How to upload image via restler api? - restler

Please give me the full process to upload image via restler api. i am tring by blob datatype in mysql database, but i am not able to insert image in table.So please guide me how to upload image.


I insert an image in Google Sheets as a blob rather than link it with a URL

I want to insert a blob object (.jpg image) with Google Sheets API.
Does Google Sheets API allow for blobs inside the spreadsheet's cells?
I know that inserting the image directly into the spreadsheet by hand without using API is possible.
In the current stage, unfortunately, the image blob cannot be directly put into Google Spreadsheet using Sheets API. So, it is required to use the workarounds. In this answer, I would like to propose the 2 workarounds for achieving your goal.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, IMAGE of the built-in function of Google Spreadsheet is used. The flow is as follows.
Upload the image to Google Drive using Drive API.
Share publicly the uploaded image using Drive API and receive the URL of the image.
Put a function of =IMAGE("URL") to a cell using Sheets API.
By this flow, your goal is achieved. If you can know the direct link of the image, you can directly use only the 3rd flow of the above flow.
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, the image is inserted into the Spreadsheet using Web Apps created by Google Apps Script.
Upload the image to Google Drive using Web Apps.
Put the image blob into the Spreadsheet using Web Apps.
By this flow, your goal is achieved.
Web Apps

How do I Automate BIng Maps data upload?

How do I upload data to Bing Maps without having to use the portal? I can’t find anything in the documentation that mentions this, but any time we update our data, I have to manually upload a new XML file. Ideally, we would automate the upload whenever we update the data.
The closest I can get is the Uploading Data page, but there's nothing there about it.
Use the data source management API:
If you are working in .NET, you might also find this library useful:

Upload Image To Cloudinary Using Java API

I am using cloudinary API with JAVA. We have a requirement to upload images with an auto increasing number automatically. Like 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg...
When I upload the first image(abc.jpg) so it would become 1.jpg.
When I upload the second image(xyz.jpg) so it would become 2.jpg. Same for others.
does cloudinary provide any kind of solution for this situation?
This is not supported, this is something that you need to manage by yourself.
Maybe you can rename any uploaded image after receiving the notification URL on your server, but you need to keep in mind stuff like async actions...

Receiving image from Microsoft Graph Api

Im trying to get at photo from an azure ad using microsoft graph api.
I make the request to api. I know the uri is correct. When i try it with correct security token in Postman the photo is displayed. When i try the same uri in microsofts graph explorer online i as well see the image. When i look at the sourcode i can see an image tag with the followin src
<img src="blob:">
But when i make the call from a net core 2 backend i cant manage to get anything usefull. Im not sure what im supposed to use to receive the blob or how to handle the blob. How do i receive a blob from microsoft graph api?
The Graph explorer converts the API response to a blob. This blob object has a URL that can be the src attribute of an <img> tag.
Graph explorer is open source and if you know a bit of javascript this might be an example worth looking at. We convert the Graph API response to a blob at
For asp .net core, maybe look at the aspnetcore-connect-sample? They convert the photo response to base64 at

Meteor Amazon S3 image upload with thumbnails

I'm using Meteor and would like to create a form with an image upload field that saves the uploaded file to an Amazon S3 bucket in its original size as well as multiple thumbnails sizes defined (passed) via the code.
So far I'm using the lepozepo:s3 package which works great but doesn't seem to allow options for generating additional thumbnails.
Given I can upload the original files onto S3 I'm considering looking into a service on Amazon that can generate the desired thumbnails and then notify my Meteor app. But I'm not sure how to achieve that.
Can anyone point me in the right direction or share some insight into the best approach for this?
PS: I want to avoid using is possible.
Seems I was following the wrong path. CollectionFS has everything I need and more. I now have this working with plenty of scope to do more later. This is one brilliant collection of packages with clear guides on respective Github pages.
Here are the packages I ended up usings:
cfs:standard-packages - base
cfs:gridfs - required for some reason, not sure why
cfs:graphicsmagick - thumbnailing/cropping
cfs:s3 - S3 upload
Code sample →
CollectionFS is now deprecated, but there are other options:
Only upload, without S3 integration*:
Use the jQuery-File-Upload (which is great), it generates thumbs, has size and format validation, etc. Using basically these two packages together:
You can use other package for S3 integration.
Upload + Integration with S3:
Good, but if you need to generate thumbs for example you will need to integrate with other package or do it yourself. I not tested, but I got this suggestion:
Upload only, but with examples of how to generate thumbs or integrate with S3 / DropBox / GridFS /:
Rich documentation and does well which proposes: Upload images.
Use that adapt best to your needs.
look at blueimp's "jquery file upload" for client and image server resizing. On client you have a bit limited possibilities quality wise, on server you can use full power of imagemagick. Or look at my blog post on for file uploads for meteor in general.
cfs:gridfs - required for some reason, not sure why
Meteor using gridfs to store file chunks inside mongo database. In case of s3 it's for temporary storage.