What is the correct SMPP error code to indicate corrupt/invalid UDH field values? - smpp

I'm trying to handle UDH data for multipart messages and I want to use an appropriate error code when there's a problem with the multipart fields. There are several error codes for bad TLV's, but I don't see anything except generic failure messages that I could use for UDH. Is that the best I can do here, or is there a more direct message I could use?

Your observation is correct - there is not a single error defined for UDH.
If you want, you can use error codes from reserved section and assign specific meaning to one/some of them. I think the "Reserved for SMSC vendor specific errors" (0x400-0x4FF) can be a good candidate.

Actually it looks to me like ESME_RX_R_APPN = 0x66 "ESME receiver reject message error." is the best error code to throw here.
It should correspond to a permanent error for this message only and let further messages be processed.


JPOS Message header length and message body length mismatch

Would like to check if there is an way to validate resolve the services for jpos if the message header indicate the length as 100 however the sent length is 99? Currently when i received the message from my client end it would required to restart if not the sequence message would fail.
Thank you in advance.
Such a message is malformed an should be rejected. It expect most operators would flag this because its an indication of a major software fault somewhere along the line.

SQS Extended - The input receipt handle is invalid

We wrappered an existing queue with the extended functionality. Messages are able to be put on the queue, and we see the message body being stored on S3.
However, when the message is consumed we get the following stack trace:
com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.ReceiptHandleIsInvalidException: The input receipt handle is invalid. (Service: AmazonSQS; Status Code: 404; Error Code: ReceiptHandleIsInvalid; Request ID: ba9421e9-a9d2-56ba-8e17-70ff7190f05a)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.handleErrorResponse(AmazonHttpClient.java:1182)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeOneRequest(AmazonHttpClient.java:770)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeHelper(AmazonHttpClient.java:489)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.execute(AmazonHttpClient.java:310)
at com.amazonaws.services.sqs.AmazonSQSClient.invoke(AmazonSQSClient.java:2419)
at com.amazonaws.services.sqs.AmazonSQSClient.changeMessageVisibility(AmazonSQSClient.java:485)
at com.amazonaws.services.sqs.AmazonSQSClient.changeMessageVisibility(AmazonSQSClient.java:1692)
at com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.AmazonSQSExtendedClientBase.changeMessageVisibility(AmazonSQSExtendedClientBase.java:1376)
Which happens when we attempt to change the visibility. Is that not supported?
sqsExtended.changeMessageVisibility(queueUrl, message.getReceiptHandle(), visibilityTimeout);
The answer is that this hasn't been implemented, nor does it try to warn you by throwing an exception when calling the method. There doesn't seem to be a reason to not be implemented, looking at the source code, it would be straightforward.
For our case, we are okay with relaying on the queue default value for this parameter and not setting each individually.

Handling error after aggregation

I am reading some lines from a CSV file, converting them to business objects, aggregating these to batches and passing the resulting aggregates to a bean, which may throw an PersistenceException.
Somehow like this:
from(file:inputdir).split().tokenize("\n").bean(a).aggregate(constant(true), new AbstractListAggregationStrategy(){...}).completionSize(3).bean(b)
I have a onException(Exception.class).handled(true).to("file:failuredir").log(). If an exception occurs on bean(a), everything is handled as expected: wrong lines in inputdir/input.csv are written to failuredir/input.csv.
Now if bean(b) fails, Camel seems to fail reconstructing the original message:
message.org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException: Cannot store file: target/failure/ID-myhostname-34516-1372093690069-0-7
Having tried various attempts to get this working, like using HawtDBAggregationRepository, toggling useOriginalMessage at onException and propagating back the exception in my AggregationStrategy, I am out of ideas.
How can I achieve the same behaviour for bean(b) which can be seen with bean(a)?
The aggregator is a stateful EIP pattern, so when it sends out a message, then its a new Exchange. So the bean(b) cannot get access to the original message that came from the file route.

Quickfixn - Tag Appears More Than Once Rejection

I'm having an issue with Quickfixn and I'm hoping someone with more experience working with it can shed some light on an issue I'm facing. For some reason, messages are getting rejected by the QuickFix engine because of repeating tags... I expect to have repeating tags and so I set the UseDataDictionary flag = Y in my config file but messages are still getting rejected. Has anyone experienced a similar issue ?
The message I'm receiving looks like :
8=FIXT.1.1 9=421 35=AE 34=8 1128=8 49=XXX 56=YYY 52=20130501-15:45:53 552=1 54=2 37=130501-5 11=NOREF 826=0 78=1 79=default 80=1000000.00 5967=12167800.00 453=4 448=ITXT 452=3 447=D 448=TEST 452=1 447=D 448=LMEB 452=16 447=D 448=FRTB 452=11 447=D 571=6718487 150=F 32=1000000.00 15=USD 1056=12167800.00 31=12.1678 194=12.1678 195=0 64=20130503 63=0 60=20130501-00:00:00 75=20130501 1057=Y 460=4 167=FOR 65=SP 55=USD/MXN 10=203
8=FIXT.1.1 9=124 35=3 34=8 49=XXX 52=20130501-15:45:54.209 56=YYY 45=8 58=Tag appears more than once 371=448 372=AE 373=13 10=210
my config file looks like this:
DefaultApplVerId = FIX.5.0SP1
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Often this happens because there is a field in a repeating group that is not specified in the DataDictionary. The parser sees the field and assumes the repeating group has ended. It continues parsing fields as if they are not part of a group. If it sees a duplicate field in this context, the parser will report an error.
You may clone and modify FIX Data Dictionary (D:\Interface\FIX50SP1.xml) to fit your needs, if you need to process "invalid" messages. Or you may disable message validation.

How to make Xlib print error message, but not exit?

"The action of the default handlers is to print an explanatory message and exit." (link)
Example of such message:
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 12 (X_ConfigureWindow)
Resource id in failed request: 0xc0007a
Serial number of failed request: 140
Current serial number in output stream: 141
If I set (XSetErrorHandler) my own "ignore everything" error handler, the "explanatory messages" disappear.
How to make Xlib ignore errors, but still print error messages?
If you actually want those error messages you pretty much have two options:
Pull _XPrintDefaultError out of XlibInt.c along with some private headers (with all the caveats of using library-private definitions).
Redefine exit() not to actually exit when _XDefautError calls it.
Neither is especially pretty and both may break and reduce your portability, but they do work.
You have to format your own message. The contents of the message is the contents of the XErrorEvent struct: