Microwind does not create my equation in compile - layer

I user microwind and try to build the mask from the compile one line choice but it wont let me the equation simplified is ~A&(~B|~C|D)

Try bisecting the equation into small parts and then try.
Get a layout of only ~B | ~C | D . save that as module1
Import module1 and go for its implementation for ~A & *module1*
Follow the D flip Flop tutorial and post the efforts done.


Generate a random integer in Idris

How can one generate a random integer in Idris 1.3.3?
Example program that doesn't work:
module Random
import Effect.Random --This gets me access to the rndInt function
I run the program as follows:
idris random.idr -p effects
Trying the rndInt function in the REPL, I get the following error message:
*random> rndInt 1 10
(input):Can't infer argument m to rndInt
Please include the full source code in your answer. Thank you.
Elaborating on Alissa Tung's answer, here's the full working source code, including setting the random seed (srand) with the system time:
module Random
import Effect.Random
import Effects
import System
main : IO ()
main = do
t <- time
n <- run $ do
srand t
rndInt 1 100
putStrLn $ show n
Run with:
idris random.idr -p effects
*random> :exec main
*random> :exec main
*random> :exec main

How do you encrypt a message into a picture using Jython

I'm having problems with an assignment and am in no means looking for someone to do my homework for me. Our professor does not answer or provide adequate resources to our questions for our assignments. I have copied an example code that was given to us, but I am unable to make this itself run.
When I run this program all I receive in the command line is an ellipsis and nothing else.
Does anyone have an idea what the ellipsis means?
My code and command line screenshot
Screenshot of my example code
Attached will be the code:
def encode(msgPic,original):
# Assume msgPic and original have same dimensions
# First, make all red pixels even
for pxl in getPixels(original):
# Using modulo operator to test oddness
if (getRed(pxl) % 2) == 1:
setRed(pxl, getRed(pxl) - 1)
# Second, wherever there???s black in msgPic
# make odd the red in the corresponding original pixel
for x in range(0,getWidth(original)):
for y in range(0,getHeight(original)):
msgPxl = getPixel(msgPic,x,y)
origPxl = getPixel(original,x,y)
if (distance(getColor(msgPxl),black) < 100.0):
# It's a message pixel! Make the red value odd.
setRed(origPxl, getRed(origPxl)+1)
Below is the code that the example prompts to input into the command line:
- beach = makePicture(getMediaPath("beach.jpg"))
- explore(beach)"
- msg = makePicture(getMediaPath("msg.jpg"))
- encode(msg,beach)
- explore(beach)
- writePictureTo(beach,getMediaPath("beachHidden.png"))

Find and Replace an operation in Verilog using Yosys

I am trying to see if Yosys fits my requirements or no.
What i want to do is to find an operation in Verilog code (e.g. temp = 16*val1 + 8*val2 ) and replace this with another op like ( temp = val1 << 4 + val2 << 3 ).
Which parts i need to learn & use from Yosys? if anyone knows the set of command to use, can he/she please let me know to boost my learning curve ?
For example consider the following verilog input (test.v):
module test(input [7:0] val1, val2, output [7:0] temp);
assign temp = 16*val1 + 8*val2;
The command yosys -p 'prep; opt -full; show' test.v will produce the following circuit diagram:
And the output written to the console contains this:
3.1. Executing OPT_EXPR pass (perform const folding).
Replacing multiply-by-16 cell `$mul$test.v:2$1' in module `\test' with shift-by-4.
Replacing multiply-by-8 cell `$mul$test.v:2$2' in module `\test' with shift-by-3.
Replacing $shl cell `$mul$test.v:2$1' (B=3'100, SHR=-4) in module `test' with fixed wiring: { \val1 [3:0] 4'0000 }
Replacing $shl cell `$mul$test.v:2$2' (B=2'11, SHR=-3) in module `test' with fixed wiring: { \val2 [4:0] 3'000 }
The two lines reading Replacing multiply-by-* cell are the transformation you mentioned. The two lines after that replace the constant shift operations with wiring, using {val1[3:0], 4'b0000} and {val2[4:0], 3'b000} as inputs for the adder.
This is done in the opt_expr pass. See passes/opt/opt_expr.cc for its source code to see how it's done.

Preprocessor macro C/Objective-C

Hello I am trying to Make A Macro that gets a parameter and tries to add postFix to it.
#define myPostFix HelloWorld
#define macro(x) x ##myPostFix
#define CAlgThreadHandleObject macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject)
Expected behavior is to get
What I actually get is:
Can Some1 help me to get the expected behavior please?
Please note that myPostFix is something I have to define in project GCC definitions and it should vary from project to project.
#define myPostFix HelloWorld
#define macro_2(x, y) x##y
#define macro_1(x, y) macro_2(x, y)
#define macro(x) macro_1(x, myPostFix)
#define CAlgThreadHandleObject macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject)
You need the intermediate macro_1 to let the preprocessor substitute myPostFix assignement, then macro_2 to concatenate strings.
This solution let you assign myPostFix to the value you want.
To clarify how preprocessor and symbol replacement works consider that the preprocessing translation phase is not recursive on parameters, so the translation need to pass through a forced parameter expansion more than one time up to expand all parameters.
In our case:
CAlgThreadHandleObject expands to : macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject)
macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject) expands to : macro_1(CAlgThreadHandleObject, myPostFix)
macro_1 expands to: macro_2(CAlgThreadHandleObject, HelloWorld)
And last macro_2 expands to: CAlgThreadHandleObjectHelloWorld
You actually need to go three layers deep with this one in order to get the macro to expand properly. I can't pretend to understand the exact reasoning why this is necessary (not that I want to understand...)
#define MY_ADDPOSTFIX3(x, y) x ## y
#define MY_ADDPOSTFIX2(x, y) MY_ADDPOSTFIX3(x, y)
You can test this:
$ gcc -E test.c -DMY_POSTFIX=HelloWorld
# 1 "test.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "test.c"
$ gcc -E test.c -DMY_POSTFIX=Goodbye | tail -n 1
Simply pass it through another call of the macro macro so the define is expanded. I slightly changed the macros, but the functionality is the same:
#define myPostFix HelloWorld
#define macro2(x,y) x##y
#define macro(x,y) macro2(x,y)
#define CAlgThreadHandleObject macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject,myPostFix)

Is it possible to implement a break statement using a user input in python

while time<1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:
if stop==input("999"):
print (time)
time= time+1
print("time taken is",time)
This is a program for an average speed camera. I was wondering whether it is possible for the while loop to stop when the user inputs "999". The value at which the code is broken would then be the new content of the time variable.
It's a bit unclear of what you're trying to accomplish, but based on the code you provided and your question, it sounds like you want to measure how long it takes for someone to enter a specific value. You can modify: Python - Infinite while loop, break on user input:
import sys
import os
import fcntl
import time
fl = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdin.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdin.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
time_started = time.time()
while True:
stdin = sys.stdin.read()
if "999" in stdin:
print "It took %f seconds" % (time.time() - time_started)
except IOError:
Then running it:
$ python guess_999.py
$ 6
$ 999
$ It took 2.765054 seconds
EDIT: PO wanted to do something completely different. I refer to Mark's answer.
You messed it up a little bit ;)
answer = input("type something")
if answer == "999":
- input() will return a string of what the user typed into the console. What you write into the brackets is what will be written on the line when you are asked to type something. This is usually a question like "what's your name?"
- if the answer is "999", the command break will be executed => loop stops