Saving PDF file uiwebview - pdf

I have a web page that generates a costume pdf file using fpdf php library. I can then view, download, zoom in, zoom out that file (pdf file) in my web page. It works fine using a web browser, but I've problem in saving the pdf file from a webview in Objective C. I am working on Mac OS X 10.6 using XCode 3.2. I've an application that has a webview that is linked to that web page. the application runs on client machine. All the options except saving the file work fine in the web view. How can I get out of this problem.
Thanx to all in advance.


PDF loads on computer but downloads on mobile

I have my resume hosted on
My issue is that when I try to reach this site on my computer, it just opens in a new page. However, when I try to open it on my phone, it has to download the file. Then, I have to open the downloaded file on a PDF viewer such as adobe. I would like for it to not immediately download on my phone. Does anyone have any advice?
Thank you in advance!
By default, on iOS devices, its safari browser can view PDF file directly, and for android deveices, its chrome browser also can do that.
make sure you pdf file is not a stream output file. just make it a static file, e.g. http://host/target.pdf not http://host/pdf/target

PDF's not opening on Safari iOS or OSX

I have just recreated some PDF's on my mac, and uploaded them to
Now if i try to select them from, or my own website (using iOS or OSx) the file is downloaded rather than opened. All the PDF's is created before today still work fine. I have created the files using MS Word and a booklet printer but this has always worked before. Any ideas?
Just sorted it. It seems to be related to the beta Dashboard. When I upload files to using the new Dashboard, they will not open but will only download. When I deleted all the files and uploaded them again using the old Dashboard everything worked ok.

Loading pdf in web browser control with requireAdministrator UIaccess does not render pdf properly

I have a small vb6 application where I show PDF files in a web browser control. So I navigate to a required file using “WebBrowser1.Navigate”. It works well and the pc should have adobe reader installed.
But I have observed some strange behavior in windows 8 pcs (checked in about 4 PC).
If the application has asInvoker level manifest then pdf appear proper as expected.
If the application has requireAdministrator
level manifest then pdf does not appear and blank page appears.(so pdf is not rendered).Same problem comes for highestAvailable level if user is administrator.
I have observed loading webpage does not have this kind of problems.
So why the strange behaviour is shown if a application run as Administrator.
You can download the file from this link and check the said error.(EXE are already created with different manifest levels). Or adding web browser control to a form and just add WebBrowser1.Navigate("path to pdf") .Even no need to add manifest .running by using right click run as administrator gives error.

previewing a worklight app in Mobile Browser Simulator opens index.html but not View.html(created by WAF editor) in Worklight 6.1

Just followed the tutorial in the following link and created a worklight weather app but while previewing it on Mobile browser simulator it loads index.html. But created views from data objects using Workligt Application Framework editor.
Can anyone please help me, how to set initial view view.html file.
Thanks for your help in advance.
The Mobile Browser Simulator, as the application running on a real device always loads the index.html file. The Worklight Application Framework runtime code dynamically loads the views defined in the view.html file.
To select the initial view to be shown by the Worklight Application Framework runtime:
1) Open the application's common/application.json file using the Worklight Application
Framework editor
2) Go to the Views tab
3) Right click on the view you want shown initially and click on "Set as initial view".
The selected initial view when working in the editor will have it's title bar's background color set to black. Save the application.json file and refresh the application in the Mobile Browser Simulator (if it's still open) by clicking the "Go" button.
Resolved, as of now worklight application framework editor works only with Dojo mobile toolkit.

Image not displaying in image control

I'm showing an image in image control. For that I have created File Upload control of TextBox and button. And storing image in projects Images folder.Image is uploading very well. But it always needs to include in project then only I'm getting image displayed. Is there any solution to overcome this problem?
Be aware that the Silverlight application is running LOCAL in the user's browser. It cannot (easily) access files on the webserver that you upload. Files you include in the project work because they are compiled into the dll which is downloaded to the browser.
To dynamically access files uploaded to the server you need to implement some kind of WCF service to send it back. I don't know if you can easily "download" a file into a Silverlight App with a URL. Silerlight is pretty tight on what you can and cannt do...