SQL how to update table not referencing it by its name? [duplicate] - sql

This question already has answers here:
Column-name and/or table-name as parameters
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I need to create procedure that accepts #TableName and #ColumnName as parameters and updates the table depending on a supplied table/column name
create My_Procedure (#TableName varchar(50), #ColumnName varchar(50))
update #TableName
set #ColumnName = '2013-01-01'
But the update statement in the procedure won't work.
Please help me to find a way to rewrite the statement so it will work without using dynamic SQL. Maybe using object_id of the table and column somehow?

Assuming that you use SQL Server, you must use dynamic SQL to do this sort of things:
create My_Procedure (#TableName varchar(50), #ColumnName varchar(50))
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
set #sql = 'update '+#TableName +' set '+#ColumnName+' = ''2013-01-01'''
exec #sql
However, note that this can basically can do anything to the database, so while there are legitimate uses for dynamic sql, this kind of general approach might not be the best idea.

looks like you will need to look into dynamic sql, check this SO related question.
Column-name and/or table-name as parameters


Create stored procedure to a drop table or refer to table with the parameter [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
how to drop and create a table in a stored procedure?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
My question is about how to refer to an object in a stored procedure. I want to know if something like this is possible:
create proc drop_table #tablename ??
drop table #tablename
What about something like this?
create or alter proc select_col #col_name nvarchar(50), #table_nbame nvarchar(50)
select #col_name
from #table_nbame
Can I create a variable and refer to a table in a SP?
You cannot drop the table when passing parameters without getting errors. But if you can redirect errors into checking again if the table exists or not, you can get the desired outcome:
create procedure drop_table_smartly
#tablename varchar(20)
declare #cmd varchar(50) = (select 'drop table '+ #tablename)
exec (#cmd)
So now by using below execution, you can drop any table
exec drop_table_smartly 'droper'
Please be informed, that whatever others have warned you about these are right. you should only use in production after proper testing (don't use in production)

SQL OpenQuery variable tablename

I need to transfer data from a linked server to our main SQL server. The issue is, that the table name changes everyday.
I have looked around this site to find out if it is even possible to have a variable database name, which it is, but also to see if it is possible to have variables in a OPENQUERY, which it also is.
But i am struggling to combine those needs, so i have a variable table name in a OPENQUERY.
I need something like this:
Declare #LinkedServer as varchar(max) = 'LinkedServer'
Declare #TName as varchar(max) = 'TName'+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
varchar(50)),1,4)+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
varchar(50)),6,2)+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(#LinkedServer, 'SELECT * FROM dbo.#TName')
Is there any way i can make a variable table name in a OPENQUERY ?
Thank you for your help.
I'd write a synonym which gets updated every day before you kick off your data extraction job. Then you don't need to be updating (potentially a tonne of) references.
SELECT * FROM LinkedTableA
The answer i have, is this:
USE [DataBase]
DROP SYNONYM [dbo].[eCallByCallStat]
declare #tablename varchar(50)
set #tablename = 'Server1..dbo.eCallByCallStat'+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),1,4)+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),6,2)+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),9,2)
declare #sql varchar(500)
set #sql = 'CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[eCallByCallStat] FOR ' + #tablename
exec (#sql)
This will run everymorning updating the table name in the synonym, and then we will insert that data into a prober table so we have all the data.

Pass a variable into a stored procedures SELECT command [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
SQL: Select dynamic column name based on variable
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a web page with a link to a stored procedure and I want to pass a variable to the stored procedures select statement. The code so far is -
ALTER procedure [dbo].[RTO]
#Weeknumber int,
#asset nvarchar(50)
SELECT #asset
FROM RTO_weeklyanalysis
Where weekNumber = #weeknumber
basically the #asset will be the name of the column but this will change depending on what the user selects on the page.
You will need to use Dynamic sql for this. Also use QuoteName() function when concatenating object names to your sql query. and use system stored procedure sp_executesql to execute the dynamic query the most safe and secure way of executing dynamic sql. Something as follows :
ALTER procedure [dbo].[RTO]
#Weeknumber int,
#asset sysname
SET #Sql = N' SELECT '+ QUOTENAME(#asset) + '
FROM RTO_weeklyanalysis
Where weekNumber = #weeknumber'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #Sql
,N'#Weeknumber int'
You cannot use a column name dynamicly in this way. The simplest way to achiewe what you want will be to exec whole query from temporary variable, i mean:
declare #query
set #query = 'SELECT ' + #asset ' FROM RTO_weeklyanalysis Where weekNumber = #weeknumber'
exec sp_executesql #query

