Structuring many update statements in SQL Server - sql

I'm using SQL Server. I'm also relatively new to writing SQL... in a strong way. It's mostly self-taught, so I'm probably missing key ideas in terms of proper format.
I've a table called 'SiteResources' and a table called 'ResourceKeys'. SiteResources has an integer that corresponds to the placement of a string ('siteid') and a 'resourceid' which is an integer id that corresponds to 'resourceid' in ResourceKeys. ResourceKeys also contains a string for each key it contains ('resourcemessage'). Basically, these two tables are responsible for representing how strings are stored and displayed on a web page.
The best way to consistently update these two tables, is what? Let's say I have 5000 rows in SiteResources and 1000 rows in ResourceKeys. I could have an excel sheet, or a small program, which generates 5000 singular update statements, like:
update SiteResources set resoruceid = 0
WHERE siteid IS NULL AND resourceid IN (select resourceid
from ResourceKeys where resourcemessage LIKE 'FooBar')
I could have thousands of those singular update statements, with FooBar representing each string in the database I might want to change at once, but isn't there a cleaner way to write such a massive number of update statements? From what I understand, I should be wrapping all of my statements in begin/end/go too, just in-case of failure - which leads me to believe there is a more systematic way of writing these update statements? Is my hunch correct? Or is the way I'm going about this correct / ideal? I could change the structure of my tables, I suppose, or the structure of how I store data - that might simplify things - but let's just say I can't do that, in this instance.

As far as I understand, you just need to update everything in table SiteResources with empty parameter 'placement of a string'. If so, here is the code:
SET resourceid = 0
FROM SiteResources a
WHERE EXISTS (select * from ResourceKeys b where a.resourceid = b.resourceid)
AND a.siteid IS NULL
For some specific things like 'FooBar'-rows you can add it like this:
SET resourceid = 0
FROM SiteResources a
WHERE EXISTS (select * from ResourceKeys b where a.resourceid = b.resourceid and b.resourcemessage IN ('FooBar', 'FooBar2', 'FooBar3', ...))
AND a.siteid IS NULL

Let me see if I understood the question correctly. You'd like to update resourceid to 0 if the resourcemessage corresponds to a list of strings ? If so, you can build your query like this.
SET resourceid = 0
FROM SiteResources r
JOIN ResourceKeys k ON r.resourceid = k.resourceid
WHERE k.resourcemessage IN ('FooBar', ...)
AND r.siteid IS NULL;
This is using an extended UPDATE syntax in transact-sql allowing you to use a JOIN in the UPDATE statement. But maybe it's not exactly what you want ? Why do you use the LIKE operator in your query, without wildcard (%) ?

With table-valued parameters, you can pass a table from your client app to the SQL batch that your app submits for execution. You can use this to pass a list of all the strings you need to update to a single UPDATE that updates all rows at once.
That way you don't have to worry about all of your concerns: the number of updates, transactional atomicitty, error handling. As a bonus, performance will be improved.
I recommend that you do a bit of research what TVPs are and how they are used.


How to query a condition on a single object of sql record?

I'll try my best to explain the situation here. We are using Maria DB.
In certain case we are looping over all the records/rows of a REQUESTS table.
and for each object/record we are checking few conditions and if condition passes we are performing an action. All the said things here are being done using ruby. Say I want to check the same on pure SQL, I wanted to see how.
Sample Object a Request table:
[{"ot_rqst_id":27460354,"rqst_type_cd":"NONTP","svc_type_cd":"TD","sl_ttl_type_cd":"","lot_num":41843022, ttl_stg_cd: 'CMPLT'}]
What I want to check on sql:
To see if the ttl_stg_cd of this object is equal to 'CMPLT'. If it is then update it to NULL else "something_else".
Let me remind you again that, I am already doing this in ruby language, but I am not an expert on sql so help would be appreciated.
The following query should do what you want.
I have taken the id from your query string. You need to put in the real table name and check the WHERE clause. If you remove the WHERE clause it will update all records in the table, you may wish the change it to something like
WHERE column_X = value_Y
UPDATE table_name
SET ttl_stg_cd = CASE ttl_stg_cd
ELSE 'something_else' END
WHERE ot_rqst_id = 27460354;

SQL update multiple rows with different values where they match a value from a list

So perhaps the title is a little confusing. If you can suggest better wording for that please let me know and i'll update.
Here's the issue. I've got a table with many thousands of rows and i need to update a few thousand of those many to store latest email data.
For example: => =>
I've got a list of old emails ('','') and a list of the new ('',''). The HOPE was was to sort of do it simply with something like
SET Email = ('','')
WHERE Email = ('','')
I hope that makes sense. Any questions just ask. Thanks!
You could use a case expression:
update mytable
set email = case email
when '' then ''
when '' then ''
where email in ('','')
Or better yet, if you have a large list of values, you might create a table to store them (like myref(old_email, new_email)) and join it in your update query, like so:
update t
set = r.new_email
from mytable t
inner join myref r on r.old_email =
The actual syntax for update/join does vary accross databases - the above SQL Server syntax.
With accuracy to the syntax in particular DBMS:
WITH cte AS (SELECT '' newvalue, '' oldvalue
SELECT '', '')
UPDATE table
SET = cte.newvalue
FROM cte
WHERE = cte.oldvalue
or, if CTE is not available,
UPDATE table
SET = cte.newvalue
FROM (SELECT '' newvalue, '' oldvalue
SELECT '', '') cte
WHERE = cte.oldvalue
Consider prepared statement for rows update in large batches.
Basically it works as following :
database complies a query pattern you provide the first time, keep the compiled result for current connection (depends on implementation).
then you updates all the rows, by sending shortened label of the prepared function with different parameters in SQL syntax, instead of sending entire UPDATE statement several times for several updates
the database parse the shortened label of the prepared function , which is linked to the pre-compiled result, then perform the updates.
next time when you perform row updates, the database may still use the pre-compiled result and quickly complete the operations (so the first step above can be skipped).
Here is PostgreSQL example of prepare statement, many of SQL databases (e.g. MariaDB,MySQL, Oracle) also support it.

update one table using data from another table

I am trying to update my current table by drawing data from another table.
My database (dbo_finance)
column - test
The other database is assestsc and I am going to pull the data from column issuename1,
however I only want to pull the issuename1 when the field [MinSecClass] is = 9.
This is what I wrote
UPDATE dbo_finance
SET [dbo_finance].cusip9 = AssetsC.cusip
FROM dbo_finance INNER JOIN AssetsC ON dbo_finance.test = AssetsC.[IssueName1]
WHERE (AssetsC.MinSecClass = 9)
Thanks, first time really using SQL
Well I would use aliases, it's a good habit to get into:
SET [dbo_finance].cusip9 = AssetsC.cusip
FROM dbo_finance f
INNER JOIN AssetsC a ON f.test = a.[IssueName1]
WHERE (a.MinSecClass = 9)
Now that will work fine if the assets table will only return one value for cuspid for each record. If this is a one to many relationship you may need to get more complex to truly get the answer you want.
I see several serious design flaws in your table structure. First joins fields that are dependant as something as inherently unstable as issue name are a very poor choice. You want PK and FK field to be unchanging. Use surrogate keys instead and a unique index.
The fact that you have a field called cusp9 indicates to me that you are denormalizing the data. Do you really need to do this? Do you undestand that this update will have to run in a trigger ever time the cuspid assoicated with MinSecClass changes? Whya re you denormalizing? Do you currently have performance problems? A denormalized table like this can be much more difficult to query when you need data from several of these numbered fields. Since you already have the data in the assets table what are you gaining except a maintenance nightmare by duplicating it?
UPDATE dbo_finance
SET cusip9 = (
SELECT A1.cusip
FROM AssetsC AS A1
WHERE dbo_finance.test = A1.IssueName1
AND AssetsC.MinSecClass = 9
FROM AssetsC AS A1
WHERE dbo_finance.test = A1.IssueName1
AND A1.MinSecClass = 9
Because you're using SQL 2008, you can take advantage of the new(ish) MERGE statement.
MERGE INTO dbo_finance
USING (SELECT IssueName1, cusip FROM AssetsC WHERE MinSecClass = 9) AS source
ON dbo_finance.test = source.IssueName1
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET dbo_finance.cusip9 = source.cusip;

SQL replace old values with new ones

I have a table named tbl.Products, which has a column named articlenumber and is full of numbers like s401, s402, etc.
I generated a list with new article numbers which will replace the old ones:
s401 I00010
s402 I00020
s403 I00030
s403 I00040
I have a query from which I hoped that it would work out, but somehow it does nothing.
(of course I have nested the other values into the query)
SELECT REPLACE('articlenumber','s401','I00010') FROM tbl.Products
How do I get a query which replaces old values with new ones in a column like this?
Doing a replace can have problems (what if you have an articles s401 and s4010?), therefore it'll be more robust to do it like this:
Update tblProducts
SET articlenumber = 'I000010'
Where articlenumber = 's401';
If you have a number of changes to do, you can either generate a little script (for example with Excel, as TheButcher suggested), or you could import the data into a little table tblVals with the columns oldVal and newVal and then use this statement:
Update tblProducts p
SET articlenumber = (Select newVal
From tblVals
where oldVal = p.articlenumber);
This allows you to do the update in one statement which again will be more robust than running a script which may run into problems if it is really long.
A third idea would be to do the logic in constructing the new number for the old number (if such a thing exists) in SQL (or a Stored Procedure) like this:
Update tblProducts p
SET articlenumber = 'I0000' || Right(articlenumber,1) || '0'
(Of course this is totally simplified and probably not nearly sufficient for your 30k rows).
You are just selecting the newly replaced values and not doing anything with them... thats a very good idea when using replace, always select first to double check that you will get the expected result :)
The update code -
Update tbl.Products
Set articlenumber = replace(articlenumber, 's401', 'I00010')

Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073)

I have written this query:
UPDATE tbl_stock1 SET
tbl_stock1.weight1 = (
select (b.weight1 - c.weight_in_gram) as temp
tbl_stock1 as b,
tbl_sales_item as c
b.item_submodel_id = c.item_submodel_id
and b.item_submodel_id = tbl_stock1.item_submodel_id
and b.status <> 'D'
and c.status <> 'D'
tbl_stock1.qty1 = (
select (b.qty1 - c.qty) as temp1
tbl_stock1 as b,
tbl_sales_item as c
b.item_submodel_id = c.item_submodel_id
and b.item_submodel_id = tbl_stock1.item_submodel_id
and b.status <> 'D'
and c.status <> 'D'
tbl_stock1.item_submodel_id = 'ISUBM/1'
and tbl_stock1.status <> 'D';
I got this error message:
Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073) Microsoft Access
But if I run the same query in SQL Server it will be executed.
I'm quite sure the JET DB Engine treats any query with a subquery as non-updateable. This is most likely the reason for the error and, thus, you'll need to rework the logic and avoid the subqueries.
As a test, you might also try to remove the calculation (the subtraction) being performed in each of the two subqueries. This calculation may not be playing nicely with the update as well.
Consider this very simple UPDATE statement using Northwind:
UPDATE Categories
SET Description = (
FROM Employees
It fails with the error 'Operation must use an updateable query'.
The Access database engine simple does not support the SQL-92 syntax using a scalar subquery in the SET clause.
The Access database engine has its own proprietary UPDATE..JOIN..SET syntax but is unsafe because, unlike a scalar subquery, it doesn’t require values to be unambiguous. If values are ambiguous then the engine silent 'picks' one arbitrarily and it is hard (if not impossible) to predict which one will be applied even if you were aware of the problem.
For example, consider the existing Categories table in Northwind and the following daft (non-)table as a target for an update (daft but simple to demonstrate the problem clearly):
CREATE TABLE BadCategories
CategoryName NVARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO BadCategories (CategoryID, CategoryName)
VALUES (1, 'This one...?')
INSERT INTO BadCategories (CategoryID, CategoryName)
VALUES (1, '...or this one?')
Now for the UPDATE:
UPDATE Categories
SELECT T1.CategoryID, T1.CategoryName
FROM Categories AS T1
SELECT 9 - T2.CategoryID, T2.CategoryName
FROM Categories AS T2
) AS DT1
ON DT1.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID
SET Categories.CategoryName = DT1.CategoryName;
When I run this I'm told that two rows have been updated, funny because there's only one matching row in the Categories table. The result is that the Categories table with CategoryID now has the '...or this one?' value. I suspect it has been a race to see which value gets written to the table last.
The SQL-92 scalar subquery is verbose when there are multiple clauses in the SET and/or the WHERE clause matches the SET's clauses but at least it eliminates ambiguity (plus a decent optimizer should be able to detects that the subqueries are close matches). The SQL-99 Standard introduced MERGE which can be used to eliminate the aforementioned repetition but needless to say Access doesn't support that either.
The Access database engine's lack of support for the SQL-92 scalar subquery syntax is for me its worst 'design feature' (read 'bug').
Also note the Access database engine's proprietary UPDATE..JOIN..SET syntax cannot anyhow be used with set functions ('totals queries' in Access-speak). See Update Query Based on Totals Query Fails.
Keep in mind that if you copy over a query that originally had queries or summary queries as part of the query, even though you delete those queries and only have linked tables, the query will (mistakenly) act like it still has non-updateable fields and will give you this error. You just simply re-create the query as you want it but it is an insidious little glitch.
You are updating weight1 and qty1 with values that are in turn derived from weight1 and qty1 (respectively). That's why MS-Access is choking on the update. It's probably also doing some optimisation in the background.
The way I would get around this is to dump the calculations into a temporary table, and then update the first table from the temporary table.
There is no error in the code. But the error is Thrown because of the following reason.
Please check weather you have given Read-write permission to MS-Access database file.
The Database file where it is stored (say in Folder1) is read-only..?
suppose you are stored the database (MS-Access file) in read only folder, while running your application the connection is not force-fully opened. Hence change the file permission / its containing folder permission like in C:\Program files all most all c drive files been set read-only so changing this permission solves this Problem.
In the query properties, try changing the Recordset Type to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates)