Using ParseSQL Command for ADO Parameters Cause Invalid Parameter DataType - sql

I have some SQL Command that contains a parameter such:(Note that myID has "int" type in SQL)
vSqlString :='Select * From myTable Where myID= :paramID';
and Use ParseSQL Command to execute this command:
myADOQuery.Parameters.ParseSQL(vSqlString , True);
Now myADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByName('paramID').DataType is smallint Type and it can't accept negative integer values.
I can exactly show to compiler that my Parameter[0].DataType is ftIneteger and it works properly, but what is a good solution for this problem?

My question is asked by Mr. imanShadabi Here: Using TAdoQuery.ParseSql and has resolved by user1008646

Hope this will help.
If you want to create in runtime parameters, you can use something like this:
ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := vSqlString;
ADOQuery1.Parameters.CreateParameter('paramID', ftInteger, pdInput, 10, vIntegerValue);
Or you can concatenate values to the query.
For example:
//For Integer values:
vSqlString: = 'Select * From myTable Where myID =' + IntToStr (vIntegerValue);
//For String values:
vSqlString: = 'Select * From myTable Where myID =' + QuotedStr (vStringValue);
//For float values:
//Be careful with this, usually in a query, the comma is separator values,
//so make sure that the decimal separator is '.'
vDS := DecimalSeparator; //I keep the value it had
DecimalSeparator := '.';
ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := 'Select * From myTable Where myID='+FloatToStr(vFloatValue);
DecimalSeparator := vDS; //Restore the value that had
The third option is to set the parameters at design time.
But I think this is not what you want.


I keep getting "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error in delphi

Whenever this code runs the I get the above error. The code is supposed to insert a record into a table and then delete records from another table.
for I := iMax - K to iMax do
with dmMenu.qryMcDonalds do
SQL.Text :=
'SELECT ID, ItemID, ItemPrice, ItemCategory FROM tblCheckout WHERE ID = ' + IntToStr(I);
sItemID := Fields[1].AsString;
rItemPrice := Fields[2].AsFloat;
sItemCategory := Fields[3].AsString;
// I get the error here
SQL.Text :=
'INSERT INTO tblOrderItems (OrderItemID, OrderID, ItemID, ItemCategory, ItemPrice) VALUES ("' + sOrderID + '_' + IntToStr(a) + '"' + ', "' + sOrderID + '", "' + sItemID + '", "' + sItemCategory + '", "' + FloatToStrF(rItemPrice, ffCurrency, 10, 2) + '")';
SQL.Text := 'DELETE FROM tblCheckout WHERE ID = ' + IntToStr(I);
end; // with SQL
end; // for I
edit: I think i the problem is in the 'INSERT INTO' part. All the columns are short text except the last one, ItemPrice is a currency. I am also using Access
Please start a new project with just the following items on the main form:
A TAdoConnection configured to connect to your database;
A TAdoQuery configured to use the TAdoConnection
A TDataSource and TDBGrid configured to display the contents of the TAdoQuery.
Then, add the following code to the form
sSelect = 'select * from tblOrderItems';
sInsert = 'insert into tblOrderItems(OrderItemID, OrderID, ItemID, ItemCategory, ItemPrice) '#13#10
+ 'values(:OrderItemID, :OrderID, :ItemID, :ItemCategory, :ItemPrice)';
sOrderItemID = '0999';
sOrderID = '1999';
sItemID = '2999';
sItemCategory = 'Bolt';
fItemPrice = 5.99;
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
AdoQuery1.SQL.Text := sInsert;
AdoQuery1.Prepared := True;
AdoQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('OrderItemID').Value:= sOrderItemID;
AdoQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('OrderID').Value := sOrderID;
AdoQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('ItemID').Value := sItemID;
AdoQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('ItemCategory').Value := sItemCategory;
AdoQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('ItemPrice').Value := fItemPrice;
AdoQuery1.SQL.Text := sSelect;
Before compiling and running the program, review and change the values of the constants
so that they don't conflict with any rows already in your table.
The constant sInsert defines a so-called "parameterised SQL statement" Inside the Values
list, the items :OrderItemID, :OrderID, etc, are placeholders which the AdoQuery will turn into
parameters whose values you can supply at run-time, as in the block after AdoQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName(...
You should always construct SQL statements this way and not by concatenating strings
as your code attempts to do. It is far less error-prone, because it's easy to get into a
syntax muddle if you use DIY code and it also makes sure your queries are not prone
to Sql-Injection exploits, which they would be if you
give the user the opportunity to edit the SQL.
If you are using a FireDAC FDQuery, this has Params (an FD data-type) rather thn Parameters
but they work in pretty much the same way - see the Online Help.
In future, please be a bit more careful to ensure you include important details, especially things like the exact line where the error occurs - which you can check by single-stepping through your code using the debugger - and things like the exact db-access components you are using. Also try to get details right like whether a column is a "short text" type or an autonumber.
For a problem that needs to be debugged, like this one, you should also provide a complete, minimal, reproducible example, not just a snippet of code. Quite often, you will realise what the problem is while you are preparing the mre, so it helps you as well as us.
I bet the problem is in incompatible floating point format.
Use parameters to avoid it.

cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset and incorrect data entered into table

I have been getting this error and I am struggling to find what I have done wrong. What doesn't make sense is that the result is still posted to the database with all fields being correct except the name field. In the name field it enters 'dmInfo' for some reason.
with dmQuery_u.dmInfo do
qryData.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM eventinfo ORDER BY eventnumber');
autonum := qryData['eventnumber'] + 1;
'INSERT INTO eventinfo (eventnumber, bandname, venue, dateofevent, ticketcost, openingact, amountbooked)');
'VALUES (:eventnumber, :bandname, :venue, :dateofevent, :ticketcost, :openingact, :amountbooked)');
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('eventnumber').Value := autonum;
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('bandname').Value := name;
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('venue').Value := venue;
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('dateofevent').Value := date;
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('ticketcost').Value := ticketcost;
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('openingact').Value := openingact;
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('amountbooked').Value := amountbooked;
qryData.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM eventinfo');
Your error is being caused here :
qryData.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM eventinfo');
qryData.Last; { !! should be after ---v }
qryData.Open; { should be first ---^ }
Calling .ExecSQL executes a non-query (ie : returns no recordset) command. Since there is no valid dataset here, calling .Last will throw an error. You have to call .Open first.
For the second issue of your name field populating with dmInfo, you're being caught out by use of the dangerous with statement here:
with dmQuery_u.dmInfo do
qryData.Parameters.ParamByName('bandname').Value := name;
Here the with statement is hiding the name variable you want to use and is instead interpreting it as dmQuery_u.dmInfo.Name. Either get rid of the with statement and use explicit qualifiers for everything or change the name of your name variable.

Delphi 2007 Adoquery Parameters not working

ADOQuerySelect.SQL.Add(' AND (дата_заказа between #'+dat+'# and #'+da+'#)');
if ComboBox6.Text <> '' then
ADOQuerySelect.Parameters.ParamByName('Name').Value := ComboBox6.Text ;
ADOQuerySelect.SQL.Add(' AND (Наименование = :Name)');
I use Delphi 2007, MS Access. And i dont now how work with parameters. On this code, i have error: parameter Name not found. I tried many other variants of code, but they all not working. I add parameter Name via GUI with datatype ftstring;
Changing SQL in your code clears the existing parameters, so there's no parameter called 'Name' at the time you try to set its value. You then create the Name parameter, but it's too late.
Change the order of your statements:
ADOQuerySelect.SQL.Add(' AND (дата_заказа between #'+dat+'# and #'+da+'#)');
if ComboBox6.Text <> '' then
ADOQuerySelect.SQL.Add(' AND (Наименование = :Name)');
ADOQuerySelect.Parameters.ParamByName('Name').Value := ComboBox6.Text ;
You should be using parameters for all your replacements, BTW. Let the database driver handle conversions and date formats and quoting values and all of that for you.
In the object inspector ADOQuerySelect should have 'Name' among list of parameters.
You can also use the following code to create the parameter 'Name':
with ADOQuerySelect.Parameters.AddParameter do
Name := 'Name';
DataType := ftString;

