Durandal: Showing a 'LOADING...' during composition - durandal

I can easily show a loading message while the activate method is doing its thing like so:
<div data-bind="compose:ActiveVm">
<div class="text-center" style="margin : 75px">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
However if I then update my ActiveVm property with a different viewmodel, the splash content does not show. I understand that the splash content is only designed to show on 'initial' load, but what options do I have for displaying such a message when transitioning from one viewmodel to another?
Note that this composition does not participate in routing...
Update: Related durandal issue here which might be of value to future visitors: https://github.com/BlueSpire/Durandal/issues/414

This begs for a comment of 'what have you tried?' but given that I could see the benefit of this for future users I wanted to throw in my $0.02 -
The splash displays on your screen until Durandal loads up the application and replaces the div with id="applicationHost" 's content with the shell view and the subsequent views that are loaded. If you wanted to make this a re-usable component one thing that you could do is to take that Html.Partial view that is being loaded and create your own view inside of your app folder in your Durandal project.
For example you would create a new HTML view inside of your app folder -
<div class="splash">
<div class="message">
My app
<i class="icon-spinner icon-2x icon-spin active"></i>
And then compose it from your shell -
<div data-bind="if: showSplash">
<!-- ko compose: 'splashpage.html' -->
<!-- /ko -->
And in your view model you would toggle the observable showSplash whenever you want to show / hide it -
var showSplash = ko.observable(false);
var shell = {
showSplash: showSplash
return shell;
And you could call that from your activate methods inside your other view models like this -
define(['shell'], function (shell) {
function activate() {
// do something

This sounds to me like a scenario where a custom transition may be useful. When the composition mechanism switches nodes in and out of the DOM, it can use a transition.
This page, under Additional Settings>Transition (about halfway down) describes a custom transition: http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Using-Composition/


How to disable blur call on the active element from SwiperJS in onTouchStart handler?

Is it possible to disable this blur call on the active element from SwiperJS in the onTouchStart event handler?
Some background:
For touch and desktop devices I'm using swiper for forms on swiper-slides. Within a form I'm using vue-select (a combobox).
The Problem: When the user selects an entry, the entry get not selected on the first time but on the second time.
<div class="swiper-container">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div>First form</div>
<v-select :options="selectionEntries"></v-select>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div>Second form</div>
<v-select :options="selectionEntries"></v-select>
See also this example on codepen
I figured out that it seems to work correctly:
When I remove the blur-listener on the input field of the vue-select box. But it is used to close the selection list when the user leaves the field.
When I comment out this blur call in SwiperJS. I'm not sure why it is used there.
The first point is not an option, so is it possible to disable the blur call of SwiperJS via configuration?
Currently I'm using this workaround (SwiperJS V6.4.1):
const swiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container", {
// Workaround part 1:
touchStartPreventDefault: false
// Workaround part 2:
swiper.touchEventsData.formElements = 'notExistingHtmlTagName'
Part 1: To handle mouse down and click events on all elements, set the swiper parameter touchStartPreventDefault: false.
That will disable this code block: https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper/blob/9dead9ef4ba5d05adf266deb7e3703ceb199a241/src/components/core/events/onTouchStart.js#L90-L97
Part 2: Set swiper.touchEventsData.formElements = 'undefined' to define nothing as formElements. That will disable the code block that calls blur: https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper/blob/9dead9ef4ba5d05adf266deb7e3703ceb199a241/src/components/core/events/onTouchStart.js#L81-L88

angular2 bootstrap4 tooltip doesn't render html, while popover does

I'm using angular2 and bootstrap4. Popover correctly renders raw html as bold text asdf
<img src="assets/images/1.jpg"
data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" data-placement="top"
However, tooltip renders as plain <b>asdf</b> text including tags
<img src="assets/images/2.jpg"
data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" data-placement="top"
Component method getM:
public getM(): string {
return '<b>asdf</b>';
Both tooltip and popover are initialized the same way
$(function () {
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({container: 'body'});
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({container: 'body'});
Could someone explain why is that and how to solve? It seems this is connected with initialization order, but I just don't know where to look further.
Well, the issue was that my element (which tooltip was attached to) was created dynamically.
In exact, I had a 1 sec delayed service. When new data arrived, the <img> element in my component was recreated, but $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]') selector doesn't work with dynamic elements.
Instead, I had to use this selector
$("body").tooltip({selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]'});
Now it works as intended.
PS I'm not a front-end developer, so anyone who can explain it in better terms is welcome.

