij 13.0.1, this is a feature that have been around for long, so I am missing something obvious, right?
Does anyone know what the problem might be?

IDEA-118572 unable to run JUnit tests with code coverage - fork mode is required


Intellij - work-around for IDE not building module on Run/Debug

I have a pretty large project, of which the Selenium/Cucumber part is integrated, and belongs to me.
No, after upgrading to Intelij 2022, I find that things have changed to the worse. Since I only bother about the module containin cucumber/selenium tests, I have been used to just clicking Run or Debug on each Run/Debug configuration to get my changes built, and the Cucumber/Selenium tests run locally on my computer.
This doesn't work anymore, and absolutely 100% of all help/support I have found on the net is unhelpful. The problem is that when I make a change in the code and click Run or Debug, the module (cucumber, where all the Cucumber/selenium tests resides) is not built. So, it keeps running the previously built code when I'm working on debugging/fixing tests.
The solution has been to first build the module containing the tests, then run/debug the test(s). Even though the run/debug configuration DOES have "Build" before launch. But this is tiresome, and a total waste of time.
So, what I'm wondering is: Can I tailer a terminal command to do all this? That is, build a specified module, then Run or Debug a Cucumber test.
Any help/hints are appreciated. I'm experiencting the usual "me" problem, where it seems that everyone else in the world has something working, while the same solutions doesn't work for me.
I tried the solution offered below in the comments: Deleted the .idea folder, reimported all Maven modules and reconfigured the project. It seemed to work on the first run, but then it went back to not building before launch.
You can try to change Select Run/Debug configuration in idea. Change Build to Build Project. It worked for me.

How to prevent idea test output files when running JUnit Tests in IntelliJ?

When I'm running my unit tests right now (they are very intensive, lots out console output and run for a long time)... I noticed that my disk space was disappearing.
Turns out there are a few files being created
I'm not really sure what is causing this: IntelliJ, the IntelliJ Junit plugin or the console somehow. I don't think it is the console because after I noticed this problem, I installed a different console and the problem still occurs. I googled but couldn't find information about these files.
Anyone know how I can disable this?

Use RAM with gradle and IntelliJ Idea

Currently, I'm using gradle as our production java builder and it's slow.
I was thinking is there a way to set-up some kind of RAMdrive working directory, so compiling, building, testing, and running would be much faster and the source code would remain on HDD.
Ideally, if I could tune it in my IDE somehow (maybe IDE internal gradle options).
I have initialized a RAMdrive but stuck in gradle :) Any ideas?

Automatically start jetty when running acceptance tests from IntelliJ IDEA

I have a bunch of acceptance tests that need the application to be running. It all works fine when I test from command line (thanks to some gradle magic) but I would like to be able to run these tests from IntelliJ IDEA without worrying about starting up Jetty.
Is there any clever way to achieve that automation? I do not even know where to begin.
Thank you very much.
You can do it with Maven/Ant, other Run configurations, but not Gradle at the moment, at least until this feature request is implemented.
For testing purposes it's generally a good idea to use jetty embedded. That way you can fully automate start/stop of jetty and it will work completely independent from build tools/ide.
It's really simple. With few lines of code you have a full featured jetty configured and running for testing.
This is one of the most beloved features of jetty. Have a look at this:

hudson cobertura reporting 0

I have a problem that when I run the cobertura target maven, the report always shows 0%.I've tried forking my junit tests, and no luck. I've tried configuring the cobertura plugin in the reporting section and build section of the pom, and also tried binding it to both the site and package phase. Any thoughts?
On a related note, I've also noticed that running the tests in Cobertura within hudson causes the junit plugin to report that each test was run twice (which doubles the number of tests reported as run). Any way around this?
There is a compatibility issue with JDK 1.6.0_14 and the cobertura plugin. And the plugin also has problems with multithreaded tests. The 0% problem was fixed by used b7 of JDK6, and maybe a fix will come out for the multithreading soon (there is a patch available)
I think it would be helpful to post whatever part of the pom.xml you define your Cobertura plugin and where in your profile you actually use it. Could you provide this so it provides some context for someone to look at? While I'm sure that copying/pasting [] wouldn't help any of us out, perhaps providing your < include> and < excludes> can help out.