SQL server 2005 index order behavior - sql

Well, after how many hours of troubleshooting and making queries, I found out that the queries were not the source of error but the database table itself. The ordering of tables are not what I expected to happen, it should be ascending.
I added data on tblCarFranchise table, as expected, this will happen. The ID column is well sorted in ascending order.
Next, I deleted row 2 with the ID = 12.
Then added another data row.
This is where the problem lies, it is inserted between 11 and 13! I don't exactly know why this is happening. Again, I added another row to see if it still goes in between 11 and 13, and this is the thing that happened:
Can someone tell me how to fix this? I have already searched for solutions like "SQL Server index ordering", "SQL Server index ascending" but the search results give me a SQL queries instead. -_-

Not really an answer, because this isn't really a question; however, my response would be too long to fit in the comments section. As Gordon already pointed out, tables are inherently unordered. Any order that you are seeing in other tables is probably the result of the following circumstances:
There is a clusted index on an identity column.
That clustered index is "fresh"; in other words, no rows have been modified since the last build of that clustered index.
There are no non-clustered indexes that the optimizer decided would be more efficient to use than the clustered index in retrieving data.
If you want rows to be returned in a certain order, then use an ORDER BY clause. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Add indexes as appropriate, and maintain them, but let the optimizer choose the best way to work with your tables.


SQL - Order of records returned in join by default [duplicate]

As I know, from the relational database theory, a select statement without an order by clause should be considered to have no particular order. But actually in SQL Server and Oracle (I've tested on those 2 platforms), if I query from a table without an order by clause multiple times, I always get the results in the same order. Does this behavior can be relied on? Anyone can help to explain a little?
No, that behavior cannot be relied on. The order is determined by the way the query planner has decided to build up the result set. simple queries like select * from foo_table are likely to be returned in the order they are stored on disk, which may be in primary key order or the order they were created, or some other random order. more complex queries, such as select * from foo where bar < 10 may instead be returned in order of a different column, based on an index read, or by the table order, for a table scan. even more elaborate queries, with multipe where conditions, group by clauses, unions, will be in whatever order the planner decides is most efficient to generate.
The order could even change between two identical queries just because of data that has changed between those queries. a "where" clause may be satisfied with an index scan in one query, but later inserts could make that condition less selective, and the planner could decide to perform a subsequent query using a table scan.
To put a finer point on it. RDBMS systems have the mandate to give you exactly what you asked for, as efficiently as possible. That efficiency can take many forms, including minimizing IO (both to disk as well as over the network to send data to you), minimizing CPU and keeping the size of its working set small (using methods that require minimal temporary storage).
without an ORDER BY clause, you will have not asked exactly for a particular order, and so the RDBMS will give you those rows in some order that (maybe) corresponds with some coincidental aspect of the query, based on whichever algorithm the RDBMS expects to produce the data the fastest.
If you care about efficiency, but not order, skip the ORDER BY clause. If you care about the order but not efficiency, use the ORDER BY clause.
Since you actually care about BOTH use ORDER BY and then carefully tune your query and database so that it is efficient.
No, you can't rely on getting the results back in the same order every time. I discovered that when working on a web page with a paged grid. When I went to the next page, and then back to the previous page, the previous page contained different records! I was totally mystified.
For predictable results, then, you should include an ORDER BY. Even then, if there are identical values in the specified columns there, you can get different results. You may have to ORDER BY fields that you didn't really think you needed, just to get a predictable result.
Tom Kyte has a pet peeve about this topic. For whatever reason, people are fascinated by this, and keep trying to come up with cases where you can rely upon a specific order without specifying ORDER BY. As others have stated, you can't. Here's another amusing thread on the topic on the AskTom website.
The Right Answer
This is a new answer added to correct the old one. I've got answer from Tom Kyte and I post it here:
If you want rows sorted YOU HAVE TO USE AN ORDER. No if, and, or buts about it. period. http://tkyte.blogspot.ru/2005/08/order-in-court.html You need order by on that IOT. Rows are sorted in leaf blocks, but leaf blocks are not stored sorted. fast full scan=unsorted rows.
The Wrong Answer
(Attention! The original answer on the question was placed below here only for the sake of the history. It's wrong answer. The right answer is placed above)
As Tom Kyte wrote in the article mentioned before:
You should think of a heap organized table as a big unordered
collection of rows. These rows will come out in a seemingly random
order, and depending on other options being used (parallel query,
different optimizer modes and so on), they may come out in a different
order with the same query. Do not ever count on the order of rows from
a query unless you have an ORDER BY statement on your query!
But note he only talks about heap-organized tables. But there is also index-orgainzed tables. In that case you can rely on order of the select without ORDER BY because order implicitly defined by primary key. It is true for Oracle.
For SQL Server clustered indexes (index-organized tables) created by default. There is also possibility for PostgreSQL store information aligning by index. More information can be found here
I see, that there is voting down on my answer. So I would try to explain my point a little bit.
In the section Overview of Index-Organized Tables there is a phrase:
In an index-organized table, rows are stored in an index defined on the primary key for the table... Index-organized tables are useful when related pieces of data must be stored together or data must be physically stored in a specific order.
Because of index, all data is stored in specific order, I believe same is true for Pg.
If you don't agree with me please give me a link on the documenation. I'll be happy to know that there is something to learn for me.

