Is there some way to add a speed dial component to an existing extension? Or does the speed dial always have to be a separate extension?
I want to have an extension, but then have a speed dial that communicates with the extension.
Looking at the manifest for the speed dial, it doesn't appear to coexist with a regular extension.
I'm wondering if there is some way to bundle using the NEX format or something like that.
I'm not actually aware what sort of extension and functionality you need but the speed-dial extension can do everything that "regular" extension does. The only difference is that you can't have combination of speed-dial, browser action and page action (all are mutually exclusive).
The speed-dial extension has background page (as regular extension has) and you can put any script you need there (e.g. with <script> tag). It means that you can do much more than just displaying some page/image on the speed-dials page.
I'm exploring the idea of replacing an XML->XSLT->HTML workflow with Elm, just to see if I can do it. I found an Elm XML parser, and now I just need to figure out how to read a local file into Elm. I can't seem to find anything anywhere that explains how to do that. How would I go about doing that?
You can't directly read a file in Elm. Depending on your needs, you have a few options:
If your program only needs access to a static file, you can read in the file with Javascript and provide it to Elm as a flag (see here). This is the simplest way if it meets your needs.
If you need to react to changes in the file somehow, you could again read the file in with Javascript but communicate using ports (see here).
A possibly-simpler variation would be to stand up a web server that serves the file, and then interact with it in elm using HTTP requests (see here).
We're using Amazon S3 to store and serve images, videos, etc. When uploading this content we also always set the correct content-type (image/jpeg, etc.).
My question is this: Is a file extension required (or recommended) with this sort of setup? In other words, will I potentially run into any problems by naming an image "example" versus "example.jpg"?
I haven't seen any issues with doing this in my tests, but wanted to make sure there are any exceptions that I may be missing.
Extensions are just a means by which OS decides the operating program. As far as your scenario is concerned, as long as the content-type specifies the type, the extension doesn't matter. But why in the world, would you name a jpg file as .txt right ?
How to include and use new fonts in wxWidgets projet?
I am using VS2005.
I just want to print text using new ttf font.
Thanks in advance!!
Unless you're willing to link against something like FreeType:
...most any program is going to require the font to be installed to the operating system, by the user or by some OS-specific script. You can't just load it by filename off the cuff in your app.
Because of the platform dependence of naming and accessing custom fonts, the path of least resistance is not to try and hardcode a font...but to let the user pick one out of a dialog. You would use a wxFontDialog for this:
It will let you retrieve the wxFontData, from which you can get the chosen wxFont:
Once you have that, you can save and reload an identity of the font via the native string interface:
Trying to formulate these strings on your own or work with the "face name" is a little dodgier:
Generally speaking a lot of the same problems arise here as dealing with fonts in HTML. If you have a very specific idea about the cross-platform appearance of some text, your best bet is often to make an image out of that text and use that instead of going through the hoops to get the font you want in the app. If you're more flexible and have a lot of text the user is interested in, then they may be interested in changing the font too. So just use a default but offer the user a choice to pick anything they want which is installed on their system.
(Note: I personally consider the handling of fonts in pretty much every OS or document system to be a disgrace. Imagine a world where in order to get a graphic to display in your program you had to register it with the operating system through a complex process and it would not copy from machine to machine when you copied a document in which it was embedded. We're dealing now with graphics that are orders of magnitude larger than font files, and yet they are handled seamlessly while people seem to accept the lack of seamless font transfer as "normal". Archaic DRM mindsets of font vendors is one side of the problem, but lame technology is another big component.)
I'm working on an application that embeds WebKit (via the Gtk bindings). I'm trying to add support for viewing CHM documents (Microsoft's bundled HTML format).
HTML files in such documents have links to images, CSS etc. of the form "/blah.gif" or "/layout.css" and I need to catch these to provide the actual data. I understand how to hook into the "resource-request-starting" signal and one option would be to unpack parts of the document to temporary files and change the uri at this point to point at these files.
What I'd like to do, however, is provide WebKit with the relevant chunk of memory. As far as I can see, you can't do this by catching resource-request-starting, but maybe there's another way to hook in?
An alternative is to base64-encode the image into a data: URI. It's not exactly better than using a temporary file, but it may be simpler to code.
Given an application path (or NSBundle to an application, etc), is there a way to easily/efficiently determine what content types that application can open?
My initial attempt was to read the application's Info.plist file and extract the content types listed under the kUTExportedTypeDeclarationsKey key. However, there are some flaws with this approach which I haven't been able to work around.
Not all applications use this key. For example, BBEdit does not, but instead lists a whole bunch of recognized file extensions.
UTIs are case-sensitive. Pages, for example, lists as an exported content type, yet no Pages document actually has that type listed in its content type tree. Documents use, which is defined by the iWork quicklook generator (at /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator).
In know that with some of the LaunchServices functions (LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL(), LSCopyApplicationForMIMEType(), etc), I can get the applications that can open a file (or a file type), but I'd like to do the inverse. (Perhaps I'll have to resort to parsing the output of lsregister -dump?)
Perhaps a simpler way to phrase the question would be: Given an application, what's the easiest way to find all files that it can open?
Any suggestions?
Take a look at LaunchServices and the provided LSCanRefAcceptItem() API.
It seems using the LSItemContentTypes key is the preferred method post-10.4.
Apple: Document-Based Applications