SQL Variables as Column names in Where Clause [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can I pass column name as input parameter in SQL stored Procedure
(9 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need some help with my SQL logic, and I've been working (and researching) this for 2 days now with zero success.
My goal is to try an pass a variable from an ASP page to a stored procedure, which is utilizing the variable as criteria for a column name in the where clause.
So for example (a simplified version of my query):
#strDept nvarchar(10), #strUser nvarchar(30)
-- The asp page will pass f18 to #strDept & Ted Lee to strUser
-- f18 is the column name in my database that I need in the where.
select x, y, z from table1 where #strDept in (#strUser)
-- and this is the select statement, notice the where clause.
The stored procedure does execute, but it returns no values and I know its treating the #strDept as a literal nvarchar and not a column name.
So I guess my question is, how do I get SQL Server 2005 to treat my #sqlDept variable as a column name?
The reason you can't find guidance on how to do this is that it's a really bad idea.
Sooner or later, someone is going to pass a "column name" of 1 ;drop database badidea. Which will be a blessing for all concerned.
Read up on SQL Injection, and rethink your design.
If this is an internal company application why is everyone re-iterating and beating SQL Injection to death... Its very simple to just use Dynamic SQL.
If you are comfortable that these are only internal users using this then its very simple. Here is the concept. You essentially write a SQL Statement that writes a string that is really a SQL statement and then execute it.
CREATE Procedure myDynamicProcedure
#strDept nvarchar(10),
#strUser nvarchar(30)
1. Declare a variable to store the SQL Statement.
DECLARE #SQL varchar(max)
2. SET your #SQL Variable to be the SELECT Statement. Basically you are building it so it returns what you are wanting to write. Like this:
SET #SQL = 'select x, y, z from table1 where' + #strDept +
' in ' + #strUser
3. Execute the #SQL Statement and it will be exactly like you ran:
SELECT x,y,z from table1 where f18 = 'Ted Lee'
Why do you want to make column name dynamic? What do you plan to achieve? You can use dynamic query like answer above but injection attacks may start.
If you explain what you want to do with that maybe we can recommend another solution.
You can use some dynamic sql e.g.
EXEC('SELECT '+#sqlDept)
In your case this will be
DECLARE #strDept nvarchar(10)='dept1'
,#strUser nvarchar(30)='user1';
DECLARE #DynamicSql nvarchar(1000);
SET #DynamicSql='select x, y, z from table where '+#strDept+' in ('''+#strUser+''')';
SELECT #DynamicSql;
Will give you:
select x, y, z from table where dept1 in ('user1')
To execute this statement you do this as
Another alternative is to use a small bit of substitution in the proc. This still uses dynamic SQL, but you are never executing user supplied values.
DECLARE #substValue VARCHAR(50)
IF #userSuppliedValue = 'Table1'
SET #substValue = 'Table1'
IF #userSuppliedValue = 'Table2'
SET #substValue = 'Table2'
/*Repeat for N permutations*/
/* Throw an error if you think its necessary to do so when no match is found*/
IF #substValue IS NULL
EXEC ('SELECT * FROM ' + #substValue)
I think the best way is to build a dynamic SQL and add a lookup to see if the column exist and prevent SQL injection in the column name.
declare #strDept nvarchar(10), #strUser nvarchar(30),
#sql nvarchar(300), #found smallint
set #strDept = 'f18'
set #strUser = 'Ted Lee'
set #found = (SELECT count(*)
FROM syscolumns
WHERE id=OBJECT_ID('table1') AND name=''+#strDept+'')
set #sql = 'select x, y, z from table1 where ' + #strDept + ' in ('''+#strUser+''')'
if #found = 1 exec (#sql)
SQL injection testing : See SQL FIDDLE : http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!6/df3f6/18/0
DECLARE #value varchar(10)
SET #value = 'intStep'
DECLARE #sqlText nvarchar(1000);
SET #sqlText = N'SELECT ' + #value + ' FROM dbo.tblBatchDetail'
Exec (#sqlText)

SQL: Select dynamic column name based on variable

I have a Microsoft SQL stored procedure whose column name I want to set via a variable that is passed into it:
#myDynamicColumn varchar(50)
SELECT 'value' AS #myDynamicColumn
This does not work ("Incorrect syntax"). If I wrap the column name with [ ]:
SELECT 'value' AS [#myDynamicColumn]
The column name literally outputs as '#myDynamicColumn' instead of the actual value. Is there any way to do this? I've looked into dynamic SQL articles but nothing is quite what I'm asking for.
EXEC ('SELECT ''value'' AS ' + #myDynamicColumn)
You could build your query into a string and use exec
#myDynamicColumn varchar(50)
EXEC('SELECT ''value'' AS ' + #myDynamicColumn)
Both the upvoted answers are very dangerous here, both are wide open to injection attacks and should not be used.
When injecting dynamic object names you must ensure you properly quote your object names. SQL Server has a built in function for that, QUOTENAME. Thus what you should actually be doing is the following:
CREATE PROCEDURE [My_Procedure] #myDynamicColumn sysname
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(MAX) = N'SELECT ''value'' AS ' + QUOTENAME(#myDynamicColumn) + N';';
EXEC sys.sp_executesql #SQL;
You'll note I also change the data type of the parameter to sysname, a synonym for nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, which is the data type SQL Server uses internally for object names.