Mssql query sequence is changing every time

For Erp version upgrade we copied our database and restored to new one. We altered tables. (Added new columns or changed Width etc. We dropped indexes and recreated). After all we tested new database, caught a situation like this.
we have a query like
select top 5 * from table.
old database: when we run the query continuously, result order not changing
new database: when we run, order sequence of results changing.
I think there is a clustered index issue but how can I determine and solve it I don't know. Any help?
order is not guaranteed unless you use order by.
Old database may have clustered index created on table. Please check it. But even clustered index does not always guarantee ordering.
If you don't use the ORDER BY statement after the TOP statement the database engine does not guarantees the order of the resultset.
SQL Server wants to return qualified rows quickly in some cases and this mechanism called Row Goals and most probably your query execution plan uses this mechanism. On the other hand, the clustered index operator includes an ordered attribute and this shows us the retrieved rows are fetched in the ordered manner or not.

Two indexes for same column and change the order

I have a large table in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. It has two indexes. One index having column A descending order and another index having the column A ascending with some other columns.
My application is doing below:
Select for the record.
If there is no record then insert
If find then update the records
Note that this table has millions of records.
The question is: Are these indexes affect the any select/insert/update performance?
Any suggestions?
Having the exact same two indexes with the only difference being the ordering will make no difference to the SQL engine and will just pick either (practially).
Imagine you 2 dictionaries of the english language, one sorts words from A to Z and the other from Z to A. The effort you will need to search for a particular word will be roughly the same in both cases.
A different case would be if you had 2 lists of people's data, one ordered by first name then last name and the other by last name first, then first name. If you have to look for "John Doe", the one that's ordered first by last name will be practically useless compared to the other one.
These examples are very simplified representations of indexes on SQL Server. Indexes store their data on a structure that's called a B-Tree, but for searching purposes these examples work to understand when will a index be useful or not.
Resuming: you can drop the first index and keep the one that has additional columns on it, since it can be used for more different scenarios and also all cases that would require the other one. Keeping an unuseful index brings additional maintenance tasks like keeping the index updated on every insert, update, delete and refreshing statistics, so you might want to drop it.
PD: As for the 2nd index being used, this greatly depends on the query you are using to access that particular table, it's joins and where clauses. You can use the "Display Estimated Execution Plan" having highlighted the query on SSMS to see the access plan of the engine to each object to perform the operation. If the index is used, you will see it there.
Thanks for all the answers. I explored the SQL Server Profiler and SQL Tuning Advisor for the SQL Server and ran them to get the recommended indexes. It recommended a single index with include options. I used the index and the performance has been improved.

Is there a SQL ANSI way of starting a search at the end of table?

