SQL Server Aggregation using Max() and obtaining details from max() line. - sql

I just took a final exam and one of the questions asked me to double join three tables, and report the max sale payout for each salesperson.
The tables have the following variables:
Salesperson(id, name)
Order(orderid, order_date, Cust_id, Saleperson_id, amount)
Customer(id, name)
After joining:
select salesperson.Name, Orders.Number, customer.Name, Orders.Amount
from Orders
join salesperson
on orders.Salesperson_id = salesperson.ID
join Customer
on customer.ID = orders.cust_id
What the instructed wanted was for me to find each salesperson's maximum sell (as found by order.amount). He also wanted the salesperson (salesperson.name), the order number of the max sale (orders.number), the customer the sale was with (customer.name), and the max sale amount. What is the most efficient way to do this problem? I have tried to use "group by salesperson.name", but I cannot because the orders.number and customer.name are never held in the aggregation.
I finished the problem this way
salesperson.name as Sales_Person,
orders.number as Order_Number,
customer.Name as Customer_Name,
orders.Amount as Sale_Amount
from salesperson
left join Orders
on salesperson.ID = orders.Salesperson_id
left join Customer
on orders.cust_id = customer.ID
where orders.Amount in (select max(orders.Amount)
from salesperson
join Orders
on salesperson.ID = orders.Salesperson_id
join Customer
on orders.cust_id = customer.ID
group by salesperson.name)
I know this is a bad way to do it. For instance, what if two different salesperson's max sale was equivalent? Max and min are not like count and sum because it is picking out one line from a aggregation, but the rules still apply. Also, you might notices that there is no real unique identifier in the joined table other than order.number which is not useful. Therefore, I would have to use some composite of salesperson.name and order.number.
Also, what do I do if I have to pick the top three sales for each salesperson? Should such an output be totally different code-wise than what would be required from just the first sale?
I keep bumping me head against this problem, and I would love to have a more professional approach to this problem.

FROM orders O
JOIN salesperson S
ON S.Salesperson_id = O.Salesperson_id
JOIN customer C
ON C.Customer_id = O.Customer_id
SELECT Salesperson_id, MAX(amount) max_amount
FROM Order
GROUP BY Salesperson_id
) M
ON M.Salesperson_id = O.Salesperson_id AND M.max_amount = O.amount
For the top 3:
FROM orders O
JOIN salesperson S
ON S.Salesperson_id = O.Salesperson_id
JOIN customer C
ON C.Customer_id = O.Customer_id
FROM Order
WHERE Salesperson_id = O.Salesperson_id
) M


