How get data from database according to hour? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to extract data from db according storing time. For example I have to show data per hour so i get data from current time to past one hour???

use > DATEADD(hh,-1, GETDATE()) in where condtion.
it will give last one hour data


World Death rate data [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'd like to know where I can find data about worldly deaths. I'd like to compare 2020 deaths with 2019 or other years and see what are the difference between then. Does anyone know where I can find a trustfull data about that?
Kaggle is becoming the go-to source for all sorts of public data sets, including demographics.
Check out:

How to find which record fails when you update 1000 records [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Suppose we are updating 1000 records , and if the 10th record fails then how will we know which record has failed?
You may use the SAVE EXCEPTIONS or DML error logging, if you are on 10gR2 or later.

How to execute SQL view [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a view called 'selectView' in my postgresql database.
How i can get the results in to my server.js(nodejs code) like,
select * from selectView
Please suggest.
Sorry for the earlier mis-understanding. Didn't know node.js was server-side. A little search engine (you know the one) tells me that there's a postgresql library available for node.js. That should help you out.
Look here:

How can I get the timestamp at which a row was loaded? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to find the epoch time at which a certain row was loaded, so that I can pick out appropriate table decorators for fetching other events loaded in close proximity. How can I query this data?
AFAIK there is no automatically created column that holds the row time of creation - but you could certainly add one while loading data.

Removing dots from a date in a url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following URL in a table and I am given the responsibility to develop a script to remove the dots around the date.
For example:
The Date: 2013.01.20 should be read like the following in the url:
Note the dots for should not be removed.
How I can get started on this?
DECLARE #doc varchar(500) = ''
SELECT SUBSTRING(#doc,0,CHARINDEX('date=',#doc))+REPLACE(SUBSTRING(#doc,CHARINDEX('date=',#doc),LEN(#doc)),'.','')
SQL fiddle