In a certain app I must constantly query data that are likely to be amongst the last inserted rows. Since this table is going to grow a lot, I wonder if theres a standard way of optimizing the queries by making them start the lookup at the table's end. I think I would get the same optmization if the database stored data for the table in a stack-like structure, so the last inserted rows would be searched first.
The SQL spec doesn't mention anything about maintaining the insertion order. In practice, most of decent DB's also doesn't maintain it. Then it stops here. Sorting the table first ain't going to make it faster. Just index the column(s) of interest (at least the ones which you use in the WHERE).
One of the "tenets" of a proper RDBMS is that this kind of matters shouldn't concern you or anyone else using the DB.
The DB engine is "free" to use whatever method it wants to store/retrieve records, so if you want to enforce a "top" behaviour do what other suggested: add a timestamp field to the table (or tables), add an index on it and query using it as a sort and/or query criteria (e.g.: you poll the table each minute, and ask for records with timestamp>=systime-1 minute)
There is no standard way.
In some databases you can specify the sort order on an index.
SQL Server allows you to write ASC or DESC on an index:
[ ASC | DESC ]
Determines the ascending or descending sort direction for the particular index column. The default is ASC.
In MySQL you can also write ASC or DESC when you create the index but currently this is ignored. It might be implemented in a future version.
Add a counter or a time field in your table, sort on it and get top rows.
In other words: You should forget the idea that SQL tables are accessed in any particular order by default. A seqscan does not mean the oldest rows will be searched first, only that all rows will be checked. If you want to optimize some search you add indexes on some fields. What you are looking for is probably indexes.
If your data is indexed, it won't matter. The index is doing a binary search, not a sequential scan.
Unless you're doing TOP 1 (or something like it), the SELECT will have to scan the whole table or index anyway.
According to Data Independence you shouldn't care. That said a clustered index would probably suit your needs if you typically look for a date range. (sorting acs/desc shouldn't matter but you should try it out.)
If you find that you really need it you can also shard your database to increase perf on the most recently added data.
If you have enough rows that its actually becomming a problem, and you know how many "the most recently inserted rows" should be, you could try a round-about method.
Note: Even for pretty big tables, this is less efficient, but once your main table gets big enough, I've seen this work wonders for user-facing performance.
Create a "staging" table that exactly mimics your table's structure. Whenever you insert into your main table, also insert into your "staging" area. Limit your "staging" area to n rows by using a trigger to delete the lowest id row in the table when a new row over your arbitrary maximum is reached (say, 10,000 or whatever your limit is).
Then, queries can hit that smaller table first looking for the information. Since the table is arbitrarilly limited to the last n rows, it's only looking in the most recent data. Only if that fails to find a match would your query (actually, at this point a stored procedure because of the decision making) hit your main table.
Some Gotchas:
1) Make sure your trigger(s) is(are) set up properly to maintain the correct concurrancy between your "main" and "staging" tables.
2) This can quickly become a maintenance nightmare if not handled properly- and depending on your scenario it be be a little finiky.
3) I cannot stress enough that this is only efficient/useful in very specific scenarios. If yours doesn't match it, use one of the other answers.
ISO/ANSI Standard SQL does not consider optimization at all. For example the widely recognized CREATE INDEX SQL DDL does not appear in the Standard. This is because the Standard makes no assumptions about the underlying storage medium and nor should it. I regularly use SQL to query data in text files and Excel spreadsheets, neither of which have any concept of database indexes.
You can't do this.
However, there is a way to do something that might be even better. Depending on the design of your table, you should be able to create an index that keeps things in almost the order of entry. For example, if you adopt the common practice of creating an id field that autoincrements, then that index is just about in chronological order.
Some RDBMSes permit you to declare a backwards index, that is, one that descends instead of ascending. If you create a backwards index on the ID field, and if the optimizer uses that index, it will look at the most recent entries first. This will give you a rapid response for the first row.
The next step is to get the optimizer to use the index. You need to use explain plan to see if the index is being used. If you ask for the rows in order of id descending, the optimizer will almost certainly use the backwards index. If not you may be able to use hints to guide the optimizer.
If you still need to avoid reading all the rows in order to avoid wasting time, you may be able to use the LIMIT feature to declare that you only want, say 10 rows, and no more, or 1 row and no more. That should do it.
Good luck.
If your table has a create date, then I'd reverse sort by that and take the top 1.

How to know when to use indexes and which type?