Delphi 7 SQL Parameter found in Select Statement, but not Insert Statement

I am currently coding a Delphi 7 program that utilises SQL and an Access 2003 database.
The unit receives a 5 digit code from a previous unit, via a public variable (this is frmLogin.sCode). On form activation, the program will execute an SQL query to display the record from tblStudents that matches sCode. This statement uses a ParamByName line and works perfectly.
If no match is found, a message is displayed and the user is left with no option, but to click on the add user button. The user is then prompted to enter all of his details into the program, which are then passed to a class which sets out the SQL Insert Statement. A problem occurs now, however, as a message is displayed stating that Parameter Username is not found. I cannot understand why, as it is found when the Select statement is run. Please could someone help with this?
procedure TfrmProfilePage.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
//Instantiates the object.
objProfilePage := TProfilePage.Create;
sSQL := objProfilePage.SelectSQL;
procedure TfrmProfilePage.ExecuteSQL(sSQL : String);
With dmTextbookSales do
dbgrdDisplay.DataSource := dsProfilePage;
qryProfilePage.Parameters.ParamByName('Username').Value := frmLogin.sCode;
If qryProfilePage.RecordCount = 0
ShowMessage('Please click on the "Add Details" button to get started.');
btnChange.Enabled := False;
btnSelling.Enabled := False;
btnBuying.Enabled := False;
procedure TfrmProfilePage.GetValues(VAR sStudentName, sStudentSurname, sCellNumber, sEmailAddress : String; VAR iCurrentGrade : Integer);
ShowMessage('Fields may be left blank, but users wishing to sell textbooks should enter at least one contact field.');
sStudentName := InputBox('Name','Please enter your first name:','');
sStudentSurname := InputBox('Surame','Please enter your surname:','');
iCurrentGrade := StrToInt(InputBox('Current Grade','Please enter your current grade:',''));
sCellNumber := InputBox('Cellphone Number','Please enter your cellphone number:','');
sEmailAddress := InputBox('Email Address','Please enter your email address:','');
procedure TfrmProfilePage.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
GetValues(sStudentName, sStudentSurname, sCellNumber, sEmailAddress, iCurrentGrade);
sSQL := objProfilePage.InsertSQL;
btnChange.Enabled := True;
btnSelling.Enabled := True;
btnBuying.Enabled := True;
The following code is obtained from the linked class, clsProfilePage:
function TProfilePage.InsertSQL: String;
Result := 'INSERT INTO tblStudents (' + '[StudentID]' + ',' + '[StudentName]' + ',' + '[StudentSurname]' + ',' + '[CurrentGrade]' + ',' + '[CellNumber]' + ',' + '[EmailAddress]' + ') VALUES (' + 'Username' + ',' + QuotedStr(fStudentName) + ',' + QuotedStr(fStudentSurname) + ',' + IntToStr(fCurrentGrade) + ',' + QuotedStr(fCellNumber) + ',' + QuotedStr(fEmailAddress) + ')';
function TProfilePage.SelectSQL: String;
Result := 'SELECT * FROM tblStudents Where StudentID = Username';
Your INSERT statement is wrong. You need to add parameters before you can set parameter values. In Delphi, you do that using : before the parameter name in your SQL statement.
In addition, Open is only used when performing a SELECT. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE don't return a rowset, and therefore you must use ExecSQL (the dataset method, not your function with the conflicting name) instead.
(While we're at it, never use RecordCount on a SQL dataset - it requires all rows to be retrieved in order to obtain a count, and it's not relevant when performing anything other than a SELECT anyway. Operations performed by ExecSQL should use RowsAffected instead, which tells you the number of rows that were affected by the operation.
(If you need a count of the number of rows, perform a SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumRecs FROM YourTable WHERE <some condition> instead, and access the NumRecs field using FieldByName.)
Change your function that returns the INSERT statement to something like this (the #13 in Result is a carriage return, which prevents having to manually insert spaces at the end of each line to separate SQL words):
function TProfilePage.InsertSQL: String;
Result := 'INSERT INTO tblStudents ([StudentID],'#13 +
'[StudentName], [StudentSurname],'#13 +
'[CurrentGrade], [CellNumber], [EmailAddress])'#13 +
'VALUES (:Username, :StudentName,'#13 +
':StudentSurname, :CurrentGrade,'#13 +
':CellNumber, :EMailAddress)';
You can then use it with ParamByName, without jumping through all of the hoops with QuotedStr and concatenation:
procedure TfrmProfilePage.AddUser;
with dmTextbookSales do
qryProfilePage.SQL.Text := InsertSQL;
qryProfilePage.Parameters.ParamByName('Username').Value := frmLogin.sCode;
qryProfilePage.Parameters.ParamByName('StudentName').Value := frmLogin.sUserName;
// Repeat for other parameters and values - you have to set every
// single parameter. To skip, set them to a null variant.
// Execute the INSERT statement
// See if row was inserted, and do whatever.
If qryProfilePage.RowsAffected > 0 then
ShowMessage('User added successfully');
// Perform a SELECT to populate the grid contents with the new
// rows after the update
I'd highly suggest you rethink this code. It's extremely convoluted, and it requires too much to accomplish a simple task (adding a new user).
If it were me, I'd use a separate query that was dedicated only to performing the INSERT operation, where you can set the SQL at design-time, and set the proper types for the parameters in the Object Inspector. Then at runtime, you simply set the parameter values and call ExecSQL on that insert query, and refresh your SELECT query to reflect the new row. It avoids all of the noise and clutter (as well as some unnecessary function calls and convoluted SQL building, opening and closing your SELECT query, etc.).
(It would also allow you to remove that horrific with statement, which leads to hard-to-find bugs and difficult to maintain code.)
You also have some bad linkages between forms, where you're referencing frmLogin (a specific form instance) from a second form. This means that you can never have more than one instance of either form in use at the same time, because you've hard-coded in that reference. I'd rethink that to use either parameters passed in when you create the form, or as properties that are set by the login form when creating the profile page form (or whatever TProfilePage is - your post doesn't say).
The best solution would be to move all of the non-UI related code into a separate unit (such as a TDataModule, which is designed to be used to work with non-visual components such as ADO queries) and remove it from the user-interface related forms anyway, which
Eliminates the coupling between forms, allowing the code to be reused.
Removes the non-visual data related components from cluttering the form and form code.
Separates the business logic (the part not related to interacting with the user) in a separate, distinct location, making it (and the code that uses it) easier to maintain.
Your insert statement is wrong. You need to replace the value for [StudentID].
'INSERT INTO tblStudents ('
+ '[StudentID]' + ','
+ '[StudentName]' + ','
+ '[StudentSurname]' + ','
+ '[CurrentGrade]' + ','
+ '[CellNumber]' + ','
+ '[EmailAddress]' + ')
+ 'Username' + ',' // <-- UserName will never be replaced by a QuotedStr
// Access is looking for a column with the name
// 'UserName' which can not be found
+ QuotedStr(fStudentName) + ','
+ QuotedStr(fStudentSurname) + ','
+ IntToStr(fCurrentGrade) + ','
+ QuotedStr(fCellNumber) + ','
+ QuotedStr(fEmailAddress) + ')';

