Double For Loop in VB.NET -

Dim ssi(11) As String
For i = 0 To 10
If ssi(i) = "" Then ssi(i) = "0"
For j = 0 To Val(ssi(11)) + i
ssi(i) = xuh(Val(ssi(i)))
If ssi(11) = "2" Then
L_zz.Caption = Val(Left(ssi(0) & ssi(1) & ssi(2) & ssi(3) & ssi(4) & ssi(5) & ssi(6) & ssi(7), ssi(10)))
ElseIf ssi(11) = "3" Then
L_zz.Caption = Val(Left(ssi(0) & ssi(1) & ssi(2) & ssi(3) & ssi(4) & ssi(5) & ssi(6) & ssi(7), ssi(10))) * (-1)
End If
I am new here and new to VB as well.
I am trying to understand this double loop in vb code.
ssi(i) is defined as a String variable. and each element is assigned to a specific number in a String. Hope I told it clearly.
My problem with this loop is below.
Since i ranges from 0 to 10, what does this j mean? Does j mean the new ssi(1-10) or another whatever number?

I think the best way to answer your question about understanding a double loop is to try looking at something simpler.
The first program I always write in each new version of BASIC that comes along is a 12 times table.
I've modified it a bit below to be a 12 x 10 table for the purpose of illustrating for you how a double loop works ... hope it helps:
For x As Integer = 1 To 12
For y As Integer = 1 To 10
Console.Write(x * y)


VBA - Struggling with worksheet_change. Not working with no error given

I have a sheet in which our wholesale team are to enter L09 Part Codes and quickly see how much we have in stock of that item. The problem is that new starters may struggle to learn these part numbers as they don't follow a simple rule. What I did was create an easier code to remember which is simply: "Cable Type" & "Core Size" & "Cut Length", they also have the option to add "Colour" and "Brand" separated by spaces.
Their entered string may look like 6242y 2.5 100, or maybe 6242y 2.5 100 Grey, etc. and so where to look in my mapped table for what they've written depends on how many terms they put in. As you can see from the attached picture I need to select the correct column to look in for their code, and then offset back a few columns to suggest the correct L09 Part Number.
I hope the context makes a bit of sense and helps with the below code. The idea was for a new starter to enter something simple and it be replaced before their very eyes...
If anyone could help me to correct the following it would be greatly appreciated:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim P, Products, S, Search As Range
Dim Column As String
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Spaces As Long
'On Error Resume Next
Counter = 0
'For top table only
If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row < 100 Then
'Count spaces
Spaces = UBound(Split(Target, " "), 1)
Select Case Spaces
Case Is = 2
Column = "M"
Case Is = 3
Column = "O"
Case Is = 4
Column = "Q"
End Select
'When string has spaces
If Spaces <> 0 Then
'Set simple code range
Set Search = Sheets("Cherries").Range(Column & 1 & ":" & Column & 10000)
For Each S In Search
If S = Target Then
Target = S.Offset(0, 3 - 2 * Spaces)
End If
Next S
End If
Set Products = Sheets("Order Entry").Range("A3:A99")
For Each P In Products
If P.Value <> "" Then
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
Next P
Sheets("Order Entry").Rows("3:" & Counter + 11).Hidden = False
Sheets("Order Entry").Rows(Counter + 11 & ":99").Hidden = True
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately I'm not sure which line is erroring as no error message is given.
Thank you for your time.

Excel VBA-Getting a blank message box with data derrived from an array

I am getting a blank message box for an array which should automatically have and display the following values:
and so on...
Here is my code
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim sampleArr(0 To 24) As Variant
Dim a As Integer
a = 0
Do Until i > 23
sampleArr(a) = i & ":00:00"
a = a + 1
i = i + 1
MsgBox sampleArr(a)
Please tell me what's wrong with this code
You update the value of sampleArr(a), then increment a. So to get the just-updated value you need to use the pre-incremented value: a-1.
MsgBox sampleArr(a-1)
Put the Msgbox first before you increment a and i.
MsgBox sampleArr(a)
a = a + 1
i = i + 1
It's not entirely clear what you're trying to achieve here, (especially with a and i being identical. Presumably the msgbox is only actually in there to prove you've created the array correctly and will be removed later?
That said, as everyone is pointing out, you're incrementing your pointer before displaying the entry. The simplest way to fix that is to put the display line in immediately after creating the element.
I've also formatted i in order to produce the exact output you've requested.
Also, I suspect your array only needs to go 0 To 23 if this is some kind of time selector?
So, fixing your issue looks like:
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim sampleArr(0 To 23) As Variant
Dim a As Integer
a = 0
Do Until i > 23
sampleArr(a) = Format(i, "00") & ":00:00"
MsgBox sampleArr(a)
a = a + 1
i = i + 1
However, you could just do the following:
Dim i As Integer
Dim sampleArr(0 To 23) As Variant
For i = 0 To 23
sampleArr(a) = Format(i, "00") & ":00:00"
MsgBox sampleArr(a)
Beyond this, if you want to store the values in the array as TIME rather than a text representation of the time (useful for calculations etc.) then replace the sampleArr line with
sampleArr(a) = TimeSerial(i, 0, 0)

VBA Excel Transform to loop

Here i have my hundred line of code please enlighten me about how do i put line code into loop
here is my try but i wont work out still trying
If sp.Name Like "Rounded Rectangle*" Or sp.Name Like "Oval*" Then
For i = 11 To 100
x = i - 9
Sheet2.Shapes.Range(Array("Rounded Rectangle " + i)).TextFrame.Characters.Text = Sheet1.Range("A" + x)
Next i
End If
and repeat until X = 110
in this case how can i change it in to correct loop please advice
thank you
This is a general approach to making a loop to cover a string variable....say we want to loop over Shape("Rectangle 1")....Shape("Rectangle 2")....Shape("Rectangle 3)..... , etc.
Dim str As String, i As Long
For i = 11 To 100
str = "Rectangle " & CStr(i)
Next i
and use a similar approach to make "A2"..."A3".........
simple math:
For i = 11 To 100
change to
For i = 11 To 119

A more complex excel average loop

Alright, Ill try to explain this as best as I can first...
My program creates a dynamic table of information, Im trying to simplify some of the information by using a loop. To make it easy I will just say that the table starts on A1 and goes to (columnindex:rowindex*6) (that part is already done).
what I want it to do is to take the average of each column and put them somewhere else on the same excel sheet.
So Average(A1:A(rowindex*6)), Average(B1:B(rowindex*6)), and so on all the way up till Average((columnindex)1:columnindex(rowindex*6)
Now the tricky part....
Starting in A((rowindex*6)+5).... So 5 rows below the table above starting in Column A....
Have it go...
Average(A), Average(B)
Average(C), Average(D)
Average(E), Average(F)
And so on until all the columns are listed...
Where I am struggling is converting columnindex to the appropriate letters as there is always 34-40 columns
I know that I would want to do something like:
i = 5
for x = 1 to x = columnindex
dim Num2Let1 as string = a=1, b=2, c=3, so on..
dim Num2Let2 as string = a=1, b=2, c=3, so on..
xlWorkSheet2.Cells((rowindex*6)+i), 1) = "Average(" & Num2Let1.ToString & cstr(1) & ":" & Num2Let1.ToString & cstr(rowindex*6))
xlWorkSheet2.Cells((rowindex*6)+i), 2) = "Average(" & Num2Let2.ToString & cstr(1) & ":" & Num2Let2.ToString & cstr(rowindex*6))
i = i + 1
x = x + 2
If anyone could throw some advice my way, whether this is the approach that would be most conducive to my problem, or if there is an easier solution, it would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a function that will give you the column name based on its index:
Private Function GetExcelColumnName(columnNumber As Integer) As String
Dim col As Integer = columnNumber
Dim columnName As String = ""
Dim num As Integer
While col > 0
num = (col - 1) Mod 26
columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + num).ToString() & columnName
col = CInt((col - num) \ 26)
End While
Return columnName
End Function
That should help you to create your average function strings.

Append text to existing row in datatable

I'm trying to make a calendar in and I have come across this problem. I want to append some text into an existing datatable row. When I watch my debugger it says:"In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.".
Dim aantalRijen As Integer = 1
For x = 0 To 6
Dim dttopdrachten As New DataTable
dttopdrachten = opdrachtendao.getOpdrachtenByDate(Today.AddDays(x))
If dttopdrachten.Rows.Count > aantalRijen Then
aantalRijen = dttopdrachten.Rows.Count
End If
For z = 0 To aantalRijen - 1
Dim r As DataRow
r = dttAgenda.NewRow()
dttAgenda.Rows.InsertAt(r, z)
For i = 0 To 6
Dim aantalItems As Integer = 0
Dim dttopdrachten As New DataTable
dttopdrachten = opdrachtendao.getOpdrachtenByDate(Today.AddDays(i))
aantalItems = dttopdrachten.Rows.Count
For j = 0 To aantalItems - 1
Dim info As String = dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(0).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(2).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(3).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(4).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(5).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(6).ToString
dttAgenda.Rows(j).Item(i) = info
dgvAgenda.DataSource = dttAgenda
In the code above, I first count how many rows I have to make. Afterwards I add the amount of rows to the datatable (columns are added before). Until here it works, but then when I keep debugging I get the error. I tried googling but nothing could help me so far.
Seem problem has been solved without changing anything. So if someone want to make a calendar. Here's the solution ;)