I've searched a bit and didn't see any similar question, so here goes.
How do you know when to put an index in a table? How do you decide which columns to include in the index? When should a clustered index be used?
Can an index ever slow down the performance of select statements? How many indexes is too many and how big of a table do you need for it to benefit from an index?
What about column data types? Is it ok to have an index on a varchar or datetime?
Well, the first question is easy:
When should a clustered index be used?
Always. Period. Except for a very few, rare, edge cases. A clustered index makes a table faster, for every operation. YES! It does. See Kim Tripp's excellent The Clustered Index Debate continues for background info. She also mentions her main criteria for a clustered index:
static (never changes)
if ever possible: ever increasing
INT IDENTITY fulfills this perfectly - GUID's do not. See GUID's as Primary Key for extensive background info.
Why narrow? Because the clustering key is added to each and every index page of each and every non-clustered index on the same table (in order to be able to actually look up the data row, if needed). You don't want to have VARCHAR(200) in your clustering key....
Why unique?? See above - the clustering key is the item and mechanism that SQL Server uses to uniquely find a data row. It has to be unique. If you pick a non-unique clustering key, SQL Server itself will add a 4-byte uniqueifier to your keys. Be careful of that!
Next: non-clustered indices. Basically there's one rule: any foreign key in a child table referencing another table should be indexed, it'll speed up JOINs and other operations.
Furthermore, any queries that have WHERE clauses are a good candidate - pick those first which are executed a lot. Put indices on columns that show up in WHERE clauses, in ORDER BY statements.
Next: measure your system, check the DMV's (dynamic management views) for hints about unused or missing indices, and tweak your system over and over again. It's an ongoing process, you'll never be done! See here for info on those two DMV's (missing and unused indices).
Another word of warning: with a truckload of indices, you can make any SELECT query go really really fast. But at the same time, INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs which have to update all the indices involved might suffer. If you only ever SELECT - go nuts! Otherwise, it's a fine and delicate balancing act. You can always tweak a single query beyond belief - but the rest of your system might suffer in doing so. Don't over-index your database! Put a few good indices in place, check and observe how the system behaves, and then maybe add another one or two, and again: observe how the total system performance is affected by that.
Rule of thumb is primary key (implied and defaults to clustered) and each foreign key column
There is more but you could do worse than using SQL Server's missing index DMVs
An index may slow down a SELECT if the optimiser makes a bad choice, and it is possible to have too many. Too many will slow writes but it's also possible to overlap indexes
Answering the ones I can I would say that every table, no matter how small, will always benefit from at least one index as there has to be at least one way in which you are interested in looking up the data; otherwise why store it?
A general rule for adding indexes would be if you need to find data in the table using a particular field, or set of fields. This leads on to how many indexes are too many, generally the more indexes you have the slower inserts and updates will be as they also have to modify the indexes but it all depends on how you use your data. If you need fast inserts then don't use too many. In reporting "read only" type data stores you can have a number of them to make all your lookups faster.
Unfortunately there is no one rule to guide you on the number or type of indexes to use, although the query optimiser of your chosen DB can give hints based on the queries you are executing.
As to clustered indexes they are the Ace card you only get to use once, so choose carefully. It's worth calculating the selectivity of the field you are thinking of putting it on as it can be wasted to put it on something like a boolean field (contrived example) as the selectivity of the data is very low.
This is really a very involved question, though a good starting place would be to index any column that you will filter results on. ie. If you often break products into groups by sale price, index the sale_price column of the products table to improve scan times for that query, etc.
If you are querying based on the value in a column, you probably want to index that column.
SELECT a,b,c FROM MyTable WHERE x = 1
You would want an index on X.
Generally, I add indexes for columns which are frequently queried, and I add compound indexes when I'm querying on more than one column.
Indexes won't hurt the performance of a SELECT, but they may slow down INSERTS (or UPDATES) if you have too many indexes columns per table.
As a rule of thumb - start off by adding indexes when you find yourself saying WHERE a = 123 (in this case, an index for "a").
You should use an index on columns that you use for selection and ordering - i.e. the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
Indexes can slow down select statements if there are many of them and you are using WHERE and ORDER BY on columns that have not been indexed.
As for size of table - several thousands rows and upwards would start showing real benefits to index usage.
Having said that, there are automated tools to do this, and SQL server has an Database Tuning Advisor that will help with this.