Difference form.Close() and form.hide() - vb.net

What is the difference between form.Close() and form.Hide() in desktop application.
i know Form_Close event will not be fired in form.Hide() method what about other differences.
Is anyone faster?

form.Close() unloads the form from memory and makes it available to be garbage collected; you can no longer interact with the form in code.
form.Hide() just hides the form, but you can still interact with it in your code.
So it is not really a question of which one is faster, but rather "are you really done using this form or not"?

Hide makes the form invisible to the user. Close actually closes it and calls dispose on it.
From: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.form.close(v=vs.110).aspx
"When a form is closed, all resources created within the object are closed and the form is disposed. "

Hide only hides the form from the screen. Close is of course closes the form. If you want to get rid of the form that you don't want to use anymore then you should use Close. Hide and Close are different things.

Ditto the above... Typically the way you open the form determines which to use. If you use .Show() the calling code continues while the form is loaded and shown. If you use ShowDialog() then calling code stops while the form is loaded and shown. When you Hide the called form the calling code resumes to the next statement.
Here is a sample of the second case:
Dim frm As New frmSearch2
frm.inFormName = "frmFacility"
If frm.outPrimaryKey.Length > 0 Then
frmMain.Open_Form("frmFacility", frm.outPrimaryKey)
End If
frm = Nothing
outPrimaryKey is a form level Public variable. You can also address any of the controls on the form.


How should you reload a form and have it re-initialize?

A older application loads some forms using implicit instances:
Sometime between VS2008 32-bit and VS2013 64-bit, the forms stopped being initialized when they are reloaded. For example, if you load a form, close the form (using the Close method), and load the form again, the classes and controls (and, I assume, the form) are not initialized as new instances.
Re-initialization can be accomplished by putting me.dispose() in the FormClosed event, or by using an explicit instance of the form:
Using frm As New Form2
End Using
Is there a good reason to use one of these methods over the other, or is there another method that should be used to cause a form to be initialized when it is reloaded?
Dispose will be called automatically if the form is shown using the Show method. If another method such as ShowDialog is used (your case it is), or the form is never shown at all, you must call Dispose yourself within your application. You can also handle the dispose by moving it from the designer file into the code file and handle things there as well.
On the other hand, Using statement typically makes your application safer to maintain and less prone to deadlocks and other misbehavior related to the lifecycle of the resource. I would stick by using this approach.
Also you cant put Me.Dispose in the Form Closed event (possible issues). If your using ShowDialog it will fail as it will dispose your objects first, if you need them they are gone.
Here's more on dispose: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aw58wzka(v=vs.110).aspx
The Form object and its child controls are not automatically disposed when you display the form with ShowDialog(). That sounds pretty quirky but this was done for a very good reason. After ShowDialog returns DialogResult.OK, you are normally going to obtain the dialog results. What nobody likes is that failing because of a ObjectDisposedException. Which would be likely to occur since the dialog results are often stored in controls.
You should always use the Using statement to ensure the form object and all of its controls are disposed.
A possible corner case is intentionally not disposing it because you like the redisplay the dialog with the original entered values. Which is not completely wrong, it is however a very expensive way to preserve those values. Those undisposed window objects cost an arm and a leg in system resources.
Pretty clear explanation from MSDN
Unlike non-modal forms, the Close method is not called by the .NET
Framework when the user clicks the close form button of a dialog box
or sets the value of the DialogResult property. Instead the form is
hidden and can be shown again without creating a new instance of the
dialog box. Because a form displayed as a dialog box is hidden instead
of closed, you must call the Dispose method of the form when the form
is no longer needed by your application.
When ShowDialog() called and closed, instance of the form will remain in the memory, and can be used again, for example get a result from some public property.
If you not using anymore this form, you need to call Dispose method to dispose form and form's controls
Dim myform As New MyDialogForm()
Dim result As Object = myForm.SelectedResult()
myform.Dispose() 'need to call manually, if instance not used anymore
When you use Using keyword then Dispose method will be executed automatically at the end of the Using block
Dim result As Object
Using myform As New MyDialogForm()
result = myForm.SelectedResult()
End Using 'myform.Dispose will be called
Bottom line: Both methods doing a same things.
But Using block will call Dispose method automatically
P.S. Putting Me.Dispose in the FormClosed eventhandler then
- instance of the form will stay in the memory even form was closed
- and will work only until you tried using disposed controls again. If you will try to show disposed object then ObjectDisposedException will be thrown.
If you not using form anymore then Using block will be best method

Application fail to exit when a runtime created object is used

I'm using vb.net 2013, and I have configured Shutdown mode to "When last form is closed".
On my main form, I have a menu item which has this code to close the application:
Everything is working fine, except one case:
When I open a specific form, where a Combobox is created on runtime and I've used Addhandler to subscribe to several events.
The combobox is created when pressing a button.
When I open this form and I don't create the combobox, everything is working ok. If the combobox is created, when I close this form and try to close the application using the menu item, nothing happens. The application is not closed and no error message is displayed. (the same situation occurs when I try to close the main form with "x" button)
On the form's (where I have the combobox) close event , I tried to put a line of code:
But the situation is the same.
What can I do? Thank you!
What I do from my little experience is
1.) remove the MyCombobox from its parent control (I'm think this is in your combobox close event).
2.) set the MyCombobox to Nothing
3.) Dispose() it.
MyCombobox = Nothing
It would be useful to see some part of your code for the close event so we can help you check. More power to you!
Update based on OP's comment:
I have read the following from MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.form.closing(v=vs.110).aspx
From this, it is important to note that:
The Form.Closed and Form.Closing events are not raised when the Application.Exit method is called to exit your application. If you have validation code in either of these events that must be executed, you should call the Form.Close method for each open form individually before calling the Exit method.