SQL Query fails on empty result

I have a function that performs a query on a SQL database with an ADO connection, it is simply designed to provide a single result for a database entry that can only have one match for a SELECT type of query (i.e. get me the x value from ID 45, where there is and can only be one ID 45 entry).
The function works fine, until I hit a query that returns no results. The query just hangs, and the application cannot continue. Here is an example query string:
'SELECT Cost FROM MaterialCost ' +
'WHERE MaterialType = ''' + 'MS' +
''' AND Thickness = ''' + '0.250' + '''';
Again this exact string will work fine until I maybe query for something that I know before hand doesn't exist, which should return null or an empty string. Here is the function:
function SelectOneQuery(AQueryString : String; AADOConnectionString : String) : String;
ADOQuery: TADOQuery;
//Create empty ADO Query, then connect to connection string
ADOQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
//Set first query result and return first result
if(ADOQuery.Fields.Count > 0) then begin
else begin
result := '';
I added the fields count thing, but I'm not sure if that's helping at all. Basically, if there are no result, i want result := ''
You have a few problems in your code snippet:
The main problem is that you are checking FieldCount. FieldCount will always be nonzero because it contains the number of columns your query returns, regardless of the fact your query returned records or not. One option is to check RecordCount which represents the number of rows returned but a better option is to check EOF flag.
you are leaking ADOQuery. Always use try/finally blocks to create and cleanup objects.
ExecSQL is used for queries that don't return recordsets (like INSERT and DELETE),
use Open instead
No need to use First after Open
If you use the same query over and over you are better off using parameters, as a bonus your code will be more readable.
ADOQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT Cost FROM MaterialCost WHERE MaterialType = :MaterialType AND Thickness = :Thickness';
ADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByname('MaterialType').Value := 'MS';
ADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByname('Thickness').Value := 0.25;
Your function code should be something like this:
function SelectOneQuery(const AQueryString, AADOConnectionString: string): string;
ADOQuery: TADOQuery;
Result := '';
ADOQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
ADOQuery.ConnectionString := AADOConnectionString;
ADOQuery.SQL.Text := AQueryString;
if not ADOQuery.EOF then
Result := ADOQuery.Fields[0].AsString;