how to select duplicated column value in sql

Write a query that determines the customer that has spent the most on music for each country. Write a query that returns the country along with the top customer and how much they spent. For countries where the top amount spent is shared, provide all customers who spent this amount.
You should only need to use the Customer and Invoice tables.
i want to select the customer with the maximum money spent for each country and there is two customers have the same money spent and the same country so when using group by country i got only 1 customer what should i do ?
select c.CustomerId,c.FirstName,c.LastName, c.Country , max(c.Invoices) as TotalSpent
(select * , sum(i.Total) as 'Invoices'
from Customer d
join Invoice i on i.CustomerId = d.CustomerId
group by i.CustomerId
) c
group by c.Country
the table i got is the same expected table except 1 customer
Consider joining unit level with two aggregate queries: 1) first to calculate total amount by CustomerId and Country and 2) second to calculate max total amount by Country.
Below assumes your database supports Common Table Expression (CTE) using the WITH clause (nearly supported by all major commercial or open-source RDBMS's). CTE here avoids the need to repeat sum_agg as a subquery.
with sum_agg AS (
select i.CustomerId, sub_c.Country, sum(i.Total) as Sum_Amount
from Customer sub_c
join Invoice i on i.CustomerId = sub_c.CustomerId
group by i.CustomerId, sub_c.Country
select c.CustomerId, c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Country, max_agg.Max_Sum
from Customer c
join sum_agg
on c.CustomerId = sum_agg.Customer_Id and c.Country = sum_agg.Country
(select Country, max(Sum_Amount) as Max_Sum
from sum_agg
group by Country
) max_agg
on max_agg.Country = sum_agg.Country and max_agg.Max_Sum = sum_agg.Sum_Amount
Your inner query is almost correct. It should be
select d.*, sum(i.Total) as Invoices
from Customer d
join Invoice i on i.CustomerId = d.CustomerId
group by d.CustomerId
It is allowed to use d.* here, as we can assume d.CustomerId to be the table's primary key, so all columns in the table are functionally dependent on it. If we grouped by d.country instead for instance, that would not be the case and d.* would be forbidden in the select clause (as well as d.firstname etc.). We can only select columns we grouped by (directly or indirectly) and aggregates such as MIN, MAX, SUM etc.
This query gives you the totals per customer along with the customers' countries.
But then you are taking this result and group by country. If you do this, you can only access country and its aggregates. Selecting c.CustomerId for instance is invalid, as there is no the customer ID per country. If your DBMS allows this, it it flawed in this regard and you get a kind of random result.
If your DBMS features window functions, you can get the maximum amounts per country on-the-fly:
select customerid, firstname, lastname, country, invoices
sum(i.total) as invoices,
max(sum(i.total)) over (partition by c.country) as max_sum
from customer c
join invoice i on i.customerid = c.customerid
group by c.customerid
) per_customer
where invoices = max_sum
order by country, customerid;
Otherwise you'd have to use your inner query twice, once to get the country totals, once to get the customers matching these totals:
c.customerid, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.country,
sum(i.total) as invoices
from customer c
join invoice i on i.customerid = c.customerid
group by c.customerid
having (c.country, invoices) in
select country, max(invoices)
--c.customerid, <- optional, it may make this query more readable
sum(i.total) as invoices
from customer c
join invoice i on i.customerid = c.customerid
group by c.customerid
) per_customer

Joining 2 Many-To-Many Relationship Tables

Find the net balance of the total order amount and total payments for each customer.
There are 4 tables involved: OrderDetails, Orders, Payments and Customer.
The total amount order = quantity order * price each [in OrderDetails]
The total payment = sum of different payments for the same order.
Customers are linked to Payments and Orders with CustomerNumber. Orders are linked to OrderDetails with OrderNumber.
I tried joining the 4 tables with the INNER JOIN function.
SUM(od.quantityordered * od.priceeach) - SUM(p.amount) AS Net_Balance
orderdetails od
INNER JOIN orders o ON od.ordernumber = o.ordernumber
INNER JOIN customers c ON o.customernumber = c.customernumber
INNER JOIN payments p ON c.customernumber = p.customernumber
GROUP BY c.customername;
The expected results should be 0 for almost every customers.
However, what I have got is the total amount order and total payment are multiplied by some constants. Specifically, the total payment shown is multiplied by the number of payments for each order.
Anybody have any ideas to save my life?
This is a typical issue when dealing with N-M relationships. To solve it, one solution is to move the aggregation to subqueries:
SELECT c.customername, o.amt - p.amt AS Net_Balance
FROM customers c
SELECT ord.customernumber, SUM(det.quantityordered * det.priceeach) as amt
FROM orders ord
INNER JOIN orderdetails det ON ord.ordernumber = det.ordernumber
GROUP BY ord.customernumber
) o ON o.customernumber = c.customernumber
SELECT customernumber, SUM(amount) as amt
FROM payments
GROUP BY customernumber
) p ON p.customernumber = c.customernumber
SELECT c.customername, SUM(od.quantityordered*od.priceeach) as ordersum , SUM(p.amount) as paymentsum'
What's the result of the two columns ?
Is it what you want?

Query returning individuals most recent order, date of the order, number of products in the order and the total amount

Need help with a query to returns each individuals most recent order, date of the order, number of products in the order and the total amount. I am kind of stuck trying to get the number of products and total.
Here are the table diagrams
Not sure if I should be using multiple joins or subqueries:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, MAX(O.OrderDate), O.OrderDate
FROM Customer C
INNER JOIN Order O ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
It is always good practice to start from assumed dim tables such as product.This Query should help. It is better to aggregate quantity and amount to get results at aggregate level
SELECT FirstName
,max(o.orderdate) Orderdate
,Sum(Quantity) Quantity
,Sum(TotalAmount) TotalAmount
FROM Product p
INNER JOIN Orderitem oi
ON Oi.product_id = p.id
ON o.id = oi.order_id
INNER JOIN Customer c
ON c.id = o.Customer_id
GROUP BY FirstName
not sure if you want aggregations but here you go:
SELECT customer.firstname, customer.lastname, COUNT(DISTINCT orderitem.productid), [order].totalamount
FROM [order] LEFT JOIN customer ON [order].customerid=customer.id LEFT JOIN orderitem ON order.id=orderitem.orderid
WHERE [order].date=MAX([order].date)
GROUP BY customer.firstname,customer.lastname, [order].totalamount
Still don't know why you are applying a where clause for the last order, it's up to you to keep or not the where condtion.

Select all orders by one customer

I have three tables, orders, orders_details and customers. I need to select orders by one customer for the orders table so I did this
orders columns:
orders_details columns:
The SQL I used
SUM(orders_details.qty*orders_details.cost) as amount,
SUM(orders_details.qty) AS qty
orders.customer_id = customers.id
AND orders_details.order_id = orders.id
AND orders.customer_id = 1
but I am getting a wrong qty of 30 instead of 20 and the amount is wrong
If you want to aggregate per order you need a GROUP BY clause. Also you should use proper JOIN syntax, and might consider using aliases to make the query more compact.
SUM(od.qty * od.cost) AS amount,
SUM(od.qty) AS qty
FROM orders o
INNER JOIN orders_details od ON od.order_id = o.id
INNER JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.id -- not used, might be excluded
WHERE o.customer_id =1
Depending on what database system you are using you might need to include all columns referenced in o.* in the GROUP BY:
GROUP BY o.id, o.customer_id, o.created, o.vat, o.discount, o.amount, o.paid
Last note: as you don't seem to use any data from the customers table you probably could exclude that table altogether.
You're missing a GROUP BY clause which I'm guessing should be on orders.id.

Oracle: Using Sub-Queries, JOIN and distinct function together

Here is how I contructed the step-by-step:
M1. create a sub-query that will return CustomerId and total invoiced for that customer
M2. A second subquery that will give a list of distinct ProductIDs (along with product SKUs) and CustomerIDs.
M3. The M1 and M2 subqueries will be joined to make association between customer totals and products (for the same CustomerId).
M4. The query M3 will be fed to the final query that will just find the top 5 products.
I'm stuck on creating the distinct ProductID and customerID because they would have to be in aggregate functions in order to make them distinct.
Attached is an image that is the erwin diagram which helps understand the system.
If you can help me with M1-M4, I will greatly appreciate it. I'm not a programmer by trade but a business analyst.
select C.CustomerId, COUNT(I.InvoiceId) TotalNumInvoices
from Customer C
JOIN Invoice I ON (I.CustomerId = C.CustomerId)
group by C.CustomerId
--M2: Incomplete--
select P.ProductID, P.SKU, C.CustomerID
from Product P
JOIN InvoiceLine IL ON (IL.ProductId = P.ProductId)
JOIN Invoice I ON (IL.InvoiceId = I.InvoiceId)
JOIN Customer C ON (C.CustomerId = I.CustomerId)
you can also use the DISTINCT keyword your select clause in order to get unique values. Try this for m2:
select DISTINCT p.productID, p.sku, i.customerID
from invoice i INNER JOIN invoiceLine il
ON i.invoiceID = il.invoiceID
JOIN product p
ON il.productID = p.productID;