vue.js - Change text based on default/clicked class

Given the following:
<div id="#my-container">
<div class="title">Companies</div>
<div class="tab active tab-apple">Apple</div>
<div class="tab tab-google">Google</div>
When page is loaded without any tab clicks yet, whichever tab with the default active class, needs to go in the .title div. For the example above, <div class="title">Apple</div>
On click of a tab, the class is switched to active, and vue.js needs to update the .title div once again.
How can this be done with vue.js? I've tried but not able to get it to work as intended.
The answer by David is one way to do it. But Vuejs offers in-line computations for this. So, no need to hook into any CSS event. Here's some code to explain:
Create a data property active_tab, just like David mentioned. And then bind it's value just like he's done it. In your tabs, add an click event and at that event, assign appropriate value to active_tab.
<div class="tab active tab-apple" #click="active_tab = Apple">Apple</div>
<div class="tab tab-google" #click="active_tab = Google">Google</div>
Now, to dynamically assign the active class to the respective tab, make the class attribute, a computed property, like this:
:class="['tab', active_tab == 'Apple' ? 'active' : '', 'tab-apple']"
What this code is basically doing is, :class makes class a computed property. Then the commas in the array divide the statement. So, the computation will always add tab and tab-apple classes. But, only if active_tab == 'Apple' then ? add 'active' else : add ''
Not sure which CSS framework you are using, but normally I hook into the events thrown by the tab switching (many CSS frameworks provide this access). Once hooked into it, you can write a Vue custom directive that will take that event and use it to update a VM attribute that indicates which tab is active.
Then you can use normal mustache templating to get it into your template:
<div class="title">{{ active_tab }}</div>

WinJS binding to nested control

I am trying to implement semantic zoom control in my application. Here is a fragment of one of my pages:
<div id="semanticZoomDiv" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SemanticZoom">
<div id="zoomedInListView"
data-win-bind="winControl.itemDataSource: groupedList.dataSource; winControl.groupDataSource: groupedList.groups.dataSource;"
itemTemplate: select('#mediumListIconTextTemplate'),
groupHeaderTemplate: select('#headerTemplate'),
selectionMode: 'none',
tapBehavior: 'none',
swipeBehavior: 'none'
<div id="zoomedOutListView"
data-win-bind="winControl.itemDataSource: groupedList.groups.dataSource;"
itemTemplate: select('#semanticZoomTemplate'),
selectionMode: 'none',
tapBehavior: 'invoke',
swipeBehavior: 'none'
The problem is, that semanticZoomDiv is empty.
However, if I remove attribute
from semanticZoomDiv two ListViews render and are correctly filled with data. It seems like WinJS has problems with binding data to nested controls? (ListView controls are inside SemanticZoom control - after removal of outer SemanticZoom control data binds correctly).
I managed to make semantic zoom work using binding to global namespace via data-win-options, but I want to provide data for my page through view model, hence my trials to use data-win-bind.
I believe this is an object scoping issue, but am not on Win8 at the moment to verify. If I'm right, you can expose groupedList from your JavaScript code similarly to this.
WinJS.Namespace.define("YourApp", {
groupedList: groupedList,
and then change your declarative binding to include the YourApp namespace. That way your data is not in the global namespace.
Alternatively, you can do the data binding in the .js file
zoomedInListView.winControl.itemDataSource = groupedList.dataSource;
zoomedInListView.winControl.groupDataSource = groupedList.groups.dataSource;
zoomedOutListView.winControl.itemDataSource = groupedList.groups.dataSource;

How do you specify a new instance of a view and its view-model for a composition in durandal?

I need to compose a new view during a foreach loop and specify that the each composed view is a new isolated instance. When I try this durandal is re-using the same view-model (maybe even the same view) for each composition. When the composed view is told to go get some data all the composed views on the page are updated simultaneously. How do I tell durandal that each composed view should be a new instance?
Pseudo code:
<div data-bind="foreach: items">
<div><!-- row data and buttons goes here --></div>
<!-- each composed view should be a stand-alone instance -->
<div data-bind="compose: { model: $data.sampleDataModel, activate: true, cacheViews: false }"></div>