How would I determine every single currently logged in user that is currently available to chat, and then connect 2 random people with video chat without either person ever selecting another user (done in the background while the user waits).
Try to use Chat room
Every use joins room.
Every user can see a list with online users in the room:
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark QBChatDelegate
- (void)chatRoomDidChangeOnlineUsers:(NSArray *)onlineUsers room:(NSString *)roomName{
NSLog(#"chatRoomDidChangeOnlineUsers %#, %#",roomName, onlineUsers);
Choose randomly user from array onlineUsers and call to him.
While videochat - leave room, so other users won't choose you and your opponent for videochat if you are now having it
I'm developing a real time chat app using Titanium Appcelerator. I have everything working with ArrowDB and one user can send another user a message through a group.!/api/Chats
However there doesn't seem to be a method or listener to identify when a new message has been sent to the group.
What I'd like to see is when the other user is typing, and as soon as the message is sent it bubbles up on the recipients chat window. Exactly like how iMessage works.
The only way I can pull new messages from the group to the local users device is to have a refresh button or to use a setInterval with a function call to refresh the messages.
obviously this is not a great way to handle the situation as with a few hundred users every month this would make for hundreds of thousands of api calls and probably not good for device performance.
Does anyone have any ideas how to get real time chat working? Is there a method or event listener I am missing that isn't document?
Push notifications only work while the app is in the background, so this is not an option unfortunately.
iOS 9 introduces a new reminders feature which allows you to deep link back to any app (including 3rd party apps which implement the NSUserActivity API).
For example, if you launch Messages, tap a conversation, hold the home button, and say, "Remind me about this in 5 minutes," you will get a reminder with a Messages icon. Tapping on the Messages icon from within Reminders later on will take you directly to that conversation.
If I use the EKReminder API, I can get this reminder, but can I get any of this other information?
In other words, is there any way to:
Know that this reminder has special metadata associated with it?
Get the deep link associated with it?
Get the icon of the app that will handle the deep link (just like the Reminders app does)?
From Apple's iOS 9 page:
"Remind me about this when I get in the car."
Siri can remind you about things you’re looking at in your apps — like Safari, Mail, and Notes — and want to follow up on later. If you’re halfway through an email, you can say “Remind me about this tonight.” Or if you’re looking at a place in Maps you want to stop at later, you can ask for a reminder when you get to your car.
Is there a way to launch the camera app programmatically, from my own app? I know that you can use one of the tasks to launch it, allowing the user to take a single photo, but I want the user to be able to take multiple photos. The user could then just hit the back button to go back into the app. I could then track which ones were new by the date/time they were taken.
Jeffrey, you can use CameraCaptureTask class to launch the camera application. More info here
With this class you can take advantage of the camera, to take multiple pictures or something else. You need to manipulate the Completed event.
Hope it helps :)
There is great article here that guides you to the entire process of adding a camera to your app. It even allows you to take multiple images, rename them and saves them to the Camera Roll of your phone.
You could then use the DateTime class to add the date and time of the photo to the photo name (along with the name of your app), thus allowing you to better track the images taken.
I'm building a spotify app that does some work in the background and should then alert the user if it finds a match. I can't find a way to notify the user on the main plane when I have found something of interest.
I'd like to have something like a counter on my app name or some form of notification in order to alert the user that something has changed in my app and that they should come to the app.
Does anyone know if this is possible ?
You would need to notify them via Facebook, Spotify doesn't allow you to identify the individual users on the Spotify platform through the api.
Also there is the issue of that your App unloads after 60seconds of the user not being on the App Pane (off in a playlist etc).
So whilst a counter icon that you suggest would be wonderful.
The App Unload-er needs to go away first.
I have a list of badge messages exported by users through twitter:
I can't seam to understand if it's possible to access the checkin/venue connected with this badge. The web page for the badge doesn't report anything and also the API doesn't mention anything as far as I can tell. has a field "unlocks that says:
"Optional If present, an array of unlock data. Array contains checkins, which is an array of checkins. Currently both arrays will only contain 1 element.". What are these unlock checkins?
Any ideas?
When accessing the badges for the acting user or the acting user's friends, the unlocks array will contain a single checkin object. That check-in is the one that caused the user to unlock the badge.
So if you're looking for the location where that badge was unlocked, look at the venue object contained in the unlock check-in.