Keep form on top of another form in modal fashion, but continue execution

I have a form in a vb.net windows form application called PolicyRefreshStatus.vb that has a ProgressBar control on it. From the main form called EditPolicy.vb I need to show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb over top of EditPolicy.vb - but the way things are wired I'm controlling the the ProgressBar and it's steps from logic inside EditPolicy.vb.
If I display the PolicyRefreshStatus.vb bar using the .show() method things work fine. The problem is if the user clicks back on the main form then PolicyRefreshStatus.vb losses focus. If I show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb as a modal form using .ShowDialog() then execution halts in EditPolicy.vb after the .ShowDialog() statement.
so for example in the code:
mPolicyRefreshStatus = New PolicyRefreshStatus
mPolicyRefreshStatus.pbMax = mPolicy.ClaimsUpdateMax
The line mPolicy.UpdateFromFIS() never executes because it's waiting for the PolicyRefreshStatus form to close.
How can I show PolicyRefreshStatus in a modal form but let execution continue in EditPolicy.vb?
You've got a couple of related options.
This first is to pass the unit of work to the progress bar in the form of a delegate or a class implementing an Interface. Something like this (not checked for correctness, just a rough example):
mPolicyRefreshStatus = New PolicyRefreshStatus
mPolicyRefreshStatus.pbMax = mPolicy.ClaimsUpdateMax
mPolicyRefreshStatus.UnitOfWork = AddressOf(mPolicy.UpdateFromFIS())
Then within the progress form you can call back to the routine that actually does the work.
Another approach is to define events on your ProgressForm and then the owning/launching object can handle those events to do the work in. With this option you can create a fairly detailed set of events to be able to handle incremental work or cancels, but the concept is the same, youu are calling back from the progress form into launcher to perform the actual business logic.
You cannot show the form modally and let your routine continue. You must show the form Non-modally and then do your other stuff, closing the form when you've finished. Maybe a loop until the task has finished?
Using Show() with a parent form parameter will give you better usability. More like a tool window.

Making a form halt other program activity like a messagebox (in VB.NET)

I want to create a custom form (in visual basic .NET) that will stop other process responsiveness until the form is acknowledged. It would be a nice bonus if I can add a beep when trying to access the main program UI while this form is displayed as well (like how a messagebox does).
My initial idea was to create another thread for the messagebox-type form and have the main thread sleep until the messagebox-type form is responded too, however I think this would create a bug-like appearance on the main program as it simply wouldnt respond or update its UI (also worth noting, I have little experience working with multithreading, so this may be incorrect).
I really don't have much idea of how to proceed with this, any ideas and/or guidance are greatly appreciated. thank you! :)
I think that this type of behavior is that for which there is ShowDialog()
this sample is on the MSDN page for ShowDialog()
Public Sub ShowMyDialogBox()
Dim testDialog As New Form2()
' Show testDialog as a modal dialog and determine if DialogResult = OK.
If testDialog.ShowDialog(Me) = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
' Read the contents of testDialog's TextBox.
txtResult.Text = testDialog.TextBox1.Text
txtResult.Text = "Cancelled"
End If
End Sub 'ShowMyDialogBox
When the code calls ShowDialog() the program continue on the testDialog and exits only when your user press OK, Cancel, Close or whatever method, which, in the called dialog, set the property DialogResult to any value different from DialogResult.None.

VB.NET: How to close and re-open a dialog in this case?

I'm developing a WinForms app in VB.NET, that handles sets of style data, and when the user clicks on another set's label, it prompts through a dialog "You are leaving this style preset to edit another one. keep changes on this one? [Yes] [No]"
But, I'm facing the problem that, when the user clicks either option, and the dialog closes, everything has to be refreshed, and loading the form again seems a good option.
I've tried putting a public sub on a module, that does this:
Public Sub CloseOpenStyleDlg()
End Sub
But as soon as that sub is called from the prompt, it crashes the application. (doesn't show an error in debug, simply crashes) How should I, from a given dialog, close the dialog, it's parent, and re-open it's parent? (which triggers all the Dialog_Load() code of the parent)
Thanks in advance! :)
You need to instantiate the dialog again. If I take your code for example:
Public Sub CloseOpenStyleDlg()
StylesDlg = new StylesDlg()
End Sub
When a form is closed, all resources created within the object are closed and the form is disposed.
If you want to reuse the Window instance use StylesDialog.Hide() function instead.