How to change header ("Contents") of automatic TOC when using Pandoc? - pdf

When converting markdown to pdf with pandoc (version 1.12.1) the ToC option adds an english header: "Contents".
Since my document is in Dutch, I would like to be able to put the Dutch equivalent of contents there. But unfortunately I couldn't find any configuration options for this, neither did I found clues in the default.latex file.
My query:
pandoc -S --toc --biblio "MCM Essay.bib" --csl apa.csl -o mcm.pdf
I'm using windows
I use MIKTex, like in the pandoc instructions

The string "Contents" is not supplied by pandoc, but by latex (which pandoc calls to create the PDF).
Try adding
to your command line. This will be passed to latex in the documentclass options, and LaTeX will provide the right string.

-V toc-title="My Custom TOC Header"
to the pandoc command line will also work. See


Convert text file with ansi colours to pdf

I have a plain text file containing ansi escape codes for colouring text. If it matters, I generated this file using the python package colorama.
How can convert this file to pdf with colors properly rendered? I was hoping for a simple solution using e.g. pandoc, but any other command line or programmatic solutions would be ok as well. Example:
echo -e '\e[0;31mHello World\e[0m' > example.txt
# Convert to pdf
pandoc example.txt -o example.pdf # Gives error

How to make "pandoc" use a specific font when converting a plaintext file to PDF?

After a lot of trouble, I was finally able to run the command without errors:
pandoc -i 1.txt -o 1.pdf
The result is a PDF with completely messed up text because it uses some other font than Courier[ New]. Some varying-width, default font.
After reading and searching for a long time, I found this:
The option "fontfamily" is mentioned, so I tried to do:
pandoc -i 1.txt -o 1.pdf --fontfamily=Courier
However, this results in:
Unknown option --fontfamily.
Try pandoc --help for more information.
I have looked through the entire "pandoc --help" output without finding any mention of fonts.
How do I set the font to be used?
(I'm trying my very best to not also add: "and why is it so incredibly difficult/cryptic/undocumented to do the most basic imaginable thing?"...)
I'm not even sure that this will fix all the problems. I just assume that the document is all messed up because the font isn't using fixed-width letters.

Pandoc set jobname for LaTeX PDF export

Is there a way to tell Pandoc to set \jobanme to a specific value while converting and compiling single markdown file to PDF (via LaTeX)? -Preferably the name of the source *.md file.
I have my own LaTeX document class defined which uses \jobname.
It prints it in the document footer, so that it's easy for me to find source file/repo having a printed PDF.
I set jobname in my compile scripts as pdfLaTeX argument.
I am currently trying to use my document class as LaTeX template for documents processed by Pandoc from Markdown source. It seems, Pandoc sets \jobname always as 'input'.
I can set any variable in Markdown's yaml header which may be then printed into PDF, but being able to set it based on true md file name will be much less error prone.
I solved my problem by redefining my LaTeX template and using sourcefile pandoc variable instead of \jobname in case of using pandoc.

text to pdf with utf8 encoding (alternative to a2ps)

The programm a2ps does not support utf-8. At least my version does only
support the latin-X encodings:
a2ps --list=encoding
GNU a2ps 4.14
How can I convert a simple utf-8 text to postscript or pdf?
If what you actually want is to use a2ps or enscript (which is a similar tool), and if your single need is to use them with some UTF-8 document, you only have to convert your document to ISO-8859-1 or some supported encoding. Various tools allow this. For instance, here is a workflow for enscript (but you can surely do the same with a2ps):
cat document.txt | iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ISO-8859-1 | enscript -o
But you may lose some characters during the conversion because such encodings have a smaller range than UTF-8.
On the other hand, if UTF-8 is a requirement, you may rather have to look for some recent tool allowing to convert UTF-8 to PDF. I wrote myself a Python program called txt2pdf; you may find it here. Have also a look at tools like pandoc, gimli, rst2pdf or wkhtmltopdf.
You can use Vim. Open the file and execute the command :hardcopy > in normal mode. You can also do this directly from the shell. Executing
$ vim -c ":hardcopy >" -c ":quit" input.txt
in your shell will open Vim, generate the, and then close Vim.
Use paps! For instance I use it as follow:
paps --font="Monospace 10" input.txt >
and I have no problem with utf encoding.
If you need a pdf file then
I've gotten acceptable results (for printing code listings) from is the replacement of gnome-u2ps.
If the text file is small, paps converts to text to ps, which then can be fed to ps2pdf. The problem is ps file from paps causes ps2pdf to create a very big pdf file. If that is ok, this is possible. Currently, I am having a large file size pdf from paps.
There's a utility based on gnome libraries and named gnome-u2ps. It has less functionality than a2ps, and it seems that it is not maintained anymore.

From Markdown to PDF: how to change the font-size with Pandoc?

I'm converting some Markdown files into PDF using Pandoc like this:
pandoc -V geometry:margin=1in -o output.pdf
By default, the font-size is quite small in the pdf. I'd like to make all the fonts bigger (title, sub title, text, etc.). How can I do that?
Add this to your incantation:
-V fontsize=12pt
If you want to go bigger than 12pt you can use the extsizes package.
Was already pre installed for me, so this worked out of the box with pandoc:
documentclass: extarticle
fontsize: 14pt
Possible sizes are 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt.
For new users of pandoc (like myself), as an alternative to specifying variables with the -V flag, you can add them to the YAML metadata block of the markdown file. To change the fontsize, prepend following to your markdown document.
fontsize: 12pt
Works with fontsize 10,11, and 12. In addition to the comments on John MacFarlane's answer, there is some good info on specifying additional fontsizes with latex in this article (inline latex can be used in pandoc markdown documents being converted to pdf).